ISSN 0798 1015


Vol. 39 (# 21) Year 2018. Page 3

Tool Development Updating for the Internal System of Preschool Education Quality Assessment within Current Legislation of the Russian Federation

Actualización del desarrollo de herramientas para el sistema interno de evaluación de calidad de la educación preescolar dentro de la legislación vigente de la Federación de Rusia

Boris Aleksandrovich ARTEMENKO 1; Irina Borisovna EDAKOVA 2; Irina Viktorovna KOLOSOVA 3; Vladimir Vitalevich SADYRIN 4; Marina Leonidovna SEMENOVA 5

Received: 12/01/2018 • Approved: 15/02/2018


1. Introduction

2. Materials and methods

3. Results and discussion

4. Conclusion




The paper presents a survey of the level of understanding by managers of preschool educational institutions of the changes that the system of preschool education has undergone since the establishment of the Federal Law No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" and the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education. Using axiological, activity and qualimetric approaches, the authors studied the issue of integrating the procedure of internal assessment of preschool education quality into the system of preschool education of the Russian Federation, as well as the readiness of preschool educational institutions' managers to manage its functioning, through the example of Chelyabinsk Oblast. The presented results characterize preschool education managers' understanding of the need to conduct a procedure for assessing the effectiveness and completeness of implementing their managerial actions for the formation and functioning of an internal system for assessing the quality of preschool education, as well as evaluating the used tool and technological support for the internal quality assessment system in preschool educational institutions.
Keywords: Preschool education, preschool education quality, preschool education quality system.


El documento presenta una encuesta sobre el nivel de comprensión por parte de los gerentes de las instituciones educativas preescolares de los cambios que ha experimentado el sistema de educación preescolar desde el establecimiento de la Ley Federal No. 273-FZ "Sobre la educación en la Federación de Rusia" y el Estándar Educativo del Estado para la Educación Preescolar. Utilizando enfoques axiológicos, de actividad y cualimétricos, los autores estudiaron la integración del procedimiento de evaluación interna de la calidad de la educación preescolar en el sistema de educación preescolar de la Federación de Rusia, así como la disposición de los administradores de instituciones educativas preescolares para gestionar su funcionamiento , a través del ejemplo de Chelyabinsk Oblast. Los resultados presentados caracterizan la comprensión de los gerentes de educación preescolar de la necesidad de realizar un procedimiento para evaluar la efectividad e integridad de la implementación de sus acciones gerenciales para la formación y funcionamiento de un sistema interno para evaluar la calidad de la educación preescolar, así como la evaluación del herramienta y soporte tecnológico para el sistema interno de evaluación de calidad en instituciones educativas preescolares.
Palabras clave: educación preescolar, calidad de la educación preescolar, sistema de calidad de la educación preescolar.

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1. Introduction

Today, the improvement of the quality at all levels of educational systems, including a specific preschool institution, is one of the priority directions of the education system development (Boguslavskaya 2012; Bolotov, Waldman & Kovaleva 2012). Preschool education is the initial stage of general education in accordance with Art. 10, Clause 4 of FZ-273; and the effective management of a current preschool educational institution is impossible without monitoring that includes the collection of information on the managed system, its comprehensive integrated analysis, forecasting, and decision-making (Law of the Russian Federation “On Education in the Russian Federation” No. 273-FZ, 2012).

The relevance of the issue of assessing the preschool education quality is conditioned by the implementation of the government educational policy imputing the responsibility of each educational institution to ensure the functioning of the internal system for assessing the education quality (Article 28, Clause 13) (Law of the Russian Federation “On Education in the Russian Federation” No. 273-FZ, 2012).

The Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" (Article 2) defines "the education quality", which is presented as an integrated property of education, expressing the degree of its compliance with the federal educational standards and (or) federal requirements, the needs of the customer of educational services, including the degree of achievement of the planned results of the educational curriculum (Law of the Russian Federation “On Education in the Russian Federation” No. 273-FZ, 2012).

In recent years, the studies of the education quality management and assessment issues have made it possible to accumulate enough data that reveal the nomenclature, to consider the invention and application of education quality monitoring technologies, the application of information and communication technologies in the system and procedures for the education quality assessment, etc.

At the same time, we have to state that the development and implementation of conceptual approaches and tools of the internal system of preschool education quality assessment encounter a number of methodological and applied problems, without which the monitoring is not able to perform the tasks assigned to it, or does it inefficiently. There is a contradiction between the leading role of monitoring in the educational process quality management and the insufficient development of its tools (methods, means and models) in the preschool education system.

The determining factor, the initial stage of the education quality is the educational curriculum quality. In the opinion of V.P. Panasyuk, one of the most important substantive aspects of the curriculum quality is the quality of the results in the form of mastering material at a certain level provided by the Learning Standards (Panasyuk 2003).

In accordance with the Learning Standards, the ins and outs of preschool education determine the results of mastering the educational curriculum in the form of target benchmarks that cannot be the basis for the education quality assessment. As indicated in the preschool education standard (Clause 4.1), mastering of the Curriculum is not accompanied by the conduct of interim certification and final certification of students (Order 462 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation "On Approval the Procedure for Self-Examination by an Educational Institution", 2013).

The practice of monitoring in preschool educational institutions shows that the requirements for the results of the mastering the educational curriculum in the form of targets are often understood by teachers as a refusal of pedagogical diagnostics (monitoring) and lead to the fact that the planned results are often subjective and arbitrary. Normative documents regulating the implementation of education quality assessment in preschool educational institutions, including:

Order 462 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated June 14, 2013 "On Approval of the Procedure for Self-Examination by an Educational Institution";

Order 1324 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 10, 2013 "On Approval of the Performance of an Educational Institution Subject to Self-Examination";

Order 1547 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 5, 2014 "On Approval of the General Criteria Indicators for Assessing the Quality of Educational Activities of Institutions Engaged in Educational Activities" and others do not fully solve the problem of creating a single scientific and methodical approach to collecting the information on indicators of child development, and actualize the question the measures that should be taken.

Since the quality standards are enshrined in the Standards, it is important to note that the education quality standard is represented as an identified and documented system of requirements both to the content and to the interaction between subjects of education, experience in the environment, etc.

It should be noted that the development of the subject-spatial environment that ensures the intellectual, physical and social development of a preschool child is of great importance in the system of preschool education quality internal assessment (Order 462 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation "On Approval the Procedure for Self-Examination by an Educational Institution", 2013).

Therefore, according to E.I. Varchenko, the objects of such an internal system are the content, methods, and technologies of the basic educational curriculum of the preschool educational institution, and also the conditions that ensure the educational process (staffing, including further training, innovative and scientific-methodical activity of teachers, material and technical support, information and developing environment) (Varchenko 2013).

 Following B.A. Zhigalev, we understand that this circumstance determines the need to solve a number of problems related to raising the understanding of the education quality by the subjects of education, the selection of scientifically validated assessment technologies, the development of methodological, tutorial, and information support for the educational processes, etc. (Zhigalev 2009).

It should also be noted that in order to create an effective system for quality assessment, it is necessary to take into account both departmental statistics and subjective opinion of public structures of various kinds, which fully meets the requirements of the preschool education standard (Article 95). Thus, the basis for the implementation of the principle of government-public management is created within the framework of the national system of the education quality (Bordovskii & Trapitsyn 2005).

As a methodological basis for the survey, we determined the axiological, activity and qualimetric approaches.

The axiological approach (L.V. Vershinina 2003), V.P. Zinchenko 1994, Z.P. Ravkin 1995, V.A. Slastenin 2003, et al.) made it possible to reveal the level of understanding by the managers of a preschool educational institution of the need to introduce the preschool education quality assessment system and the value of qualitative changes to which it led.

In the framework of the activity approach (P.Ya. Galperin 1999, V.V. Davydov 1998, A.N. Leontiev 1975, N.F. Talyzina 2001, et al.), an evaluation was made of the understanding by the managers of a preschool education institution of the need to introduce the internal assessment system as a tool aimed at improving the preschool children's education.

The qualimetric approach (N.V. Akinfiyeva 1998, E.V. Yakovlev 1999, et al.) made it possible to determine the level of managers' understanding of the general principles of the education quality assessment, the requirements for the quality assessment procedure, the selection of measurement indicators, the collection of measurement data, the processing of results and their interpretation.

2. Materials and methods

The survey involved 1,236 respondents among the managers of preschool educational institutions in Chelyabinsk Oblast (heads and deputy heads), who were 86% of the total number of heads of preschool educational institutions in the region. The poll was carried out using a preliminary developed questionnaire, which included the following indicators:

The survey materials were used for quantitative and qualitative analysis.

When studying the level of competence of heads of the preschool educational institutions to manage the functioning of the internal system of preschool education quality assessment, a ten-point scale was used that represented the generalized characteristics of levels that differed in the intensity and scale of the competence of the heads in solving the problems of assessing the education quality:

9-10 points – a high level;

6-8 points – a sufficient level;

3-5 points – a critical level;

1-2 points – not valid level.

3. Results and discussion

In the course of studying the heads' level of competence to manage the functioning of the internal system of preschool education quality assessment, the following values ​​have been obtained:

1. 60% of respondents are aware of the legal regulations of procedures for assessing the preschool education quality, which corresponds to a sufficient level of competence; the results of responses of 40% of heads are in the zone of the critical level of competence. The obtained results confirm the necessity of normative and legal support of the procedure for assessing the preschool education quality, raising the awareness of the managers about the government educational policy aimed at improving the preschool education quality.

2. The local normative base self-assessment of the preschool educational institution corresponds to the critical level of 50%, which indicates the lack of purposeful activity of the managers in the development of local regulatory notes that are the basis for the successful implementation of the internal system of preschool education quality assessment in accordance with the current legislative acts of the Russian Federation and regulations on implementation of the education quality assessment.

3. The self-examination evaluation by the heads of the preschool educational institutions has shown the following results:

The positive results on the planning, preparation and organization of the self-examination procedure may indicate an understanding by the heads of the general organization of the internal system of preschool education quality assessment as an improved practice of inner control traditionally carried out in preschool institutions.

The lowest critical level of competence is associated with the generalization of the self-examination results, which causes the improvement of information and analytical activity of the heads, actualizes the need to raise the level of the managers' analytical culture.

4. The effectiveness of the activities of the organizational structures that carry out the preschool education quality assessment corresponds to a sufficient level of 55%, close to the critical level of 45%.

It can be concluded that the activities of the commissions on organization and conduct of the self-examination, working teams, coordination of their activities, and interaction with employees of the preschool educational institutions are not fully implemented.

5. The effectiveness of public participation in the procedures for assessing the education quality corresponds to the critical level of 35%, which characterizes the formal approach to involvement of collegial bodies, parents (not specialists) as independent subjects to the procedure for internal assessment of the preschool education quality.

The obtained results are placed in the range of sufficient, critical and invalid levels, which indicates the lack of confidence of the managers in the methodological support for the internal assessment system as an objective and reliable tool for collecting information; of measuring materials, a system of indicators characterizing the state and dynamics of the education quality improvement; dissatisfaction with the need for information technology equipment of the internal assessment system.

The tools used to ensure the education quality at the preschool educational institution make it difficult to obtain reliable comparative data, to timely detect the changes in education, as well as the factors that caused them; to make informed management decisions in order to achieve quality education.

7. The effectiveness and completeness of management actions based on the results of the education assessment at the preschool educational institution corresponds to the sufficient level of 55%, close to the critical level of 45%.

The obtained data confirm the necessity of increasing the level of professional competence of the heads in managing the functioning of the internal system of preschool education quality assessment.

4. Conclusion

The results indicate the need to develop uniform approaches to assess the preschool education quality in accordance with the federal educational standard of preschool education and provide for the solution of the following tasks:


The work was carried out within the framework of the Government Task No. 27.9462.2017/NM of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation "Designing, Verification and Approbation of Preschool Education Quality Assessment Internal System in Accordance with the Learning Standards based on the Principles of Public Administration".


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Revista ESPACIOS. ISSN 0798 1015
Vol. 39 (Nº 21) Year 2018


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