ISSN 0798 1015


Vol. 39 (Number 35) Year 2018. Page 23

Algorithm of supporting future social workers in pedagogical and psychological aspects

Algoritmo de apoyo a futuros trabajadores sociales en aspectos pedagógicos y psicológicos

ADOLF Vladimir Aleksandrovich 1; GADABORSHEVA Zarina Israilovna 2; AZHIEV Akhmed Vakhaevich 3

Received: 27/03/2018 • Approved: 11/05/2018


1. Introduction

2. Methodology

3. Results

4. Discussion

5. Conclusions

Bibliographic references


Introduction. The paper deals with the issue of supporting future social workers in psychological and pedagogical aspects. The key structural constituents of students’ professional and personal development include cognitive, motive-based, value-oriented, communicative, social-perceptive and will-emotional fields of people’s activity. Study methodology. Improvement of professional skills required for social workers is a persistent mental struggle for one’s inner development and implementation of his/her creative abilities, along with integrity and evolution from “thing-in-itself” to “better-and-beyond”. Results of the study. The factor which is needed to provide a future specialist with conditions for professional development is the possibility to fulfill one’s potential within areas of certainty and uncertainty. These psychological zones enable us to choose the scenarios of specialists’ professional development by activating students’ motivation. It is more productive when they interact to achieve common goals within the multi-aspect creative activity, which is important for each participant. Discussion. It is proved that the major constituents of the proposed algorithm of professional improvement of the future social worker are the following: the analysis and perfection of the structural elements of professionalism with regard to level indicators; taking into consideration pedagogical and psychological factors contributing to successful evolution of these elements; favouring the desire to fulfill one’s creative and other potential including communication and self-control skills. Conclusion. The author’s pedagogical and psychological model provides for productive usage of the continuity principle, since it reflects the specificity of the “given development area” with additional attention to the “proximal progress area”.
Keywords: Professional development, social workers, continuity principle, “given development area”, “proximal progress area”


Introducción. El documento trata el tema de apoyar a los futuros trabajadores sociales en aspectos psicológicos y pedagógicos. Los componentes estructurales clave del desarrollo profesional y personal de los estudiantes incluyen campos cognitivos, basados ​​en motivos, orientados a valores, comunicativos, social-perceptivos y voluntad emocional de la actividad de las personas. Metodología de estudio. La mejora de las habilidades profesionales requeridas para los trabajadores sociales es una lucha mental persistente para el desarrollo interno y la implementación de sus habilidades creativas, junto con la integridad y la evolución de "cosa en sí" a "mejor y más allá". Resultados del estudio. El factor que se necesita para proporcionar un futuro especialista con las condiciones para el desarrollo profesional es la posibilidad de cumplir con el potencial dentro de las áreas de certeza e incertidumbre. Estas zonas psicológicas nos permiten elegir los escenarios de desarrollo profesional de los especialistas activando la motivación de los estudiantes. Es más productivo cuando interactúan para lograr objetivos comunes dentro de la actividad creativa de múltiples aspectos, que es importante para cada participante. Discusión. Está demostrado que los principales constituyentes del algoritmo propuesto de mejora profesional del futuro trabajador social son los siguientes: el análisis y la perfección de los elementos estructurales del profesionalismo con respecto a los indicadores de nivel; tomando en cuenta los factores pedagógicos y psicológicos que contribuyen a la evolución exitosa de estos elementos; favorecer el deseo de cumplir con el potencial creativo y de otro tipo, incluidas las habilidades de comunicación y autocontrol. Conclusión. El modelo pedagógico y psicológico del autor proporciona un uso productivo del principio de continuidad, ya que refleja la especificidad del "área de desarrollo dada" con atención adicional al "área de progreso proximal".
Palabras clave: Desarrollo profesional, trabajadores sociales, principio de continuidad, "área de desarrollo dada", "área de progreso proximal"

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1. Introduction

The key structural constituents of students’ professional and personal development include cognitive, motive-based, value-oriented, communicative, social-perceptive and will-emotional fields of people’s activity. In this context, the model of psychological assistance to students in overcoming personal and professional difficulties is productive, in which the main components are represented in close relationship: structural and content components in overcoming personal and professional difficulties (content of the psychological aid process, its algorithm and technology) [Ju et al., 2017; Mukhin et al., 2017; Sergeeva, Komarovskaya et al., 2018]; the result of psychological help and the activity of the social and psychological service in overcoming professional and personal difficulties (the success of overcoming difficulties is characterized by adequate self-esteem, actualization of the value of the activity of one's own subjectivity in it, responsibility for realizing the life strategy, emotional-volitional stability, communicability, high level of achievement motivation and activity in the performance of duties, which ultimately ensures the adequacy of the student's preparedness in to the design of their own life strategy) [Mukhin, Mishatkina & Sokolova, 2017; Sergeyeva, Flyagina et al., 2017; Samokhin et al., 2018]; system for optimizing the psychological support to students (criteria, indicators and levels of psychological assistance, improving the content and organization of psychological assistance in overcoming personal and professional difficulties, active psychological and pedagogical support, and increasing the role of social institutions in overcoming personal and professional difficulties) [Dmitrichenkova & Dolzhich, 2017; Micheeva, Popova & Ignashina, 2017; Sergeeva, Sinelnikov & Sukhodimtseva, 2017].

By structure, the professional development of specialists in social work is included in special and technological development, and personal development is included in the reflective and communicative development respectively [Mikheeva, 2016; Bourina & Dunaeva, 2017; Tatarinceva, Sergeeva et al., 2018; Wang et al., 2018]. Consequently, our psychological and pedagogical support will be directed, first of all, to the development of the selected types of directions. In our opinion, general professional development of specialists in social work advances in two directions: internal professional development and external conditions for professional development. Both directions should be taken into account and constitute the essence of psychological and pedagogical support for the professional development of future specialists in social work.

2. Methodology

Psychological and pedagogical support of the process of professional development of the future specialist in social work in the conditions of a higher educational institution should be directed to professional development by the individual himself and to initiate professional dialogue, freedom and responsibility for the results of his activities [Sergeeva & Nikitina, 2016; Milovanov et al., 2017; Sergeyeva, Ippolitova et al., 2018; Sergeeva, Sokolova et al., 2018]. The process of professional development of the future specialist in social work is connected with external and internal thresholds, passing through which professionally significant, qualitative personality changes take place. The creation of “threshold states” is helped by resonant psychological and pedagogical influences from “significant others” – experienced and authoritative teachers and practitioners in the field of social work [Sukhodimtseva et al., 2018; Tatrinceva, Sokolova, Mrachenko et al., 2018]. We can state that the professional should take place in conditions that provide the specialist with the implementation of his own development strategy, include the mechanisms of self-determination and self-development in the course of interaction between participants in educational activities. Thus, the personality exists, as it were, on the boundaries of essence and existence, in the space of real interaction of the individual with other people and with himself.

The search for psychological determinants conducive to psychological and pedagogical support for the professional development of the future specialist in social work in higher educational institutions made us turn to psychological theories of personality, which are disclosed in the works of domestic and foreign psychologists. Among such determinants we can refer to mechanisms of compensation in overcoming the feeling of insufficiency and man’s striving for "self-better", achievement of a sense of identity and successful resolution of crises of personal growth [Neverkovich et al., 2018; Sergeeva, Bedenko et al., 2018]. These mechanisms can allow a specialist in social work to achieve personal and professional maturity. The transition of a person from the deficit level to the existential one and the satisfaction of the need for self-actualization are considered by us as an integral process of psychological support for the professional development of a specialist in social work.

The driving force in realizing the potential of a specialist in social work is his activity, which precedes the activity and accompanies the process of self-development, self-adjustment, self-change. This allows us to use the principle of activity mediation in the definition of the specifics of psychological and pedagogical support, which calls for the use of active methods of influence on the semantic personal structures of a specialist in social work, based on a non-directional (indirect) interindividual influence characterized by the subject's desire to change the behavior of the other, in the calculation of the responses he needs.

3. Results

Proceeding from the anthropocentric approach to educational practice, the process that promotes the professional development of the individual seems to us:

• as a subject-subject interaction, which is characterized by mutual orientation, mutual consistency of expectations and actions, reflexive activity, psychological security;

• facilitating interaction of subjects, based on the authenticity of understanding each other and empathy for each other;

• interaction on the basis of subject experience, which makes it possible to distinguish personally important aspects of professional activity;

• training interaction of subjects, helping to practically implement a new type of professional-pedagogical relationships in educational practice.

The necessary prerequisite for creating the conditions for the professional development of a specialist in social work, in our opinion, is the possibility of choosing ways of professional self-realization in the zone of uncertainty and the necessary presence of a zone of certainty. The presence of these zones allows us to actualize the motivation to pursue the choice of ways of professional development of specialists. Actualization of motivation is more effective when interaction of subjects united by a common goal and common activity, in which various forms of cooperation develop, the creative character of the individual manifests itself.

Internal requirements of the process of professional development are becoming demanding of oneself, unwillingness to stop at what has been achieved, self-criticism; external - the inclusion of a person in a variety of activities, solving high-level problems and new content.

The philosophical basis of the human escort system is the concept of free choice of the individual as a condition for his development. The starting point for the formation of the theoretical foundations of psychological and pedagogical support for us has become a personal-oriented approach, in the logic of which development is understood by us as the choice and mastering by a subject of certain innovations through professional development.

4. Discussion

The actualization of the professional development of a specialist student has its own peculiarities, conditioned by the specifics of its activities: a specialist in social work practically always recognizes himself as an independent self-managing person, has a stock of subject (personal and professional) experience, has a certain level of professional knowledge and skills. This is the basis for self-analysis and goal-setting in their own educational and self-educational activities [Sergeeva, Flyagina et al., 2017; Sergeyeva, Ippolitova et al., 2018].

Revealing the importance of psychological and pedagogical support for the development of professional competence of specialists in social work, we can distinguish the following functions:

• specialized - receiving and comprehending specific information;

• compensatory - filling gaps in basic education;

• innovative - updating theoretical knowledge and improving skills;

• developing - the formation of the social orientation of the individual;

• oriented - search for your line of activity.

The second group of functions of specialists in social work concerns both individual specialists in the social sphere and the whole collective. The functions of this group include:

• consolidation, consolidation of collective of social institution as a team of like-minded people;

• organization of diagnostics and self-diagnosis of real professional capabilities, needs and requests;

• expert evaluation of author’s variants of social programs;

• stimulating group creativity and initiative of members of the social team;

The third group of functions relates to each specialist in social work, and to the collective as a whole. The peculiarity of the group is that the functions included in it ensure cooperation between social institutions and the outside world. These are the following functions:

• creative understanding of social needs, new regulations and documents;

• introduction of achievements of advanced experience, prevention of deviations;

• introduction and use of scientific achievements;

• dissemination of innovative forms and methods of work.

As a condition for professional development of a specialist, we singled out the organization of collective interaction of teachers. Supporting the opinion of L.I. Novikova, L.N. Kulikova, N.L. Selivanova, who consider the collective not as an instrument of suppression, subordination of the individual, we also note that the collective is the environment for the cultivation of the individual principle. Only when meeting with others a person can realize himself as a unique, integral personality [Sergeeva & Nikitina, 2016; Tatarinceva, Sokolova, Sergeyeva et. al., 2018] .

An important stage of the study is the construction of a model of psychological and pedagogical support for the professional development of the future specialist in social work in the conditions of the university. The psychological-pedagogical model of development support projects the relationship between the present, the given, the “starting” and the future, which is not yet in reality, the way of moving towards this future, which is determined by external and internal determination.

The purpose of creation and functioning of such a model is in the development of a professional expert in social work, professional competences, values, innovativeness, subjectivity and professionally important qualities necessary for the performance of a specific activity as the leading component of labor, as well as for creative self-realization.

The goal set and the assigned tasks make it possible to present the structure and interrelation of the elements of the psychological and pedagogical model of accompanying the professional development of the future specialist in social work.

When developing the model, the following definition was taken into account: professionalism is the level of proficiency that is manifested in the formation of professional competence and competencies, guided by value orientations, reflecting the measure of subjectivity found in innovation and self-realization in the profession.

First of all, the components of the professionalism of the specialist in social work (professional competence and constituent competencies), his levels (precompetent, eclectic, algorithmizing, rationalizing, researching, mentoring), value orientations, his subjectivity, innovativeness, self-realization in the profession.

The main components of the psychological and pedagogical model of professional development of the future specialist in social work are:

• study and development of the structure and components of professionalism on the basis of indicators of its development levels;

• taking into account the psychological and pedagogical conditions and factors that ensure their productive development;

• formation of the need for self-realization, development of communicative abilities, creative and subjective potentials, training in self-regulation, self-improvement skills.

Each of these components can be considered as part of the structure or as an independent whole, performing various functions in the structure of the whole. The components obtained can serve to determine the success of development and determine the effectiveness of professional activity.

5. Conclusions

The dynamics of professional growth should be carried out according to the “vertical” in accordance with the subject-professional and individual “movement” of the future specialist in social work, and “horizontally”, which manifests itself in personal-subjective growth, the successful passage of the stages of subjective formation of an individual.

The movement to the top of professional development is accompanied by an increasingly active manifestation of the subjectivity of the individual and the transformation of the educational space.

Dynamics of professional development (as a system) can be dialectically represented through the passage by the future specialist in social work of the main phases of the life of a professional.

In this case, the forms of transformation of the system can be different: a transformation that leads to the destruction of all the interrelations of the elements of the system; transformation of the system into a qualitatively different state, but equal in degree of organization; transformation of the system into a qualitatively different state, but inferior in degree of organization; transformation of the system into a qualitatively different state, but higher in degree of organization.

This model creates prerequisites for the effective implementation of the principle of continuity, as it characterizes the nature of the “given development area” and focuses on the “proximal progress area”.

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1. Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences (Grand PhD in Education), Professor, Director of the Institute of Physical Education, Sport and Health named after I.S. Yarygin, Head of the Pedagogical Department of Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V. P. Astafyev.

2. Candidate of Psychology, Associate Professor of Pedagogy and Preschool Psychology Department of the Chechen State Pedagogical University.

3. Candidate of Pedagogical, Professor of Pedagogy and Preschool Psychology Department of the Chechen State Pedagogical University

Revista ESPACIOS. ISSN 0798 1015
Vol. 39 (Nº 35) Year 2018


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