ISSN 0798 1015


Vol. 39 (# 21) Year 2018. Page 24

Pedagogical studio as a form of advanced teacher training

Estudio pedagógico como una forma de formación avanzada de profesores

Natalia Lvovna OGURECHNIKOVA 1; Liudmila Alekseevna EGOROVA 2; Natalia Viktorovna NIKASHINA 3; Ekaterina Valerievna NAGORNOVA 4; Margarita Sergeevna BRITKEVICH 5; Diana Igorevna TRUBAKOVA 6; Larisa Zayndiyevna HUSAYNOVA 7

Received: 12/01/2018 • Approved: 14/02/2018


1. Introduction

2. Methodology of the research

3. Results of the research

4. Discussion

5. The conclusion



Introduction. Currently, emphasis is placed on the comprehensive support of pedagogical strategies aimed at creating innovative programs and educational environments.This requires a rethinking of stereotypes on the innovative activities of the modern teacher. Methodology of the research. The pedagogical studio is considered as a creative intraschool form of the teachers’professional association in the system of methodical work of general educational institutions, along with the pedagogical council, methodological associations, and the library methodological work. Results of the research. The modern development of the pedagogical education system reflects the changes of the advanced teacher training system in the pedagogical, psychological, educational and methodical aspects; the search and development of new content and forms of training organization are required. Discussion. The main objectives of the pedagogical studio are: improving the schoolteacher’sskills, developing the teacher’sprofessional and creative activity, forming the professional and pedagogical orientation of the teacher's personality, increasing their interest in teaching, mobilizing the mental forces for creativity and activity, developing abilities and capabilities, personal-pedagogical views. Conclusion. The general pedagogical, psychological, methodical and educational components of the professional development of school teachers in the pedagogical studio have been revealed. Pedagogical studio as a form ofthe advanced teacher training in the system of school methodical work based on experimental work proved to be effective; it allows to advance the level of teaching and improve the teachers’methodological creativity.
Keywords: Pedagogical studio, advanced teacher training, modeling of pedagogical situations, trainings, education innovative forms, advanced teacher training components


Introducción. Actualmente, se hace hincapié en el apoyo integral de las estrategias pedagógicas destinadas a crear programas innovadores y entornos educativos. Esto requiere un replanteamiento de los estereotipos sobre las actividades innovadoras del maestro moderno. Metodología de la investigación. El estudio pedagógico es considerado como una forma creativa intraescolar de la asociación profesional de docentes en el sistema de trabajo metódico de las instituciones educativas generales, junto con el consejo pedagógico, las asociaciones metodológicas y el trabajo metodológico de la biblioteca. Resultados de la investigación. El desarrollo moderno del sistema educativo pedagógico refleja los cambios del sistema avanzado de formación docente en los aspectos pedagógico, psicológico, educativo y metódico; la búsqueda y el desarrollo de nuevos contenidos y formas de organización de capacitación son obligatorios. Discusión. Los principales objetivos del estudio pedagógico son: mejorar las habilidades del maestro de escuela, desarrollar la actividad profesional y creativa del profesor, formar la orientación profesional y pedagógica de la personalidad del docente, aumentar su interés en la docencia, movilizar las fuerzas mentales para la creatividad y la actividad, desarrollando habilidades y capacidades, puntos de vista personal-pedagógicos. Conclusión. Se han revelado los componentes generales pedagógicos, psicológicos, metodológicos y educativos del desarrollo profesional de los maestros de escuela en el estudio pedagógico. El estudio pedagógico como una forma de formación avanzada del profesorado en el sistema de trabajo metódico escolar basado en el trabajo experimental demostró ser eficaz; permite avanzar en el nivel de enseñanza y mejorar la creatividad metodológica de los docentes.
Palabras clave: estudio pedagógico, formación avanzada de docentes, modelización de situaciones pedagógicas, formación, formas innovadoras de educación, componentes avanzados de formación docente

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1. Introduction

In the concept of long-term social and economic development of the Russian Federation till 2020, the state program “Development of Education in the Russian Federation in 2013-2020” emphasizes the comprehensive support of pedagogical strategies aimed at creating innovative programs and upbringing environments; this requires stereotypes rethinking on the innovative pedagogical experience aimed at the teacher’sprofessional development. It is no coincidence that the innovative pedagogical experience, in accordance with the initiative “Our New School”, can be considered as a significant resource for modernizationof the educational system, setting new tasks for the teacher, who is able and ready to implement innovative transformations in the educational process. The modern teacher gets the professional advancement throughout their life in order to adequately bear the high title of a “teacher” and to be truly a “teacher”, thus the teacher, in order not to stop at the achieved level, should constantly master the technologies of generalization and dissemination of innovative pedagogical experience. In accordance with the Teacher's Professional Standard, it is required that modern teachers’ professional development occurs by means of developing the teacher’s ability to comprehend, describe and transfer their own innovative experience to broad pedagogical communities. The tasks of increasing the effectiveness of teaching and educational work impose qualitatively new requirements on the teacher’s personality and professional activity. In the new socio-economic conditions of the society development, approaches to the organization and maintenance of methodical work with school teachers are changing.

The pedagogical process effectiveness is largely determined by the activity of a personally sustainable, professionally realized teacher who sees themselves to be a full-fledged subject of professional activity, which presupposes the broad general cultural teacher training, mastering the reflexive skills.

Science and practice development in modern socio-economic conditions necessitates continuous pedagogical education. In this regard, there is a need to introduce new forms, methods and means of improving the teacher’sskills. Non-standard forms of conducting classes (trainings, workshops, organizational and activegames, organizational and pedagogical games, etc.) and educators-researchers’creative associations (pedagogical workshops, clubs) became widespread. One of the effective innovative forms of advanced teacher training is the pedagogical studio.

Studio (Italian studio - working hard, studying) is a creative team that combines educational, experimental and production tasks in their work. Our research is based on the understanding proposed by K.S. Stanislavsky that “A studio is a place where a teacher has to learn to observe their character, their inner strengths, where a teacher needs to develop the habit of thinking” (Tuseeva 2008).

2. Methodology of the research

Pedagogical innovaticsappeared in the late 50’s of the 20th century in the West, when pedagogical innovation processes becamethe subject of the research. Proceedings of foreign scientists on innovation are still continuing to expand the notion of pedagogical innovation as a science (Miles 2010; Moon 2000; Nicholls 1988; Ryan 1943, etc.).

In the Russian pedagogy the study of innovative processes was initiated by an interest in the ideas of innovative teachers (late 50’s, early 60’s of the 20th century). In the 70’s and 80’s the mechanisms to introduce the achievements of pedagogical science into practicewere developed. With the development of pedagogical innovatics there were works devoted to the problems of creating and disseminating of the pedagogical innovations (Slobodchikov V.I. (2003), Sirotyuk A.L. and Sergeeva M.G. (2011), Tkachev A.G. (2006), Yusufbekova N.R. (1991), etc.). The innovative activity of educational institutions (Korzhuev A.V. and Sergeeva M.G. (2015), Tuseeva M.G. (2006a), Sergeeva M.G. (2015), etc.) received methodological justification. Innovative activity concepts in education (Sumnitelniy K.E. 2007; Khutorskoy A.V. 2008; Shmelkova L.V. 2008, etc.) were developed.

The main tasks of pedagogical innovatics, formulated by V.S. Lazarev, B.P. Martirosyan, give the idea of ​​the general research directions in this science (Stepanov 2012):

- first type tasks – descriptive-explanatory, revealing at the level of theoretical explanation thereasons, effects and influences on the educational processcaused by the innovations;

- second type tasks are associated with the development of new models of innovation, the creation of new technologies for its implementation, new forms of its organization;

- third type tasks are related to the development of ways to develop innovative activity systems: their analysis and evaluation, the choice of directions and improving methods, and the implementation of changes in them.

The pedagogical studio is considered as a creative intraschool form of the teachers’professional association in the system of methodical work of general educational institutions, along with the pedagogical council, methodological associations,the library methodological work provision, etc., associated with the advanced teacher training, horizon broadening through pedagogical situationmodeling, training, games, using teaching innovative forms in class (Tuseeva 2007b).

The studio can act as a kind of excellent practiceschool or “one teacher school”. In this case, the “students” are teachers of one or more schoolswho learn from the best teachers. The latter in a free form, using a variety of methods (open class sessions with subsequent self-analysis and discussion, joint reviews of lesson plans,presentations and comments ofinteresting methodical techniques, etc.) pass on the most important achievements of their individual experience. At the same time, the studio does not presuppose constant master’s monologues. It specifically creates the opportunities forall its participants’self-expression under the close supervision of the head of the studio and all “students” (Tuseeva 2007a).

A significant difference between the studio form and any other is that training takes place simultaneously on three levels: theoretical, methodical and technological. Having studied the theoretical situation, teachers use its methodical embodiment in the system of their team, and then, reproducing the alleged situation in a game form, use the technological instrumentation of a methodical solution.

3. Results of the research

The modern development of the pedagogical education system reflects the changes of the advanced teacher training system in the pedagogical, psychological, educational and methodical aspects; the search and development of new content and forms of training organization are required.

Pedagogical associations include pedagogical studios, workshops, clubs, master classes, creative micro-groups. Achieving the goals of advanced teacher training, the formation of the teacher’s professional self-consciousness presupposes the creation of a situation where it is possible to “perform” for oneself the possible behavioural options, gain self-awareness,an opinion, an adequate attitude to people and to the world. These requirements largely correspond to the pedagogical associations.

Teachers’ professional associations focus on the solution of interrelated tasks of two groups (Tuseeva 2006b):

- to develop teachers’ professional competence;

- toincrease the functioning and development of educational processes efficiency.

The pedagogical studio as one of the forms of teachers’professional association is a purposefully formed group of teachers, psychologists, school administration members, invited specialists; it can be formalized or not formalized, designed to solve school tasks and the members of the association’scertain tasks.

With a small number of studio members, the teacher-the leader of the studio (the studio as a rule bears their name) has the opportunity to act as an individual mentor for young teachers, as their teacher. Such studios can be organized in condition that there are teachers, who their adult students treat with the highest respect. At the same time, the experienced teachers should be able to forget about their merits and regalia and speak with less experienced and venerable colleagues on equal terms; it determines the nature of relations within the studio. The studios can attract participants with their creative atmosphere, the opportunity to present and test their own or scientific pedagogical ideas freely. This significantly differsthe studios from many excellent practice schools. The latter cantransfer only the advanced and best recognized experience, which puts the participants and the head teacher within the formal framework and has worse (than the studio) conditions for the experiment, risk, independent search.

The club association has the following features: long-term contact of association members (relative membership stability); participants’joint activity; participants’voluntary and free self-determination; amateurs’organizational design; active participation of the association members in its work, the right and duty not only to be present (listen, watch), to perceive the information and the impact of the leader and other studio participants, but also to manifest themselves, their personality by active participation (personal participation in the discussion of events and programs). In the club, in the course of group meetings, the associationmembersact as objects of others’influenceand subjects of creative activity. The participants work not only for their own improvement, but also to increase the school process activation.

There are other variants of the pedagogical studios - studios, formed not “for a specific bright personality”, but for a certain topic, an issue, an idea. In such studios without an explicit leader (whocan be revealed in the course of the work) or under the supervision of a scientist-specialist on this topic, the participants conduct a joint search for optimal solutions of pedagogical tasks relevant to their school. This version of the studio is also characterized by a strongly marked creative atmosphere, lack of obstructions and barriers to new bold ideas (Khutorskoy 2005).

The main purpose of the studio is to form and develop pedagogical skills, scientifically substantiated and practically verified. The essence of the studio is in training. This training is built on the basis of acquired pedagogical knowledge, which receivesits professional embodiment in class on the basis of real educational experience and with established professional habits, skills and attitudes.

The pedagogical studio, in the aspect of professional training, is one of the advanced teacher training forms, it is made up of teachers of different qualification categories, being taught by one leader.

4. Discussion

The main objectives of the pedagogical studio are:to improve the school teacher’s skills, to develop the teacher’s professional and creative activity, to form the professional and pedagogical orientation of the teacher’s personality, to increase their interest in teaching, to mobilize the mental forces for creativity and activity, to develop abilities and capabilities, personal-pedagogical views.

This allows us to distinguish the tasks of the pedagogical studio (Chernova 1997):

 1. Practicing, deepening and application of the acquired knowledge in theoretical studies.

 2. New knowledge of the pedagogical process, of the subjects of pedagogical activity, of their pedagogical abilitiesacquisition.

 3. Building the demand to apply the enrichment experiences obtained in the studio sessions, while working with the students.

 4. Development and improvement of the qualities necessary for the teacher as a manager, leader and organizer.

 5. Communication skills formation.

 6. Pedagogical style of thinking and activity formation.

 7. Intuition development and theperception of the student’s personalitydevelopment.

In the process of research, we established the following functions of the pedagogical studio:

- extensive (new knowledge accumulation and acquisition);

- corrective (changingtheschool teacher’sposition from formal to creative);

- predictive (a qualified teacher’s ideal image formation);

- self-developing (personal world image perfection);

- intuitive (sensitivity manifestation to the student’spersonality).

The pedagogical studio work is based on the following principles:

- thevoluntariness principle (freedom to choose the participation in the studio, respect for personal interests);

- theself-determination principle presupposes the fixation of one’s pedagogical view, the determination of the attitude to the classroom activity content by every teacher;

- the cooperation and traditions formation principle is based on a democratic communication style, which presupposes: a high level of teacher’sintellectual development, their moral and volitional potential, joint activities organization and leadership, the creation of abenevolent an trustworthy atmosphere, equivalence of each participant’s points of view when discussing problems; best pedagogical experience in history applying;

- the activity principle is focused on activating participants, that is, performing role-playings, doing exercises, observing the behaviour of others.

The effectiveness of advanced teacher training in the pedagogical studio classroom depends on the following conditions:

- the holistic original content of the pedagogical studio formation in accordance with the professional and personal views and the teacher’s pedagogical experience. This makes it possible to create an effective form of professional development, where everyone, including the head teacher, participates in the creative process organized by the leader. Accordingly, the teachersthemselves determine the subject, forms and methods of conducting classes in the pedagogical studio;

- the presence of thepedagogical studiohead’s strongly marked personal pedagogical views and experience. This allows the head teacher, as a carrier of the pedagogical norms, patterns of communication and interaction, to take teachers to a new level of pedagogical skill;

- thecreative atmosphere arrangement at the pedagogical studio lessons. This enables teachers to present and test their own or scientific pedagogical ideasfreely.

- fitting up with modern information tools.

The pedagogical studio content is determined independently by their leader: from the stage of problems identifying to the stage of goals defining, then to the modeling stage and implementing models, further to the reflection stage.

The main requirements for the pedagogical studio content formation are:

- professional and personal orientation, the prospect of personal pedagogical development;

-self-determination, contributing to the personal professional position development, to integrationinto the independent creative activity;

- integrity, the combination of different learning types of activities and a variety of forms(individual, group, collective);

- emotional support (psychological attitude), person’s value and significanceactualisation, pedagogical communicationtraining skills elaboration.

All classes in the pedagogical studio assume:

- the humanistic level of the leader’s communicative culture;

- the healthy moral and psychological climate in the team;

- the dynamic nature of the relationship;

- theadequacy of the pedagogical communication nature with cultural norms;

- the participants’ needs for pedagogical communication gratification.

Classes in the pedagogical studio are built on a combination of group and individual instruction forms. The specific forms of education in the pedagogical studio are: communication training, gaming practice, creativity lessons. The variety of forms involves the use of different conducting meetings methods: conversation, discussion, position analysis.

The criterion for the effectiveness of the advanced teacher training is its final result - the formation of general pedagogical, psychological, methodological and educational skills. On the basis of the analysis, four levels of professional training were provided for the school teacher: strategic, tactical, operational and spontaneous. The basis for the levels classification is the professional activity level structure (Tuseeva 2007a; Tuseeva 2006b; Khutorskoy 2008); leading activities are: cognitive, value-oriented, transformative, communicative (communication), aesthetic.

Strategic level: the school teacher has a broad outlook in the professionalsphere, in the perspective of its development and in the whole system of the school pedagogical activity;the teacher predicts and projects thepedagogical process; they can use a variety of didactic technologies freely, introduce new content into the educational process; the teacher has a high level of communication with the students, gives the study process an emotional background, receptivity and impressionabilitybeing an aesthetic creative personality.

Tactical level: the school teacher has a sufficient outlook in the professional sphere, but has limited ideas in the school educational system; the teacher has good professional training; they can confidently use separate new didactic technologies; the teacher actively uses non-traditional methods and techniques in building the educational process; they show activity, enthusiasm, interest in the teaching process.

Operational level: the school teacher has a certain horizons in the professional sphereand certain ideas about the school pedagogical activity system; the teacher does not fully usethe professional knowledge basics, applies the traditional system of the pedagogical process; they can use some creative activity methods in the pedagogical process; they perform certain operational didactic technologies, use traditional methods and techniques in the educational process; the classes are not always interesting, patterned, monotonous.

Spontaneous level: the school teacher has separate culture elements in the professionalsphere and in the school pedagogical activity system; the teacher can use separate elements of professional skills;the teacher carries out the pedagogical process on an empirical level based on previously acquired experience; there is an unproductive didactic technology, the teacher uses the template methods and techniques in the educational process, they have the initial communicative knowledge and skills.

Thus, certain levels of the formation of general pedagogical, psychological, methodological and educational skills were used as the basis for the advanced teacher training diagnosis. Assessment of the pedagogical studio effectiveness was carried out by the following methods: the analysis of lessons and educational activities of the school teacher; the analysis of pedagogical activity and results of teachers’scientific work; questioning and testing of two experimental teachers’ groups at the initial and final training stages in the pedagogical studio.

5. The conclusion

The following components of the professional development of the school teachers in the pedagogical studio are revealed: general pedagogical, psychological, methodical and educational.

The general pedagogical component is the improvement of the school teacher’s general culture, which consists in the restructuring of the individual’s thinking, the formation of motivation and attitudes toward self-education and self-development.

The psychological component is the study and practical application of the knowledge system in the field of psychology: mastering the psychology innovations, the expansion of knowledge in the cognitive psychology, the personality psychology, the communication psychology.

The methodical and educational components suggest the development of thegame practice and communication training system, creativity lessons, aimed at mastering the system of spiritual and moral educationalorganization and the formation of an individual with values ​​and active life positions; the opportunity to use new methods, techniques, education and upbringing tools.

The pedagogical studio as a form of advanced teacher training in the system of methodical work of the general educational institution in the experimental work proved to be effective and allows to increase the level of teaching, to improveteachers’ methodological creativity. 


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1. Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), 117198, Russia, Moscow, Miklukho-Maklaya st., 6; E-mail:

2. Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), 117198, Russia, Moscow, Miklukho-Maklaya st., 6; E-mail:

3. Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), 117198, Russia, Moscow, Miklukho-Maklaya st., 6; E-mail:

4. Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), 117198, Russia, Moscow, Miklukho-Maklaya st., 6; E-mail:

5. State budget educational institution “School 1374”, 129337, Russia, Moscow, Fedoskinskaya Str., 4, E-mail:

6. Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), 117198, Russia, Moscow, Miklukho-Maklaya st., 6; Higher School of Economics, 190008, , Russia, Saint Petersburg, ulitsa Soyuza Pechatnikov, 16; E-mail:

7. Municipal budgetary educational institution "High Comprehensive School "The Terra Is New" of Sharani of Dudagov" (Chechen republic, Russia),

Revista ESPACIOS. ISSN 0798 1015
Vol. 39 (Nº 21) Year 2018


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