ISSN 0798 1015


Vol. 38 (Nº 25) Year 2017. Page 20

Socio-philosophical aspects of the formation of conceptual thinking in foreign students as interrogating officers

Aspectos socio-filosóficos de la formación del pensamiento conceptual en estudiantes extranjeros como oficiales de interrogatorio

Evgeniya Vladimirovna PENIONZHEK 1; Evgeniya Vladimirovna IVANOVA 2; Mariya Sergeevna INKIZHEKOVA 3; Svetlana Nikolayevna MIKHEYEVA 4; Natalya Sergeevna RASULOVA 5

Received: 09/03/2017 • Approved: 15/04/2017


1. Introduction

2. Methodology

3. Results

4. Discussion

5. Conclusion




This article discusses some aspects of competence formation in students. The peculiarities of culturological, axiological, and integrative approaches in the formation of competencies are covered. The factors of formation of professional competency of students as the willingness to practice as interrogating officers have been described in an interesting way through the use of a dictionary. Attention was paid to the consideration of the features of students’ academic work in the multicultural environment. We give the methodical aspects of formation of conceptual thinking by bringing students didactic material in the native languages. We disclosed the components of socio-legal activity of interrogating officers demonstrating knowledge and experience in the field of humanities, including legal science.
Keywords: educational program, investigation, competencies, culturological approach, axiological approach, integrative approach.


Este artículo discute algunos aspectos de la formación de competencias en los estudiantes. Se abordan las peculiaridades de los enfoques culturológicos, axiológicos e integradores en la formación de competencias. Los factores de formación de la competencia profesional de los estudiantes como la voluntad de practicar como oficiales de interrogación se han descrito de una manera interesante a través del uso de un diccionario. Se prestó atención a la consideración de las características del trabajo académico de los estudiantes en el entorno multicultural. Proporcionamos los aspectos metódicos de la formación del pensamiento conceptual al traer material didáctico a los estudiantes en las lenguas nativas. Desvelamos los componentes de la actividad socio-legal de los oficiales de interrogatorio que demuestran conocimiento y experiencia en el campo de las humanidades, incluyendo la ciencia legal.
Palabras clave: programa educativo, investigación, competencias, enfoque culturológico, enfoque axiológico, enfoque integrador.

1. Introduction

1.1 Introducing the problem

At various times, citizens of Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Mongolia and Turkmenistan were trained on basic higher educational programs in the Ural Law Institute of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. Their professional training was organized under specialist’s degree programs with integration in the academic process on "Legal Assurance of National Security", "Law Enforcement", "Psychology of Official Activities" majors. Foreign students have a need for capacious and detailed familiarity with the everyday life of people, the state system of the Russian Federation as a rule-of-law state, in which one of the important directions of the governmental activity is to protect the rights and interests of individuals and entities from criminal attacks. Provision of that is the liability of law enforcement agencies engaged in criminal procedures. The academic discipline "Criminal Procedure" which studies the criminal procedure in the Russian Federation as well as related special disciplines on the peculiarities of the inquiring into criminal cases in the form of investigation, or preliminary investigation, is taught to foreign students since the 2nd year of study. However, the training of highly qualified specialists in the sphere of criminal proceedings implies the mastery of studying a wide range of competencies which are based on primarily social disciplines and humanities, in particular "Philosophy", "Sociology", "Economy", "Logic", etc., which give foreign trainees a holistic view of social reality, develop their ability to think critically and rethink life situations. Such disciplines are basic and are taught at the initial stage of training. Particularly, an important role in the formation of foreign students’ clear idea of ​​the investigating officer’s specialty (profession) as a single complex of knowledge and skills of good interpretation and correct application of law in practice is played by the conceptual and categorical apparatus of contemporary social science as applied to the understanding of the socio-political system of the Russian Federation (Rasulova, 2016, pp. 14-20). Therefore, the academic discipline "Fundamentals of the Socio-Political System of the Russian Federation" is taught to foreign students in the first term of the 1st year.

Actualizing the core issue for pedagogical knowledge – the problem of the formation of the personal identity, the practice of training and educational processes while teaching the didactic materials within this discipline should meet the requirement of highlighting not only the speculative component, but, more importantly, the didactic component: the purpose and results of a foreign student’s performance must be presented together with the ways to achieve the formedness of human social properties as his/her personal characteristics. Foreign students should understand the teacher as if some common activity was carried out within the teaching process: the teacher puts himself/herself in the place of the student and vice versa. The practice of education and training presents a dialogue in the form "question – answer". It is where the implementation of the didactic component of the educational process occurs: if the teacher and a student are able to respond to what they ask each other, their mutual understanding will allow forming a discursive practice and reaching the target of identity’s formation.

1.2 Study of the urgency of the problem

Accompanying the initial stage of training foreign students, the academic discipline "Fundamentals of the Socio-Political System of the Russian Federation" is based on the description of the life in Russia as in an industrially developed rule-of-law state. Furthermore, this subject demonstrates students the systems of scientific knowledge as a set of related disciplines: philosophy, law, criminal procedure, social psychology, economics, sociology, cultural anthropology, political science and religious studies to form an independent branch of science – "Social knowledge" which a foreign student gets to know. Within the framework of "Fundamentals of the Socio-Political System of the Russian Federation" the issues of social relations and functioning of the Russian society are covered as they are presented in the science of state and law, economics, law, sociology, social philosophy and culturology. The study of this discipline focuses on learning science-creative issues, fundamental knowledge in humanities and legal sciences.

Academic guidance over teaching of this discipline is the result of joint actions of the teaching staff from several departments of the Ural Law Institute of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA). This discipline is taught mainly by teachers of the department of general psychology, humanities and social sciences. This department developed a workbook on this subject, in which the dictionary plays an important role for foreign students. The dictionary is an important condition for the study of specific interpretations of certain notions during individual training and can be used in practical classes as categorical and conceptual apparatus of the dictionary has a particular component: the legal aspect of life in the present society – according to such topics as "Foundations of constitutional order of Russia", "The political system of the society and the political process"," Fundamentals of the legal system of the Russian Federation", "Society and its structure. Social stratification. Basic social institutions", "Fundamentals of the market economy and its structure", "Specifics of the spiritual sphere of society and its basic elements". Meantime, the development of the discipline with the help of the dictionary aims to develop in students the skills of critical perception of educational material and the abilities to use the methods of information sources assessment, to logically and consistently articulate, to express and argue their own vision of problems and specific features of their solutions as well as to master the techniques of discussion, polemical debate and dialogue.

1.3 Level of the development of the problem

As part of the pedagogical ideas are enriched by philosophical accompaniment, it is stated that, starting from the notion of the perfect, man is capable of self-development. The Socratic motto "Know thyself!" supplemented by the maieutic method of obtaining knowledge, according to Plato, provides a process for detecting the original meaning of things in the didactic component, under which the great thinker of antiquity understood a meaningful dialogue of cognitive activities, the finalization of which was the discovery of the objective property common for things of the same class, not belonging to the material. It is thus possible, according to Plato, to non-arbitrarily consider, for example, the idea of ​​the good which at the level of understanding of the state is characterized by justice and implemented in written legal regulations, legal acts. For Plato, independently expressed didactic became a way of understanding the idea of ​​justice through the method of consideration of phenomena, taking into account the contradictions – the dialectic, which allows identifying the most generalized knowledge. The question-answer method has allowed overcoming the edification of pedagogical activities of the Sophists, led by Protagoras who taught ready models of knowledge that did not require falsifiability and, thus, the development of knowledge or its improvement which was the basis of the learning process in Plato’s school – the Academy. This educational process was understood by Plato as the compound of education and training throughout a person’s life, developing the features of the personality from theoretical considerations to the formation of practical experience (Kanke, 2015; Antiseri, & Reale, 2006). Speaking about the current trends in the formation of conceptual thinking, we can mention "multiple drafts model" by D. Dennett. In short, this model is as follows: the mechanism of the identity is the narration, the story; without a language the person does not exist, linguistic representation creates the conceptual series, "narrative gravity" (a term by Dennett), which allows individuals to adapt socially in the socio-cultural environment (Baryshnikov, 2013, p. 347).

Using the ideas expressed by the ancient Greek philosopher Plato about the need for students to develop their knowledge on their own, we have formed a didactic material of the dictionary on "Fundamentals of the Socio-Political System of the Russian Federation", offering to criticize what a person believes to be his/her knowledge, asking questions, demanding to clarify responses about signs of any phenomenon, on the basis of what it is possible to ascertain the identification of conceptual knowledge and understanding that give rise to the principles as the original attitudes of an individual to act in the law enforcement practice. As a result, we believe that the said discipline will help a foreign trainee understand that all he/she knows is that he/she, above all, knows why he/she needs this knowledge and where and how he/she will be able to apply it accordingly, meaning criminal and procedural activities of investigating officers.

1.4 Hypothesis

Within the didactic material of the dictionary on "Fundamentals of the Socio-Political System of the Russian Federation", the issues of social relations, the functioning of the Russian society are addressed in such a way as they are presented in the science of state and law, economics, sociology, social philosophy and other humanities (Penionzhek, 2015). So, studying the entries focuses students on science-creative issues in order to obtain the fundamental knowledge in humanities, in particular, in criminal proceedings necessary for the development of rational criticism and evaluation of the informative field data of future investigating officers, being the ability to formulate, express and convincingly present an independent view, showing the way to solve problems via discussion, debate and dialogue.

2. Methodology

2.1 Definition

The process of foreign students’ work with the dictionary on "Fundamentals of the Socio-Political System of the Russian Federation" seeks to form general cultural competencies. So, during the implementation of the competency-based approach in the study of a discipline, the following should be formed in students: knowledge and understanding, universal skills, intellectual skills, practical skills, being the basis of a highly qualified specialist in criminal justice. The advantage of the system of acquiring knowledge is the scientific approach in forming perceptions of students, somewhat fundamental and firm, because a person’s formed beliefs are rarely radically transformed, possessing developing potential, so a specialist facing the unknown can say, "I know that ...". Meantime, the contemporary social criminal law relations are rapidly developing now, dynamically changing the lives of people. Today, therefore, a specialist should, in addition to the knowledge component of his/her ideas, get skills to work with unfamiliar materials, master work attitudes in a different field, be able to organize work in respect of emerging new forms of societal relations (Inkizhekova, 2016, p. 92). The competency-based approach allows making a transition from basic knowledge to innovations that will ensure training of a foreign student as a specialist in implementation of the rules of criminal procedure regulations, not only within specifically assigned practices, but also for productive activities in a new environment.

2.2 Subject of research

The didactic triad implemented in the didactic material of the dictionary on "Fundamentals of the Socio-Political System of the Russian Federation" "knowledge – skills – mastery" aims to form the ability to mobilize the knowledge and experience of students to solve specific problems – via competencies, that is the answer to the question: "Know how…". It is important to teach students the skills to acquire knowledge with the help of the training technologies which contribute to the formation of personal characteristics significant for the future professional activities of investigating officers, as well as to use the knowledge, skills and mastery to ensure quality performance of functional responsibilities in the chosen major. The guidelines on the competency-based approach implementation indicate that it is necessary to create, develop and use the activity-related experience as an internal condition of individual’s way towards the target. It is the experience, which serves as the willingness of an individual to perform certain actions and operations based on existing knowledge, skills and mastery. Thus, the traditional triad of didactics is supplemented via the work with the dictionary on "Fundamentals of the Socio-Political System of the Russian Federation" with a new didactic unit "Knowledge – Skills – Mastery – Activity Experience", which allows a foreign student to accumulate knowledge, as accumulating knowledge stimulates individual abilities of students, maybe not yet manifested. To achieve the objectives of identity formation of investigating officers, the dictionary is a form of the structure of the didactic material that will ensure the transition from one type of activity (cognitive) to another (professional) with a corresponding change in the needs and motivation of the learner, his/her objectives and activities (concrete actions), use by him/her of the tools, self-determination of own performance.

2.3 Procedure of research

The formation of the conceptual thinking of foreign students in the course of work with the dictionary on "Fundamentals of the Socio-Political System of the Russian Federation" is built on the basis of making the entries of the dictionary based on the specifics of their understanding of such a component of a notion as "term". Any notion as a set of features of generalized links of a phenomenon of the reality is characterized both by a name (the word or phrase that gives the name of the notion) and a definition which explains the meaning of the term within the content of special features of the notion. In compiling the dictionary, terms of notions applied in Russian were followed by translations into Mongolian, Tajik, Uzbek, Azerbaijani and English (as the practice of working with foreign trainees from Mongolia shows that often they know better English than Russian). The term-based definition of a notion is followed by the definition of that notion in Russian.

The dictionary contains over 600 entries, contributing to clarifying the content of the basic notions studied during the course of "Fundamentals of the Socio-Political System of the Russian Federation". The introduction states the relevance and importance of learning that discipline by foreign students. References section includes an indication of the recommended regulations, information and encyclopedic publications, basic and additional literature, databases, information and referral and search engines. The notions presented in the dictionary are structured not by units, but in alphabetical order which greatly facilitates the work of foreign students with the text. To find the necessary definition, a foreign trainee needs to formulate a basic notion pointing to significant features of the objects displayed in that notion. Definitions are listed alphabetically in Russian followed in brackets by the translation into Azerbaijani, English, Mongolian, Tajik and Uzbek languages ​​to refer this concept to native languages of students and better learning of the content of that notion. The dictionary states that it will help foreign students correctly use, in oral or written speech, the terms of legal, humanitarian and social sciences; call (list) social phenomena and objects or their essential properties; compare social objects; explain (interpret) social phenomena and processes, i.e., disclose their stable material links, both internal and external; characterize social objects and processes; indicate their inherent attributes important in any respect; give own examples; explain the studied theoretical and social norms based on relevant facts; assess social objects and processes; express judgments on their value, level or significance.

2.3.1 Sample

For example, the entry on Правоотношение notion looks as follows: Правоотношение (legal relation – Eng., эрх зүйн харилцаа – Mong., муносибати хукуки – Taj., munosabatlar – Uzb.) – interaction between all the persons at law on the object causing subjective rights and liabilities to emerge. Or, Уголовный процесс: (cinayət prosesini – Azerb., criminal trial – Eng., эрүүгийн байцаан шийтгэх ажиллагаа – Mong., мурофиаи ҷиноятӣ – Taj., bir jinoyat sud – Uzb.) – criminal proceedings; regulated by the law on criminal proceeding activity of authorized persons in connection with crime detection and investigation and considering cases in court; system of legal relations which are entered into by authorized parties with each other and with other parties involved in criminal case proceedings.

The notion Правоохранительная деятельностьis represented in the dictionary as follows: Правоохранительная деятельность (hüquq mühafizə fəaliyyəti – Azerb., law enforcement – Eng., хууль сахиулах үйл ажиллагаа – Mong., фаъолияти ҳифзи ҳуқуқӣ – Taj., huquqni muhofaza qilish – Uzb.) – activities of state and public organizations with the purpose to protect the law by authorized bodies and public units via applying legal liability in compliance with the law and established procedural aspects.

The notion Гражданское общество is represented in its entry as follows: Гражданское общество (vətəndaş cəmiyyəti – Azerb., civil society – Eng., иргэний нийгмийн – Mong., ҷомеаи шаҳрвандӣ – Taj., fuqarolik jamiyati – Uzb.) – all the aggregate of non-political relations; an ideal society of free sovereign individuals vested with wide civil and political rights, actively participating in state government.

Categorical links between notions were defined like, for instance, in the entry on Глобальные проблемы человечества: Глобальные проблемы человечества (global problemlər bəşəriyyətin – Azerb., global problems of mankind– Eng., дэлхийн хэмжээний асуудал хүн төрөлхтний – Mong., дар ҳаллу мушкилоти инсоният – Taj., insoniyatning glo’bal muammolari – Uzb.) – problems which may cause mankind to disappear and are reduced to a new world war probability; ecological problems, energy and mineral wealth problems, public healthcare problems, World Ocean use problems, peaceful space exploration, overpopulation of the planet.

If a definition of a notion is characterized by doubled meaning, such notions are represented in the following way (like in Гипотеза: Гипотеза (bir fərziyyə deyil– Azerb., hypothesis – Eng., таамаглал – Mong., тахмин – Taj., faraz– Uzb.) – a provision asserted as a preliminary, conventional solution of some task; suggestion on the existence of a phenomenon; an element of a legal provision indicative of the conditions under which rights and liabilities emerge.

If the translation of a definition into any native language is missing in an entry, it means that this notion is used in a student’s language in the Russian variant (in some cases, English), e.g.:

Дискурс (discourse – Eng., яриа – Mong., акли – Taj., nutq – Uzb.) – socially conditioned arrangement of speech and action system, field of statements containing rules for fixing cognitive experience.

Государственный суверенитет (dövlət suverenliyi – Azerb., state sovereignty – Eng., улсын бүрэн эрхт байдал – Mong., давлатии соҳибихтиерӣ – Taj., davlat suvereniteti – Uzb.) – independence from any other authorities inside and outside the country via the signs of: full power in domestic and foreign policy, independence of the state authorities from any other authorities in exercising the state’s functions, equal rights with other parties of international relations in connection with guarantees of full people’s power via representative bodies.

2.3.2 Measuring

Using the dictionary on "Fundamentals of the Socio-Political System of the Russian Federation", foreign trainees have to implement not only the interrelated units of the educational process, namely: methodological, targeted content, assessment and performance, but also technological unit (Snegiryova, 2015, p. 252). The technological unit is represented by the actual active technology of independent search activating cognitive activity of students seeking to implement assessment and performance unit during the passing exam on "Fundamentals of the Socio-Political System of the Russian Federation", where students must in a meaningful way, mastering the concepts of the discipline, demonstrate the answer including the statement of relevance of the problem, its content, the ideas on the origin of its presentation, the knowledge of different approaches to the solution, own opinion, the practical significance and the conclusion, which will allow making an opinion on the level of competencies’ formation (Ilidzhev, 2015). The dictionary on "Fundamentals of the Socio-Political System of the Russian Federation" contributes to the realization of cognitive, motivational and value/activity-related criteria of the students’ responses. According to the cognitive criteria – a student must demonstrate the knowledge of terminology, concepts and relations between notions and life phenomena, culture and communication, synthesis of knowledge about native cultures and the culture of the national language in the Russian Federation (Girin, 2014). According to the motivation and evaluation criteria, recognition of the need to respect the features of the Russian culture, compliance with regulatory requirements, attitude to the law as a supreme value, manifestation of tolerance need to be shown. With respect to the activity criteria – socio-legal activity, ability to communicate, readiness for multicultural work on the linguistic/regional and linguistic-cultural levels should be manifested (Kupavtsev, 2009).

Advanced level of competencies formed and developed in the course of studying the discipline "Fundamentals of the Socio-Political System of the Russian Federation" is as follows: a foreign student who deeply and firmly assimilated all the training material, can comprehensively, consistently, competently and logically present it, clearly represent the relation of the material to the tasks and activities of the internal affairs bodies, easily answer and freely cope with the tasks and practices, correctly justify the decisions made, independently compile and present the material avoiding errors;

Basic level: a foreign student who knows well the educational material can properly and essentially present it, prevent material misstatements in answering questions, properly apply theoretical principles and also use necessary abilities and skills in doing practical tasks;

Threshold level: a foreign student who has well digested the basic material of the educational program of a discipline except for some details, can make incorrect statements, misformulate, demonstrate incomplience with the present order and experience difficulties in doing practical tasks.

The level of general cultural and professional competencies and intercultural competency is deemed non-formed if a foreign student does not know a great part of the educational material, makes significant mistakes and experiences serious difficulties in doing practical tasks/assignments.

2.3.3 Research presentation

Structurally, the element of educational activity of a foreign student while using the material on "Fundamentals of the Socio-Political System of the Russian Federation" should be characterized by two simultaneous transitions, "available – other" and "idea – reality". Their simultaneity is of considerable importance. The transition "available – other" relates to the new forms of activity which are set by competencies and are not limited to the time in class. These forms of action in principle have no "response content" or a predetermined success criteria. The transition "idea – reality" is associated with the embodiment of the ideas brought by parties to the educational process in accordance with their goals and motivations: for the teacher – measurement of competencies’ formation, for students – formulation of the answer "I know how to..." to meet the criterion of success. Owing to this method of organizing the forms of activity of foreign students by the teacher, the training process becomes activity-based to achieve certain results in getting relevant competencies, where the activity-related experience of a learner is an internal condition of individual’s way to the target; experience serves as willingness of a person to do certain actions and operations on the basis of available knowledge and skills (Penionzhek, 2016). The competency-based approach causes the competencies formed as an aggregate to enhance the formation of professional competence of students as their readiness for professional work, which pursues the leading goal of the present education in the Russian Federation as training competent specialists (Evtikhiev, & Karavayev, 2014).

2.3.4 Experimental data

When forming the experience of the formation of competence in foreign learners and intercultural communication of higher education students in the Russian Federation, the dictionary on "Fundamentals of the Socio-Political System of the Russian Federation", being a component of the research, was tested in the educational and methodical work of the teaching staff of the Ural Law Institute of the MIA of Russia with foreign students on 40.05.01 Legal Assurance of National Security and 37.05.02 Psychology of Official Activities who entered in 2014 and 2015.

3. Results

3.1 Competencies

The process of studying this discipline by future specialists of the major 37.05.02 Psychology of Official Activities is aimed at the formation of the following general cultural competencies:

ability to understand and analyze the worldview, social and personally important philosophical problems, issues of value-motivational orientation; importance of humanistic values, freedom and democracy (GC-1);

ability to understand the driving forces and laws of the historical process, respect and take care of the historical heritage and cultural traditions, tolerantly perceive social and cultural differences (GC-2);

ability to navigate in the political and social processes, the knowledge and methods of humanities and social sciences in solving professional problems (GC-3);

tolerant behavior, social and professional interaction taking into account ethnic, cultural and religious differences, teamwork, cooperation with colleagues, prevention and constructive conflict resolution in the course of professional work (GC-5);

ability to hold the culture of scientific thinking, analyzing the logic of statements (GC-8);

ability to comply with laws and regulations, have zero tolerance for corrupt behavior (GC-11).

The process of studying this discipline by future specialists of the major 40.05.01 Legal Assurance of National Security is aimed at the formation of the following general cultural competence:

ability to act in accordance with the Russian Constitution, the principles of legality and patriotism (GC-1);

ability to understand and analyze the worldview, social and personally important philosophical problems, issues of value-motivational orientation; importance of humanistic values, freedom and democracy (GC-2);

ability to respect and take care of the historical heritage and cultural traditions, tolerantly perceive social and cultural differences (GC-3);

ability to navigate in the political and social processes, the knowledge and methods of humanities and social sciences in solving professional problems (GC-4);

tolerant behavior, social and professional interaction taking into account ethnic, cultural and religious differences, teamwork, cooperation with colleagues, prevention and constructive conflict resolution in the course of professional work (GC-7);

ability to carry out oral and written communication in Russian, logically true, clearly and in a well-argued manner speak and write, publicly present the results of research to debate and discussion (GC-14).

When implementing the competency-based approach in the study of "Fundamentals of the Socio-Political System of the Russian Federation", the following is formed in foreign students with the use of the textbook and dictionary:

a) knowledge and understanding of:

domain, system, content and interrelationship of basic principles, laws, concepts and categories of humanities and social sciences and their role in the formation of value orientations in social and professional activities;

essence, activities and purpose of the basic public social institutions; stratification structure of society;

essence, content, mechanism of functioning of political power and process;

essence, structure and functions of the political system of society, specifics (levels and forms) of political consciousness;

legal system, mechanism and means of legal regulation, implementation of the law; legal and ethical aspects of the profession;

sociocultural laws, phenomena of culture and civilization development;

b) universal skills:

using principles, laws and methods of humanities and social sciences for the solution of social and professional problems;

decision-making and performance of legal actions in strict accordance with the law;

proper construction of communication with colleagues in the team and with citizens, building social and professional interactions based on ethnic, cultural and confessional differences;

c) intellectual skills:

basic analysis of socially and professionally relevant issues, processes and phenomena using knowledge of humanities and social sciences;

scientific thinking, the use of construction techniques of logical reasoning, recognizing logical errors, knowing methods of logical analysis, possession of skills of public speaking, argumentation, discussion and debate;

positive interaction in the course of professional activity, including that with representatives of various social groups, nationalities and religions;

d) practical skills:

demonstration of ideas about the characteristics of concepts of social sciences and humanities, demonstration of the content of basic social and philosophical categories, leading aspects of law enforcement activities;

demonstration of knowledge on the features of different approaches to the explanation of society, demonstration of the content of the basic concepts of social and human sciences;

demonstration of skills to disclose the contents of a particular concept of social sciences and humanities in the examples of life in the present society;

analysis skills of the basic literature in terms of the type of humanitarian knowledge contained therein, as well as self-improvement of intellectual level.

3.2 Statistics

Thus, the competency-based approach in the formation of general cultural competencies seeks to train/educate people to be thinking, creative, able to adapt to new conditions, possess the professional skills and abilities, use the knowledge gained in the course of professional activity (Mikheyeva, 2015, p. 185). So, general cultural competencies integrated as an aggregate ensure the formation of professional competency of students in the way of readiness to professional activity (which reflects the degree of compliance of the competencies formed in a student with the requirements to competencies necessary for successful professional use (Drobot, 2015, p. 72)) which pursues the leading goal of the present education in the Russian Federation, i.e., training experts, competent in the professional field of activity (Schegolikhin, 2013).

3.3 Related data

For this academic discipline, the dictionary reveals features of knowledge components of other disciplines which will subsequently be learnt by foreign students.

3.4 Support

The use of the vocabulary on "Fundamentals of the Socio-Political System of the Russian Federation" in the educational process of educational organizations of the Russian MIA also aims at improving the adaptation processes of foreign students’ integration in the education environment of the Russian Federation, improving moral and psychological climate in student groups and strengthening the international cooperation of the Russian Federation and neighboring foreign countries in order to integrate into a single legal space. Mutual understanding and cooperation in legal contacts are associated with the establishment of cross-cultural communication, initiating the need for the formation in foreign students, in addition to legal professional competency, of intercultural competency, basic ethical ideals and standards (Ivanova, & Kudriavtseva, 2015, pp. 272-278).

The dictionary on this subject seeks to form a fairly rapid development of intercultural skills forming, in turn, the ability to see the legal reality on the basis of knowledge of the socio-political system of the Russian Federation and building communication experience by taking into account the peculiarities of the Russian culture and the state’s nationwide language, which is Russian, according to Article 68 of the RF Constitution. The formation of such professionally important characteristics of a foreign student’s personality entails not only the implementation of the competency-based approach, but also cultural, axiological and integrative approaches in the educational process of training of foreign students in educational institutions of the Russian MIA (Penionzhek, 2016, p. 84).

The cultural approach in the legal education of foreign students is focused on raising the legal culture, the fundamental elements of which are: legal consciousness, good behavior (not violating the legal regulations) and active citizenship. The importance of the cultural approach secured the approval of the federal state educational standards of higher education in training on the majors 37.05.02 Psychology of Official Activities, 40.05.01 Legal Assurance of National Security, 40.05.02 Law Enforcement, which established the general cultural competencies. So, the dictionary on "Fundamentals of the Socio-Political System of the Russian Federation", realizing the formation of general cultural competencies in foreign students, aims to expand the ideological horizons of students to determine further personality development that is aware of the law as a leading factor in the development of society and state on the basis of knowledge of socio-cultural specifics of the Russian Federation the official language of which is used for intercultural communication in the educational process, allowing to overcome the symptoms of fanaticism in religion (Ivanova, 2016, pp. 44-48).

The axiological approach considers the formation of general cultural competencies as a process of finding value orientations and the subsequent perception of the societally developed values ​​of universal significance. The structure of the dictionary on "Fundamentals of the Socio-Political System of the Russian Federation" in the formation of general cultural competencies creates the conditions for the development of activity-related skills of a foreign student as a part of multicultural environment. If the dictionary is input in the electronic information and educational medium, such conditions are optimal. The perception and study of the terms and concepts presented in the dictionary on that discipline is a peculiar form of intercultural dialogue at different levels of education promoting tolerant consciousness and behavior as the foundation of intercultural competency.

The integrative approach considers the formation of general cultural competencies as a basis for the conscious integration of interdisciplinary connections. Uploading of the dictionary on "Fundamentals of the Socio-Political System of the Russian Federation" in the electronic information and educational medium in order to create general cultural competencies creates the conditions for the development of skills on linking the components of educational material, ensuring the integrity of general cultural competencies in their unity with the actions of a student in the research field. The competence of a foreign student is formed by using the dictionary on that academic discipline in the educational process as integral features of a personality are based on the recognition of the values generally accepted in the Russian culture ​​that reflect the willingness and ability of an individual to use the system of knowledge and skills in the experience of social activities and allow the foreign students’ personalities to mobilize in their efficient implementation of these activities.

3.5 Initial data

The dictionary on "Fundamentals of the Socio-Political System of the Russian Federation", while developing the communicative functions of foreign students, builds the vectors of intercultural competency development. So, the dictionary on this subject forms on the basis of the development of general cultural competencies the intercultural competence of foreign students and their ability to expand the range of the interpretation of their own actions in order to successfully communicate with the Russian culture, which then performs the formation of the ability to interpret their own cultures in terms of Russian in order to create a single legal space.

4. Discussion

The essence of any phenomenon is not located outside the material form. And, it is the formal state of a phenomenon that via a number of signs reveals the original meaning inherent in the sense-related range of mind-understanding (Plato, 1993). In didactical views of Plato there are some probable, inconclusive provisions. In an effort to lay the foundation for development in the educational process of a fair, logically impeccable, apodictically right knowledge, persuasive in its truth to the other person, it is proposed to divide the entire volume of theoretical knowledge into the sphere of theoretical sciences, applied sciences and creative activities.

The theoretical sciences uplift the doctrine on the root causes that must be distinguished by people as the essence of all things: the formal cause, the material component, the potential for change and the goal that leads to good. Teaching should seek to form the ability to identify these root causes through the use of logical laws on gaining knowledge: impermissibility of contradictions and the excluded third thing – then, the material of knowledge becomes an expression of the truth in respect of the formal status of a phenomenon, that is, the perceived essence of that phenomenon. It is proposed to form conclusions based on detection of the prerequisites as part of output of the model of reality, while Plato was on the positions of mythological and mystical detection of objectively existing sense of things, not dependent on a human being. Conceptual knowledge may only be gained through the use of the logical analogy, learning which is the main pedagogical idea.

5. Conclusion

The dictionary on "Fundamentals of the Socio-Political System of the Russian Federation", being a component of research of a foreign student, forms the experience of intercultural communication of students while receiving higher education in the Russian Federation. Under informatization, this dictionary is a reserve for the improvement of higher education efficiency optimizing the individual work of foreign students via the integration of their individual activities and modern information technologies. So, the educational process is arranged in such a way that as to form in students the idea of their profession (major) as an integral set of knowledge, skills and mastering, naturally comprising a logical sequence of general legal, historical, socio-humanitarian and criminal disciplines since the first year of their studying as well as to develop the knowledge obtained for skillful interpretation and correct application of the law in practice (Rasulova, 2015, pp. 137-143). Participation of the teaching staff in the implementation of the competency-related model of education and the priority training profile of the Ural Law Institute of the MIA of Russia "Operation of Investigative Divisions" is logical and consistent to achieve a single goal – forming competencies and personal qualities in future interrogative officers (Rasulova, 2016, pp. 14-20).

Social and philosophical aspects of conceptual thinking formation are particularly important for future investigative officers, as they lay the foundation for proper commemoration and interpretation of the law, in order to avoid procedural errors in the implementation of criminal procedure in cases when the rules contain contradictions, in particular on how to use professional judgment in pre-trial proceedings.


Authors express their gratitude to the administration and teaching staff of the Ural Law Institute of the MIA of Russia who discussed and approved the resolution of the methodical and academic councils to introduce for foreign students the discipline "Fundamentals of the Socio-Political System of the Russian Federation". The authors thank the administration of the Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin. Also, the authors thank for support in testing the research results scientific and research department and editing and publishing department of the Ural Law Institute of the MIA of Russia for assisting in publishing the research results in "Bulletin of the Ural law Institute of the MIA of Russia". The authors personally thank for cooperation in the work with the dictionary Chernov Sergey Sergeyevich, Director of the Center for Scientific Cooperation (Novosibirsk) and foreign students of the Ural Law Institute of the MIA of Russia who entered in 2014 and 2015: Amirov Parviz, Turaev Azam, Chimedamb Badral, Muminov Bekzhan, Islomov Shakhboz, Sodikov Parviz, Turgunov Naufaliy.


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1. Ural Law Institute of the MIA of Russia, Russia, 620057, Yekaterinburg, Korepina St., 66. Email:

2. Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin, Russia 620002, Yekaterinburg, Lenina St., 51.

3. Ural Law Institute of the MIA of Russia, Russia, 620057, Yekaterinburg, Korepina St., 66

4. Ural Law Institute of the MIA of Russia, Russia, 620057, Yekaterinburg, Korepina St., 66

5. Ural Law Institute of the MIA of Russia, Russia, 620057, Yekaterinburg, Korepina St., 66

Revista ESPACIOS. ISSN 0798 1015
Vol. 38 (Nº 25) Año 2017


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