ISSN 0798 1015


Vol. 39 (Number 35) Year 2018. Page 25

Civil Identity And Economic Views Of Students Of The Higher Education In The Conditions Of Formation Of Civil Society

Identidad y opiniones económicas de los estudiantes de educación superior en condiciones de formación de una sociedad civil

Natalia MOROVA 1; Anna ZAKHAROVA 2; Galina DULINA 3; Tamara TALANOVA 4; Vladislav SEMENOV 5; Lyudmila KUZNETSOVA 6; Inna GETSKINA 7

Received: 03/06/2018 • Approved: 30/06/2018


1. Introduction

2. Problem Statement

3. Purpose of the Study

4. Research Methods

5. Findings

6. Conclusion

Bibliographic references


The evolutionary development of modern Russian society is impossible without the making of civic engagement of the population, especially young people. The relevance of this problem is due to the increased importance of the emergence of civil society in Russia, which is the foundation of individual freedom, satisfaction of its interests and needs. One of the important directions in the study of civic activity and civic identity is the problem of its interrelation with the economic conceptions of the population. The article described the results of an empirical study of the characteristics of the state-civil and ethnic identity, the characteristics of the civil identity (strength and valence), the factors of consolidation, the importance of rights and freedoms in the representation of student youth, the interrelation of civic identity and economic views of student youth (N = 300) in the socio-cultural conditions of the educational sphere of the Chuvash Republic. Most of the student youth who participated in the study have a positive correlation of state-civil and ethnic identity, a high level of civil identity positivity. For student youth, being a citizen of Russia means loving the Fatherland, feeling protected by the state, having the opportunity to live and develop, knowing the history of the country and being proud of its achievements. Pride for the country is caused by the history and culture of Russia, its military power, Russian science and scientists, as well as Russia's position in the international arena. Such factors as “language”, “native land, nature”, “united country”, “culture” and “historical past” are among the main consolidating factors of Russian society for respondents. Students consider that the most important are the rights that provide social protection. They give the lowest places in the ranking to the importance of political rights and freedoms. Economic views most of the students in the survey are related to a fairly high economic activity and an orientation towards the average level of economic risk. The results of the study are expected to be used in the practice of psychological support of the educational process in the system of higher education.
Keywords: student youth; citizenship; civic identity; ethnic identity; consolidation factors; economic ideas; the emergence of personality as a citizen; the educational sphere; Russian society; the Chuvash Republic.


El desarrollo evolutivo de la sociedad rusa moderna es imposible sin la participación cívica de la población, especialmente los jóvenes. La relevancia de este problema se debe a la creciente importancia del surgimiento de la sociedad civil en Rusia, que es la base de la libertad individual, la satisfacción de sus intereses y necesidades. Una de las direcciones importantes en el estudio de la actividad cívica y la identidad cívica es el problema de su interrelación con las concepciones económicas de la población. El artículo describe los resultados de un estudio empírico de las características de la identidad estatal civil y étnica, las características de la identidad civil (fuerza y ​​valencia), los factores de consolidación, la importancia de los derechos y libertades en la representación de la juventud estudiantil , la interrelación de la identidad cívica y las opiniones económicas de los jóvenes estudiantes (N = 300) en las condiciones socioculturales de la esfera educativa de la República de Chuvasia. La mayoría de los jóvenes estudiantes que participaron en el estudio tienen una correlación positiva entre la identidad estatal civil y étnica, un alto nivel de positividad de identidad civil. Para los jóvenes estudiantes, ser ciudadano de Rusia significa amar a la Patria, sentirse protegido por el estado, tener la oportunidad de vivir y desarrollarse, conocer la historia del país y estar orgulloso de sus logros. El orgullo por el país es causado por la historia y la cultura de Rusia, su poder militar, la ciencia y los científicos rusos, así como por la posición de Rusia en el ámbito internacional. Factores tales como "idioma", "tierra nativa, naturaleza", "país unido", "cultura" y "pasado histórico" se encuentran entre los principales factores de consolidación de la sociedad rusa para los encuestados. Los estudiantes consideran que los más importantes son los derechos que brindan protección social. Le dan a los lugares más bajos en el ranking la importancia de los derechos políticos y las libertades. Opiniones económicas La mayoría de los estudiantes en la encuesta están relacionados con una actividad económica bastante alta y una orientación hacia el nivel promedio de riesgo económico. Se espera que los resultados del estudio se utilicen en la práctica del apoyo psicológico al proceso educativo en el sistema de educación superior.
Palabras clave: juventud estudiantil; ciudadanía; identidad cívica; identidad étnica; factores de consolidación; ideas económicas; el surgimiento de la personalidad como ciudadano; la esfera educativa; Sociedad rusa; la república de Chuvash.

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1. Introduction

The evolutionary development of modern Russian society is impossible without the making of civic engagement of the population, especially young people. The relevance of this problem is due to the increased importance of the making of civil society in Russia, which is the foundation of individual freedom, satisfaction of interests and needs.

The problem of becoming a person as a citizen is one of the current scientific trends for a number of sciences. The problems of citizenship, civic activity and civic education are considered in the works of scientists in the field of sociology, philosophy, political science, jurisprudence, culturology, pedagogy, acmeology and psychology.


2. Problem Statement

In the context of Russian education modernization, in the constant search for and introduction of innovative technologies into the modern educational process, it is important not to lose civil and moral-patriotic education, the spiritual and moral development of the individual, the making of the personality as a citizen. All these have the traditional orientation for the national education system.

A.M. Knyazev (Knyazev, 2003) proposes to consider citizenship “as a formed system of knowledge and personal relations to oneself as a citizen, to civil society, to the state and state structures, to one’s own civil rights and obligations, allowing to live successfully in the conditions of the state and civil society, to realize one’s civil rights and duties in a certain political and socio-cultural environment”.

T.A. Trunova (Trunova, 2009), based on a deep analysis of scientific, methodological sources, normative acts, political documents of various periods of Russian history, concludes that citizenship is an integral part of the political culture of society and man. Its ideal form corresponds to the state of the political system of society and is transformed together with it, preserving certain continuity at all stages of the political history of society.

The authoritative scientist, the head of the Center for the Study of Interethnic Relations of the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, L.M. Drobizheva (Drobizheva, 2008) reveals the national-civic (state-civil) identity “as a notion that includes not only loyalty to the state, but also identification with the citizens of the country, views of this community, responsibility for the fate of the country and people's experience in connection with feelings (pride, resentment, disappointment, pessimism or enthusiasm). Ethnic identity is proposed to be understood as the idea of one’s people, language, culture, territory, interests, as well as the emotional attitude towards them and under certain conditions the readiness to act in the name of these representations”.

Formation of solidarity of citizens' identity is considered in all countries as a necessary condition for preserving the integrity of the state and maintaining consensus in the society (Drobizheva, 2014).

One of the important directions of studying citizenship and civic identity is the problem of its interrelation with the economic conceptions of the population.

Prominent Russian scientist A.N. Tatarko believes that a single civil identity is of a great importance for the economic development of the society. It is an important factor that fulfills the integration function in the process of economic development. A.N. Tatarko and N.M. Lebedeva revealed that such characteristics of civil identity as valence (degree of positivity) and strength (severity) are interrelated with productive economic attitudes and political attitudes of Russians (Tatarko, 2012, Tatarko, & Lebedeva, 2009).

In the study of M.V. Snegovaya, A.N. Tatarko (Snegovaya & Tatarko, 2012), based on the analysis of the relationship of social capital and economic perceptions among respondents belonging to several ethnic groups of Russia, it was revealed that in all ethnic groups under consideration (Russians, Tatars, Bashkirs, Armenians, Dagestanis, Chechens) the indicators of social capital (including civic identity) are connected with “productive” economic ideas.

Economic views, according to the authoritative scientist in the field of economic psychology, VA Khashchenko, are the basic component of the economic consciousness of the individual that forms the subjective model of the economic well-being of a person characterized by the unity of material (attributes), financial (poverty and wealth borders) and psychological (aims, means, reasons for achieving, personal qualities) signs (Hashchenko, 2004).

In the studies of T. M. Uzdenov (Uzdenov, 2010) it was revealed that students' ideas about ways to achieve economic well-being are the result of the influence of the sociocultural environment, personal experience, the experience of the closest environment. It creates an ultimately minimized picture of the world in which the subjective activity concept of economic well-being, purpose, motive, modes of action and the anticipated (expected) economic and psychological result, i. e. economic representations are interconnected with socio-cultural characteristics. The author has shown that students' ideas about ways to achieve economic well-being have individual and typical features: individual features reflect subjective knowledge about the types and forms of activity that ensure economic success, and typical features - group experience, actually contained in the constructs of mass (everyday) consciousness.

The socio-cultural nature of the structure of social notions of well-being was revealed in a study by O.S. Masharskaia (Masharskaya, 2012). The structure of social perceptions of well-being and the nature of the interconnection of its components had cross-cultural differences, depending on the nationality of the students (Russian, Belarusian and American students) along with gender and marital status.

M.V. Efremova (Efremova, 2010) shows the relationship of civic identity with economic attitudes and perceptions. In this author's study, it is established that the manifestation of the civic identity of Russian students - representatives of two faiths (representatives of traditional religions of Russia - Orthodoxy and Islam) is associated with productive socio-economic attitudes and perceptions. She found differences in the interrelationships of civic identity with economic attitudes and perceptions. The degree of civic identity contributes only to productive economic attitudes and perceptions among Muslims, Christians have ambivalent links of the expression of civic identity with economic attitudes and perceptions.

3. Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this study was to study the features of civic identity and economic views of student youth in the sociocultural conditions of the Chuvash Republic.

4. Research Methods

At the stage of research a questionnaire was prepared to study the peculiarities of the formation of civic youth in the educational environment, based on the analysis of scientific sources. The questionnaire was aimed at studying the state-civic and ethnic identity, the characteristics of civil identity (strength and valence), the factors of consolidation, the importance of rights and freedoms in the views of student youth and a number of other important indicators for revealing the indicators of making of citizenship.

The survey used a questionnaire that includes the following indicators:

Characteristics of civil identity. The study assessed two characteristics of civil identity: the “strength” of civil identity; valency (positivity - negativity) of civil identity (Tatarko, Lebedeva, 2009). To study the characteristics of civic identity, the question from the initiative all-Russian poll of VTsIOM (VTsIOM .., 2016) was also used.

The choice of questions of the questionnaire was also determined by the possibility of comparing the obtained results with the accumulated data of monitoring the state of civil society conducted by the Center for Civil Society Studies and the nonprofit sector of the National Research University “Higher School of Economics” (importance of rights and freedoms) (Mersiyanova, Yakobson, 2007; Monitoring, 2016). Also with the results of a survey of students in the Volga region (Kosharnaya, Rozhkova, 2012; Rozhkova, Tolubaeva, 2012).

Economic views. A number of questions were included that allow to assess the respondent's economic views from a standardized program of socio-psychological research of an individual's economic consciousness (Zhuravlev, Zhuravleva, 2002). These economic and psychological characteristics (the nature of social motivation for actions that promote or prevent economic transformations, the orientation of social attitudes on the basis of which one or another type of real economic behavior develops etc.) express essential features in many respects, the totality and development measure. It will determine type of economic behavior of a person in the current situation: active or passive, modern or conservative, effective or inefficient etc. (Zakharova A.N., 2011).

We considered such judgments as an orientation towards an active type of economic behavior: the choice to have a major business, even if connected with economic risk; preferring to have one's own business, which requires a great deal of effort, but in case of success, bringing a significant income; the view that the current socio-economic situation in the country encourages them to take active action and determines the desire to work more.

Orientation to the passive type of economic behavior, which does not require independence, initiative was considered by getting the respondents' opinions about the preference “to have not very large but stable earnings”; the opinion that the modern economic situation in the country causes them to be ready to suffer in anticipation of changes for the better, apathy and despair.

After the survey, the results were discussed during the interview with student youth.

5. Findings

300 students from the Chuvash Republic (Russian Federation) aged between 17 and 23 (aged 19.33 ± 1.92) took part in a study conducted in 2016. There were 204 girls (68%), 96 boys (32%) among them.

To study the characteristics of student youth identity in a multi-ethnic region and the correlation of civil, all-Russian, ethnic identity it was suggested to answer the question “Who do you feel more”. The results of the study among university students showed that representatives of student youth (38.67%) most often choose an answer that combines ethnic and Russian identity (“I feel the same as a person of my nationality and as being Russian”). The next frequent answer was – “I feel more Russian (33.3%). 18.33% of respondents consider themselves citizens of their nationality. Thus, the all-Russian identity and ethnicity are the most relevant categories of the personality of student youth.

It was difficult to determine their ethnic and civic identity to 10% of respondents (the answer was “neither one nor the other” - 3.33%, “difficult to answer” - 6.33%). As interviews show, that was usually due to what the respondent identified for other reasons - family, gender, etc. (young mother, wife, girl, sportsman).

The study analyzed the characteristics of civil identity. To determine the “strength” of civil identity the respondent was asked the following question - “To what extent do you feel yourself as a representative of your country?”. A five-point scale was proposed for the answer (Table 1).

Table 1
To what extent do you feel yourself as a representative of your country?

Degree of actuality of citizenship

Absolute value.

Number of people.


1 –  I do not feel it at all












5 – I feel it strongly



The indicator of the degree of civil identity М± σ


To study the valence (degree of positivity) of civil identity, the following question was asked with the options for answers: “What feelings make you feel like a citizen of your country (RF)”. The following answers were offered: pride; calm confidence; no feelings; resentment; infringement, humiliation. The results are shown in Table 2. Then the choice was coded as follows: 5 - pride, 4 - calm confidence, 3 - no feelings, 2 - resentment, 1 - infringement, humiliation. On the basis of these data, the valence (degree of positivity) of civic identity was calculated, which in our study was at a very high level - 4.18 ± 0.84.

Table 2. What feelings make you feel that you are a citizen of your Country (RF)?

Variants of answers

Absolute value. Number of people.





calm confidence



no feelings






Infringement, humiliation



Valence (degree of positivity) of the civil identity M ± σ


In order to reveal what causes positive feelings for the country and mainly determines a positive civil identity the question “Could you say about yourself that you are proud of ...?” was suggested and offered to evaluate a number of positions. Variants of answers were chosen from the poll of VTsIOM “Russia this sounds proudly!”. The overwhelming majority of students are proud of the history (93%) and culture (87%) of the country, a strong army (86.67%), science (81.67%), Russia's position at the international level (76.33%).

What is the expression of the citizenship of young people? What does it mean for them to be a citizen of Russia? The results of the research showed that “being a citizen of Russia” means “to love your Motherland” (59%), “to feel protected by the country” (57.7%), “to have the opportunity to live and develop” (54%). Being a citizen means knowing the history of the country and being proud of its achievements - 44.7% of respondents think so.

The results of the research of the Russian Sociologists Society showed that among the student youth the normative approach to understanding the role of the citizen prevailed; and the socio-cultural content of the citizen's image showed “weak” positions. These data were similar to the studies of the students of the Middle Volga region, where it was revealed that students consider citizenship in a strictly legal sense: to have civil rights and obligations, to reside in Russia, etc. In our study such normative answers show the following rating positions - 5 (follow the laws of Russia), 7 (civil rights and obligations), 14 (be a Russian citizen by passport), 17 (pay taxes). It is presented in Table 3.

Table 3
What does it mean for you to be a citizen of Russia?

Variants of answers



Love your Fatherland



Feel protected by the country



Have the opportunity to live and develop



Know the history of the country, be proud of its achievements



Follow the laws of Russia



Get help and support from the country



Have civil rights and bear responsibilities



Serve the Fatherland in the best of abilities and forces



Live in Russia



Feel the unity and community with others



Defend and fight for your rights



Be responsible for the fate of the country



Protect the country



Be Russian citizen by passport



Vote in elections



Confront extremism, nationalism and fascism



Pay taxes regularly



Note: respondents could choose several answers.

The values of patriotism and responsibility for the destiny of one's own country are high among student youth. The answer “love one’s Fatherland” had the first place. More than 30 % of respondents indicated the answers “to serve the Fatherland in the best of abilities and forces”, “to feel unity and community with others”, “to bear responsibility for the destiny of the country”, “to protect the country”.

One can judge the consolidating factors of Russian society by the answers to question “What unites you with other citizens of Russia?”. In our study the main consolidating factors are: the factor “language” (79%); in second place – “native land, nature” (66.7%); “united country" (63%); in the fourth place – “culture” (57.7%) and “historical past” (48.7%).

Students of the region consider the most important rights that provide social protection (“the right to life, the right to free medical care, free education - indicated by more than 50% of respondents). They give the lowest places in the ranking of the importance to political rights and freedoms. About a third of the students' youth emphasized the need for the right for “social security in old age”, “private property”, “a well-paid job in the specialty”. At present, the following rights are least actual for students of Chuvashia (they were indicated by less than 5% of respondents): “to elect their representatives to the government bodies”, “freedom of meetings, demonstrations”, “the right to create independent societies defending rights and interests of citizens”, “freedom of information dissemination”.

The analysis of the answers on the ways of influencing the socio-political situation showed that the most frequently chosen methods of influence were “I will try to do something on my own, by my own example to change the situation”, “participation in the activities of public organizations and other non-profit non-governmental organizations”, "vote in elections”. It is of significant importance that the answer option “participation in protest movements and speeches” was chosen by a small part of the student youth (12.7%) and got the last place among the presented options. Thus, young people are not disappointed by the represented society, country, university, socially acceptable opportunities to influence all spheres of public life.

The results of studying students' economic views on achieving prosperity and wealth in the current social and economic situation showed that respondents of the study stated the presence of connections and acquaintances (59%), personal qualities of a person (47.7%), specialties and professions (35.7%), the desire of the person (34%). More than a third of the respondents indicated these answers. Next important were: presence of the primary capital (26%) and high professionalism (24.7%). In the opinion of 19.7% of respondents the economic and political situation in the country is of some importance.

Although the ability to speculate and deceive as the main way to achieve success turned out to be in the opinion of respondents at the penultimate place (it was noted by 19.3%), nevertheless, this negative expression of the opinion of student youth should be noted. Only 12.7% of respondents believe that the most significant component is hard work to achieve prosperity and wealth in the current socio-economic situation.

The current socio-economic situation is quite complicated, burdened by economic sanctions imposed on Russia. Many segments of the population experience a decline in the level and quality of life. What feelings do the representatives of student youth experience in connection with this situation?

It should be taken into account that the study involved students who, due to their full-time education, the saturation of the curriculum are not able to work additionally. Nevertheless, 26.67% of respondents say that the current socio-economic situation encourages them to take active action, the desire to work more to improve their financial situation. More than a third of students (37.33%) are ready to anticipate a change for the better. Some students (24.67%) experience apathy and despair.

Particular interest for studying the manifestations of civic consciousness of student youth is in the fact that the smallest proportion of respondents (11.3%) have the feeling of protest and resistance.

In identifying economic perceptions related to economic and business activity, economic behavior associated with active economic activities and a certain economic risk, it was revealed that 55.33 % of students  want “to have one's own business that will require a great deal of energy, but if it succeeds will bring a significant income”.

7% of the survey were those young people who wanted to have a major business related to economic risk.

37.33% of student youth want to have not a very large but stable income in future (that is with a low level of economic risk). Since young girls were those who answered the question, this answer generally corresponds to the established gender roles in the Russian society.

Further, the choice was the following: to have a big business related to economic risk – 3; own business, which will require a great deal of energy, but if is successful, it will bring a significant income – 2;  not very large, but stable earnings - 1. Based on this data the indicator of the level of orientation to active economic activities and economic risk was calculated. In our study it was 1.69 ± 0.59.

The correlation analysis did not reveal significant interrelations between the valence (degree of positivity) of civil identity and the level of orientation to active economic actions and economic risk.

Scientists think that Russian people have the orientation toward collectivism which often contradicts the requirements of the new economic time. It was suggested to students as future professionals in their sphere to indicate the preferred form of economic behavior. Answers to the question: “What kind of company would you prefer to work in?” showed that the majority of respondents choose to work in a small team of well-known people (55.33% of respondents). 24% of respondents expressed a desire to work in the team of a large enterprise. 17% of respondents would like to work individually. 3.67% prefer to work together with members of the family.

6. Conclusion

The conducted research aimed at studying the state-civil and ethnic identity, the characteristics of the civil identity (strength and valence), the factors of consolidation, the issues of the correlation and interrelation of the civil identity and economic views of student youth in the sociocultural conditions of the educational space of the Chuvash Republic made it possible to draw a number of conclusions.

Most of the student youth who participated in the study have a positive correlation of state-civil and ethnic identity, a high level of positivity of civil identity. Pride for the country is caused by the history and culture of Russia, its military power, Russian science and scientists, as well as Russia's position in the international arena.

Being a citizen of Russia for student youth means loving the Fatherland, feeling protected by the country, having the opportunity to live and develop, knowing the history of the country and being proud of achievements. The main consolidating factors of Russian society for respondents are the “language”; “native land, nature”; “united country”; “culture”; “historical past”.

Students of the region consider those important rights that provide social protection (the right to life, the right to free medical care, free education - indicated by more than 50% of respondents). They give the lowest places in the ranking of the importance to political rights and freedoms. About a third of the youth emphasized the need for the right for “social security in old age”, “private property”, “a well-paid job in the specialty”. At present, the following rights are least actual for students of Chuvashia (they were indicated by less than 5% of respondents): “to elect their representatives to the government bodies”, “freedom of meetings, demonstrations”, “the right to create independent societies defending rights and interests of citizens”, “freedom of information dissemination”.

The analysis of the answers on the ways of influencing the socio-political situation showed that the most frequently chosen methods of influence were “I will try to do something on my own, by my own example to change the situation”, “participation in the activities of public organizations and other non-profit non-governmental organizations”, "vote in elections”. It is of significant importance that the answer option “participation in protest movements and speeches” was chosen by a small part of the student youth (12.7%) and got the last place among the presented options. Thus, young people are not disappointed by the represented society, country, university, socially acceptable opportunities to influence all spheres of public life.

Economic views of most of the students are related to a fairly high economic activity and an orientation towards the average level of economic risk. At present, there is no significant relationship between the valence (degree of positivity) of civil identity and the level of orientation to active economic activities and economic risk. Those representatives of student youth, who are oriented to have a not very large but stable income, show an orientation toward a more passive type of economic behavior that does not require independence and initiative.

Thus, the research allowed introducing into scientific data the various psychological aspects of the formation of personality as a citizen and economic views of students in the socio-cultural conditions of the Chuvash Republic.

A system of psychological and pedagogical activities based on the results of the research, is being developed to form civic activity of student youth in the conditions of the educational sphere. The results of the research are applied in the practice of psychological support of the educational process in the system of higher education.

Bibliographic references

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1. Chuvash State University named after Ulyanov I.N, Cheboksary, Russian Federation; E-mail:

2. Chuvash State University named after Ulyanov I.N, Cheboksary, Russian Federation; E-mail:

3. Chuvash State University named after Ulyanov I.N, Cheboksary, Russian Federation; E-mail:

4. Chuvash State University named after Ulyanov I.N, Cheboksary, Russian Federation; E-mail:

5. Chuvash State University named after Ulyanov I.N, Cheboksary, Russian Federation; E-mail:

6. Chuvash State University named after Ulyanov I.N, Cheboksary, Russian

7. Chuvash State University named after Ulyanov I.N, Cheboksary, Russian

Revista ESPACIOS. ISSN 0798 1015
Vol. 39 (Nº 35) Year 2018


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