ISSN 0798 1015


Vol. 39 (# 21) Year 2018. Page 25

The development of the higher education services market as a priority direction of the professional school modernization

El desarrollo del mercado de servicios de educación superior como una dirección prioritaria de la modernización de la escuela profesional

Marina Georgiyevna SERGEEVA 1; Svetlana Lvovna MOROKHINA 2; Svetlana Vasilevna MITROSENKO 3; Natalia Aleksandrovna PROSOLUPOVA 4; Tatiana Alekseevna KATASONOVA 5; Vera Vladimirovna MAKAROVA 6

Received: 29/11/2017 • Approved: 10/01/2018


1. Introduction

2. Research methodology

3. Research Results

4. Discussion

5. Conclusion



Introduction. The quality of professional education is a complex multi-level and dynamic system of qualities oriented on preparing a graduate who is in demand in the labor market. Research Methodology. The article’s authors share P.F. Drucker’s point of view, who believed that a system management should go in accordance with the plurality of its goals, and the efficiency of this process is measured, alongside with other factors, by the balance of the organizational goals. Research Results. The educational system of higher school is a kind of social economical system functioning on the scale of: micro-level (an educational institution); meso-level (a regional educational system); national level (the educational system of the Russian Federation); world level (global educational space). Discussion. In the Russian Federation, state control over statutory compliance in the higher school rests with the federal center and strictly follows timeframes. However, control and estimating procedures are neither comprehensive nor free from drawbacks. Besides, the process of state control over the education quality depends on a number of factors. Conclusion. Lack of due attention to the problems of education quality can lead to certain disproportions in the education services market.
Keywords: Market economy, competitive edge, quality professional education, educational services market, education quality standards, educational institution management.


Introducción. La calidad de la educación profesional es un complejo sistema multinivel y dinámico de cualidades orientado a preparar a un graduado que tiene demanda en el mercado laboral. Metodología de investigación. Los autores del artículo comparten P.F. El punto de vista de Drucker, que creía que la administración de un sistema debería ir de acuerdo con la pluralidad de sus objetivos, y la eficiencia de este proceso se mide, junto con otros factores, por el equilibrio de los objetivos de la organización. Resultados de la investigacion. El sistema educativo de la escuela superior es una especie de sistema socioeconómico que funciona en la escala de: micro-nivel (una institución educativa); meso-nivel (un sistema educativo regional); nivel nacional (el sistema educativo de la Federación de Rusia); nivel mundial (espacio educativo global). Discusión. En la Federación Rusa, el control estatal sobre el cumplimiento legal en la escuela superior depende del centro federal y sigue estrictamente los plazos. Sin embargo, los procedimientos de control y estimación no son completos ni libres de inconvenientes. Además, el proceso de control estatal sobre la calidad de la educación depende de una serie de factores. Conclusión. La falta de la debida atención a los problemas de la calidad de la educación puede conducir a ciertas desproporciones en el mercado de servicios educativos.
Palabras clave: economía de mercado, ventaja competitiva, educación profesional de calidad, mercado de servicios educativos, estándares de calidad educativa, gestión de instituciones educativas.

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1. Introduction

The national educational doctrine in the Russian Federation comprises as principle goals and objectives: systematic modernization of all educational aspects; organizing the educational process in agreement with modern scientific achievements; preparing highly educated persons and highly qualified specialists capable of professional growth and professionally flexible. In this connection, the system of professional education should be oriented on preparing a completely new generation of specialists, who are in demand in the labor market. The quality of professional education is a multi-level and dynamic system of qualities focused on a holistic result, i.e. the graduate’s quality, which is measured by the degree of correspondence between the education goals and its results. What determines forms, means, the content and the go of the educational process and, certainly, its result is the goal. While setting the goals and prospected results in the past decades, researchers have been paying more and more attention to the unity of motivational-cognitive and behavioral components in the structure of a graduate’s personality (Sergeeva, Bedenko and Machekhina, 2017).

The modern innovative and modernization processes in the economy of the Russian Federation require a quick and adequate reaction of the educational system to the on-going changes. Trying to keep up with the time, higher education establishments pay a lot of attention to the problem of graduates’ quality, which, under the market economy conditions, is the most important factor ensuring competitive advantages and further successful development of both particular higher education institutions and the whole national educational system. Besides, the possibility for the country’s population to receive quality higher education creates real conditions for the growth of an individual’s status in the society, his/her material welfare and mobility growth.

Nowadays, the system of higher school is exposed to the influence of market factors. It has resulted in the formation and successful operation of the education services market, whose features are the following:  

1) existence and growth in the past decade of individual, economically independent owners functioning in the educational services market;

2) the use-value of each educational service has a definite money equivalent (regardless of who pays for it: the state, a firm or an individual);

3) consistently declared orientation of the educational system on the labor market is nothing else but the market trends display;

4) possibility to come to agreements of different interpretations between a seller and a buyer of educational services in the education sphere;

5) competition between educational institutions, etc. (Bedenko 2011).

Evaluating modern state of the educational system in Russia, it is necessary to notice that there is a tendency to a decreased expenses share on education in the general federal budget – from 4.8 percent in 2008 to 4.0 percent in 2012, which is, to some extent, connected  with the completion of some federal purpose-created programs as well as with the cessation of budget allocations to a number of campaigns within the national project “Education” (stimulating comprehensive institutions which actively implement innovative education programs, access of comprehensive institutions to information educational resources).

According to the results of the all-Russian social survey, which was held in June 2009, 58.9 percent of the respondents rated the state of education either as good or satisfactory.  By the year of 2020, it is planned to have provided 60-70 percent of the population with either higher or secondary professional education. At the present time, the share of these in the Russian Federation is 55 percent. The current development of the higher and secondary professional education system as well as keeping the number of slots in such educational institutions allow forecasting the possibility of such results in the due course, despite the demographic decrease (The report of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation about the results and main activity directions for the years of 2010-2012, 2009).

2. Research methodology.

S.A. Optner considered management to be a goal of feedback, which influences a system by means of changing its existing state. The influences can be either of a destroying character or facilitating the system development (Mukhin, 2003). H. Fayol described management as a universal process consisting of several incompatible functions, such as planning and organizing (Zaytseva & others, 1998). M. H. Mescon, М. Albert, F. Khedouri believed that to manage means to predict, to plan, to organize, to direct, to coordinate and to control (Mescon, Albert & Khedouri 1994). D. Cleland and W. King understood management as a process oriented on achieving certain goals (Mukhin 2003). R.A. Phatkhutdinov noted that management as a process is the influence of the management entity on the controlled member with the purpose to achieve definite objectives (Phatkhutdinov 2005). In the context of the present research, P.F. Drucker’s point of view is of special interest, who believed that a system management should go in accordance with the plurality of its goals, and the efficiency of this process is measured, alongside with other factors, by the balance of the organizational goals  (Drucker 1973).

Thus, in the scientific sphere, management is most frequently seen as a certain complex of consequent or cyclic actions focused on determining the problems of an organization (system) life circle, their defining, estimate, search for management solutions focused on the goals system, control over the process of their realization. All these allow considering management as a kind of activity, a function and a process whereas a system management is understood as an influence on it with the purpose to regulate it, to preserve its quality specifics, to improve and develop it. The controlled members can be presented by different kinds of systems: biological, man-machine, technical, social economic, organizational and others.

Actively on-going institutional changes in the political and economic spheres of the Russian Federation have influenced the functioning and development direction of the educational system, which has been subject to the pressure of market factors since the early 90s of the previous century. The main modern tendencies in the development of higher school services market are (Bedenko 2010):

1. Activating of globalization processes

Globalization of economy and the tendency to create an integrated world market system have caused a dramatic polarization in the world civilization. Globalization in education, apart from a positive influence on the system (e.g. the development of educational systems in different countries in accordance with equal standards, creation of conditions for students’ mobility, etc.), leads to its stratification.  Thus, there are two options: the first one guarantees broad and fundamental education (fee-based, as a rule), the other provides narrow-focused education, strictly limiting graduates’ functional capabilities and determining their social roles and society level (Bedenko 2011). The positive influences of globalization on Russia’s system of higher education are: international quality standards, international degrees and certificates, disappearance of distances, mobility both of students and teaching staff, etc.

One can have a different attitude to the phenomenon of globalization. However, it should be taken into consideration that processes going in this direction and frequently having a contradictory character make national educational systems correspond to the European and world standards, preserving the best national traditions.

2. Negative influence of demographic factors

The demographic situation in the Russian Federation is characterized by a decline in population. Since 1995 the index of the natural population increase has been eventually replaced by the index of the natural population decline, which could not but affect the number of potential university applicants in the 2000s (Russian statistics yearbook for 2011, 2011).

Due to the active governmental policy in this sphere, which stimulates to some extent the rise in births, today it is possible to speak about some balance of birth and death rates. 

The number of higher education students in 2013 made up about 4.2 million people, which was 40 percent less than those in 2009 (7.4 million people) (The concept of the Federal purpose-created program of education development for the years of 2011-2015, 2011). Starting from 2014, the situation has changed: the growth of comprehensive schools pupils ensures the growth of higher education applicants by 1-2 percent a year (About the state and perspectives of teaching staff training under the conditions of the country modernization, 2011).

3. Massification of higher education

During the period from 1970 to 2011 the number of higher education students has more than doubled (from 2671.7 thousand to 7049.8 thousand students). However, since 2005, there has been a certain reduction of this index, which is determined by both objective and subjective factors (Russian statistics yearbook for 2011, 2011, p. 238-241).

The same tendency is typical for the quantity of teaching staff: the growth index for the academic year of 2005/2006 was twice as big as it had been in the academic year of 1970/1971, whereas there was the index decline of 2.8 percent in the year of 2010/2011 in comparison with the 2006/2007 academic year.

In 2010, the number of graduates made up 1177.8 thousand people, which is more than twice as many as there were in 2000 (Bedenko, 2011, p. 241-242), the fact that has received different evaluation in the society and the educational sphere.

Some think that the growth of the education level leads to the growth of the human potential development index, thus ensuring a stable growth of the world civilization. Others are convinced that “overproduction” of graduates aggravates the difficult situation in the labor market. Massification of higher education definitely causes the problem of choice between quality and quantity.

4. Commercialization of higher education

As it was said in the meeting of President V.V. Putin with the board of the Russian Union of Rectors, state investments in the higher education have more than tripled for the past six years (in 2011, 390 billion rubles were allocated from the federal budget for these purposes, which is 3.4 times as much as in 2005) (The Ministry of Education and Science, n. d.). However, the Russian education suffers a serious budgetary under-funding. According to expert analyses, the share of expenses on education constitutes about 4 percent from the gross domestic product, which encourages search of new sources to make up for the financial deficiency.

5. Quality management as a new paradigm of the higher school educational system management

It is difficult not to agree with the opinion of an outstanding scientistA.I. Subetto. One of the prior contemporary directions in the Russian higher education development is forming in-house quality management systems (QMS) based on the philosophy of Total Quality Management (TQM) (Subetto 2004).

As scientific-methodological bases of QMS, the following are the most frequently used:

6. Regionalizationofhighereducation.

The market relations have activated the regionalization processes of the country's higher education system as one of the most significant factors of improving the region’s social-economic development level.

It is, first of all, reflected in the system of funding. Taking into consideration the considerable differentiation of the budgetary share allocated on maintaining the activity of higher education institutions in different regions (7-10 times), there emerges a real necessity to search for new sources of financing: regional and local budgets, public and private funds, personal savings, funds of economic entities, etc. It requires refocusing the activity goals of educational establishments, improving the management system in the education sphere in accordance with the needs and demands of the regional labor market, the local population and the business society (Geng & Gaydukova 2013).

Thus, if the above-listed educational tendencies in the market of higher school services are either not known or ignored, this can lead to a certain field of problems. Besides defining the problems and estimating the degree of their significance and coverage, it is reasonable to list the factors that influence the efficiency of management solutions, which must be paid deliberate attention to by educational institutions management.

3. Research Results

The educational system of higher school is a type of a social-economic system functioning on the scale of: micro-level (an educational institution); meso-level (a regional educational system); national level (the educational system of the Russian Federation); world level (global educational space). In the context of the educational systems, management should be regarded as a process which is divided into two sub-processes:

1) management of functioning, i.e. focusing efforts on the given purpose-created program in the real time mode;

2) management of development, i.e. elaborating this purpose-created program and its implementation.

The elements of the process of the educational systems management compose an interrelated structure, which can be seen in picture 1. A brief characteristic is in table 1.

Pic. 1
Elements interrelation in the educational systems management


Table 1
The characteristic of the elements in the educational systems management

Management element


The authors’ interpretation  

1. Goals

A definite intelligent idea of the expected result of an individual’s, an organization’s, a system’s actions or of their alliances.

2. Management functions

Types of a regular, particular activity oriented on achieving the system (organization) goal, i.e. the influence of the management entity on the controlled member. The main management functions are planning, organizing, coordinating, motivating, control and others.

3. Management dysfunctions

Types of a regular, particular activity that does not totally or partially ensure achieving the system (organization) goal.

4. Management process

A complex of actions focused on converting the system entry into its exit, with high quality results of its activity.

5. Management structure

An organized unity of firmly interrelated elements, which ensures their functioning and development as a whole. 

6. Management methods

The ways in which management entities can influence controlled members with the aim to achieve set goals. The main management methods are economic, organizational-directive and social-psychological.

7. Management mechanism

A definite complex of principles, methods, tools, indexes and ways of their interrelation and interaction which allow estimating and enhancing the initial and up-graded system condition as well as the processes between them. The efficiency of educational systems functioning greatly depends on the used mechanisms, which results in the completely new condition of the initial system and/or at least its repetition with new characteristics of a better quality.  

8. Management technologies and informational support

Management technologies are a complex of management activity skills and techniques. Informational support allows eliminating uncertainty of knowledge about facts, events and conditions. 

9. Management principles

Guiding principles that determine the main requirements to the management system, structure and organization. 

10. Regular management patterns

Objectively existing and regularly repeating interrelations and interdependencies between separate processes and phenomena in the system (organization) management.  Regular management patterns (both common and specific) are of an objective character and appear in the process of management activity. 

Educational systems as well as any others are exposed to the direct and indirect influence of environmental factors, with market factors being the most significant. The educational services market implies a complex of agreements of any interpretation between the seller and the buyer of the good or service connected with the delivery of knowledge, skills, experience and so on. In the Russian Federation, this market emerged not only because the education became partially fee-based, but mostly because there were real market features.

Modern Dictionary of Economy interprets education as a branch of the country’s economy which unites organizations and establishments whose occupation is to teach, to educate, to deliver knowledge, to launch learning and teaching literature (Raisberg & others 2004). In the context of the market concept, education should be reasonably regarded as investments of capital that will ensure a higher productivity of the national economy as well as the increased cultural and social-economic welfare both of the society as a whole and a particular individual. The main features of market relations in the Russian education are:

Under the market conditions, the main criterion of measuring similar use-values is quality. In the system of higher school, the estimation of the services quality is the most significant constituent of the management process.

From the philosophical point of view, estimation is a way in which the subject of estimation determines the certain level of the object’s significance. The object of estimation can be a certificate, a fact, a resource, a human being, etc., whereas the subject of estimation can be a person, an organization, a system, etc.

Significance is understood as accepting a notion or a judgment, their logical acceptability or acceptability from the estimating point of view; the material truth of some thought, the ideal truth of some concept (Raisberg & others, 2004, p. 166).

The type classification of significances influences the differentiation of the estimated objects (see table 2).

Table 2
The characteristic of significance types and estimated objects
(Abushenko n. d.)

Significance type

Estimated object

Brief characteristic


Immanent properties of the estimated objects, objects “themselves”.


Gnosiological estimation of immanent properties and characteristics of an estimated object (both particular and all together) as well as of the object as a whole.


The certainty of the estimated object’s essence; properties and characteristics of estimated objects; their ability or inability to satisfy the estimating subject’s requirements.


Axiological estimation of the estimated object’s properties and characteristics is carried out, as well as of objects as integral bodies in the context of their adequacy/inadequacy to the estimating subject’s requirements. In this case, it can lead to positive, negative or indifferent results of measuring.


The estimated object; its properties and characteristics; their ability or inability to satisfy the estimating subject’s requirements.

This type of estimation is on the crossing point of gnosiological and axiological types.

From the economic point of view, estimation is a process of forming and measuring effectiveness and efficiency of using a resource; it is a derivative from a function that takes into consideration interdependencies of different properties and characteristics of an estimated object; it is a result of measuring properties and characteristics of the object of estimation considering their meaning. Any estimation is based on the economic-mathematical base (methods, models, methodic), which allows receiving not only quantitative data, but qualitative characteristics as well (qualimetric estimation). The concept of studying the higher school management system under the market conditions and within the approach of quality management is given in picture 2.  

Pic. 2
The concept of studying the higher school management system under the
market conditions and within the approach based on quality management

Creating the conceptual-methodological basis of the estimating procedures in the sphere of higher education quality should match with the system of educational goals. The higher school has always been on the crossing point of two goals: the interests of an individual as the direct consumer and the interests of the society, as higher education is one of the country’s strategic resources (Vasilev, Glukhov & Phedorov 2004). As practice shows, lately goal-setting has shifted towards the consumer, i.e. the estimation of higher education quality as the result of educational institutions performance is carried out from the position of the consumer approach, which cannot be ignored while elaborating the concept of studying the systems management under the market conditions and within the methodology of quality management.

The implementation of this concept will enable to recognize problems of the educational market functioning and developing and to conduct a system analysis of the existing practice of the education quality estimation, which, in its turn, will allow creating a methodological platform of enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of the management system on micro- and meso-levels on the basis of forming a system of education quality estimation as the most important condition for ensuring the required level of specialists training.

4. Discussion

In the Russian Federation, state control over statutory compliance in the sphere of higher school performance rests with the federal center. These processes are strictly timed and have forms of in-house and external students testing, documentation system inspecting, which must record facts, phenomena and results of educational institutions performance. However, control and estimating procedures are neither comprehensive nor free from drawbacks. Besides, the process of state control over the education quality is dependent on a number of factors:

1) territorial remoteness of regions from the federal center;

2) impossibility of total control over the quality of educational services (though, in order to prevent “defects” of the final result, which is almost intractable, the focus ought to be shifted to the result-forming processes);

3) regional specifics of the educational sphere;

4) selective character of estimating procedures;

5) time lags in monitoring processes.

We consider it to be important to pay special attention to the problems of regional higher school educational markets, which are due to certain disproportions. In case they are not solved, they become barriers for all interested sides. It is essential to note that some particular problems are common for the national educational system whereas others are of a unique character.

The first problem consists in the high rate of the population studying for a higher education degree.  From early 90s of the previous century till 2008 the number of higher professional education students per each 10.000 people in the Russian Federation steadily grew (from 2824.5 thousand to 7513.1 thousand students). However, later there was a tendency to a decline of this index, by 6.8 percent if to compare the 2008/2009 academic year with the 2010/2011 academic year. The quantity of professional higher educational institutions also   demonstrates a dramatic increase of them in the 2010/2011 academic year if compared to the 1990/1991 academic year (1115 to 514), with a slight decline in the 2008/2009 academic year (from 1134 to 1115) (Russian statistics yearbook for 2011, 2011, p. 237).

Matching these figures with the demographic statistics, one can state that the high rate of the population studying in the system of higher education still keeps on, which is supported by a decrease of similar indexes in the systems of primary and secondary professional education.

Setting aside the structure of preparing highly qualified specialists, it is possible to conclude the following: the found disproportions will strengthen the tension in regional labor markets, and a part of highly qualified specialists will have to agree to shift from the managerial level down to the executive one. Though, it makes sense. Foreign experience (e.g. in Japan) proves the wisdom of attracting higher school graduates to some ‘blue-collar’ jobs, with a system of incentives and social benefits being highly developed. 

The second problem consistsin the concentration of higher educational institutions in the country’s central regions. Thus, the Russian statistics agency Rosstat recorded that in the 2010/2011 academic year the distribution of higher education students across Russia’s territorial subjects looked as follows:

These figures confirm that most potential consumers want to receive higher education either in Moscow or in St. Petersburg. They believe that this education guarantees them a higher status and a better income in the future. The government being an active regulator in the educational sphere tries to influence this process by creating large educational complexes in Russia’s regions – national universities. However, a part of well-off or most promising intelligent applicants preserve a desire to study in Russia’s most prestigious universities or to receive education abroad, which does not add respect to the regional higher education. 

This circumstance does not prevent the capital’s universities from opening their branches in the regions, thus considering their financial welfare. The article’s authors believe that the public status of regional universities ought to be changed, first of all by means of strengthening their management as well as by means of implementation of innovations in the educational process, creation of conditions for scientific and research activity, scientific-pedagogical and organizational-managerial potentials, which will inevitably result in better quality education. 

The third problem consists in low relevance of specialists preparation to the time and labor market requirements. If not to take into consideration basic educational programs (BEPs) which are used for specialists training, but to focus attention on Bachelor’s and Master’s professional educational programs, it becomes clear that the standards are new whereas the problems are old.  Though, there are some positive points. Thus, in particular, according to the decision of the Ministry of Education and Science of 25 January 2011, the monitoring of the new BEPs quality and the balance of different types of students training must be estimated with the obligatory involvement of authorized public bodies (Minutes of the meeting of the Collegium of the Ministry Of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of 25 January 2011).

The fourth problem consists in the decreased level of graduates demand in the labor market. It is impossible to solve this problem only on the basis of improving organizational-economic mechanisms in the educational sphere, in the business society or in the labor market. First of all, the focus should be shifted to the main consumers of the educational services and then to employers in order to form an economically reasonable professional orientation. The statistical analysis shows that at the beginning of 2011 the following professional specialties gained the most popularity with applicants:

At the same time, very up-to-date specialties which are capable of solving complex modern problems of economy modernization in the country have a very low rate:

It is possible to change the situation by realizing outreach and awareness-raising work among the population and business society, by creating a social-economic basis for raising the social popularity of particular jobs, by implementing new effective organizational-economic mechanisms and so on. The scientists proved that those professions that do not exist today or are not popular with applicants now will be in great demand in 10-20 years’ time. If we ignore forecasting the structure of the future labor market today, it will be extremely difficult to adapt to the on-coming changes.

The fifth problem consists in the access of education. Speaking about this problem, particularly in the regional context, it is necessary to note the following:

The sixth problem is connected with providing relevance of the education quality to the requirements of the interested sides. The necessity to guarantee availability and quality of education is being declared at all levels of educational system management in the Russian Federation. Whereas the former does not raise any misunderstanding, the meaning of the latter is not reflected in any legal acts. So a question arises: How is it possible to ensure quality of education if no common terminology in this sphere has been formed and legally supported?

5. Conclusion

A lack of due attention to the problems of education quality can lead to certain disproportions in the education services market (Lomakina & Sergeeva 2015).

First, graduates with low qualification can be left behind the profession, which breaches the labor market structure.

Second, due to the uncertainty of the legal framework in the sphere of control and estimation of the education quality, each body of the educational services market shifts responsibility onto the others: universities blames schools, business accuses universities. It is always possible to find a ‘punching bag’, but this will not solve the problem.

Third, the questions of control over the higher education quality are in charge of the federal center; regions are virtually not involved in the process.

Fourth, employers and public organizations are invited to the processes of specialist preparation and estimation on the formalistic basis only: practicing specialists are involved in teaching two or three disciplines, employers’ representatives take part in State Certifying Commissions. With rare exceptions, there is no close interrelationship between higher school and business.

Fifth, the theoretical aspect apparently prevails over the practical one in the modern higher school.

Sixth, the ultimate result quality of the educational institution activity greatly depends on the quantity and quality of those who are involved in the teaching process and supervise it. The statistical analysis testifies that educational establishments almost do not enhance their general accreditation characteristics (the teaching staff and their scientific degrees) and preserve them on the standard level.  

Besides, regional higher educational institutions are disjoined because of their departmental affiliation, existing conditions of their functioning, high competence in the local market, all of which apparently do not facilitate a higher quality of education.   


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1. Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), 117198, Russia, Moscow, Miklukho-Maklaya st., 6; E-mail:

2. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University), 119991, Russia, Moscow, Trubetskaya St., 8, Bldg. 2; E-mail:

3. Lesosibirsk Pedagogical Institute Branch of Siberian Federal University, 662544, Russia, Lesosibirsk, Pobedy Street, 42. E-mail:

4. Kursk State University, 305000, Russia, Kursk, Radischeva Street, 33, E-mail:

5. Moscow State Budget Professional Educational Institution College of Hospitality Industry and Management No. 23, 107564, Russia, Moscow, Pogonny travel, 5. E-mail:

6. Nizhniy Novgorod Institute of Education Development, 603122, Russia, Nizhny Novgorod, Vaneeva street, 203. E-mail:

Revista ESPACIOS. ISSN 0798 1015
Vol. 39 (Nº 21) Year 2018


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