ISSN 0798 1015


Vol. 38 (Nº 40) Año 2017. Pág. 33

Risk factors of development of suicidal behavior of Tyumen teenagers

Factores de riesgo de desarrollo del comportamiento suicida de adolescentes Tyumenses

Hadiya Nurgalievna SADYKOVA; Nursafa Gafurovna KHAIRULLINA; Sergey Yurjevich MIKHAILOV; Igor Nikolaevich GLUHIH; Elena Nikolaevna PRYAKHINA

Received: 29/07/2017 • Approved: 05/08/2017


1. Introduction

2. Methods

3. Results

4. Discussion

5. Conclusion



The purpose of the study is to research the conditions for the formation of suicidal behavior of students of technical educational institution for the development of preventive measures. 102 students of the Industrial University of Tyumen at the age of 19 to 22 years studying in the specialties Geology, Oil and Gas Business, Machine Engineering, Quality Management, Land Transportation and Technological Complexes as well as construction were interviewed. 38 students of those reported that they had suicidal thoughts in the present or the past. Students with suicidal inclinations most often mentioned conflicts with parents, teachers or friends as causes of their behavior. The study allowed sketching a social portrait of children, teenagers, students and working youth from the standpoint of their vulnerability to commit a suicide. The analysis showed that the formation of suicidal behavior of adolescents and young people is greatly influenced by relationships in the parent family and the conditions of character training.
Key words: suicide, suicidal behavior, suicide prevention, family, parents, teenagers, student youth


El propósito del estudio es investigar las condiciones para la formación del comportamiento suicida de los estudiantes de la institución educativa técnica para el desarrollo de medidas preventivas. 102 estudiantes de la Universidad Industrial de Tyumen a la edad de 19 a 22 años estudiando en las especialidades geología, negocio de petróleo y gas, ingeniería de máquinas, gestión de la calidad, transporte terrestre y complejos tecnológicos, así como la construcción fueron entrevistados. 38 estudiantes de aquellos reportaron que tenían pensamientos suicidas en el presente o en el pasado. Los estudiantes con inclinaciones suicidas más frecuentemente mencionan conflictos con padres, maestros o amigos como causas de su comportamiento. El estudio permitió esbozar un retrato social de niños, adolescentes, estudiantes y jóvenes trabajadores desde el punto de vista de su vulnerabilidad para cometer un suicidio. El análisis mostró que la formación de conductas suicidas de adolescentes y jóvenes está muy influida por las relaciones en la familia de los padres y las condiciones de formación de los personajes.
Palabras clave: suicidio, conducta suicida, prevención de suicidios, familia, padres, adolescentes, estudiantes jóvenes


1. Introduction

In the last two decades, experts have recorded deterioration in the social and psychological situation in Russian society. It was due to social and economical transformations, taking place in the country, that contributed to the weakening of traditional ties between parents and children as well as generations, leading to quantitative disparities between generations, which often provoked a break in the connections between representatives of different generations (Sadykova Kh.N., Hamatkhanova M.A., 2011; Khairullina N.G., Saifullin F.F., 2014), misunderstanding between parents and children, adults and teenagers, teachers and students, and, as a consequence, to the growth of suicidal behavior among young people.

It is believed that the word "suicide" was used as a scientific term for the first time by T. Brown in 1641. The word "suicide" is derived from the Latin sui caedere – to kill yourself and literally means "suicide, attempt on your life, self-destruction". In Russia, the term "suicide" appeared in 1704 thanks to F. Polikarpov-Orlov (Efremov V.S., 2004).

G.D. Trunov notes that suicidology examines the behavior of a person that is not related to immediate (sudden) death, on the contrary, it contributes to its offensive (for example, cases of intentional abuse of toxic substances, entrainment of sports dangerous for human life or dangerous hobbies – jumping from a skyscraper, jogging before rushing car, riding on the train roof and other types of suicidal activity) (Trunov D.G., 2016).

This was pointed out by E. Grollman, who singled out "indirect" slow self-destruction as a result of abuse of alcohol or drugs, ignoring serious illnesses, overeating, etc. along with "direct" suicide. "Autocide" is conscious or unconscious self-destructive behavior, which consequence is often speeding and driving under the influence of intoxicants. Further it is participation in "deadly games", for example, Russian roulette (Grollman E., 2001). To determine these examples as suicide, we need to consider the criteria for suicide.

E. Durkheim defines a suicide as every death case that is directly or indirectly result of a positive or negative act committed by the victim himself, if this latter knew about the expected results. Attempted suicide is a completely homogeneous action, but only was not carry to the end (Durkheim, E., 1994).

Analysis of the definitions proposed by Russian and foreign suicidologists made it possible to single out the criteria for distinguishing suicides from other situations, often equated to them. Russian suicidologists A. Ambrumova, V. Tikhonenko, L. Balabanova, L. Tregubov and Yu. Vagin indicate intent, consciousness and independence of the suicidal action. No less important criteria are voluntariness, the "time factor" or post hoc criterion and the sufficiency criterion (A.G. Ambrumova, V.A. Tikhonenko, 1980; L. Balabanova, 1998; I.N. Glukhikh, E.N. Pryakhina, 2014).

These criteria allowed us to formulate the definition of suicide as a voluntary, independent, conscious and sufficiently self-destructive action, with the immediate and immediate goal to deprive oneself of life; suicide most often acts as a reaction to the psycho-traumatic situation and as a way of resolving the internal conflict (L.Z. Tregubov, Yu.R. Vagin, 1993; I.N. Glukhikh, E.N. Pryakhina, 2015).

To date, suicidologists have not come to a unified definition of concepts of suicide and suicidal behavior. These concepts continue to be controversial. There are many theories of suicidal behavior simultaneously developed in scientific circulation, which are often mutually exclusive. From the point of view of B.S. Poloshiy, this is due to the fact that in existing concepts, the role of any group of related factors is to some extent absolutized, and other factors that play no less important role in the occurrence of suicidal behavior are downplayed. As a consequence, the factors of suicidal risk are divided into biological, psychological, social, clinical, and other groups which do not depend on each other. The development of science proves otherwise, and this complicates the study of suicidal behavior (B.S. Polozhy, 2015).

At present, the concept of "Diathesis-stress" has become widespread in suicidology. According to this concept, suicidal behavior is formed due to a predisposition of the individual to suicidal behavior or increased sensitivity to factors that reduce the threshold of his development. In addition, various kinds of stress factors that contribute to the acceleration of the conditions for the formation of suicidal behavior have a significant impact (Mann J.J., Waternaux C., Haas G.L., 1999).

Such conditions, according to scientists, are burdened heredity, personal development features, characterological features, mental disorders, lack of social support, presence or absence of religious beliefs, use of alcohol and other psychoactive substances, somatic diseases.

In the given paper we will consider the social and cultural influence of the environment on the younger generation. The concept proposed by E. Durkheim is of scientific interest in this context. The scientist distinguished the social needs of man in ideals, values and objects of worship in this concept (Durkheim, E., 1994). Thus, the local (families, neighbors, friends) or global (society as a whole) value and regulatory crisis (the so-called anomie) accelerates destructive and auto-destructive tendencies. Moreover, E. Durkheim drew attention to the fact that too rigid integration of a person into social relations, suppressing his individuality, leads to an individual's depreciation of his life, leading to a decrease in the threshold of decision-making in favor of suicide. Thus, any person needs to be socially included in the environment with clear value and regulatory guidelines, both positive and negative ones.

It is proved that family, its traditions, including social, material, cultural and professional statuses played the leading role in the primary socialization of an individual. Blurring of family values, low cohesion in the family as well as ambiguity of statuses and roles of parents exacerbate the conflict potential of the family and contribute to the increase in destructiveness. Studies have shown that the risk factors for suicidal behavior of teenagers included the loss of one or both parents by a child aged 6-14 years, completed suicides among relatives or family members as well as asocial behavior of parents with alcohol or drug dependence. According to D.A. Brent and N. Melhem, aggression is an important factor in suicidal behavior (Brent D.A., Melhem N., 2008). At the same time, scientists have found out that impulsiveness and aggression in parental behavior affected the development of suicidal thoughts by the child. It should be noted that the unfavorable conditions for socialization of the child (for example, auto-destructive behavior of parents or dysfunctional addictions in the family) are not always factors of the development of auto-aggression; they do not always lead to thoughts of suicide. On the contrary, it is possible to give examples, when children from a dysfunctional family achieved success in the later life, get a good education and never drunk alcohol. The so-called phenomenon of "viable children" who grew up in extremely unfavorable conditions is manifested here (Davey M., Eaker D.G., Walters L.H. 2003).

The reforms proclaimed in the 1980s and their implementation over the last decades have led to a decline in the birth rate for the reasons of the uncertainty of the present prospects and the lack of a clear picture of the future prospects of many Russian families, despite the state attempts to solve this problem through the payment of maternity capital in the last ten years (O.V. Ustinova, 2014). Nuclear and small families have become widespread in the modern society in the process of transformation of the family and its traditional culture. According to A.M. Karpov, there was not only a matter of changing the family structure and gender distortions. The influence of Western culture extends to the family model, its meanings, and the social roles of its members. He turned attention to the evolution of the family model, provoked by the replacement of the paternalistic tradition by the managerial approach. This was combined with the reorientation of values where the highest value became money, power, consumerism and deceit. Social values (education, professionality, science and culture) have moved lower. Spiritual values (justice, conscience, responsibility) were eliminated as a hindrance to money and power (Karpov A.M., 2014).

Values and attitudes that were previously under ideological prohibition (free love, drugs, same-sex marriages, homosexuality, etc.) are actualized together with these processes in the minds of Russians. It should be noted that the transformation of the world outlook is slower than the ongoing social, economic and political transformations. As a result, a value vacuum is forming by some part of the population. It is not always filled correctly and adequately, especially in the teenager and youth environment. At the same time, active updating of many values often occurs through the media and social networks.

Information opportunities form fundamentally new forms of social identification, self-expression and lifestyle of Russians for each generation which has two sides of the same coin. On the one hand, the ubiquitous distribution of the Internet and other global information networks make it possible for teenagers to show their individuality first of all, without fear for their public and private life. A teenager at home has the opportunity to communicate via a personal computer, laptop, tablet or phone with the whole world at any time of the day. It's no secret that our own children, schoolchildren, students and university students spend their free time on the Internet. And this state of constant mass communication is terribly popular not only for teenagers and young people. Primary school pupils, their teachers, staff and parents are actively involved in this process. Everywhere we can see how young parents, walking with their small children and teenagers, prefer to communicate in social networks, but not do it with their children. V.A. Rozanov turned attention to those processes in his papers, especially the weakening of the connection between modern teenagers and their fairly young parents who had already mastered the modern communication style. Both parents and children, living in the same family, are increasingly immersed in the Internet at the expense of human communication (Rozanov V.A., 2014).

Everybody has repeatedly faced with the fact that social networks did not always offer useful information. On the contrary, they inform teens and young people how not to spend their free time (from the point of view of adults). In recent years, social networks have involved teenagers and young people in games that contribute to the devaluation of a person's life, allowing them to take pictures and publish instant images at risk of their lives to get approval from the surrounding people in Instagram, while reducing the threshold of teenager acceptance of suicidal solutions. In such circumstances, it is necessary to carry out a sociological monitoring of the conditions for the formation of suicidal behavior of children, teenagers and youth as well as offer suicide prevention measures on a regular basis. So, D.F. Khritinin, M.A. Sumarokova, A.V. Esin, D.V. Samokhin, E.P. Shchukina investigated 2016 the conditions for the formation of suicidal behavior among students of a medical higher education institution (Khrithinin D.F., Sumarokova M.A. et al., 2016). In the given paper, we present the results of studies on the conditions for the formation of suicidal behavior by the example of students of the largest technical university in the capital of the Tyumen region.

2. Methods

The study was conducted both quantitatively and qualitatively. The quantitative method consisted in analyzing the results of a mass questionnaire survey of the population of Tyumen and the South of the Tyumen Region in order to obtain information from the directly studied subject. The questionnaire survey, conducted with the direct participation of the authors, covered the population aged from 15 to 75 (700 people) living in Tyumen and the South of the Tyumen Region. In order to perform a comparative analysis of generation groups, the study was conducted on a stratified multistage sample with related parameters: gender, age, education as well as social and professional status, which provided an error of representativeness of no more than 5%.

In addition, the quantitative method used while preparing of this paper was the secondary analysis of sociological research data on problems of value orientations and inter-generational interactions conducted by sociologists over the past twenty years in various regions of the Russian Federation.

Characteristics and analysis of the qualitative nature of the studied problem was carried out by the authors using the method of interviews with students of the Industrial University of Tyumen. In January and March 2017, interviews were conducted (the total number of informants was 102, 60%of female and 40% of male students). In addition, the results of in-depth and biographical interviews conducted by Kazan sociologists in 2014 in the Republic of Tatarstan were analyzed. In conducted analysis, we were based on the personal experience of students aged from 19 to 22 years, reproduced by them in an interview. During the interview, we tried to identify the specifics of socialization processes, intra-family and inter-generational communications, implemented in the process of transfer of life experience to identify the conditions for the formation of suicidal behavior. The interview form included 15 questions.

3. Results

Foreign scientists studying the development of suicidal behavior among teenagers and young people distinguished two groups of risk factors: potential ("creating the ground") and topical (clinical). The most common factor of suicidal behavior, according to G.S. Bannikov, T.S. Pavlova, K.A. Koshkin, A.V. Letova, is the conflict in family relations and that of the personality structure. The depressive state with feelings of resentment, insult, humiliation, desperation, hopelessness, loneliness, unrequited love and anger belongs to the actual factors influencing the development of suicidal behavior and including into its structure. Both factor groups are closely related, but under different conditions they carry different load and acquire different importance (Bannikov G.S., Pavlova T.S. et al., 2015).

Considering the role of the family in the formation of suicidal tendencies among Tyumen teenagers and young people, it is necessary to analyze the results of a questionnaire survey conducted by authors in 2014-2015 in Tyumen and the South of the Tyumen Region. Respondents were asked: "What values are important to you and what values, in your opinion, are lost today?" A list of 16 values was proposed. We will consider an analysis of only those values that are interesting in the framework of the studied problem. The value of "stability of the traditional family" was important only to a quarter of the interviewed teenagers aged 15-17 (26.6%), about half of the respondents in this age group (42.9%) mentioned this value as lost. For comparison, we gave an assessment of this value by representatives of the age category of 41-50 years. In our opinion, this was the possible age of parents of 15-17-year-old teenagers. The value of "stability of the traditional family" was important for 61.8% of respondents. The quarter of respondents in this age group (27.6%) mentioned the given value to be lost. The next value was "mutual help of children (parents)". It was important for 42.9% of 15-17-year-olds and for 71.1% of representatives of the age group 41-50 years. 14.9% of 15-17-year-old teenagers and 14.4% of representatives of the age group 41-50 years considered this value to be lost. We will present one more value for the analysis. It was "continuity of generations, use of experience of previous generations". This value was important only for a quarter of the interviewed teenagers aged 15-17 years (28.6%). Half of the number of respondents in this age category (14.3%) mentioned it to be lost. This value was important for 63.2% of the representatives of the age group 41-50 years. 22.4% considered it to be lost.

Analysis of materials of life stories and in-depth interviews collected in 2014 by T.G. Islamshina and G.F. Khamzina showed that the older generation had negatively assessed the disappearance of warmth and sincerity from the practice of interpersonal communication. It worried that the people relations became pragmatic, and the distance between the older and new generations was increasingly more in value orientations. A 75-years-old female pensioner with secondary education wrote typical for representatives of this generation as a whole: "Our generation grew up in hardships and misery, but we loved our parents, tried not to upset them with our rash actions, respectful of their words, opinions, and views of life. Everyone tried to help each other. In a village someone built a house by joint efforts or helped to bring firewood and hay. Respect for elders was the rule. No one spoke foul language in the presence of children and elders. I would like to see such traditions revived at the present time" (Islamshina T.G., Hamzina G.R., 2014).

Let us present the first results of an interview among students of the Industrial University of Tyumen. The majority of the interviewed students (86.0%) answered in the affirmative on the first question of the interview "Do you think that there has been an increase in suicides among teenagers and young people aged 17-24 years over the past decade?" The opposite point of view (no, not increased) was expressed by every tenth student. And only one interview participant admitted that he could not answer this question. It should be noted that most of the participants in the interview argued their answer. Here are some fragments of the interview.

A 21-years-old female student expressed concern that the number of mortal groups Vkontakte has increased in recent years.

A 21-years-old male student was sure that the number of suicides did not depend on time, it had been relative. But the deteriorating state of life, the lack of opportunities to get a good education and work and a poor psychological state prompted young people to suicide.

Another 21-years-old student turned attention to the existence of special communities for pressure on teenagers and young people, where they deliberately affected the psyche, giving examples that their lives did not make sense.

A 21-years-old male student admitted that modern youth was psychologically weak and heavily dependent on computer games, the Internet. And when it faced to problems, it inflated them to global proportions and fell into depression, developing the thoughts in terms of suicide.

A female student, 20 years old, turned attention to the fact that now there are not a lot of groups on the Internet where teenagers share their problems and in return, instead of comforting and support, gets insults and tips like "Why do you not commit suicide?" A game "Run or Die!" appeared among the teenagers. This is a type of suicide, when children try to run across the road in front of the running car, which once led to death. "

Researches of P.B. Zotov and E.V. Rodyashin indicate that the suicide rate in Tyumen was lower than the average Russian and medium in the Tyumen Region in recent years. They pointed out a positive trend towards a further reduction in the number of suicides.

The level of suicidal attempts was 8.5 times higher than the number of completed suicides, which was also lower than the average for the country. In the southern districts of the region, this ratio was much lower. This required an additional analysis of the situation (P.B. Zotov, E.V. Rodyasin, 2013).

For the purposes of the study, it was important for us to find out which group was most vulnerable to committing suicide: children, teenagers, students or working youth? It was allowed to select no more than two categories. The analysis showed that just over half of the interviewed students (54%) considered teenagers to be the most vulnerable category. The answers allowed compile a social portrait of teenagers (13-17 years old), who had the following characteristics:

- their minds and psyche were not fully formed and, in general, they did not take place as an individual, they were subjected to enormous pressure from friends, the Internet, movies, etc., they were easier to influence, which other people used, prompting them to suicide;

- they were the most impressionable, emotional and trusting;

- they were most strongly subjected to manipulation from the side, easily became followers;

- they had an awkward age and thought that no one understood them, that everything and everything around them was against them and the only way out was death;

- they spent a lot of time in social networks, in which there were many factors prompting to suicide and where there was a lot of information about this topic. It was difficult to disagree with this, since the news of the suicide were covered very clearly and extensively in the Russian media, thereby creating thoughts about suicide even in those who had never thought about it;

- at the age of 13-17 years there is a flourishing of "intemperate youth speaking", the development of independence and there is a desire for freedom. But a parent as a limiter stands on the teenager's way to the dream with instructions that the child perceives as an attempt to "crop feathers". Conflicts arise on this ground, and the child begins to oppose his life as an argument to the will of the parents.

Every fourth student considered children under the age of 13 to be the most vulnerable group. A social portrait included several characteristics:

- they did not know how to understand, but they did everything to declare themselves;

- they were too gullible, naive, and have a developed intemperate youth speaking;

- they were left alone for a long time, as their parents worked;

- they were often intimidated and become unprotected.

Every fifth (18%) believed that student youth was also a vulnerable category. This point of view was argued by a minimal set of characteristics: no ability to cope with their problems and the fear of going into adulthood because of the uncertainty in the future. The authors believed that the students showed rather solidarity to their peers, as they themselves currently constituted this group.

The least vulnerable category was working youth, which, according to 3% of the interviewees, might commit suicide due to financial difficulties or family problems.

Then the interviewees were asked an open question, which the authors of the paper wanted to receive a reliable answer to: did they have suicidal thoughts in the past or the present? An analysis of the answers showed that just over half of the respondents (63%) had never had suicidal thoughts in the past or at the present time. The opposite opinion was expressed by just over a third of students (37%). In our opinion, not all students frankly responded to the question. There was even no hope that they would be able to step over the psychological barrier and admit to outsiders and adults about themselves, about their, secret feelings hidden from their relatives, though in the past. Answers of two girls were indicative here. They said that every person in his life experienced a craving for death, he or she wanted to settle scores with a life that he considered unfair (a female student, 22 years old); it seemed that every person thought about this (a female student, 21 years old).

Those who responded positively to the previous question had the opportunity to tell us about the reasons why suicidal thoughts arose. Students of the Industrial University of Tyumen most often had suicidal thoughts in the past or the present because of:

  1. conflicts with parents, teachers or friends (44,4 %);
  2. drug or alcohol intoxication (33,3 %);
  3. personal experiences or problems: loneliness or lack of meaning of life (18,5 %);
  4. debts (3,8 %).

Here is an excerpt from an interview with a 22-years-old female student, which clearly characterizes the role of the family in the life of the child and the importance of personal contact with parents: “far back in the past, the desire to die was associated with personal experiences and problems with parents, especially with the mother who, as now, put her personal interests above my happiness”. All this became the cause of conflict, hatred and desire to leave this life.

43% of students knew about the suicidal cases among friends, acquaintances, neighbors and relatives of interviewees. And every third of them described in detail the known cases. Simultaneously, just over half of the interviewed students (57%) admitted that they did not know of any cases of suicide among friends, acquaintances, neighbors and relatives.

The reasons for suicide cases happened among friends, acquaintances, neighbors and relatives were the following (in descending order of importance):

- unrequited love;

- dysfunctional family;

- loneliness;

- participation in the death groups;

- drugs.

Less commonly such reasons were mentioned as: bullying peers, in spite of teachers and parents who did not understand them; mental disorders and pressure; financial difficulties. Many interviewees admitted that they could not understand and accept the fact of suicide, because, in their opinion, death was incompatible with these people. The reason was unknown, no one could guess that such a cheerful fellow, an activist, a participant of Club of the Funny and Inventive was able to suicide, so 21-years-old male student.

Then we asked about the main reasons that caused suicidal behavior. The main reasons (factors) of suicidal behavior (hierarchy of respondents' answers, in descending order) were the following:

  1. unrequited (unhappy) love, jealousy;
  2. the state of drug or alcohol intoxication;
  3. loneliness, unsociability, deep and wrong immersion in philosophical themes; complexes; personal experiences, the realization that life cost nothing, because a person did not see further development or was not able to solve any problems self; loss of meaning of life;
  4. family conflicts (quarrels with parents, the problem of "fathers and children", violence, bullying); when parents did not love their child, they did not pay attention to him;
  5. conflicts with peers (misunderstanding, insults, violence, bullying); the desire to prove their uniqueness;
  6. mass media and the Internet, increasingly covering the problems of suicide;
  7. the creation of various groups in social networks and the enticement of teenagers and young people therein; despondency and hopelessness, proceeding from the cases and the mouths of "opinion leaders";
  8. mental illnesses, depression, nervous breakdowns, mood swings, apathy; psychological trauma;
  9. problems at school (large training loads) and those with teachers;
  10. intemperate youth speaking and teenage stupidity, low company;
  11. debt and inability to return it;
  12. weak social adaptation to Western culture, provoking individualism, competition, hedonism, deformation of values.

4. Discussion

V.A. Rozanov considers genetic and neurobiological factors, mental disorders and addictions, risk behavior and other manifestations of destructive life style, psychological and cognitive features as possible factors of suicide among teenagers. There are maximalism and lack of ability to assess the consequences of their actions, exposure to the influence of the reference group and copying the suicidal behavior, as well as the severity of life stress, mainly due to the lack of family support, violence, cruelty, injustice, etc. (Rozanov V.A., 2014).

An analysis of the answers of students who participated in the interview showed that almost three quarters of them considered the communication of children with their parents as the main preventive measure of combating suicidal behavior. In direct and indirect form the answers were reduced to the fact that in a full and happy family the child in principle could not have thoughts about suicide. In such a family, parents and children constantly communicate, talk and share their problems. The family is the main support of a person who helps to cope with life's difficulties and it only will be able to protect fully everybody of its members, so a 21years-old male student. Through communication with their children, parents learn about the interests as well as develop life goals and interests of their child, show that they need, dear and love him. Parents should pay as much attention to their children as possible so that the latter spend as little time as possible on the Internet. Note that every fifth interviewed participant in categorical form proposed to close all social networks in general, restrict access to sites where the information about suicides is presented. The child should not be protected from peers. It is necessary to find a compromise. Being interested in social networks, you should not interfere with personal life, but try to do so that the child showed and told himself about it. The parents should more talk about what they are going through when children commit suicide.

The influence of the Internet on suicidal behavior is twofold, according to D. Lester. On the one hand, it is provoking (encouraging) in a group of vulnerable individuals, particularly young people (promoting suicide sites dedicated to the right to die, choosing a "painless and true" way of suicide, seeking like-minded people for the suicide pact. On the other hand, it is positive, insufficiently used in prevention programs, for those who seek help for themselves and / or close ones (for example,,, domestic anti-suicide site and in targeted groups that gravitate towards the Web (Lester, 2011).

Three-quarters of the students mentioned out-of-class sessions with the school psychologist and open lessons with specialists as the next preventive measure. This measure is updated if there is no parental support for the child. Then an open communication outreach at school will be an important decision.

Every tenth suggested no talking about suicide, just like pedophilia, no creating a problem of suicide in the society through the media and no discussing it on television. The same number of students offered treatment by a psychologist, because they are better versed in problems than parents who can aggravate the situation.

5. Conclusion

The data obtained in the conducting of the research made it possible to formulate the following conclusion: 37.2% of students of a technical higher educational institution had suicidal thoughts occurred in the present or in the past. Students with suicidal tendencies named most often conflicts with parents, teachers or friends, the use of drugs or alcohol in a state of depression, nervous breakdowns, mood changes and apathy as well as a psychological trauma as causes of their behavior.

The analysis showed that the formation of suicidal behavior of teenagers and young people was greatly influenced by relationships in the parent family and the conditions of character training. According to the students of the technical university, the child in principle could not have thoughts about suicide in a happy and full family. In general, these interviews indicated areas of preventive and corrective work for parents, teachers and lecturers of educational institutions.


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1. Tyumen Industrial University, 625000, Russia, Tyumen, Volodarskogo Str., 38

2. Tyumen Industrial University, 625000, Russia, Tyumen, Volodarskogo Str., 38. E-mail:

3. Tyumen Industrial University, 625000, Russia, Tyumen, Volodarskogo Str., 38

4. Tyumen State University, 625003, Russia, Tyumen, Semakova Street, 10

5. Tyumen State University, 625003, Russia, Tyumen, Semakova Street, 10

Revista ESPACIOS. ISSN 0798 1015
Vol. 38 (Nº 40) Año 2017


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