ISSN 0798 1015


Vol. 39 (Number 37) Year 2018 • Page 22

Principles of social responsibility for the strategic management of human talent in public health organizations

Principios de responsabilidad social para la gestión estratégica del talento humano en las organizaciones de salud pública

Reynier Israel RAMÍREZ Molina 1; Inirida AVENDAÑO Villa 2; Luis Santiago ALEMAN Escobar 3; Caterine Lisbet LIZARAZO Barrera 4; Ramineth Joselin RAMÍREZ Molina 5; Yudy Patricia CARDONA Jaramillo 6

Received: 02/04/2018 • Approved: 17/05/2018


1. Introduction

2. Methodology

3. Results

4. Conclusions

Bibliographic references


The purpose of this research was to describe the social responsibility principles used for the strategic management of human talent in public health organizations, from a quantitative descriptive epistemological approach and field. The technique used to collect data was a survey in the form of a structured questionnaire of 12 items, with an ordinal scale. It was applied to the 21 directors of hospitals type 4 from public health organizations in Venezuela, part of the national public health system (SPNS). The study concluded that the principles of social responsibility are absent in the strategic management of human talent. Labour standards are often disregarded, disadvantaging the principles of anticorruption, human rights and the environment.
Keywords: principles of social responsibility, strategic management of human talent, public health organization.


El propósito de la investigación fue describir los principios de responsabilidad social utilizados para la gestión estratégica del talento humano en las organizaciones de salud pública. Con un enfoque epistemológico cuantitativo, descriptivo y campo. Se utilizó la técnica de la encuesta mediante un cuestionario estructurado por 12 ítems, con escala ordinal, aplicada a los 21 directores de los hospitales tipo 4, de las organizaciones de salud pública en Venezuela, adscrito al Sistema Público Nacional de Salud (SPNS). Se concluye que los principios de responsabilidad social están muy ausentes en la gestión estratégica del talento humano, la dimensión menos recurrente son los estándares laborales, desfavoreciendo los principios: anticorrupción, derechos humanos y ambiente.
Palabras clave: principios de responsabilidad social, gestión estratégica del talento humano, organizaciones de salud pública.

PDF version

1. Introduction

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) must be implemented in organizations as a strategic commitment, in order to change business conduct. It represents the commitment of the organization to its social and environmental surrounding, making its execution necessary for the organization’s mission as well as for the analysis of strategic lines and perspectives, by means of the integration of interest groups that allows to identify benefits and risks.

For Aguilera & Puerto (2012), social responsibility is defined as the commitment that companies assume towards society in order to benefit sustainable development —that is, the balance between economic growth and social welfare. Therefore, for researchers, CRS is the voluntary initiative that outdoes legal requirements, involving economic, social and environmental aspects. It takes advantage of organizational resources and human talent to release funds for other purposes, improve the reliability of the corporation’s systems and security, increase the access to services and benefit the environment.

Public health organizations are non-profit entities created by the national government in order to fully guarantee the health of the population through actions directed individually or collectively, carried out under the supervision of the State and which promote the responsible participation of all sectors of the community.

Worldwide, public health organizations seek to reduce inequity, seeking to guarantee this right in order to improve living conditions that alter their situations and reduce diseases, as well as not tolerate mortality, morbidity and avoidable disability. The challenge is to strengthen the concept of health as the result of harmonious interaction of the biological, mental, social and cultural conditions of the individual, achieving an adequate state of well-being, an essential condition for life.

The relationship between CSR and health occurs as employers make obligatory contributions to the social security system for the health of their employees and with the implementation of an occupational health system. Health and social development must be fundamental and main objectives for all social and economic sectors.

Rather than financial viability, employer, investor entity or any other objective, what is expected from a health insureris to guarantee responsible health services. The Venezuelan central government has implemented a comprehensive care model governed by the principles of gratuity, universality, integrity, equity, social integration and social responsibilitythrough public health organizations, driven by policies of shared value, innovation and growth that favors the community.

According to the reports from the directors of public health organizations in 2017, the Venezuelan government has implemented new comprehensive care policies, which have made it possible to widen its reach of the community; however, there are situations in the quality of services, such as the lack of material and personnel in hospital care units, thus offering their services in a deficient manner and possibly generating an absence in the indicator of corporate citizenship as a principle of the CSR. Hence, the following question is asked: What are the principles of social responsibility used for the strategic management of human talent in these public health organizations?

The situations hereby mentioned have arisen because of the disincorporation of some corporate principles, such as human rights, labor standards, environment and anticorruption, thus generating active and voluntary absence of organizational social improvement under study. Therefore, this research aims to describe the principles of social responsibility used for the strategic management of human talent in public health organizations in Venezuela.

If the situations described continue, the promotion of sustainability as a fundamental aid for the development of the services offered will be impossible. There will be a possible decrease in the construction of a conscious community, disincorporating the institutional policies within the principles of CSR.

By keeping the principles of social responsibility active in public health organizations, an answer will be given to the management strategy according to the corporate objectives related to each other, aligned to the behavior, material and human resources with the purpose of thesocially responsible institution. Therefore, the results will allow planning, managing and controlling the organization, thus guaranteeing socially responsible practices and maximizing the resources of the hospitals under study.

1.1. Social responsibility theory: a link for the strategic management of human talent

The etymological origin of the term “responsibility” derives from the Latin verb respondeo, which means “to answer”. In turn, the suffix abilis indicates the condition of being capable; hence, having the adequate capacity to fulfil the obligations and expectations of life. Organizations feel the need to maximize the positive effects on society and minimize its negative effects to obtain long-term benefits that can achieve the strategic management of human talent.

Díaz& Bolívar (2014) indicate that the foundations provided by the different definitions of CSR show the need for management based on strategic elements of environmental quality, safety and occupational health, which should contribute to improving performance in human talent processes, fostering the confidence of the collaborators and the community towards the organization, influencing these in the management of human talent.According to Antelo&Robaina (2015), CSR is the continuous commitment to sustainable economic development, through the improvement of the life quality of employees, families, local community and society. It seeks to carry out actions that link stakeholders, benefitting the most vulnerable ones.

LoteroEcheverri (2015) states that social responsibility is the sum of management responsibilities that concern laws, environment, business results, ethics and transparency in relation to the groups involved in the business. Zorilla (2017) defines social responsibility as the way to conduct business enterprises characterized by taking into account the impacts of activities on their customers, employees, stakeholders, local communities, environment and society in general.

For Franco, Espinoza & Pérez (2017), CSR practices are characterized by making the staff feel committed to their organization, developing a corporate brand identity, but not only through the quality of the product available for sale, but also through corporate actions, its relationship with society, environment and surrounding in general, all framed within organizational communication.

Institutional gaps that seek development based on the effectiveness of management, taking communication in organizations as a reference, must be exploited. It is a key factor for the socialization of the functions of each collaborator with their leader, which strengthens the integral entrepreneurship of the personnel and their environment, maintaining affable and disciplinarily coherent relationships with corporate policies to achieve quality standards (Ramírez&Hugueth, 2017).

Considering this, CSR is related to the values expressed by the organization and holistically embodied in its strategic corporate principles, through its policies, practices and business programs to be institutionalized. For this reason, it should be communicated to their public, minimizing the risk of suspending before any eventuality, situation, budget crisis or change in the direction of human talent (Table 1).

Table 1
Systematization for the link between social responsibility and strategic management of human talent.








Díaz & Bolívar.






Integration of strategic management of environmental quality, safety and occupational health.

Improvement for the performance of administrative and operational processes, fostering the trust of employees-community-organization.




Antelo & Robaina.





Sustainable economic development.

Life quality of employees, families, local communities and society.

Activities carried out to link stakeholders.



Lotero Echeverri.




Sum of strategic management of human talent responsibilities.

Administration of laws, environment, corporation results, ethics and transparency.









Accompanying and knowing the business.

Favorable impact in the activities of clients, employees, stakeholders, local communities, environment and society in general.




Franco, Espinoza & Pérez.





Personal commitment to the organization.

Developing a sense of belonging in the staff.

Brand identity.

Relationship with society, environment and surrounding in general.

Source: own elaboration (2018).

In this sense, the CSR can be framed within the business practices linked to the strategic management of human talent, improving the internal and external relationships of organizations, while adapting to the environment, under a socially responsible strategic management system according to the organization’s mission, vision and values in order to make them more practical. For Cabarcas (2017), human talent management practices have been used by large companies with efficient and satisfactory results in response to the current demands of the technological, economic and socio-cultural environment.

1.2. Contributions of the principles of social responsibility for the strategic management of human talent in public health organizations

As a strategic activity to aid the administration of the organization, human management supports CSR in its processes of generating plans, applied to their needs by interest groups, because the management of human talent within the CSR strategy allows to identify the needs of the stakeholders, provides an information system, communication between the CSR and its employees to establish requirements, socialize policies of the area in their processes and provide CSR strategies applied in organizations.

The management of human talent in organizations is defined as a systemic process focused on the nature of the human being as the only value in these —able to develop skills, attitudes and knowledge, to stimulate and provide tools that adapt to the changing needs of the environment, to maintain their attention in the administrative-operative processes, to retain the right personnel, to promote spaces for self-learning that guarantee corporate profitability and permanence in the market (Rincón, Contreras &Ramírez, 2017).

Hernández (2017) indicates that CSR governs the principles of compliance with current national and international laws of global nature, taking into account that CSR influences the areas of organizations, ethical commitments, the impact of business activity, as well as satisfaction and information of the stakeholders.For Garcia (2016), CSR is based on human rights, labor standards, environment and anticorruption. This is a universal definition for socially responsible companies, allowing the design and implementation of strategic management of human talent in public health organizations. These generate positive results that guarantee the social well-being of groups of interest.

According to Ibarra (2014), CSR is an organizational competitiveness strategy that includes benefits for groups of interests regarding aspects such as: economic profitability, social welfare and preservation of the environment, through the principles of human rights, labor, environment and anticorruption.The application of the principles of social responsibility benefits the organizations in their strategic management and administrative operation, improving the reputation of the relational company with the stakeholders. In addition, it knows, learns, promotes trust with stakeholders, attracts, retains and locks up human talent, as well as achieves fiscal incentives derived from CSR (Table 2).

Table 2
CSR principles according to Hernández (2017), García (2016) and Ibarra (2014).



CSR principles




Hernández Morales.





Compliance with laws.

Global character.

Ethical commitments.

Business activity.

Satisfaction and information.


García Manilla.



Human rights.

Labor standards.




Ibarra Padilla.



Human rights.

Labor matter.



Source:ownelaboration (2018).

The aforementioned authors indicate that the principles of CSR establish labor, legal dimensions in relation to current regulations. They assume a set of social and environmental commitments, being established as economic, social and environmental obligations, denominated as the triple bottom line, seeking sustainable businesses in which the performance of human talent is oriented to social, economic and environmental dimensions.

According to the theory of García (2016), the principles of CSR point towards socially responsible companies that favorably impact strategic management of human talent. They demand the organizations to identify responsibilities in the indicators of human rights, labor standards, environment and anticorruption, implying the fulfilment of global legislations, ethical commitments, and business activities, thus generating satisfaction and information (Table 3).

Table 3
CSR principles according to García (2016), based on Hernández (2017) and Ibarra (2014).




Hernández (2017)

Ibarra (2014).






García Manilla.










Human rights.

Compliance with legislations.

Global character. Satisfaction and information.



Human rights.

Labor standards.

Compliance with legislations.

Global character.


Labor matter.



Global character.




Global character.


Source: ownelaboration (2018).

The principles of social responsibility benefit interest groups to reduce environmental and social impact. They help to improve human talent in its administrative and operational contributions, stimulate practices that encourage organizations in aspects such as diversity and equal opportunities, promote commitment and business identification, generate decent and high quality work standards.

According to the contributions of the CSR for the strategic management of human talent in public health organizations, the postulates by García (2016) are selected, since they state that human rights must be a fundamental part of the core of values of organizations, both in companies and in their relationship with allied entities; therefore, companies must commit themselves to the promotion, respect and guarantee of these rights, such as compliance with laws, global character, satisfaction and information, with a strengthened institutional framework and wide spaces that allow dialogue with the stakeholders.

Labor standards involve discussing the working conditions and addressing the needs of employees, including restructuring, training, safety and health, providing necessary information for the strategic management of human talent, relying on the establishment, functioning of the unions, and preserving the security of their leaders.

In relation to the environment, it adopts measures tending to avoid its deterioration, considering the risks that present and future generations will have to face when exposed to the danger of the ecosystem; therefore, organizations are obliged to incorporate an environmental management model strategic, that allow to have a balanced use of resources to avoid unfavorable environmental impacts.

As for anticorruption, companies establish policies to prevent corruption through the inclusion of codes of good corporate practices as an ideal part in the strategic management of human talent, sustainability and commercial reputation, generating trust in stakeholders. In the Global Compact proposed by Kofi Annan in the World Economic Forum of 1999, it was stipulated that organizations should include in their strategies and operations the fight against bribery, extortion, payment abuse and facilitation payments.

In public health organizations, the principles of social responsibility for the strategic management of human talent, promote opportunities, innovation and competitive advantage, satisfying the needs and expectations of stakeholders and creating added value to business performance. The principles of CSR commit human talent with its management philosophy, from being an institution providing economic resources to become a socially responsible entity.

At the same time, it allows generating sustainable benefits for the institution and its segment of interest —the strategic partners of the hospitals—, significantly improving the image of the organization before others, promoting public confidence, maintaining a homogeneous business climate, adapted to the needs of the market, and supporting with business networks, stakeholders and cluster, to guarantee a social economic role.

2. Methodology

According to the design, the methodology is classified as non experimental. Hernández et al. (2014) states that this is to observe phenomena in their natural context and then analyze them to finally reach conclusions. To answer the purpose of the research, a scale of interpretation of the arithmetic mean was generated, establishing the behavior of the indicators of CSR used for the strategic management of human talent in public health organizations (Table 4).

Table 4
Scale of interpretation of the arithmetic mean establishing
the behavior of indicators of the principles of social responsibility
used for the strategic management of human talent in public
health organizations.




4.1 ≥ 5


3.1 ≥ 4


2.1 ≥ 3


1 ≥ 2

Source:ownelaboration (2018).

To obtain information, the survey technique was used by means of a questionnaire structured in twelve (12) items, with an ordinal scale, by means of answer options, (S): always, (CS): almost always, (AV): sometimes, (CN): almost never, (N): never. It was applied to a population formed by the directors of hospitals of public health organizations in Venezuela, assigned to the National Public Health System (SPNS ), consisting of twenty-one (21) informants (Table 5).

Table 5
Population of the directors of public health organizations in Venezuela






Hospital Luis Razetti.




Hospital Central de Maracay.




Hospital Ruiz y Páez.




Hospital Dr. Enrique Tejera.




Distrito Capital.

Hospital José Gregorio Hernández.



Hospital José Ignacio Baldo.



Hospital Universitario de Caracas.



Hospital de Niños Dr. J. M. De Los Ríos.



Hospital José María Vargas.



Hospital Maternidad Concepción Palacios.




Hospital Alfredo Van Gneken.




Hospital Antonio Pineda.




Hospital Universitario de los Andes.




Hospital Victorino Santaella.




Hospital Manuel Núñez Tovar.




Hospital Antonio Patricio de Alcalá.




Hospital Pedro Emilio Carrillo.




Hospital Universitario de San Cristóbal.





Hospital Universitario de Maracaibo.



Hospital Pedro Iturbe.



Hospital Adolfo D´Empaire.







Source: own elaboration with data from the SPNS, Venezuela, (2017).

The selection criteria for the population considered hospitals classified as type 4, because they have a number of significant management units by departments, number of personnel and services through the SPNS and assisted residents. They are centralized bodies, dependent on the SPNS. The profiles of the directors who work in the aforementioned hospitals are characterized by being freely appointed professionals, on secondment, both sexes, of legal age and regardless of marital status.

Its functional structure is integrated by management, basic clinical departments, emergency and critical medicine, surgery services —neurosurgery, orthopedics and proctology—, and medical services —immunology, endocrinology, geriatrics, occupational medicine, nuclear medicine and medical genetics—. Its hierarchical technical-administrative structure was composed of the management, medical director, medical and epidemiological assistant medical doctors with postgraduate courses, departmental heads and deputies with the relevant postgraduate degree, heads of services and subspecialties, nutritionists, head of nursing, administration, chief of staff, engineering and maintenance service.

To determine the validity of the content of the instrument, it was submitted to review with ten (10) experts in the areas of methodology and management. For reliability, a pilot test was conducted on a number of subjects similar to the population. Once the information was collected, the Cronbach's Alpha reliability formula was applied, resulting in a 0.91r, which indicates that the instrument is highly reliable according to the interpretation scale (Table 6).

Table 6
Scale of interpretation of the reliability coefficient.



From 0 until 0.20.


From 0.21 until 0.40.


From 0.41 until 0.60.


From 0.61 until 0.80.


Prom 0.81 until 1.


Source: Hernández, Fernández & Baptista (2014).

Once the data had been collected, the results were analyzed by coding and tabulation in the Microsoft Excel 2016 program, version V3, to apply descriptive statistics. The methodology focused on: (a) selection of the topic, bibliographic review (in order to structure the problem's approach), theoretical framework, justification and objective; (b) methodology; (c) construction of the instrument, subject to expert testing in order to specify its validity and prepare the final version for subsequent application to the study population; (d) statistical treatment of analysis and discussion of the results; and (e) obtaining conclusions and recommendations.

3. Results

The study of organizations from the Venezuelan public health system helped to describe the principles of CSR applied to the strategic management of human talent, leading the institutional management of the impact upon studies generated over the clients, employees stakeholders, local communities and environment. In order to answer the objective of the research, the results obtained are presented in Table 7.

Table 7
Average of the principles of social responsibility used for the strategic
management of human talent in public health organizations.

Source: ownelaboration (2018).

Social responsibility principles used for the strategic management of human talent in public health organizations are scarcely dealt with, with an average of 2.67. Human rights are sometimes used, with 38.10%. It is a considerable weakness that deteriorates organizational management, since the lowest average was 9.52%.According to labor standards, key informants stated that these are almost never used, reflected in 42.86%. Therefore, the studied variable is demerited, as it is not very recurrent in the management of the hospitals under study. Despite its legal nature and its declaration to corporate principles, only 4.76% said that this indicator is present in the institution.

42.86% of the respondents reported that the environment indicator is sometimes used, worsening the adoption of measures that prevent its deterioration, considering the risks that present and future generations will have to face when exposed to the danger of the ecosystem. It is imperative that organizations incorporate a model of strategic environmental management, allowing a balanced use of resources to avoid adverse environmental impacts.

On the other hand, 38.10% said that the anticorruption principle is almost never used. It is necessary to keep or pay attention to this indicator, since it determines how important issues of the institution are seen and resolved, evidencing tactics, with a carefully formulated approach, of how to respond to achieve or envision the consolidation of organizational objectives through the investment and profitability of their economic capital of their income and expenses, supported by the networks of companies and productive value chains.

4.76% stated that the principle of anticorruption in hospitals is always displayed. This indicator is an opportunity for improvement, given the problematic reality of public health organizations, seeking the transformation of societies through the improvement of the quality of life and the ability to access basic needs equitably, including the power to adapt to the reality of the environment as well as of eradicating poverty and empowering self-management, productive and participatory capacities of the vulnerable population.

4. Conclusions

The principles of social responsibility used for the strategic management of human talent are very absent in public health organizations: the least recurrent dimension is labor standards, impacting work conditions and addressing the needs of employees, including restructuring, training, safety and health. This principle would be key to enable the transformation of the hospital society, improving the quality of life and equal public access to the basic needs of the human being, diluting equity for access to resources.

Another disadvantaged indicator is the principle of anticorruption, due to the lack of knowledge that the directors of hospitals have regarding the benefits they offer to public health entities, and that also tax the state policies responsible for the problematics of the country. It is worth mentioning that anticorruption becomes an ethical, moral and strategic imperative of hospital institutions in the face of changes in the global environment, contributing to the adaptation of the institutions of the new social reality, implanting itself in the organization not only as a more auditable activity, but as a fundamental part of its philosophy and corporate strategy.

Human rights and the environment are principles of social responsibility with opportunities for improvement of beneficial scope for the strategic management of human talent in public health organizations. These two principles allow for a global, systemic, dynamic and open vision that promotes attitudes in the organization in favor of a strategic vision, aimed at implementing the best specific practices of human management, thus generating positive effects on the performance of human talent. It promotes the happiness of organizations, its green as well as natural, emergent, original, technical and professional tendencies, supported by sustainability.

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Sistema Público Nacional de Salud

1. Postdoc in Organization Management (URBE, 2015).Doctor in Education Sciences (URBE, 2013).Magister in Human Resources Management (URBE, 2007).Bachelor in Communication with a concentration in Advertising and Public Relations (URBE, 2004).Full Time Professor and Researcher of the Department of Organizational Management, of the Universidad de la Costa, Barranquilla - Atlántico, Colombia. Member of the CNP: 20478 - Zulia. Member of the Research Group: Social Administration (GRIAS) of the Universidad de la Costa-COLCIENCIAS. Administrative Director of the Villa Bernarda Foundation (FUNDAVIBE), Maracaibo-Zulia, Venezuela.Management Services Consultant and International Lecturer. Institutional email: ORCI ID: Personal email:

2. Teacher-Researcher in the Educational Management Group from the Humanities Department.Coordinator of: Observatorio Convivencia Escolar para el Caribe Colombiano. Lead researcher of Convivencia Escolar, Universidad de la Costa CUC. Email:

3. Magister inAdministration (Universidad de la Costa). Lawyer (Universidad Libre, 2006). Lecturer in the Department of Law and Political Sciences, Universidad de la Costa - Barranquilla, Colombia.Lawyer of the Chamber of Commerce of Barranquilla. Institutional email: Personal email:

4. Magister in Administration (Universidad de la Costa). Speacialist in Public Law (UNAB, 2006). Lawyer (UNAB, 2005).Co-founder of A&L Consultores S.A.S. Personal email:

5. Maestrante in management of human resources (Private Universidad Dr. Rafael Belloso Chacín - URBE). Specialist in neonatology (Universidad del Zulia - LUZ, 2017). Specialist in childcare and paediatrics (LUZ, 2017). Medical doctor (LUZ, 2004). Member of theGuild of the Venezuelan medical Federation, COMEZU: 13068 / MPPS: 67775 - Venezuela/Zulia. Health coordinator of the Foundation Villa Bernarda (FUNDAVIBE), Maracaibo-Zulia, Venezuela. Personal email:

6. Specialist in childPsychotherapy (Universidad de la Costa, 20017). Psychologist (Universidad de la Costa, 20016). Collegiate School Colombian of Psychology COLPSIC. Personal email:

Revista ESPACIOS. ISSN 0798 1015
Vol. 39 (Number 37) Year 2018


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