ISSN 0798 1015


Vol. 39 (# 21) Year 2018. Page 38

On the professional competence formation in students as future choreography teachers (based on the art history materials of choreography of Kazakhstan)

Formación de competencias profesionales para estudiantes de la Enseñanza de coreografía (basado en los materiales de la historia del arte de la coreografía de Kazajstán)

Toygan Ospankyzy IZIM 1; Kaiyr Zhanibek USENULY 2; Banu TURGYMBAEVA 3; M.S. SAUKHANOVA 4; K.U. KARIYEVA 5; Zh. M. BAIGOZHINA 6; Aigul AHMULDINOVA 7

Received: 01/04/2018 • Approved: 20/04/2018


1. Introduction

2. Methods

3. Results

4. Conclusions and recommendations



The article investigates the formation of professional competence in students of the choreographic specialty as future choreography teachers based on the art history materials of choreography of Kazakhstan. The authors specificate the concept of professional competence in students of the choreographic specialty, reflecting the specific content of their professional training, and develop the model of professional competence formation in students of choreographic specialty as future choreography teachers. Also, the authors identified, theoretically grounded, and experimentally verified pedagogical conditions contributing to perfection of professional competence formation in students of the choreographic specialty, taking into account the contemporary trends in the development of professional choreographic activities and higher professional education. The effectiveness of the developed novel model corresponding to the formation of professional competence in students of the choreographic specialty as future choreography teachers was verified experimentally. Based on the proposed model, the authors developed scientific and methodical recommendations concerning formation of professional competence in students of the choreographic profession.
Keywords: formation, professional competence, student, teacher, choreography, pedagogical conditions, model.


El artículo investiga la formación de la competencia profesional en los estudiantes de la especialidad coreográfica como futuros maestros de coreografía basados ​​en los materiales de la historia del arte de la coreografía de Kazajstán. Los autores especifican el concepto de competencia profesional en estudiantes de la especialidad coreográfica, reflejando el contenido específico de su formación profesional, y desarrollan el modelo de formación de competencias profesionales en estudiantes de especialidad coreográfica como futuros docentes de coreografía. Además, los autores identificaron condiciones pedagógicas comprobadas teóricamente y fundamentadas experimentalmente que contribuyen a la perfección de la formación de competencias profesionales en estudiantes de la especialidad coreográfica, teniendo en cuenta las tendencias contemporáneas en el desarrollo de actividades coreográficas profesionales y una educación profesional superior. La efectividad del modelo novedoso desarrollado correspondiente a la formación de competencia profesional en estudiantes de la especialidad coreográfica como futuros maestros de coreografía se verificó experimentalmente. Con base en el modelo propuesto, los autores desarrollaron recomendaciones científicas y metodológicas sobre la formación de competencia profesional en estudiantes de la profesión coreográfica.
Palabras clave: formación, competencia profesional, estudiante, docente, coreografía, condiciones pedagógicas, modelo.

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1. Introduction

The contemporary practice of professional training of students of choreographic specialty is associated with the implementation of the state educational standard, involving the graduation of a specialist. However, the implementation of the Bologna agreements requires transition to multilevel higher professional education. This in turn causes the urgency of issues concerning integration in education, ensuring functional literacy in students of the choreographic profession, and the increased attention to culturological content of professional training. In the context of modernization of choreographic education, scientific papers revealing cultural aspects of education gain special importance (Frego, R. J. D., 1999; Kulbekova A.K., 2014; Mason, P., 2012).

The issues of professional education of future choreographers are actively developed in pedagogical science (Loo F.C. and Loo F.Y., 2014; Makhashova, P., et al., 2016; Krumhansl, C.L. and Schenck, D.L., 1997), while the issues of vocational education and training of students of choreographic specialty are studied insufficiently. In addition, contemporary trends in the development of choreographic activities (increase in specialized knowledge, the emergence of new forms of culture, technology development, etc.) require training of professionals, specializing in the organization of diverse choreographic activities, who are able to provide artistic and pedagogical correction of socialization process in children and adults, to organize an optimal environment conducive to promoting personal self-actualization.

Therefore, to improve the professional training of students of choreographic specialty, we need to identify those pedagogical conditions that would improve the effectiveness of this process, and meet up-to-date requirements.

The degree of scientific elaboration of the problem. Problems concerning formation of professional competence in students of the higher school were studied by Chown, A., 1994; Omarov, Y. B., et al., 2016; Berkimbaev et al., 2012; Sakenov, D.Zh., et al., 2012; Henner, E.K., 2004, and many other scientists. The authors give detailed general theoretical substantiations to the basic concepts, such as education, training, and readiness, as well as disclosed didactic techniques, forms, methods, and means.

Theoretical studies related to the formation of professional competence in students of the choreographic specialty are revealed in the studies of scholars, such as Krumhansl, C.L., and Schenck, D.L., 1997; Arsamerzaev G.A., et al., 2014; Light, J.C., 1997; Loo, F.C. and Loo F. Y., 2014. Important are the studies of professionals in the field of socio-cultural and dance activities that allow identifying the requirements to a specialist working in a social-cultural sphere, and the organization of his training (Makhashova, P., et al., 2016; Gifford, S., 1994; Celce-Murcia, M. et al., 1995).

Analysis of the choreographic education practice in high school (Onalbek, Zh.K., et al., 2013; Hayakawa, Y., et al., 2000) shows close attention of the scholars to the solution of various aspects of the problem concerning preparation of students of choreographic disciplines. Despite the rather wide spectrum of studies, we should note insufficient knowledge of the conditions required to formation of professional competence in students of the choreographic specialty at the universities of culture and arts that meet modern trends in the development of professional activities and professional education.

The analysis of scientific literature and contemporary practices of higher vocational education at the higher education institutions has identified the contradictions between the need of society for competent, creative, competitive choreographers having a high level of professional readiness, and at the same time, insufficient scientific and methodological elaboration of the problem of professional competence formation in students of the choreographic specialty. The necessity of resolution of the specified contradiction allows defining the problem of the present research, which consists in determination of pedagogical conditions taking into account the modern trends in the development of professional activity and professional education that contribute to the formation process of professional competence in students of choreographic specialty.

The relevance of this problem, its practical demand and availability of theoretical preconditions for resolution of the present issue determined the choice of the research objectives, which consist in identifying, justifying theoretically and verifying experimentally the pedagogical conditions promoting formation of professional competence in students of the choreographic profession.

2. Methods

The research methodology is based on the following: systemic approaches to the issues of vocational education; personal and activity approach to education and personality development problems; general theoretical aspects of the problems concerning vocational training in higher education institution; problems of vocational training in the field of socio-cultural activities; implementation of the competence approach in education; the theory of personality value orientation; the basic ideas and provisions of the choreographic didactics; provisions of theatrical pedagogy focused on nurturing the creative person. The principle research methods include the following: analysis of the regulatory documents, which were used to justify the relevance of the problem and define the ways to solve it; theoretical and methodological analysis that allowed formulating the research background; conceptual and terminological analysis that was used to describe the conceptual aspect of the problem; the system analysis, which served the basis for a holistic consideration of the problem and description of the pedagogical system of training of students of choreographic specialty; analysis and generalization of pedagogical experience in training students of choreographic specialty; conducting ascertaining experiment on assessment of readiness of students of choreographic profession to professional activity; carrying out educational experiment for the practical implementation of pedagogical conditions to form professional competence in students of the choreographic profession; as well as conducting observation, survey, questionnaire, test, examination, interview, conversation, analysis, systematization, generalization, and applying mathematical methods of processing the results of the study.

3. Results

The professional competence formed in students of the choreographic profession, as well as creative and pedagogical theories and techniques that students master in the course of training, will strongly influence the efficiency and quality of the educational process in the schools of arts, choreographic schools, ensembles, and studios. Therefore, training of a specialist in higher vocational education system should be focused primarily on the formation and development of specific professional competence in students of the choreographic profession.

"Competence" is an integrated concept that includes the notion of qualification as component defining the professional knowledge, skills, and abilities. Professional competence is a professional qualification (availability of professional knowledge, skills and abilities (the cognitive component), enriched with the ability to act effectively (activity component) with a high degree of self-regulation, self-reflection, self-evaluation, fast, flexible and adaptive response to the changing circumstances and environment (motivational component). While speaking about the specific professional competence of students of the choreographic specialty as future choreography teachers and leaders of the creative teams, it is assumed that they have common and functional professional competence in choreography. Common competences concern the issues of organizational, educational, training, production-rehearsal, and concert-performing activity of choreography teachers, taking into account their professional and creative specifics. While, functional professional competences include methodological competence, which in turn includes both traditional and innovative methods and technologies for the study of technique, style, and manner of performance of basic elements of various types of dance, such as folk dance, arranged and set for stage performances, classical dance, duet-scenic dance, historical folk dance, ballroom dance, contemporary dance, jazz dance, and other current dance styles. We cannot ignore the emotional competence of the future choreography teachers. Emotions or emotional intelligence, being a large natural layer in the arsenal of each human being, are the main characteristics of the human personality. They provide opportunities for the choreographic specialty students as future choreography teachers for making them "work" on the implementation of the tasks set in the course of creative activities in the amateur choreographic group. The specified competency is manifested in the ability of teachers–choreographers to establish emotional contact with all creative choreographic team as well as each individual member, creating an atmosphere of trust, choosing the right tone and communication form, controlling the feelings and thoughts of students and, in no small measure, their own emotions, i.e., leaving all their emotional problems outside of the team and not showing them publicly. Naturally, the above-mentioned competences are not the only ones. They and many others allow choreographic specialty students to form a professional willingness to work with choreographic group in the course of studying at the university.

The formation of professional competences in students of choreographic specialty should be focused on ensuring their subjectivity, self-sufficiency, initiative, and tolerance, i.e. those features that provide a successful culture-oriented entry of a young man into society, his personal and professional development (White, R.W., 1959; Hymes, D., 1972). In our view, sociocultural competence is an integral attribute of the educated man of today, and should therefore be an important component of vocational training of the choreographic profession students. When modeling the process of professional competence formation in students of the choreographic specialty as future choreography teachers, it is necessary to develop a system of process organization based on the integration of forms both of students’ academic and extracurricular activities, diverse in terms of their content. Organizational block of professional competence formation in students of choreographic specialty as future choreography teachers represents an integration of the training material of the various disciplines with the diverse forms of creative activities. In this block we suppose to develop pedagogical conditions of professional competence formation in students of choreographic specialty as future choreography teachers. These conditions involve:

- formation of professional competence of future choreography teachers taking into account the specifics of their activities;

- inclusion of the art history materials of choreography of Kazakhstan into the content of training courses, and their focus on the formation of professional competence in students of choreographic specialty as future choreography teachers;

- the diagnostics of personal new formations of the future specialist, promoting professional competence formation in students of choreographic specialty as future choreography teachers.

Figure 1
Model of the professional competence formation in students of
the choreographic specialty as future choreography teachers.

When developing a model of professional competence formation in students of the choreographic specialty as future choreography teachers, we could not help but take into account the levels of competence maturity (high, moderate, and low). Development of criteria to assess the professional competence formation in students of the choreographic specialty as future choreography teachers was based on the analysis of both practical experience and research. Professional competence formation criteria to assess the students of choreographic specialty as future choreography teachers include motivational-targeted criterion, cognitive activity criterion, and estimated-resultant criterion. These criteria can be used to define the ability and readiness for professional creative pedagogical activity in the sphere of culture and art.

The structure of the model of professional competence formation in students of the choreographic specialty as future choreography teachers is presented in Fig. 1. Since all the structural elements of the model are in close unity and interrelation, and the formation of each of them cannot be considered in isolation from the others, when developing set of conditions, we proceed from the fact that proposed conditions should allow effective formation of both the individual components and the professional competence of students in general. Pedagogical conditions of professional competence formation in students of the choreographic specialty as future choreography teachers are understood as the totality of external and internal circumstances of the educational process, the implementation of which influences the professional competence formation process. At that, pedagogical conditions are a necessary component of the students’ professional training. They were taken into account during the organization of the educational process, and will ensure a high level of professional competence formation in future choreography teachers.

Pedagogical conditions defined in the model rely on the abilities of higher professional education as the most technologically advanced and the movable part of the education system. These conditions include the formation of personal qualities and core components of professional competence of the choreographic specialty students as future choreography teachers.

3.1. Original results

To verify pedagogical efficiency of the developed model of professional competence formation in students of choreographic specialty as future choreography teachers, we developed the structure and main content of experimental work to be used in the educational process. To assess the results of the professional competence formation in students of the choreographic specialty as future choreography teachers we defined three levels of competence – low, moderate, and high, and determined the following three criteria: motivational-targeted criterion, cognitive activity criterion, and estimated-resultant criterion. Motivational-targeted criterion reflects the enthusiasm of cognitive activity and focuses on the future professional engagement. This criterion can be assessed by the indicators such as the maturity of professional motivation and desire for self-actualization. The second is a cognitive activity criterion, reflecting set of knowledge and skills in general and special subjects based on the art history materials of choreography of Kazakhstan, which are typical for future professional activity. This criterion can be assessed by the maturity of professional knowledge and skills, and professional creative independence. Estimated-resultant criterion describes the ability to assess the result of the activities, and criticism when assessing actions and skills. This criterion can be assessed by the maturity of the ability to carry out self-awareness, self-esteem and self-correcting of training. In the course of ascertaining experiment, we have determined the initial actual level of professional competence formation in students of choreographic specialty as future choreography teachers in control (15 students) and experimental (15 students) groups to compare and analyze the results obtained in both groups. Conducting the ascertaining stage of the experiment allowed us to conclude that at the beginning of ascertaining experiment there were no significant differences between the students in the control and experimental groups in terms of selected criteria on professional competence formation in tested students of choreographic specialty.

The purpose of carrying out educational experiment consisted in practical verification of the proposed model, as well as assessment of correctness and efficiency of the developed pedagogical conditions, necessary for professional competence formation in students of choreographic specialty as future choreography teachers. At that, we should note the special significance of indicators showing the results of professional competence formation in students, since exactly formed competences maximize the unity of teaching, nurturing, and developing of professional competence formation in students, and have therefore great potential to increase the efficiency of professional competence formation in general.

Pedagogical conditions of professional competence formation in students of the choreographic specialty as future choreography teachers, designed on the basis of the results of complex scientific and theoretical research, have been currently tested in educational groups in combination with the inspection provided for in the curricula and university programs. A significant difference between the students of control (C) and experimental (E) groups was the change in the nature and organization of educational activity of the latter group due to implementation of pedagogical conditions of professional competence formation in students of the choreographic specialty as future choreography teachers. Statistical analysis of the data obtained in the course of experiment, gave mathematical confirmation of the importance of developed pedagogical conditions of professional competence formation in students of the choreographic specialty as future choreography teachers. According to the comparative analysis of each of the investigated criteria, the developed pedagogical conditions provide the greatest impact on the efficiency of professional competence formation in students of the choreographic specialty as future choreography teachers (Table 1).

Table 1
The efficiency dynamics of professional competence formation in students
of choreographic specialty as future choreography teachers (%)

Levels of professional competence maturity


Before the experiment, %

After the experiment, %























The data presented in Table 1, revealed that after the organization of experimental work, the experimental group showed high and moderate levels in efficiency of professional competence formation in students of choreographic specialty as future choreography teachers. This confirms the efficiency of the proposed model of professional competence formation in students of the choreographic specialty as future choreography teachers, as well as the efficiency of the conducted pedagogical experiment.

4. Conclusions and recommendations

In consequence of the conducted study we justified the professional competence formation process in students of the choreographic specialty in educational theory and practice. We have specificated the concept of professional competence of students of the choreographic profession, reflecting the specific content of their professional training. A model of the professional competence formation in students of the choreographic specialty as future choreography teachers has been developed and verified. Pedagogical conditions required for perfection of professional competence formation process in students of the choreographic specialty were identified, theoretically grounded, and experimentally proved. These conditions take into account contemporary trends in the development of professional choreographic activities and professional education. We have tested experimentally the effectiveness of the developed original model of the professional competence formation process in students of the choreographic specialty as future choreography teachers, and developed scientific and methodical recommendations concerning formation of professional competence in students of the choreographic occupation.

Higher education institutions need to create the following pedagogical conditions that would ensure:

- the formation of professional competence of future choreography teachers taking into account the specifics of their activities;

- the use of art history materials of choreography of Kazakhstan in the content of training courses and their focus on the formation of professional competence in students of choreographic specialty as future choreography teachers;

- the diagnostics of personal new formations of a future specialist, promoting professional competence formation in students of choreographic specialty as future choreography teachers.

These pedagogical conditions are a necessary component of the students’ professional training. They should be taken into account when organizing the educational process, because they allow ensuring a high level of professional competence in students of choreographic specialty as future choreography teachers.


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1. Kazakh National Academy of Choreography, 010000, Kazakhstan, Astana, Uly Dala Str., 9

2. Kazakh National Academy of Choreography, 010000, Kazakhstan, Astana, Uly Dala Str., 9

3. Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University, 050000, Kazakhstan, Almaty, Aiteke bi Str., 99

4. L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, 010008, Kazakhstan, Astana, Satpayev Str., 2

5. L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, 010008, Kazakhstan, Astana, Satpayev Str., 2

6. Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute, 140000, Pavlodar, Mira Street, 60, Kazakhstan

7. Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute, 140000, Pavlodar, Mira Street, 60, Kazakhstan

Revista ESPACIOS. ISSN 0798 1015
Vol. 39 (Nº 21) Year 2018


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