ISSN 0798 1015


Vol. 39 (Nº 01) Year 2018. Páge 15

Innovative method for assessing the system of service sector organizational management: from theory to practice

Método innovador de evaluación del sistema de gestión organizacional del sector de servicios: de la teoría a la práctica


Received: 01/11/2017 • Approved: 25/11/2017


1. Introduction

2. Methodological Framework

3. Results

4. Discussions

5. Conclusion

Bibliographic references


The paper suggests an algorithm for making innovative management decisions and a conceptual model of organizational management innovative system. An expert model was developed for assessing the innovative potential of the organizational management system based on calculated data, containing units of regular and strategic management, the use of which contributes to strengthening the organization's susceptibility to innovation by improving the quality of management, monitoring the functioning of the system and its interaction with the external environment. The practical value is determined by the possibility of using the proposals developed in the course of the study for a comprehensive improvement of the innovation policy conducted in the Russian Federation.
Keywords innovation, system, management, model, external environment, services sphere


El artículo aporta el algoritmo de toma de las decisiones innovadoras de gestión y ofrece el modelo conceptual del sistema innovador de la gestión organizacional. Ha sido elaborado el modelo experto de evaluación del potencial innovador del sistema de gestión organizacional, basado en los datos contables, que contiene los bloques de la gestión regular y estratégica, cuyo uso facilita el aumento del poder innovador de la empresa mediante el aumento de la calidad de gestión, control de funcionamiento del sistema y su interacción con el ambiente exterior. El valor práctico se determina por la posibilidad de utilizar las ofertas elaboradas como resultado de la investigación para el desarrollo integral de la política innovadora efectuada en la Federación de Rusia.
Palabras clave innovaciones, sistema, gestión, modelo, ambiente exterior, sector de servicios

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1. Introduction

Innovative methods of managing the development of all economic entities in modern conditions, characterized by the developing integration of Russia into the world economy and growing competition on the side of foreign and Russian companies are undergoing significant changes now, which require their scientific comprehension. Methods and management systems that contribute to the effective development of the organization by maximizing its potential are of particular importance. Competition today from the traditional spheres of services and technologies is increasingly shifting into the sphere of competition between business models and management systems (Chesbrough, 2007; Romer, 1992). The analysis of possible scenarios for Russian economy development, carried out by the authors, shows that there is only one option for stable and socially oriented development for Russia as a whole and its economic entities. It is based exclusively on an innovative scenario of economic development, accelerated formation of innovative infrastructure and the creation of innovative management mechanisms. At the same time, many Russian enterprises and complexes are currently faced with a management crisis, which manifests itself in the inability of management systems to make quick and effective decisions, which in the long run leads to a loss of quality and competitiveness of products and to a decline in business reputation. It is no accident that for many years of reforms only 10% of significant innovations in production were introduced and used; Russia's share in the world's knowledge-based sector declined to 0.9%.Fragmentary decisions to improve management effectiveness associated with management decisions, with a reduction in the management apparatus or the introduction of modern management systems such as outsourcing, benchmarking, and reengineering in most cases also do not produce the desired effect. In addition, if some aspects of management, for example, manager motivation, innovative competence, process-based management, are relatively studied in detail, then a holistic view on the organizational management system, management of integrity parameters, is extremely poorly developed. In other words, little attention has been paid to the problems of synthesizing the structure and functions of the organization with the aim of obtaining a synergistic effect of "top management", as H. Haken (2007) figuratively expresses it, which is necessary for effective implementation of organizational management system innovative mission.

These circumstances determine the relevance of the problem field, described in this paper. It should also be noted that the problem of innovation in the system of organizational management is at the intersection of several areas of scientific knowledge. The consequences of the circumstances determined the relevance of the problem field, which is characterized in this paper. It should also be noted that the problem of innovation in the system of organizational management is at the intersection of knowledge several areas. First of all, innovations in the management system were considered from the standpoint of the theory of innovation and research in this field by foreign and domestic authors, as A.Yu. Yudanova (2013), M. Porter (1990), Yu. M. Giley (2011), V.M. Galperin (2014), E. Chamberlain (1990), Ya.S. Yadgarov (2012), I.V. Zhukovskaya et al. (2016), A.V. Sidorovich (2011). In recent years, studies of Russian and foreign scientists have been published in which the problems of management systems development are considered taking into account the characteristics of the transition economy and the actualization of the leadership's and the human factor's role.  The results of these studies, which largely determined the position of the author, were considered on the works basis of W. Kingston (1984), P. Patel & K. Pavitt (1994),  S. Metcalfe (1995), Y.V. Yakovec (2004), B.-A. Lundvall, P. Intaracumnerd & J. Vang (2006) and others.

Kingston notes that "the main criteria of innovation in the organizational management system are the novelty of management decisions, as well as the feasibility and effectiveness of new technologies to manage the company's integral structure in practice, which enable the company to achieve its goals and increase its competitiveness" (Kingston, 1984).

According to the point of view of B.-A. Lundvall, P. Intaracumnerd & J. Vang (2006) "the innovative potential of organizational management system is viewed as a set of opportunities that determine the feasibility of innovation transformation's positive results in the management of the organization".

To assess the feasibility of organizational management system innovative potential, a resource-potential approach is chosen proposed by Yu.V. Yakovec (2004), according to which the integral efficiency of the system functioning as a whole is a function of the system potential's realizing". The most important aspects of management systems development were studied on the basis of researches of: G. Chesbrough (2007), М.Vanhaverbeke,  M. Torkkeli & A. Trifilova (2010), J. West & S. Gallagher (2006), K. Kristensen & E. Skott (2008), M. Torkkeli, K. Kok & I. Savickaya (2009), D.S. Medovnikov & S.D. Rozmirovich (2011), F.F. Galimulina (2016), S. Kudryavtseva et al. (2016), A.I. Shinkevich & S.S. Kudryavtseva (2014), G. Hofstede (2008) and others.

In the opinion of such authors as I.A. Kapitonov et al. (2017) "The role of innovation in the system of organizational management is to increase the unique value of the company by improving the management of the company's innovative potential, increasing its efficiency, including by encouraging the employees’ initiative and creativity and involving in the innovative activity of the enterprise intangible assets which are more complex, but in the same time much more effective way of getting by the organization new, unique competencies, allowing it to be noticeable among other organizations, better qualitatively satisfy the needs of consumers. Intangible assets, including such as leadership position, enterprise policy, professional knowledge, employee experience, image, the capabilities of the enterprise management system, etc., - today become important competitive advantages. The success of many organizations, in the final analysis, is determined by how effectively the management system is organized in them and how efficiently intellectual capital is used" (Kapitonov et al., 2017).

Recognizing the relevance and practical significance of the proposed approaches and the position formed by previous studies on the dominant role of management in achieving a competitive advantage of the organization on the market, the authors formulate the hypothesis that when examining the system of organizational management, one should focus on its development as an integral object, taking into account the study of the features of innovations in this object of research. At the same time, in our opinion, the analysis and evaluation of innovations impact on the development of organizational management system as an integral object are not considered sufficiently in the majority of researches, which significantly hinders the active application of research results in practice.

2. Methodological Framework

2.1 Theoretical basis of the research

The theoretical basis of the research is the fundamental and applied works of foreign and domestic scientists studying the issues of organizational management system evaluation. Object of research - innovations in the system of economic entities' organizational management by the example of service enterprises. The subject of the study is the totality of socio-economic relations arising in the development and use of innovations in the system of organizational management. The purpose of the research is: to comprehend innovations in the system of organizational management as an important resource for the effective development of an enterprise, the use of which contributes to a significant increase in the competitiveness of service enterprises by understanding the requirements for the system of organizational management, operational selection and the involvement of new or improved ideas, technologies, and management processes, in order to obtain economic benefits and other advantages.

2.2 Methodical basis of the study

The basic methods of research are general scientific methods: deduction and induction, analysis and synthesis, methods of analytical modeling, system and structural analysis. The methodical basis of research is the dialectical method of cognition. The application of these methods, as well as an analysis of extensive factual and statistical material, ensured the objectivity of the conclusions.

2.3 Stages of the study

In the process of research:

  1. author's classification of innovations in the system of organizational management according to the origin of these innovations is proposed, which allows not only to systematize innovations, but also to design holistic innovation solutions;
  2. an algorithm for innovative management decisions adoption is revealed;
  3. a conceptual model of organizational management innovative system is developed, containing units of regular and strategic management, the use of which enhances the susceptibility of the organization to innovation by improving the quality of management and monitoring the functioning of the system and its interaction with the external environment;
  4. an expert model for assessing the innovative potential of organizational management system is proposed, based on taking into account the criteria developed by the author of the organization's readiness for innovative transformations, which allows purposefully to organize self-assessment processes of the organization, identify its strengths and areas for improvement, and form a portfolio of innovative changes in the system of organizational management.

2.4 Theoretical and practical significance of the research results

Theoretical significance of the research is that some theoretical statements and research results can be used by research organizations, and the innovative method of evaluating the organizational management system supplements the theoretical provisions of management in the sphere of services, management, and business economics.

Practical significance lies in the possibility of using the findings, developed methods and algorithms as a methodical basis for improving the management systems of corporate organizations and other socio-economic systems in order to increase the effectiveness of their activities. Conclusions and proposals allow developing methods and mechanisms for managing corporate organizations and assess their effectiveness.

3. Results

3.1 Classification of innovations in the system of organizational management

Theanalysisofinnovationsspecificsanddiversityinthesystemoforganizationalmanagementusedbyvariousauthors, including their classification features, made it possible to note the inadequacy of existing classifications for the purposes of managing innovations in organizational management systems and to propose an author's classification of innovation types in the system of organizational management (Table 1), as a basis for which it was suggested to use sources of innovation. Such sources are: knowledge and, above all, new ideas in the field of management; new technologies and management methods; new experience gained in the management process; formation of new requirements to the management system (Kapitonov et al.,   2017).

Clearly, the author's idea of innovations in the system of organizational management is represented in the form of a conceptual model (Figure 1), in which a special role is belonged to the quality side of management: identifying requirements for the innovative nature of the management system, the use of new ideas, technologies, and management methods.

At the same time, the main criteria of management system innovativeness is the novelty of management decisions, as well as the feasibility and effectiveness of new technologies for managing the company's integral structure in practice, which enable the company to achieve its goals and improve its competitiveness.

The identified list of possible innovations in the management system of the organization gives an idea of the continuity of modern management and innovation. Successfully developing organizations use innovations at all stages of their functioning and at all stages of management activities.

Figure 1
Conceptual model of innovations in the system of organizational
management (Zhukovskaya et al., 2016).

Table 1
Classification of innovation types in the system of
organizational management (A.Yu. Yudanova, 2013)


Types of innovation in management

1. Ideas in the field of management

1.1. Development of new ideas, innovative projects for their use in the system of organizational management.

1.2. Research activities in the system of organizational management (benchmarking, industrial investigation)

2. Technologies and Management Methods

2.1. Development of new or new application of existing methods and ways of management, IT in the field of management, management process software, etc.

2.2. Selection of existing technologies and methods for implementing innovations in the system of organizational management.

3. Management Process

3.1. Realization of constant improvement technologies and separate innovations in the system of organizational management.

3.2. Studying the experience of organizational management system functioning as a source for new improvements measuring the effectiveness of innovation.

4. Requirements to the system of organizational management

4.1. Revealing of stakeholders’ revealing, identifying their key needs and assessing the management actions’ compliance with the requirements.

4.2. Measurement of interested parties’ satisfaction degree with the results of innovations in the system of organizational management, obtaining economic benefits and other advantages from innovations. Specification of new requirements for the system of organizational management.

The classification of innovations proposed by the authors in the management system allows not only to distinguish the types of innovative managerial activity, but also to design innovations, acting as a tool for identifying possible types of innovative activity, closing gaps in management and, ultimately, facilitating the adoption of the most effective management decisions.

3.2 Algorithm for making innovative management decisions

Ensuring the ability of organizational management system to be innovated is determined, first of all, by decision-making algorithms and the business model of organizational management system. One of the main properties of the innovative solution is novelty, it is provided by a special algorithm for developing such a solution. However, innovative systems of organizational management produce not only innovative solutions. The vast majority of decisions are routine. It is also obvious that for solutions with different properties there must be different algorithms for their adoption.

Analysis of the problem situation and a number of previously developed decision-making algorithms proposed by S.L. Optner (2001), and other scientists, allowed the authors to synthesize the algorithm for making innovative and routine decisions by the system of organizational management on a regular basis. The algorithm proposed by the authors reveals the logical sequence of effective development of essentially different solutions (innovative and regular) by one management system aimed at strengthening the innovative receptivity of the organization and introducing innovations in practice.

Rapid solution of multi-criteria tasks with the involvement of necessary experts is provided by special software and information systems for decision making support. For the purposes of their development and appropriate use in the practice of management, the development of documented procedures for the organization, the adequate and effective decision-making algorithm proposed in the article is of great practical importance. The general logical sequence of the procedures for making innovative decisions of organizational management system is shown in Fig. 2 (Torkkeli, Kok & Savickaya, 2009).

Figure 2
Algorithm for making an innovative decision in the system of organizational management (Torkkeli, Kok & Savickaya, 2009)

The sequence of procedures for making innovative decisions of organizational management system is represented by the following stages (Galperin, 2014):

The first stage is the innovative receptivity and control of the system functioning, the relationship between its elements of the internal and external environment is the stage, which involves collecting information for the decision-making of organizational management innovative system. The system-wide susceptibility of an innovative organization should be tuned to the discovery of innovations in the information field, changes and problems of the system functioning for decision-making and to identify new needs and markets.

The second stage is connected with measuring the information received, the impact of innovation on business results, identifying problems of the system, the market. These can be the results of research activities, benchmarking, industrial exploration, new technology or new applications of existing technologies, methods, markets, goods, services, and data from patent funds, etc. At this stage, problems and contradictions in the development of the organization as an object of management are revealed.

Structured information is required for the next stage - a conceptually complete analysis of information about problems, sources of innovation, creating new knowledge about the capabilities of the system. A detailed analysis of the situation makes it possible to identify a whole range of contradictions and opportunities. Among them, it is important to identify the main, then, which constitutes a problematic situation, in which the unsatisfactory state of affairs is already comprehended.

Stage of setting, actualization of management or innovation objectives (Galperin, 2014).

The next three steps, comparison of the problem with the previous one, the study of the methods used and prediction by analogy with the previously observed consequences, are directly related to the development of the solution on a regular basis (Kudryavtseva et al., 2016).

The principle of measurability of the solution is realized at the stage of developing criteria for the effectiveness of innovation. The criteria are required to be as much as possible correspondent to the objectives, similar with them. Multi-criteria nature of real problems is due to the fact that one goal, as a rule, cannot be expressed by one criterion.

Generating, as a conceptually complete choice of alternatives - is a way of discovering innovation. It is the conceptually complete alternativeness of the behavioral options and the indicative nature of the management impact that ensures the originality, efficiency and relevance of the decisions made.

Modeling a new state of an element, possible changes in the system is not only a stage in the development of a solution, but also a necessary function of organizational management innovative system. We can distinguish three basic requirements that ensure the functioning of the model: the inherence nature, that is, a sufficient degree of consistency of the created model with the environment, the simplicity and adequacy of the model.

Testing or market testing involves the presentation of a real innovative product or service to the consumer. Its goal is to get feedback from the consumer of innovation.

At the stage of assessment and verification of the decision taken, the effectiveness of the decision is evaluated in accordance with the above criteria for the model functioning.

Decisions’ acceptance, formation and their delivering to the executors, as well as monitoring the implementation of decisions, is a direct implementation of the principles of the solutions' informative nature, continuity and feasibility. Goal adjustment is a feedback loop of a purposeful system based on reflection, which makes it possible for the system, on the basis of previous accumulated experience, to generate new properties and qualities that were not previously available to it.

Thus, the algorithm developed by the authors for making innovative decisions in the system of organizational management makes it possible to construct on its basis individual procedures for developing solutions by the system of organizational management, and also to evaluate the existing ones whether they possess defects and their potential to develop and implement innovations.

3.3 Conceptual model of organizational management innovative system

The authors proposed a basic model of organizational management innovative system (Figure 3).The influence of the innovative organizational management system model on increasing the competitiveness of the organization is provided by the ability to perceive, and generate innovations, from innovative solutions to problems, process reengineering, the development of new products, services, and up to the development of a new business model. Individual features determine the unique characteristics of specific socio-economic systems. At the same time, they cannot contradict the top-level model, or in other words, they are based on a conceptual model that provides their unifying property, in our case, of organizational management innovative systems. The proposed model, carrying out its descriptive, prognostic and normative functions, is of practical importance. When designing a specific business model, we can put the necessary potentialities in it; drive the necessary vector of development (Klimova & Litvin, 2015).

Thus, the conceptual scheme of organizational management innovative system allows us to design the very system of organizational management, which has the ability to develop innovative and routine solutions on a regular basis.

The set of inputs of the regular management process is adjusted to the perception of the results of the managed system internal and external environment regular operation and interaction, orders, documents, instructions that change, regulate or provide in-process conversions. At the output there are management decisions, experience from functioning and other information.

Figure 3
Conceptual scheme of organizational management
innovative system (West & Gallagher, 2006)

Usually in practice this process consists of several subprocesses of different importance and individual for each organization. It can include financial management, production management, logistics, personnel management, etc. Process design, as well as operational experience, can serve as a source of innovation.

The set of inputs of innovation process in the system of organizational management is adjusted to the perception of information about innovations, changes in the internal and external environment of the managed system, caused by these new problems of the system elements interaction. The source of innovation can serve changes in the expectations of stakeholders, new ideas, knowledge, technology, and requirements for the system of organizational management. On the way out, we get an innovation in the form of a formalized solution for the process of regular management, as well as experience from functioning that can serve not only for the purposes of the innovation process itself, but also for adjusting the organization's strategic goals and requirements for the organizational management system. In practice, this process can consist of various sub-processes, such as: knowledge management, management of innovation potential, quality management, as well as a number of specific innovative projects (Medovnikov & Rozmirovich, 2011).

The set of inputs of the strategic management process is tuned to the perception of strategic information on the functioning of the system and the external environment, the effectiveness of the decision-making process and the key results of the organizational system activity. On the way out, we get strategic goals, mission, organization, policy, requirements to the system of organizational management as to the procedures for making decisions. At the same time, we are talking about the top level of organization management - top management, which in practice, depending on the level of the organizational system development, can be represented both by a number of sub processes and by a management entity represented by the chief executive officer.

It is also necessary to emphasize that the model developed by the authors reflects the principalcontrolunitsthatallowthesystemoforganizationalmanagementtobeinnovative.The actual number of control loops, their combinations, is determined by the process design. The presence in the system of organizational management at the same time of process and project management elements is conditioned by the appropriate decision-making algorithm capable of generating innovative solutions.

The decision-making algorithm of innovative management systems, combined with the model of the innovative organizational management system proposed by the authors, creates a conceptual basis for constructing a rich variety of organizational management innovative systems, as well as for assessing the existing systems of organizational management for the availability of innovative opportunities.

3.4. Expert model for assessing the innovative potential of organizational management system

Practice shows that the effect of innovations in the system of organizational management is indirectly manifested, traditionally it is judged on a group of final, mainly financial results, for example: the volume of innovative products, the profitability of innovations, and soon. At the same time, these results are only a consequence of previously adopted innovative solutions in the system of organizational management. The willingness of the organizational management system to make innovative decisions is a consequence of the realization of its potential. Consequently, managing the organizational management system's readiness for innovation implies the innovative potential management of organizational management system. Qualitative criteria are of great importance for evaluating the potential. Qualitative criteria are difficult to standardize, but they determine the competitiveness of the organization to a large extent. To ensure maximum reflection of the required system parameters by evaluation criteria, the authors applied system analysis. If we consider the system of organizational management as a purposeful one, then it is necessary to change the whole system to realize the functions peculiar to the innovative potential. The model of the organizational system is driven by the composition, structure, objectives, and preferences of participants, awareness and order of functioning (Vanhaverbeke, Torkkeli & Trifilova, 2010).

Further, based on the analysis of the criteria for the evaluation of advanced management technologies (such as the EFQM, the Balanced Scorecard and others) which have been widely disseminated, the authors have concretized criteria for assessing the innovative potential of the system of organizational management and proposed an evaluation model. The model developed by the authors complements the existing technologies of organizational development management, providing management of the purposeful development of the organizational management system innovative capabilities, supported by the appropriate management style, the competence of the staff and the organization, provided a conceptually correct approach to achieve the goals and objectives facing the organization. To work with the model for assessing the innovative potential of organizational management system, normative definitions of criteria and their components, expert evaluation scales and evaluation procedures have been developed, taking into account the mechanisms of active systems theory active expert analysis. The following evaluation criteria are proposed (Porter, 1990):

1. Goal setting. Within the framework of this criterion, the presence and process of the organization innovative target picture forming in its comparison with the "best practice" are evaluated. Components for which an expert assessment is made: the goals validity and relevance, their orientation to innovative development; process of strategic management, degree of completeness and integration in the system of organizational management;   the goals' relevance to the parties concerned needs.

2. The innovative potential of the manager, his leadership position, creativity, other personal qualities, professionalism play a key role in carrying out innovative changes in the system of organizational management. Components of the criterion: leader's leadership potential; professionalism and innovativeness of the manager; adherence to the innovative development.

3. Innovative staff potential. This parameter characterizes the qualifications, the susceptibility to innovations, the degree of the organization employee’s readiness to adopt innovative changes, and the initiative participation in the implementation of innovation. Components: human potential; motivation; commitment and involvement of staff.

4. Awareness as a parameter of the economic system determines both its state as a whole and the state of its individual elements. Components: system-wide accessibility and innovative information susceptibility; use of information when making innovative decisions in the system of organizational management; knowledge management, creation of new knowledge.

5. The conceptual nature of the approach to innovation in the system of organizational management is disclosed through institutional forms of innovative management, business models, system of principles, organizational forms and mechanisms of management established in the organization, the use of modern management methods and technologies by the organization; availability of information and knowledge management system. Components: the effectiveness of the algorithm for making innovative decisions by the system of organizational management; functionality of the organizational management system innovation process in the business model of the organization; the conceptual completeness of innovation types in the system of organizational management (West & Gallagher, 2006).

To ensure the regularity of self-assessment, enterprises use different periods of observation. These periods are determined by a number of factors, including the rate of change in the external environment, the size of the enterprise, the features of the industry market. To increase the objectivity of the peer review, the authors recommend, firstly, involving qualified specialists who are not interested in distorting the results of the assessment, secondly, to use the mechanisms of active examinations (consent mechanisms, autonomous examination mechanisms, etc.) of active systems theory.

Self-assessment of organizational management system innovative potential, as the most important process of managerial activity, is carried out in the study using a criteria matrix, in the range from 0 to 100% (0-10) for each component of the criterion. In the course of self-assessment, the strengths of the organization's activities, areas for improvement are revealed, which is the basis for the requirements formation for the organizational management system and innovation planning.

The authors recommend using the parameters of organizational management system innovative potential in the design of innovation as a vector directed from the actual state to a specific result of the activity in the form of a target value. The results of the organization innovative potential evaluating in accordance with the logic of decision making is the basis for analyzing the real situation, sources of innovation, creating new knowledge about the capabilities of the system.

The author's approach was tested on the group of Tattelecom companies (service companies). Based on the data provided (Figure 4), it can be argued that under the influence of the methods developed in the paper, the Tat telecom organizational management system’s innovative potential has a growth trend and this process is managed. The innovation resource of the organization presented is far from being exhausted and can serve in the future for organizational development purposes. The observation period is one year.

Figure 4
Change in the innovative potential of Tat telecom (Zhukovskaya et al., 2016)

Innovations in the system of organizational management have a positive impact not only on the qualitative components of the organization's innovation potential, but also on the quantitative indicators of its economic efficiency and competitiveness, which are reflected, first of all, in the growth of labor productivity and enterprise incomes. The rate of the company revenue growth (Table 2) for the observed period from 2007 to 2016 is higher than the industry's revenue growth.

Table 2
Development indicators of the company "Tat telecom" (Yudanova, 2013)


Innovative potential of organizational management system




Labor productivity




By Company

in the Republic of Tatarstan, thousand rubles per person / year

by the Company, thousand per person / year

in the Republic of Tatarstan, bil. ruble

By the Company, million ruble





























































It is the innovative orientation of the organization that allows it to be effective for a long time and provides almost doubled labor productivity as compared to the industry's fourfold increase in average indicators. The introduction of a new organizational structure and model of business process management ensured a favorable dynamics of the main direction development of the company's activities development. The beginning of the economic crisis coincided with the introduction of the organization new business model. The wave of decline in the market coincides with the wave of the innovative potential active growth of organizational management system, as a response to adverse external conditions (West & Gallagher, 2006).

The timely adoption of the organization new business model, developed on the conceptual scheme basis of organizational management innovative system, proposed in a scientific paper in combination with the increased innovative potential, allowed the new market to respond quickly using new services to the changed market. If at the beginning of innovative transformations of organizational management system, there were only two lines of activity in Tat telecom, then in five years, as a result of innovations in management using innovative methods, there were seven of them. Other data are presented that show that innovations provide higher organizational efficiency relative to market averages and the ability of the organization quickly to adapt to changes in the external environment through the implementation of innovative capacity in the form of new services, thereby providing sustainable competitive advantages.

The results of the conducted research and their approbation showed the necessity for effective management of organizational management system innovation development of balanced qualitative and quantitative evaluation criteria system. The increase of the innovative potential based on the results of self-assessment caused the positive dynamics of the social and economic development basic quantitative indicators of the service enterprises "Tat telecom". The using the method of assessing the innovative potential of organizational management system developed by the authors allows to identify the strengths, problem zones, provides a comparison of actually achieved innovative performance and strategic goals for the holistic management of innovations in the system of organizational management.

4. Discussions  

A.Yu. Yudanova (2013) identified the following areas of development for the organizations management system:

develop a mission of organizations;

distribute the functions of production and management;

distribute tasks among employees;

establish the order of interaction of employees and the sequence of their functions;

purchase or upgrade production technology;

establish an incentive, supply and marketing system;

organize production.

However, there are other researchers V.F. Maksimova (2013), V.M. Galperin (2014), Ya.S. Yadgarov (2012), A.V. Sidorovich (2011), I.I. Agapova (2011), who note that there are certain requirements to the management system that provide an opportunity to judge the degree of systems organization. To such requirements the following ones can be referred:

determinism of the system elements;

dynamism of the system;

presence of a managerial parameter in the system;

presence of a monitoring parameter in the system;

presence of feedback channels in the system.

Compliance with these requirements ensures the effectiveness of the management bodies functioning.

5. Conclusion

The following theoretical and methodical results were obtained in the paper, which determined the results of the study:

- the conceptual apparatus necessary for the analysis and regulation of innovative processes in the system of organizational management, allowing to reveal the essence and specificity of managerial innovations.

- the classification of innovations in the system of organizational management according to the source of innovation data is proposed, which allows not only to systematize innovations, but also to design holistic innovation solutions.

- the algorithm for the adoption of innovative management solutions was developed and a conceptual model of organizational management innovative system was developed, containing units of regular and strategic management, the use of which contributes to enhancing the organization's susceptibility to innovation by improving the quality of management, monitoring the functioning of the system and its interaction with the external environment.

-The expert model of innovative potential estimation of organizational management system based on taking into account the criteria of the organization's readiness for innovative transformations is developed by the authors, allowing to organize purposefully organization's self-assessment processes, to identify its strengths and areas for improvement, and to form a portfolio of innovative changes in the system of organizational management.

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1. Department of Logistics and Management, Kazan National Research Technological University, Kazan, Russia. Contact e-mail:

2. Department of Logistics and Management, Kazan National Research Technological University, Kazan, Rus

3. Department of Psychology and Pedagogy, Moscow Technological University (MIREA), Moscow, Ru

4. Department of Distance Educational Technologies, Chuvash State University, Cheboksary, Russia

5. Department of Legal Regulation of Economic Activities, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia

6. Institute of Law, Social Management and Security, Udmurt State University, Izhevsk, Rus

Revista ESPACIOS. ISSN 0798 1015
Vol. 39 (Nº 01) Year 2018


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