ISSN 0798 1015


Vol. 39 (# 20) Year 2018. Page 7

Formation of student social and professional activity in university educational space

La formación de la actividad social y profesional de los estudiantes en el espacio educativo universitario


Received: 02/03/2018 • Approved: 15/04/2018


1. Introduction

2. Materials and Methods

3. Results

4. Discussions

5. Conclusion

Bibliographic references


The purpose of the paper is to consider the student social and professional activity as a dynamic personality trait reflecting its social and professional orientation and expressing its readiness to integrate effectively into various types of life activities. The paper presents the poly-component structure of student social and professional activity: motivational and value-based, orientation-aimed, content-gnostic, operational activity-based, organizational-communicative, reflexive-evaluative components; structural and functional model of student social and professional activity formation, revealing the purpose, objectives; principles: the social and professional orientation of the educational process; unity of respect and exactingness to students; combination of pedagogical leadership with the development of initiative and creativity; connection of the educational process with the life of the university and the society; content, stages, criteria, levels and conditions of student social and professional activity formation. The scientific and methodical resource presented in the paper creates comfortable conditions for modern specialist formation with a high level of social and professional activity.
Keywords: social and professional activity, student youth, university educational space, poly-component structure of social and professional activity, structural and functional model


El objetivo del artículo es estudiar la actividad social y profesional de jóvenes estudiantes como rasgo dinámico de la personalidad que refleja su orientación social y profesional además de expresar su disposición a integrarse efectivamente en diversos tipos de actividades de la vida. La obra presenta la estructura policomponente de la actividad social y profesional de jóvenes estudiantes: los componentes de valor-motivación, orientación-objetivo, contenido-gnosticismo, actividad-operación, organización-comunicación, reflexión-evaluación; el modelo estructural y funcional de la formación de la actividad social y profesional de estudiantes que revela el propósito, los objetivos y los siguientes principios —el de la orientación social y profesional del proceso educativo; de la integridad del respeto y la exigencia hacia los estudiantes; de la combinación del liderazgo pedagógico con el desarrollo de la iniciativa y la creatividad; de la conexión del proceso educativo con la vida de la universidad y la sociedad; el contenido, las etapas, los criterios, los niveles y las condiciones para la formación de la actividad social y profesional de jóvenes estudiantes. El recurso científico y metodológico presentado en el artículo genera condiciones favorables para la formación de un especialista moderno que posee un alto nivel de la actividad social y profesional.
Palabras clave: actividad social y profesional, jóvenes estudiantes, espacio educativo de la universidad, estructura policomponente de la actividad social y profesional, modelo estructural y funcional

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1. Introduction

In the new conditions of modern society development, the role of social activity of its citizens’ increases. The society is interested in the purposeful formation of the individual’s social and professional activity, because it influences effective implementation of its social and professional functions and roles, ensuring the individual’s development and acceptance of the values and ideals, development of forms and ways of their realization in behavior, labor and way of life. In the conditions of reforming the society, education has become one of the most extensive spheres of human activity (Torkunova et al., 2014; Gaysina & Zakirova, 2017; Gorbunova & Kalimullin, 2017). The social role of education has significantly increased, from the direction and effectiveness of which today the prospects for the development of society socio-professional structure largely depend. Education, especially higher education, is seen as the main, leading factor of social and economic progress.

The leading role in the life of society is played by student youth, since it represents that social group that carries in itself the enormous potential of the future. In this regard, the problem of student social and professional activity formation acquires extremely important significance.

According to a number of scientists (Bespalko & Tatur, 2006; Ivanenkov, 2008; Zagvyazinsky, 2012; Melnychenko, 2005; Fursenko, 2007; Turkatenko, 2009; Galushkin, 2017a,b; Dorozhkin et al., 2018; Wang et al., 2018a, 2018b), the training and education of youth is an important means of its social and professional development, a way of getting acquainted with future professional activities. Other researchers (Zhokhov, 2011; Kamyshev, 2012; Pilipishin, 2009; Teslenko, 2011; Luke, 2010; Rozhina & Baklashova, 2018; Lebedeva et al., 2018) believe that the transformation of motivation, the entire system of value orientations into social activity on the one hand, the intensive formation of specific abilities in connection with professionalization on the other hand, determine the effectiveness of social and professional activity formation of the future specialist personality.

The most important personal formations of students in the learning process are the ability to make life plans, to seek the means to implement them, to develop social and moral ideals that testify to the development of social and professional self-awareness. Researchers recognize that the student years are a period of significant growth in social and professional activity, when young men and women are not only interested in the events of the existing reality but also want to be active participants (Asmolov, Bratus’ & Zeigarnik, 2006); Zhilavskaya, 2007; Omelchenko, 2005; Petrov, 2010; Alekseeva et al., 2018) in socially oriented activities that form the practice of social and professional behavior and determines the need to subordinate personal interests to the public ones, not in words, but in deeds.

In the context of the study, the works on the specifics of the socio-professional activity of student youth were demanded (Pavlenko, 2008; Dines, 2005; Mersiyanova, 2009; Pevtsova, 2007; Sibgatova et al., 2016). The works of S.P. Ivanenkov & A.V. Kostrikin (2009), who examines the topical issues of the university educational process’s socio-vocational orientation in the context of the social and managerial concept of student youth development in modern Russia are of particular interest to our study.

At the same time, the analysis of the research results showed that the problem of the social and professional activity formation of the student's personality in educational institutions under conditions of a higher professional school has not been studied enough, and cardinal changes in society require the creation of a scientifically grounded structure of the student's social and professional activity and the model of its formation. Today there is no methodological justification, theoretical principles and patterns underlying the formation of student youth social and professional activity; the mechanisms, means, conditions, criteria, indicators and levels of the students' social and professional activity formation, which are present in the process of vocational education, but have not been clarified enough in scientific research.

Analysis of practice and theoretical research on the problem made it possible to identify the contradiction between the increased demands of the society to the level of student youth social and professional activity and the insufficient conceptual justification and resource support for its formation in the educational space of the university. And the research work of the authors is aimed at its resolution.

2. Materials and Methods

Theoretical and methodological prerequisites for the study of student youth social and professional activity formation in the university educational space were determined by the following approaches: value-based, activity-based, personality-oriented, and socio-pedagogical.

The value-based (axiological) approach in the context of our research means the study of phenomena and processes from the standpoint of their social value for the development of the individual at the stage of vocational training.

The activity-based approach is oriented towards involving students in a variety of personality-forming activities that allow to form certain qualities and forms of behavior that are in demand in the social and professional sphere. At the same time, attention is paid to increasing motivation, gradual complication of social and professional activities and the content of its components.

A personality-centered approach contributes to the socio-professional development of the individual; creates conditions for its individual implementation with the support of positive qualities; organizes the pedagogical process on the basis of cooperation. This approach ensures the creation of a comfortable, favorable educational environment and the functioning of a system of social and psychological provision for the process of developing the personality of a future specialist.

The socio-pedagogical approach ensures social adaptation and successful socialization of students not only in the university educational environment, but also in the open society, in accordance with their social expectations and preferences. This approach contributes to the development of professional and moral consciousness and behavior, the formation of social and professional attitudes, motives, and social and value-based orientations of student youth.

The study identified a set of principles that complement the conceptual basis of the process being studied; principles: the socio-professional orientation of education; unity of respect and exactingness to students; combination of pedagogical leadership with the development of initiative and creativity; connection of the educational process with the life of the university and the society.

In order to verify the solution of the tasks, the following research methods were used: theoretical: problem analysis and synthesis of ideas that help to comprehend the category of social and professional activity of university students; analogy, generalization, concretization, abstraction, idealization, modeling of organizational and pedagogical conditions for the formation of social and professional activity of student youth; extrapolation of the revealed tendencies and patterns of social orientation of the educational process in the university on the possibility of their use and application in practice of other educational institutions; empirical: ascertaining, forming, control experiment; mathematical statistics: statistical processing of questionnaire data and experimental results.

Experimental work was carried out on the basis of universities in Kazan (the sample of students was 273 people). Experimental work was built in the process of educational and extracurricular activities of students in the university in the framework of professional education, using the possibilities of academic disciplines, in the forms of lectures, seminars, master classes, mini-trainings, role-playing, business games, in the course of training practice; resources of scientific activity (conferences, seminars, round tables); various forms of educational work (debates, reviews, competitions, festivals, thematic and festive events, club meetings, actions, adaptation meetings).

2.1. The main stages of the study

The study included four stages.

The first stage was preparatory, in the course of which the degree of elaboration of the problem of social and professional activity formation in domestic and foreign science and practice was studied, philosophical, cultural, psychological, pedagogical and socio-pedagogical literature was analyzed, and the mass, advanced and innovative pedagogical experience was systematized. The problem area of research was defined and specified; the initial methodological positions of the research were formulated.

The second stage - conceptual and methodological, was connected with the formulation of the research hypothesis, the development of methodological, theoretical, organizational and pedagogical aspects of the problem. The theoretical and methodological preconditions for student youth social and professional activity formation in the university educational space were developed, on the basis of which a structural and functional model of this process was built. The results of the theoretical research were embodied in the development of conditions for training and educational accompany effectiveness for the student social and professional activity's formation.

The third stage - experimental, was connected with diagnostic and organizational and practical work in educational institutions, chosen as a base for experimental work. The readiness of the pedagogical community to implement the proposed innovations was determined. Under the guidance of the authors, the teachers tested the elements of the model in the framework of educational, scientific, upbringing events. Master classes, round tables, methodological and methodical seminars with teachers were held with the aim of developing in the pedagogical community a value-semantic unity and a coordinated understanding of the social and professional activity of student youth in an educational institution and an open society. In the course of the experimental work, the hypothesis was checked; the individual provisions of the study were refined.

The fourth stage is generalizing-analytical. Interpretation and systematization of the data obtained during the research was carried out, textual registration of research activities’ results was carried out.

3. Results

The analysis of philosophical and psycho-pedagogical literature made it possible, as a working definition, to consider the social and professional activity of a future specialist as a dynamic property reflecting the social and professional orientation of the individual and expressing readiness to be included in various activities determined by the nature of professional work. On the one hand, social and professional activity, as a dynamic property of a person, has a prognostic nature. And the process of its formation can be controlled. On the other hand, this property has an orientation, so it is possible to correlate it with the ultimate goal, that is, with the formation of socio-professional motives, socially-oriented qualities of the future specialist personality. On the basis of what has been said, it is possible schematically to represent the components of the socio-professional activity of the individual (Table 1), reflecting the groups of qualities of the socially-oriented personality and the demands of society for its social and professional activity.

Table 1
Structural components of the socio-professional activity of the individual  

Components of a university student social and professional activity :

Group of qualities:



Orientationally- aimed




Operationally activity-based



Communicative Organizational



Motivational-values-based component determines the direction of social and professional activity of the individual. Depending on which value orientations are accepted by the subject as personally significant, his or her activity acquires a positive or negative character.

The target-based orientation component characterizes, first of all, the awareness of the student's social and professional activity. This component allows us to characterize the prevailing determination of social and professional activity: the internal (the subject realizes the significance of the activity, determines its purpose) or external (the person is guided by some external influence).

The content-gnostic component determines the nature of the student's social-professional activity: adaptive or transformative.

The operational and activity-based component reveals the quantitative characteristics of social and professional activity and can be represented by the criterion of intensity of the student's social and professional activity.

The organizational and communicative component characterizes the style of self-regulation of social and professional activity, in the process of which the social and professional activity finds expression and develops.

The reflexive-evaluation component can be represented by such criterion as satisfaction with the results of one's own social and professional activity.

The above-mentioned components can be included in the structure of the social and professional activity of the individual and as criteria reflect the quantitative (intensity of interactions with the social environment) and the qualitative (positive orientation, awareness, transforming self-doing nature, satisfaction with the results of social and professional activity) aspects representing the most important characteristics of the category "socially -professional activity "of the student.

Dedicated criteria allow us to present the character of a university student’s social and professional activity manifestation at three different levels: adaptive-reproductive, search-heuristic, creative-transformative, corresponding to low, average and high levels of formed social and professional activity.

The low level (adaptive-reproductive) of a university student’s social and professional activity development is characterized by an unstable attitude toward social and professional activity, the predominance of the orientation toward oneself.

The average level (search and heuristic) of university students’ social and professional activity development is more purposeful, possesses a stable value attitude towards social and professional activity, characterized by awareness of the ways and means of social and professional activity.

The high level (creatively - transforming) is characterized by the ability to set goals and super-goals, the social and professional knowledge system integrity and the willingness to use them. Socio-professional activity is realized by the student as personally and professionally significant, has a pronounced transforming nature.

Based on the theoretical and methodological guidelines of the study, a structural and functional model for student's personality socio-professional activity formation in the teaching and educational process was developed, taking into account the integrity, completeness, consistency, interdependence and mutual subordination of its constituent components.

The model reflects the goal, approaches: value-based, activity-based, personality oriented, social and pedagogical; principles: the social and professional orientation of the educational process; unity of respect and exactingness to students; combination of pedagogical leadership with the development of initiative and creativity; connection of the educational process with the life of the university and the society; content: diagnostics; projecting and implementation of activities that contribute to the formation of social and professional activity of the individual, correctional work; stages: preparatory, practical, generalizing; criteria: motivational and value-based, orientation-aimed, content-gnostic, operational activity-based, organizational-communicative, reflexive-evaluative; levels: low (adaptive-reproductive), average (search and heuristic), high (creatively-transforming) and conditions: the identification of humanitarian disciplines dynamically renewed content’s educational potential, which constitutes a set of socially significant representations; formation of social and professional activity of the student's personality in extracurricular activities; activation of students' activity in public associations and movements that promote the development of social and professional self-organization (Figure 1).

Figure 1
Model of formation of students’ social and professional activity

Particular attention in the process of research was paid to the verification of the conditions for the effectiveness of students social and professional activity formation in the educational space of the university.

In the process of the first condition implementing, a system was developed to identify, actualize and creatively implement the educational potential of the dynamically updated content of some humanitarian disciplines (history, psychology, cultural studies, and foreign language). A set of methods for studying the essence and content of the educational potential of humanitarian disciplines included a worldview, axiological and culture-study analysis of its dynamically updated content; expert assessment of which was held with the involvement of scientists - educators, teachers, students and graduates of the university.

The analysis and generalization of the dynamically updated content of educational humanitarian disciplines determined the need to allocate the units of humanitarian knowledge that form social and professional activity. In the structure of these units, instructors-experimenters proposed to single out the following qualities of social and professional orientation:

General cultural qualities of the individual (cognitive activity and independence, aesthetic culture, culture of appearance, speech, broadness of interests and spiritual needs, creative qualities, etc.). The allocation of these units helped the teachers to form integrity of the world outlook, axiological, cultural, and organizational and activity resources of the educational activities corresponding to them, the creative actualization of which allowed significantly enriching the target, content and procedural components of students' social and professional activity formation.

The university extracurricular educational activity is inseparably connected with the educational process, so the second pedagogical condition for the effectiveness of student's personality social and professional activity forming is the realization of forms and methods of university extracurricular activity. In our research, we define such activities as organized and purposeful diverse types and forms of work of a training and upbringing nature, conducted with students after classes in a specially created social environment that promotes self-realization of the individual. These types of extracurricular activities were: public-organizational; artistic and aesthetic; scientific; labor; physical culture and health-care work; participation in the activities of elected bodies of self-government, execution of various one-time and permanent assignments. Being an important means of social and professional activity formation, extracurricular work carried out in the university contributed to the fulfillment of one of the main tasks - the formation of socially-oriented personality traits. In the process of this condition implementing, we noted the need for special training of teachers to conduct extracurricular work on students’ of social and professional activity formation.

When implementing the third condition: "activation of students' activities in public associations and movements", the research reveals the organization of the activity of the SPA (student public association) as a factor in student's social and professional activity formation. We define SPA as a socially-oriented space of interpersonal and social relations, whose existence is determined, first of all, by the educational and developing needs of the individual.

This space of active self-determination of the individual in the unity of the three components: civil-social subjectivity, personality-oriented moral search, professional self-education and self-projecting. The pedagogical effectiveness of the student personality self-determination’s accompanying in the SPA space is seen in two aspects: communication within the association and social external contacts on the basis of the practical social and professional orientation of activity in the society. By activity in society we mean the participation of students together with municipal bodies in life–activity organizing in the city. These are groups of volunteers who help the most vulnerable part of the population: the elderly, disabled people, orphans; and the youth political movement "Ours", whose members are working to promote the elections, organize meetings of friendship among nations.

Experimental work to verify the effectiveness of pedagogical conditions for the formation of the individual’s social and professional activity was carried out in the conditions of a natural teaching experiment.

The purpose of the experimental work included:

The results of the experiment showed that the percentage of students with a high level of formed social and professional activity components of the individual at the ascertaining stage was insufficient. Comparative data of the control and experimental groups at the formative stage of experimental work showed that the level of students' awareness of educational activities different types’ significance in the experimental group is higher than in the control group by 20%; the level of interest of students in various forms and types of extracurricular activities in the experimental group is 24% higher than in the control group. As a result, the following data were obtained (Table 2)

Table 2
Comparative data of the level of the individual’s formed socio-professional activity


Amount person in group

The level of development of social and professional activity


























When comparing these data with the results of ascertaining stage of experimental work, it was revealed that in the experimental group, in comparison with the control group, the percentage of students with a high and average level of social and professional activity of the personality increased significantly. In the control group, an increase is observed in comparison with the initial data of the 1st course, but its rates are insignificant.

The increase in the level of formed social and professional activity of the student personality at the university could occur either as a result of random factors or under the influence of a purposeful pedagogical influence. If the difference in the levels of formed social and professional activity of the student's personality in the experimental and control groups is significant, that is,  Тe > Тc at the 95% significance level, then, according to the χ2 (chi-square), it cannot be explained by random factors, but is a consequence of a specially organized activity. Based on this, we have the right to believe that the increase in the level of formed socio-professional activity of the student's personality occurred as a result of the developed pedagogical conditions implementation for the formation of the social and professional activity of student youth.

4. Discussions  

As a scientific category, the socio-professional activity in pedagogy is connected with the scientific formulation of the issues of the educational processes’ social orientation (Avksentyev, Gritsenko & Maslova,  2008; Vasilyeva, 2008; Tishkov, 2012; Khovrin, 2007), yet it has not been singled out as a special scientific category.

As the pedagogical basis for the social and professional activity’s development of the individual in the process of education, researchers (Boyko, 2009; Zhuravleva, 2006; Lisauskene, 2008; Markova, 2007; Petrov, 2010; Sinyakova, 2011, Shalamova & Khovrin, 2007) define the following provisions: (a) the social activity of the individual is formed in the process of social and pedagogical relations and manifests itself in the life attitude of the trainees; (b) an important indicator of formed intellectual and spiritual potential is the organized activity of the individual in accordance with public requirements; (c) the development of social activity of the individual in the educational process is associated with the implementation of educational, organizational work at a high quality level; (d) the development of social activity of the individual is stimulated by predicting the prospects for social progress.

We define the social and professional activity of students as a dialectical unity of the objective and subjective sides, which interact, interpenetrate, and mutually influence each other (Denisova, Dmitriev & Klimenko, 2010).. Its objective side is determined by the socio-economic conditions of society, the conditions of existence of the university, the conditions of educational and professional activity. The subjective side is characterized as an understanding of these conditions and is expressed by the creative manifestation of such qualities of the personality of students as initiative, responsibility, enterprise, etc. It is important that the new system of public education be based on the knowledge of the individual's age and individual characteristics, the laws of its development and formation so that the pedagogically organized leadership of the student's socio-professional development motivates his or her active work in self-education through independent and responsible actions.

5. Conclusion

Thus, the results of the research give grounds for the following conclusions:

1. Analysis of the modern demands for the social and professional activity of the individual in modern society allows us to draw the following conclusion: the social and professional activity of the individual is a dynamic property of the individual in which its social and professional orientation is reflected and the willingness to join various types of life activity is expressed, including, mediated by the nature of the future profession.

2. A structural-functional model of the social and professional activity formation of student youth has been developed, which reflects the goal, approaches: value-based, activity-based, personality oriented, social and pedagogical; principles: the social and professional orientation of the educational process; unity of respect and exactingness to students; combination of pedagogical leadership with the development of initiative and creativity; connection of the educational process with the life of the university and the society; content: diagnostics; projecting and implementation of activities that contribute to the formation of social and professional activity of the individual, correctional work; stages: preparatory, practical, generalizing; criteria: motivational and value-based, orientation-aimed, content-gnostic, operational activity-based, organizational-communicative, reflexive-evaluative; levels: low (adaptive-reproductive), average (search and heuristic), high (creatively-transforming)

3. Pedagogical conditions for the socially-professional activity formation of a student's personality in the process of educational and upbringing activities in a university are:

- Use of the educational potential of the dynamically updated content of humanitarian disciplines, which constitutes a set of socially significant ideas about modern society, civic position, political maturity, social and professional activity;

-  Realization of forms and methods of extracurricular activities, adequate to the formation of social and professional activity of the student's personality;

- Activation of technical universities students in public associations and movements that promote the development of self-organization, self-management, self-actualization of the individual.

Further research of the problem can be continued in the following areas: the formation of the social and professional activity of the student's personality in the process of integration of educational and extracurricular activities, industrial practice, the search for new pedagogical conditions for the model realization for the socio-professional activity formation of the student's personality in extracurricular activities and social activities in society.

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1. Department of State-Legal and Criminal Law Disciplines, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow, Russia. Contact e-mail:

2. Department of Informatics, Orenburg State University, Orenburg, Russia

3. Department of Preschool, Correctional, Additional Education and Problems of Education, Orenburg State Pedagogical University, Orenburg, Russia

4. Department of Secondary Professional Education, Kumertau branch of Orenburg State University, Kumertau, Russia

5. Department of Primary Education, Moscow Region State University, Moscow, Russia

6. Department of Primary Education, Moscow Region State University, Moscow, Russia

Revista ESPACIOS. ISSN 0798 1015
Vol. 39 (Nº 20) Year 2018


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