ISSN 0798 1015


Vol. 39 (# 21) Year 2018. Page 21

Organization of students’ independent work in the language learning process at technical university

Organización de trabajo independiente de estudiantes en el proceso de aprendizaje de idiomas en la universidad técnica

Bikesh Revovnа OSPANOVA 1; Nursulu Amangeldiyevna KASENOVA 2; Gulmira Muratovna BAIDELDINOVA 3; Galym Meiramovich OSPANOV 4; Anar Bukharbaevna KABANOVA 5

Received: 29/11/2017 • Approved: 05/01/2018


1. Introduction

2. Materials and methods

3. Results

4. Discussion

5. Conclusion



This article discusses the role and importance of students’ independent work and gives the reasons of the need to create a new model for its organization. It describes different classifications of language learners’ independent work. The characteristics and diverse factors influencing on the development of students’ creative independence, the activities and ways of improving independent work are analyzed, and the concept of "autonomy" is presented in this paper. The experience of language preparation in the process of teaching languages at technical university is presented in the article. The model of organization of students’ independent work is developed and scientifically justified. The results of experimental studies aimed to test the effectiveness of the developed model of formation of professionally-language competence of students of technical specialties (for example, teaching languages at Technical University) are given in this paper. The influence of students’ independent cognitive activity on the development of high levels of professional autonomy in the future is confirmed with the basis of experimental studies. The issues of students’ language learning improvement in the context of the implementation of competence approach to the organization of academic study and independent work in the framework of learning languages at Technical University are touched upon in this work.
Keywords: Independent work, learner autonomy, theoretical analysis, language learning, the model of organization of independent work


Este artículo discute el papel y la importancia del trabajo independiente de los estudiantes y da las razones de la necesidad de crear un nuevo modelo para su organización. Describe diferentes clasificaciones del trabajo independiente de los estudiantes de idiomas. Se analizan las características y los diversos factores que influyen en el desarrollo de la independencia creativa de los estudiantes, las actividades y las formas de mejorar el trabajo independiente, y el concepto de "autonomía" se presenta en este documento. La experiencia de preparación del lenguaje en el proceso de enseñanza de idiomas en la universidad técnica se presenta en el artículo. El modelo de organización del trabajo independiente de los estudiantes está desarrollado y científicamente justificado. Los resultados de los estudios experimentales dirigidos a probar la efectividad del modelo desarrollado de formación de competencias de lenguaje profesional de estudiantes de especialidades técnicas (por ejemplo, enseñar idiomas en la Universidad Técnica) se dan en este documento. La influencia de la actividad cognitiva independiente de los estudiantes en el desarrollo de altos niveles de autonomía profesional en el futuro se confirma con la base de estudios experimentales. En este trabajo se abordan los problemas de la mejora del aprendizaje de idiomas de los estudiantes en el contexto de la implementación del enfoque de competencia para la organización del estudio académico y el trabajo independiente en el marco del aprendizaje de idiomas en la Universidad Técnica.
Palabras clave: trabajo independiente, autonomía del alumno, análisis teórico, aprendizaje de idiomas, modelo de organización del trabajo independiente

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1. Introduction

In the modern terms of surrounding reality it becomes obvious, that society need highly qualified specialists with an active professional and vital position, capable not only to adapt in the global world but also occupy leading position in it. Therefore the special tasks, related to forming future specialists having both professional and culturalcompetences and the desire toself-development and self-perfection stand before higher education. Undoubtedly, for the achievement of this objective it is impossible to be limited to the revision of the methodological approaches going near the process of teaching in institution of higher education and the usage of modern technologies. The solution of this problem requires first a change of the conceptual principles of teaching since the formation of the creative self-identity can hardly be done by traditional rendering of knowledge. In the new educational paradigm a student from a passive consumer of knowledge should become an active subject, able to solve problems independently, finding effective ways to achieve them. In this vision of the educational process at the University students' independent work is not just a form of educational process, it is transformed into its integral basis.

Therefore, consideration of the substance and content of independent work in the institutions of higher education, the formation of cognitive autonomy in the language teaching of students is an issue of the day and requires detailed analysis and research. It should be noted that the study of the question is dedicated by the spirit of the new time: the processes of globalization, the integration that is taking place today in the modern world, require universal, competent and self-confident professionals.

In order to form the creative independence of future specialists, we have attempted to work out a model of organization of students’ independent work, assisting to the successful study of languages in technical institution of higher education.

The purpose of this objective was to set the following research objectives:

(1) to discover the essence and structure of independent work and determine its quality characteristics of the main components;

(2) to work out a model of organization of the independent work of students in teaching languages at the Technical University.

It should be noted that independent work of students, being important part of educational process, requires optimal terms for the organization and effective realization. According to the opinion of scientists, permanent optimization of independent work of students allows to activate the process of cognition and find the new ways of student’s self-perfection.

Undoubtedly, it is necessary to begin the research with the detailed consideration of values of such concepts, as "independent work", "independence", analyzing the numerous points of view and vision, based on different conceptual approaches.

So, in the New dictionary of methodical terms and concepts it is said that independent work is the inalienable obligatory link of the process of education, envisaging individual work of student in accordance with setting of teacher or textbook, program of education. The tasks intended for independent work must carry active and creative character; stimulate the search of independent decisions, while acquiring the required skills is the obligatory condition for the development of self-education. (Azimov and Schukin 2010)

In Dictionary of terms on general and social pedagogics independent work is interpreted as a "type of educational activity, where the certain level of independence is assumed by student in all its structural components from raising the problem to realization of control, self-control and correction, moving from the simplest types of work to more difficult one, carrying searching character. Independent work as means of forming of cognitive capabilities of student must be aimed to continuous learning.”(Voronin 2006)

In methods of teaching the term of independent work is understood as the various types of students’ individual and group activities in the process of classroom and extracurricular classes. (Mirolyubov 2010)

The concept of independent work, according to the researchers, includes the search of necessary information, acquisition of knowledge and its use for the solution of educational, scientific and professional tasks. Supposing the activity that is aimed to the student’s self-education, independent work involves the implementation of different tasks of educational, productive, research and self-educational character, acting as a means of mastering the system of professional knowledge, methods of cognitive and professional activity, and formation of skills of creative activity. (Arkhangelskii 1990; Garunov 1991)

Next, let's consider the meaning of "independence". In the pedagogical encyclopedic dictionary, this concept is revealed as "one of the leading qualities of personality, reflected in the ability to set some goals, achieve them on their own. Independence means a responsible attitude to the actions, the ability to act consciously in all conditions, to take unconventional decisions." (Bim-Bud 2002)

In a Practice psychology dictionary, the meaning of the concept is interpreted as "a generalized personal trait that appears in initiative, criticality, adequate self-esteem, and a sense of personal responsibility for his or her activities and behaviour." According to the researchers, the autonomy of the individual is related to the active work of thought, feelings and will. This relation is twofold: (1) the development of cogitative and emotionally-volitional processes is a necessary prerequisite for independent judgment and action; (2) accordion during independent activity judgments and actions are strengthened and form ability not only to accept the consciously motivated actions but also, to ensure the successful implementation of the taken decisions, despite of possible difficulties. (Golovin 1997)

Scientists, A.G. Asmolov and A.V.Petrovsky, regard creative autonomy as a special quality of personality acquired by a person in a sociocultural environment in the process of collaborative activity. (Asmolov 1996)

At the detailed consideration of the significance of the concept in scientific literature we have found that the concept of independence interpreting differently: one group of specialists determines it widely - as integrative expression of the diverse qualities of the personality; other group of scientists gives more concrete determination to independence. After the first group of scientists, we agree with that independence is an integrative property of the personality, however on the whole such vision does not reflect all specifics of this phenomenon in the certain types of activity. The second group of researchers goes into detail this phenomenon that allows to define the stages of forming of this quality, to consider its specific displays in a particular activity.

On the basis of generalization and analysis of basic concepts given in scientific literature it is possible to conclude, that independence is the basis of independent cognitive activity. Consequently, the process of organization of independent work of students in the language teaching first of all must be aimed at formation of creative independence that lead to conscious language learning.

Considering independent work from these positions, scientist N. G. Dairy distinguishes the following signs: a) absence of outside direct assistance; b) reliance on own knowledge, skills, beliefs, life experience, worldview, their use in addressing the issue and resolving it differently, the expression of a personal relationship, a statement of his own reasoning, initiative, creativity; C) the content of the work – as educational, logical is important and meaningful, and enriches the student so stressful thinking and its development. (Dayri 1966)

Based on the research of scientists, we should recognize that independent work, assisting the development of the level of students’ independence can be of four types:

- reproducing, forming skills, memorization of methods of activity in particular situations;

- reconstructive-variability, allowing the transference of knowledge intelligently in typical situations, to analyze, to create conditions for the development of mental activity and cognitive activity;

- heuristic, contributing the formation of creative personality of students, generalization and systematization of the acquired knowledge, transfer them to non-standard situations;

- creative, allowing students to gain completely new knowledge, to consolidate the skills of independent search of knowledge (Yesipov 1961).

During organization of independent work, it is necessary to take into account inclusion in independent activity of students must take place stage-by-stage.

According to experts, there are three stages, each of which is characterized by defined goals and objectives. The first stage is to develop a positive motivation of students to manifest their interest in independent work, in the understanding of their essence of self-educational abilities, the disclosure of methods of self-education. The second stage is directed on formation of skills of independent work and is based on maximum immersion students in working with information, mobilization and activation of internal resources of the students, a conscious and purposeful extraction and generation of a subjectively new knowledge. The third stage is the mastery of creative and reflective activities aimed at improving the skills of independent work as one of the conditions for the development of self-education, self-improvement.

If we talk about the types and structure of independent work of students, it should be noted that there are different classifications of independent work of students, which take into account the length, nature and scale of activities.

N. G. Dairy, G. V. Denisov, G. M. Kodzhaspirov, V. G. Kucherov suggested to carry out classification according to the degree of independence, when the work can be carried out by imitation, or involve the performance of exercises and carrying a creative or research nature. R. M. Mickelson, T. S. Panfilov, L. V. Podkolzina, I. Y. Polovnikov, V. A. Sukhanov classify works by didactic purpose, highlighting the kinds of independent work, for: acquisition of new knowledge, usage of knowledge, repetition and testing of knowledge.

A number of scholars propose a classification of independent work, consisting of four types:

- independent work of the reproductive type, based on the previously obtained knowledge;

- independent work of cognitive-search-type that is aimed at obtaining new knowledge;

- independent work of a creative type, aimed at creating new and original works;

- independent work of cognitive-critical type, teaching analysis. (Mickelson 1940)

The varieties of independent work are distinguished depending on the use during work of textbook or reference literature.

Researchers also offer classifications of independent work with an aim for:

There are the independent works of obligatory character, conducted in the process of lessons and preparation to them, and similarly of additional character, conducted individually depending on the personal interests and student’s inclinations. (Guseynova 2013)

These include traditional homework carried out by students in preparation for a particular activity: training and creative tasks, requiring more time. Independent work that is carried out to prepare for the decisive and final controls, require more time and they are more time-consuming, as they contain a large amount of tasks and occupy an interval from a month to duration of whole semester. These are: the model of calculations, types of projects, calculation and graphic tasks, course works, course projects, individual creative tasks. The longest independent works are those, which are the final qualifying works, such as diploma projects and master thesis.

Scientists distinguish different criteria for organization of independent work:
source control:

It should be noted that in the system of higher education there is traditional classification of three components depending on a place and time of realization of independent work:

Undoubtedly, the independence of the above types of work is rather conditional and in the real educational process, these types overlap with each other. (Asmolov 1996)

After scientists we will agree with that independent work of student comes forward investigation of the correctly organized audience activity, extending, intensifying and continuing the process of cognition in extracurricular time. It is necessary, that the educational work of student organized by the teachers must come forward as a lever for self-learning educational discipline. It means that the efficiency of mastering language discipline depends on a teacher, organization of educational process, and also on formation at students of some of the technology independent development of the discipline in the course of solving new educational organization of education process.

Of course, as for the student independent work must be understood as internally motivated creative activity, involving the following steps:

In general, students' independent work under control of the teacher is the pedagogical development of targeted readiness for professional self-education and is a didactic tool in the educational process, artificial pedagogical structure of the organization and management of students.

Thus, structurally independent work of students can be divided into two parts: organized by the teacher and independent work, the student organizes it by own discretion, without direct control from the teacher (preparation for lectures, laboratory and practical classes, tests, colloquia, etc.). (Scherbakova 2011)

If to talk about technology of organization of independent work, it can include the following constituents:

Based on these parameters, it is possible to conclude that the classic forms of independent work are the following: reports; semester tasks; term papers; course projects; attestation works of bachelor, specialist, and master’s degree.

Undoubtedly, the process of mastering the ability to acquire new knowledge independently is based on the student’s performing of various creative tasks, exercises of analytical character, work with handouts. One of such work is the project activity that is very popular and closely associated with the project culture, which arose as a result of combining the humanitarian and scientific areas in education. Project culture is a shared formula which is implemented in the art of planning, invention, creativity, performance and design. Mastering the project culture, the student learns to think creatively, to plan his/her actions, to predict possible solutions to challenges, realizing learned tools and ways of working. Project culture is in many areas of educational practice now and realized in the form of project learning technologies and project methods. Technology of the project activity is actively involved in the teaching of language disciplines. The advantage of this type of work is that students see the result of their work; they have the opportunity to choose their own project topic. Project work – is independently planned and implemented work by the students, which teaches them to think creatively, to plan their actions, to predict possible solutions to the challenges they face.

The following aspect of organization of independent work of students is conducting various student competitions and festivals. In the implementation process students acquire new experiences, develop the oratorical skills, get acquainted with the rules of civilized dispute, form the skillof a listening partner, guided by ethical norms, improve communication skills, and become acquainted with the culture of speech etiquette and the skills of ethical interpersonal communication. It gives consciously-motivated and professionally-oriented character to the students' cognitive activity.

Teaching independent work with special literature is a part of the scientific work organization, both for students and teachers. It involves certain requirements to the quality of used professionally oriented literature, as well as requirements for methodical organization of the learning process. The first is provided by a careful selection of text material, intended for self-study. The second involves the formation of a system of tasks and skills of independent work with special literature. These include the following skills:

Analyzing the works of scientists, we can conclude that the effectiveness of independent work depends on the development of mental activity and creative potential of students, reliance on the previously obtained knowledge, sequentially constructed process of knowledge, diversity of forms and elements of novelty. 

2. Materials and methods

Next methods were used in-process:

- theoretical: synthesis, comparison, abstracting and prognostication;

- diagnostic: observation, questionnaire, testing, estimation of results of activity of students, pedagogical experiment;

- statistical methods of processing of experimental data, graphical presentation of results.

Also a set of research methods were used, including the analysis of psycho-pedagogical, didactic literature, the study and generalization of advanced pedagogical experience, the characteristics of language teaching in the context of this specific University, modeling, methods of statistical data processing.

Theoretical and methodological basis of the study was:

- research in the field of theory and methodology of teaching at high school (S. I. Arkhangelsky, S. Y. Batyshev, A. P. Bespalko, A. Verbitsky, V. I. Maksimov, A. M. Matyushkin, V. Okoni. P. V. Simonov and others),

- propositions on the formation of self-educational activities (I. F. Isaev, Pidkasistyj P. I. N. In. Kuzmin, A. N. Leontiev, M. I. Makhmutov, V. A. Slastenin, I. S. Yakimanskaya, Aristov, B. P. Esipov, A. S. Linda, etc.);

- theories of various approaches to the study of pedagogical processes; the activation and intensification of teaching (I. A. Winter, A. K. Markova, A. M. Matyushkin, A. A. Leontiev, S. L. Rubinstein, T. N. Shamova, G. Haken, etc.).

3. Results

To improve the efficiency of language teaching of future specialists in the system of language education in high school should be directed to the formation of the free creative person with a strong personality and responsibility. The main directions for the development of such qualities consists in forming the cognitive independence, which depends on the general cultural development of personality, the formation of planning, monitoring and communicative skills, and the ability to use the tools of information technology.

According to some researchers, self-study forms of students' necessary knowledge, skills and abilities to solve cognitive tasks (Henderson and Nathenson 1984). This type of work gives students the psychological setting to systematically increase of their knowledge and skills, and it is one of the most important conditions of self-organization of the student in mastering the methods of professional activities. Undoubtedly, learners' independent work should be considered as a specific form of educational activity, characterized by certain peculiarities, and act as the highest form of learning activities. (Broad 2006). But it is necessary to develop a ready-made program of action which the student will work.

The formation of creative independence of students of technical universities in the process of language learning involves the consistent and systematic use of models, reflecting the scheme of consistent measures for the organization of cognitive activity of students in learning languages. In our opinion the developed model will allow getting the knowledge of the language at a high level in the process of students’ self-educational activities through cognitive actions.

Of course, the effectiveness of independent work in the learning process largely depends on the conditions of its organization, content and nature of tasks, the sequence of their construction, the source of knowledge, the relationship of existing and new knowledge in the assignments, the quality of results achieved, etc. While there are issues associated with defining the fundamentals that determine and unify these conditions, which are necessary for the engagement of student in independent work, with the formulation of the original principle in the disclosure of the independent work’s nature.

With the aim of finding answers to questions, we have conducted a pedagogical experiment among students of the Karaganda state technical University with the state language learning, studying the discipline "Russian language and Professional Russian language". Theoretical analysis of the problem allowed to move to the empirical finding, summarized the purpose which was to develop a model of organization of independent work. In the experiment, it was important for us to identify the level of students’ independence; to determine the nature of self-attitude of students to cognitive activity, and to diagnose what achievements came from students in the process of independent work.

The experimental work was carried out in three stages, which were constructed temporally. The first stage included the study of problems in the classroom. Observations showed that the students of the technical University have the lack of confidence in the self-fulfillment of creative tasks, in selecting solutions promoting the efficiency of learning. This fact was confirmed by the responses of the students themselves, in which they stated that there are serious difficulties in the solution of various tasks set by teacher, marked dissatisfaction with their level of knowledge and skills. In the first stage, work was carried out in two aspects: familiarization with the tasks of creative works, the selection of topics; to prepare students to perform tasks. The second stage is students' written independent work, consisting of the creation of texts of public speeches respectively to any situation. The list of topics proposed in the students’ independent work was prepared by taking into account the desires and interests of students. The third stage is the final analysis of the results of the experiment that was based on the defense of the public speaking, identifying the degree of awareness by the students of the specifics of the situation and creating the corresponding text, determine the quality of the text and its presentation (opening theme, the problem, the expressiveness of the presentation, the presentation of the material). An important parameter in determining the nature of relationships was, in our opinion, the internal aspiration of the student; his/her goal is to complete the task. Therefore, the success of works of students were determined by:

- motivation of students, i.e. an internal process of acquisition of the personal meaning the study of the course;

- the degree of preparedness for the tasks: prepared and do not possess such training;

- the level of communicative competence: possessing a high – high enough – a low level of communicative competence.

Accordingly, the participation in the present communicative situation of different types of language personality with the peculiarities of their speech behavior has led to the creation of texts of various complexities. (table 1) 

The experiment’s results

Level of motivation

Level of communicative competence

Level of preparedness

Results in %

Number of students

High enough










not high


unprepared enough








The analysis of the students’ works showed that most students understand the target installation, they are aware of the situation, have an idea about the topic, seek to creatively work. To a lesser extent, the students pay attention to syntactic organization of language units, logical-compositional structure of the text, the need to respect such qualities of the text as completeness, clarity, coherence, expressiveness, etc.

The experiment allowed to assume that the majority of students do not understand the situation fully, do not have clear ideas about the solution of a given problem, do not know how to carry out the presentation of the material confidently in the right way.

To sum up, we come to the conclusion that the organization of students’ independent work depends on understanding goals, knowledge of the regularities of different forms of communication and rules of behavior in various situations, the ability to create strategy and realize it on the basis of existing knowledge and skills. Achieving the productivity and effectiveness of independent work contributes such integral quality of personality, as self-control, which is manifested in conscious and responsible choice and implementation of relatively independent action.

4. Discussion

On the basis of the scientific literature analysis on the studied subject and the made experiment we will designate a concept of independent cognitive activity as the process directed to development of ability to use actively, independently the system of knowledge in practice, to find and acquire new information from various sources, developing independence and motivation to studying the languages. The activity of the student at independent studying of languages is defined by intensity and volume of his interaction with the information environment by means of modern technologies. (Thomas, Hockings, Ottaway and Jones 2015)

The ability to self-organize the process of knowledge on the basis of the available knowledge, to find independently and take information from various sources, will allow according to foreign scientists, to optimize knowledge process. (Song and Hill 2007).

We will consider pedagogical conditions of informative independence formation of students to which the following points are referred:

For this purpose the teacher first of all needs to equip students with the following skills:

• self-education planning;

• bibliographic work;

• extraction of information from scientific and educational sources;

• making an abstract of information on the basis of a material compression;

• uses of the Internet resources.

Certainly, in the course of organization of independent work it is necessary to proceed from individual opportunities of students, their interests, tendencies, requirements. (Hartley, Woods, and Pill 2005) Forming of an individual educational trajectory of training for each student allows to focus independent work of students from traditional method on innovative, creative, directed to self-management by own educational cognitive activity. In this process the teacher creates favorable conditions, and the student gains subjective experience and the connected with them, personal sense of learning. (Moore 1973)

Distinguishing the main requirements imposed to the organization of students’ independent activity, consisting in development of their active position, orientation of work on development of their motivation we can't bypass the concept "autonomous training". (Balçıkanlı 2010) 

Figure 1
Structure of autonomous training

Initial definition of students’ autonomy and autonomous training in languages was offered by H. Holec whose concept was as follows: autonomy of the student is "ability/capability to take the responsibility for their educational activity concerning all aspects of this educational activity: establishment of goals, determination of content and the sequence, the choice of the used methods and techniques, management of mastering process, assessment of the received result". (Holeс 1981)

 In other words, in treatment of H. Holec under the personal characteristic of the student capable to decision-making, understanding of a language situation and use of own experience was considered under autonomy. (figure 1)

Certainly, educational autonomy means not only the ability of students to work independently, but also is characterized by their personal interest and responsibility for the result of independent informative process.

 Within our research the concept "autonomous training" is considered as the integrative ability of students providing the implementation and management of informative process directed to independent creation of a final educational product. It should be noted that the basis of autonomous training is made by the organizational and pedagogical conditions aimed at self-development of the person in the course of new knowledge mastering.

 Proceeding from the analysis of the foreign and domestic works devoted to research of autonomous training we come to the conclusions which allow to allocate the main structurally functional characteristics of educational autonomy in comparison with traditional training. It is well-known that at traditional training the organizer of informative process is the teacher who presents training material, controls and trains students. At autonomous training the teacher becomes a partner and a stimulator of training process, students control and estimate own knowledge.

 After the scientists we will agree that autonomous training is directed to effective independent development of the world around, understanding own "Self", expressed in self-realization, self-knowledge and self-improvement of students.

 In this regard in the process of developing model of the organization of independent work we have considered all listed primary signs of autonomous training and also factors which allow to provide the friendly environment and creative atmosphere in the course of knowledge which is impossible without direct or indirect participation of the teacher.

 The through-going shaft of the developed model is represented by stages and the used work methods which are links in a chain of creation of independent cognitive activity. A substantial part of model has included also structural elements of independent work of the student:

 Thus, the developed model as a research construct is the effective means of the organization of independent work allowing to show all its specific parameters. (table 2)

By results of the comprehensive analysis of psychology and pedagogical literature we have drawn a conclusion on three-component structure of cognitive independent activity in which motivational, creative and practical and effective components are included. These components are closely interconnected among themselves, interdependent and influence on each other. As the model shows, tasks of the teacher and students change at each stage. At the first stage the teacher is engaged in designing of the educational environment, adjustment of climate of cooperation, offering an individual route for students, their acquaintance with work methods, application of methods of motivation and encouragement. The task of the student comes down to readiness of acquisition of personal educational experience, performance of independent work. At the next stage the teacher performs function of the consultant for inquiries of students, giving them support throughout all work. Students actively participate in creative practical activities, show individual skills, effectively use working hours. At the last stage the teacher still stimulates behavior of students in educational process, but the leading position is held by the students who effectively use the strategy of self-education and self-improvement.

Table 2
Model of the organization of independent work of students
in technical college in the course of training languages 

So, proceeding from the stated above, we conclude that the choice and use of necessary approaches, principles, methods according to a situation and subject of cognitive activity, independent work finds expression in:

- understanding of the purpose and content of work by students;

- creation and maintenance of the creative atmosphere;

- use of motivational training resources.

In our opinion, formation of informative and creative independence demands huge efforts and careful readiness from the teacher. Therefore within our work there has been made an attempt of the general model creation of the independent work organization contributing to formation and the development of the informative independence of the student consisting in achievement of the end result of process of discipline knowledge - development of the initiative and independent creativity of the student occurring only due to the skillful organization of knowledge process, competently motivated independent work of students. On the basis of the developed model it is obvious that for implementation of independent cognitive activity the student has to visualize the activity purpose, be able to plan the actions, to choose knowledge methods, to learn to select knowledge necessary for task performance, to carry out self-checking. Carrying out these actions, the student has to receive the new informative product acting in the form of new knowledge, new methods of knowledge, new approaches to knowledge. The received result of knowledge will be twice valuable for the student as it will be reached by his own efforts.

5. Conclusion

Formation of the initiative independent creative person is the crucial task and a current problem of higher educational institutions. Certainly, the special part in this process has to be assigned to language departments which promote assimilation of the professional and common cultural knowledge which is key for the future experts.

Language disciplines, being an integral part of the higher education, deepen understanding by students the place and value of the profession in economic, scientific and technical development of the country, promote expansion of professional outlook. Knowledge of language expands a framework of professional creativity, contributes to the development of critical thinking, forms the scientific depth of knowledge, forms philosophical judgment of laws of the nature, connections between them; develops professional character existence of which defines bases of professional activity of future expert.

The results received during the research conducted by us have confirmed relevance of the put problem of formation of informative independence of future experts in the process of languages studying in technical college. The main objective of the higher education, in our opinion, - is not just to give students concrete professional knowledge, but to impart skills of self-education and self-improvement. In other words, higher education institutions have to not only equip the specialist engineer with professional knowledge, but to train experts with the high level of professional independence.

As a result of the conducted research it has been established that the professional independence is the integrative quality of the personality defining ability to accept and realize expedient reasonable decisions and readiness to bear full responsibility for them.

The results received within the research allow to make the following conclusions:

1. Formation of informative independence of future experts in the process of studying of language disciplines in technical college will be more effective on condition of use of organization model of independent work and its realization in practical educational activities.

2. Revealing of interrelations of model components allow to focus process of knowledge on the most complete and system formation of the creative person who has professionally significant qualities.

3. Results of the conducted research allow to implement the phased consecutive transition from reproductive knowledge to constructive - the creative level of independence that causes success of language training and promotes more confident adaptation of the expert in the professional activity.

4. Formation of independence by means of model is aimed at the development of creative abilities, at achievement of high level of professional independence.

5. Use of model allows to carry out formation of complete approach and modern requirements to formation of the initiative, independent, creative expert.

It should be noted that this research doesn't apply for the solution of all problems connected with formation of independence of future experts. In the long term work on a problem of formation of professional independence can be continued in our further researches.

Thus, the demand of independent initiative and creative experts in all spheres of activity of society dictates application of new approach of higher education institutions in training of specialists. In the process of language training of future experts it is necessary to pay attention to development of abilities to the methods of self-knowledge, self-improvement giving the chance to obtain information independently and to use it creatively. An important role in the course of formation of these qualities is played by the organization of independent work of students in educational process which provide in the future their orientation on effective achievement of both professional, and global universal tasks. Development of the effective organization model of students’ independent work in technical college in the process of language disciplines studying promotes efficiency of professional independence of future experts, activization of their practical readiness, their independent decision of tasks of problem character in professional activity.


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Revista ESPACIOS. ISSN 0798 1015
Vol. 39 (Nº 21) Year 2018


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