ISSN 0798 1015


Vol. 39 (Number 38) Year 2018. Page 5

Professional competence principle in context of future profession

Principio de competencia profesional en el contexto de la profesión futura

Marina Georgievna SERGEEVA 1; Ivan Alekseevich PUGACHEV 2; Natalya Viktorovna IPPOLITOVA 3; Sergey Urievich PARFENOV 4; Julia Mikhailovna KALININA 5; Anna Vasiljevna PAKLINA 6; Sergey Leonidovich SAPFIROV 7

Received: 16/04/2018 • Approved: 03/06/2018


1. Introduction

2. Methodology of the study

3. Discussion

4. Conclusion



The paradigm shift has been started in the Russian education system; the aim is to ensure both the compliance of innovative economy requirements and society demands. The priority directions in this field are the adjustment to the context and structure of the professional training corresponding to the modern demands of the market and increasing access to the high quality educational service. The principles of economic training and education aim at forging cultural, educated, trained, spiritual and moral person, being able to prove his activity by his economic behavior. Results of research. The principles of economic competence in the system of professional education is based on the market economy demands and on the training of competitive professionals. The pedagogical experience synthesis tells about arising interest to the problem of forming the economic competence of graduates of professional institutions. Discussion. Economic competence is understood as integral professional personal quality, including economic competencies, forming economically important personal characteristics and reflecting preparedness and ability to implement professional activity in different spheres and economic segments via creating professional career on the basis of individual values and projecting it according to the society development strategy and moral criteria. Conclusion. According to our study, the levels of continuing economic education in the system of professional education (basic, professional, additional) were stated. They allow students to implement activities and hold certain posts after graduation.
Keywords: Principles of economic training and education, activity, professional activity, economic activity, labor activity, principle of economic competence


El cambio de paradigma se inició en el sistema educativo ruso; el objetivo es garantizar el cumplimiento de los requisitos de economía innovadora y las demandas de la sociedad. Las direcciones prioritarias en este campo son el ajuste al contexto y la estructura de la formación profesional correspondiente a las demandas modernas del mercado y el aumento del acceso al servicio educativo de alta calidad. Los principios de la educación y el entrenamiento económico apuntan a forjar una persona educada y entrenada en lo cultural, espiritual y moral, pudiendo demostrar su actividad por su comportamiento económico. Resultados de la investigación. Los principios de competencia económica en el sistema de educación profesional se basan en las demandas de la economía de mercado y en la capacitación de profesionales competitivos. La síntesis de la experiencia pedagógica habla del interés que despierta el problema de la formación de la competencia económica de los egresados ​​de las instituciones profesionales. Discusión. Se entiende por competencia económica la calidad personal profesional integral, incluidas las competencias económicas, formando características personales de importancia económica y reflejando la preparación y capacidad para implementar actividad profesional en diferentes ámbitos y segmentos económicos mediante la creación de una carrera profesional basada en valores individuales y proyectándola de acuerdo con el estrategia de desarrollo de la sociedad y criterios morales. Conclusión. De acuerdo con nuestro estudio, los niveles de educación económica continua en el sistema de educación profesional (básico, profesional, adicional) se establecieron. Permiten a los estudiantes implementar actividades y ocupar ciertos puestos después de la graduación.
Palabras clave: Principios de formación económica y educación, actividad, actividad profesional, actividad económica, actividad laboral, principio de competencia económica

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1. Introduction

According to the Concept of long-term socio-economic development of Russia the period up to 2020, its main aim is to achieve the level corresponding to Russia status as the leading power of the XXI century, being in the foreground of  global economic competition and reliably ensuring national security and constitutional  citizens rights (Dmitrichenkova & Dolzhich, 2017).

 System modifications have been started in Russian education, aimed at providing its conformity of both innovative economy requirements and society demands. The priority areas here is to adjust the content and the structure of professional education of future specialists with the modern demands in the labor  market and to improve access to quality education.

The concept of “principle” is stated as fundamental idea, rule of behavior and it is considered as the main concept, which is  synthesis and extension of any statement  to other phenomenon in different fields (Bourina & Dunaeva 2017).

Theoretical ground of professional education is based on the following principles: humanizing and democratizing; professional polytechnic focus of compliance with te requirements of modern manufacturing; connection between education and productive labour, between theory and practice; professional mobility; modularity; consiousness, activity, motivation; accessibility and visibility; mastering of professional competence; dedication and regularity, studying contuity and others.

As the determining factor in organising and metodology of the professional education, the following priciples are the benchmark for the organsing its goals and challenges; they contribute to state the purpose of professional education, to develop professional skills of students. Conscious and creative attitude of students to their studying activity  and achiving high results is formed on its basis; producative nature is given to the educational process and also optimal conditions are created.

According to the researches of A.M Novikov (Mukhin, Mishatkina, & Sokolova, 2017), T.U. Lomakina it is pointed that in modern world the concept of full-time associate degree should be determined as a way of economical politics, aimed to improve the competitiveness, achieve fully employment, provide professional mobility of stuff due to introduction of new technologies and it should be built on  following principles: the principle of basic education, multi-levelled, diversification, the principle of essential basic education and post-graduate  education, the principle of maneuverability, continuity, integration of educational structures, flexibility of organizational forms.

2. Methodology of the study

Postindustrial society can be interpreted as the beginning of a shift to a new type of civilizational development, its forming is connected with not only technology revolution but also with reforming, critics and review of the previous basic values of media-dominated culture: ideals of consumer society, its attitude to nature, worship of force as a fundament for transformative activity.

It is a market economy, into force of movable market lability, that  makes people study through all their life and retrain in case of changing job and also when a person stays at the same position  a long period.   Qualification gained before by an employee should be according to changing qualification demands or it should be brought to the level a new occupation requires, a new kind of labor activity.   Market economy requires constant operative training of the stuff according to new professions, weren’t there before (Neverkovich, et al., 2018).

 As N.E. Popova (Milovanov, et al., 2017) states, economical knowledge of a person is concentrating, improving and developing according to personal vital interests, and that is why they should be processed and revisited and should be formed in the system of economic education, including the following:

 • cohesion of labor and economical training, forming of value attitudes directed at society consolidation;

• labor training with introducing  self-accounting points, implementation of economic calculations when planning and estimation of self-activity;

• competence developed for self-behavior organizing and protecting the interests through different kinds of economic activity;

• developing of skills with inculcating prudent relation to material values, ability to shopping, managing family budget;

• creating productive socially useful labor, labor training while at school;

• developing the right choice of living and professional space;

 As it can be seen from the history of society, principles of education are changing influenced by conditions of life, so that teachers should be responsive to all changings and demand of the society.

We share N.E. Popova’s (Milovanov, et al., 2017) position, according to it  if all the principles are built upon  interdisciplinarity, the classification of economic education principles can be the following:

1. The principle of illustrative model.

Educational process is designed the way,  teachers illustrate economical terms, laws, systems by means of their subject, it allows to “economize” the content of the issues of all general subjects.

2. The principle of integration.

Modern science has built sufficient knowledge of  nature, society, human, labor, technique and art. Speaking about society we speak about human, and speaking about human we mean labor.    There is economics and technique, where there is labor.  All mentioned above can be a subject of study within all subjects and be the whole, the knowledge integration. Students’ integration inclusion is becoming a vital challenge of professional education,  as it is not  just mechanical wrapping into study of the main scientific fields, but it is a perceived need.

3. The principle of convergence.

It can be understood as coincidence of knowledge, abilities and skills of one subject with knowledge, abilities and skills of another one.  This principal helps to solve the problem of human survival in the conditions of anthropological burden on the biosphere, it requires an ability to think globally and to assess economically different programs of society development on the basis of realizing the system nature of all processes and phenomenon in the world. Thus, the principle of convergence contributes to deep studying of several subjects simultaneously.

4. The principle of emergence.

New knowledge, abilities and skills are based on the formed knowledge. Emergent economical knowledge can be presented in the hierarchical chain: forming of entrepreneur knowledge, abilities and skills and skills of economic activity ⇒forming of thinking appropriate for researching and analytical  activity ⇒ forming of economic thinking ⇒ forming of economic competence.  

5.  The principle of meaningful corners.

Meaningful corners of economic problems synthesize knowledge of other subjects, present the contribution  of economics with other subjects, present real contribution of each subject in the disclosure of economic position depicted in the educational standards concerning economics.

Principles of economic education and economic training presented above are not equal, but all of them are aimed  at forming of spiritual and moral, educated, trained person being able to prove his activity by his economic behavior.

2.1. The results of researching.

Building on the well-known  principles of continuing education, we determined the principle of economic competence, built on the market economy demands to the training of competitive staff (Sergeyeva, Ippolitova, , et al., 2018).

The synthesis of education experience demonstrates the renewed interest to the problem of the forming of economic competence of graduates of vocational training institutions.

The basis of the term of economical competence of graduates of vocational training institutions should be formed of such terms as “competence”, “competency”, “professional competence”, they determine the terminological field of research and they enable to characterize the term “economic competence of graduates of vocational training institutions” (Tatarinceva, Sokolova, Mrachenko, et al., 2018).

Identifying the essence of economic competence, we start from such categories as: “activity”, “professional activity”, “economic activity”, “labor activity” (Wang, et al., 2017).

The term “activity” is stated as “dynamic system of human relations with the world, in the process of the relations a mental picture arises and realizes in the object and it can be observed an implementation of indirect relations in substantive activity” (Samokhin, 2018).  B.F. Lomov analyzed activity as a social-historical category and he stated that this activity must be observed in the connection with manufacturing process, the process of  exchange, consumption, with relation of privacy to the means of production, with civil and political system, with the development of culture, ideology, policy etc (Mikheeva, 2016; Micheeva, et al., 2017).

Considering activity from the genetic position, it should be taken into account that assimilation of socio-cultural experience occurs from the outer sphere (exteriorizing) into inner one and it requires changing of psychological condition of a person (interiorizing) and his social status.   In the context of our research learning of new kinds of activity having an economic orientation plays an important role (Sergeeva & Nikitina, 2016).

The most distinctive activity for a person is labor and its kind – professional activity.  Special  schemes for classification of professional and labor activity have been developed.  According to these schemes, labor activity is a kind of system where its components are subjects and products, means of production and people as subjects of labor.  The profession is usually understood as typical, historically developed form of activity necessary in the social attitudes; an employee is to possess definite knowledge, abilities and skills for its implementation (Ju, et al., 2017).  Therefore, profession is considered from two positions: the professional point including such characteristics as the scope, complexity, technical and technological equipment, organizational forms of exercising is presented.  This part of occupation is called profiles. Another side of profession contains personal and physiognomics peculiarities of a worker having skills. There can be information about mental characteristics of a person, also about his economic values and relations (Sergeeva, Sokolova, et al., 2018).

According to our research the most important position belongs to V.D. Shadrikov, he focuses on the psychological structure and psychological system of activity in system analysis of professional activity.  "As it can be seen, - the author says, - the psychological system of activity includes the following main blocks: motives of professional activity, aims of professional activity, decision making, subsystem of activity-important qualities" (Mukhin, Mishatkina, Samokhin, et al., 2017). We suppose that all these blocks have a direct bearing to economic competence of students, as we can speak about its successful forming only if there is each of these components in their professional activity.

Further we are  research the dyad “person – profession”.  We are  address to such terms as “professionalism, professional competence, professional qualification” being  general categories of any profession.

Qualification (from Latin quails – a kind of smth. and facere – to do) is  understood as professional maturity, a kind of preparedness of a person for professional occupation; an availability of knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for  person’s for qualitative certain activity conduction. The term “qualification”  polysemic . The analysis of different sources shows that it is used mainly in such sense as: quality, special character of any activity, serviceability, preparedness  for some kind of skill, kind of labor,  art; social performing, social  recognition, suitability, the level of preparedness of graduates; profession, occupation.  The invariant of the implication of the term “qualification” in all its meanings is an ability of a person to comply with certain kind of labor on a high level (Sergeeva, Flyagina, et al., 2017).

 It is important to point out the existing position that “qualification” does not reflect the changes growing in modern industry, it is also believed it is too general and theoretical term.  The core of qualification (technical and professional skills) has a tendency to become obsolete quickly. Due to this the term “qualification” is used instead of “competence” (from Latin competence – skillful) as it is more valuable and pragmatic term, the main position of it is personal characteristics of an employee: leadership, partnership, ability to work in a group, communicative skills, ability to self-development, to critical thinking, to choose and use the information, etc. (Ju, et al., 2017). According to it competence is considered as a degree of correspondence between knowledge, skills and abilities of people with definite social status and real level of difficulties tasks they implement (Sergeeva, Komarovskaya, et al., 2018).

3. Discussion

This permits to understand economic competence as integral professional characteristic of a person, including economic competences, forming economically important qualities of a person (leadership, competitiveness, mobility entrepreneurship, critical thinking. Autonomy in decision-making, etc.) and determining the preparedness and ability to undertake professional activity in different spheres and economic segments effectively by building  professional career based on his individual values and projecting it according to the social development strategy and moral rules (Tatarinceva, Sergeeva, et al., 2018).

We consider economic competencies as an open system of knowledge, skills and abilities, an experience of practical activity and personal reliability, which is intensified and updated in the process of professional occupation when real economic problems the graduate can face with, arise (Sergeeva, Bedenko, et al., 2018).

The analysis of classification of competences on various grounds (the context of deliverables: social, professional -  the level of competences’ dissimilation - corporate, management, professional - the level of development -  cognitive, personal, functional, social and others) allowed the development of the structure of economic competence of students, including the following economic competences: the key competences, the professional competences; additional ones.

The ground of allocating the structure of economic competence was the screening of modules of subjects studied: humanitarian and socio-economic subjects – the key competencies; general professional disciplines – professional competencies; special disciplines (professional modules) – additional competencies (Tatarinceva, Sokolova, Sergeeva, et al., 2018).

The proposed structure provides the graduate of vocational training institution, possessing definite competences:

 to possess not only basic economic knowledge, and skills, but also frame of reference of a specialist, motives of his economic activity, realizing himself in the economic world, the style of relationships with the people he works with, his economic culture;

skill for business negotiations, communication, listening to the opponents, for business lettering, business etiquette knowledge, public speaking, for discussing project, plan, program, technological process, for taking part in partnership projects, reconstruction of production, making a report;

 to have skills for controlling the results of his economical activity, and the level of self-development, personal achievements, to be creative, proactive, focused on cooperation, to be self-assured, to be introspective, to predict his activity. It is achieved when forming sustained motivation for his economic activity, personal importance of economic activity and an individual style for economic challenges.

The key economic competences include basic economic knowledge, necessary for professional adaptation in the market economy conditions (Sukhodimtseva, et al., 2018).

In the system of higher education for non-economic professions when studying economic theory, business administration, management, marketing, statistics the knowledge of the basic economic analysis, exchange, government sector is formed; the functioning of competitive market; the main subjects of privacy; macroeconomic problems of inflation and unemployment (Sergeeva, Sinelnikov, et al., 2017).

For economic professions the knowledge of optimal economic decision; economic strategy and economic police; economic analysis; economic restrictions; economic risks are  formed. These competences are being formed on studying the following disciplines: the economic theory, the economy of organization,  management,  marketing,  statistics, the global economy, the management of finance, the theory of economic analysis.

Professional economic competencies suggest special skills for using economic knowledge in practice, ability to estimate new economic situations and make optimal economically profitable decisions.

In the system of higher education for non-economic professions studying economic theory, informational systems in the economy, the economy of organization, the management, the marketing, the statistics the knowledge of the main positions in the field of humanitarian and socio-economic sciences are formed. Also the ability to analyze scientifically socially important economic issues and processes and the usage of economic statistical methods in different kinds of professional and social activity are formed.

For the economic professions in forming competencies it is taken into account that professional activity of a specialist with degree of Economy is implemented in all spheres of the national economy and it is aimed to the professional service of functioning of national subjects of all the joint stock, the budget spheres and extra-budgetary institutional structures. In that regard on the basis of professional economic skills the specialists are being  forming analytical competencies and  use of information about assets, obligations, capital, cash flow, incomes and expenses and also financial results of enterprises, organizations, activities for management.

Additional economic competencies are considered an ability of creative economic behavior, to effective behavior on the labor market, to professional development and continuous economic self-education, to the system implementation of economic skills in the investment projects; these competencies are formed during the process of additional subjects and electives.

In the system of higher education for non-economic professional skills of informational technologies in the economic science and education are formed; skills for organizing  labor on the economic ground, skills of computerized process of collection, storage and processing of information used in the economic activity are formed; skills for reassessment of economic experience, the analysis of personal capabilities, skills for getting new economic knowledge using modern informational technologies are formed. These competencies are formed during studying the following subjects: investment-related analysis; risk assessment and analysis; marketing analysis; financial analysis.

It is expected   for economic professions that a specialist of economic sphere can be adapted for the following kinds of related professional activity: governance and management; financial and credit; expert advice; tax policies; valuation of property; teaching (according to the profession). The economist well-versed in the basic educational program of the higher education is ready for his post-graduate education.

4. Conclusion

As a result of the accomplished research, there were determined the levels of continuing economic education (basic, professional, additional), they allow students to cope with necessary tasks and take up the posts after graduating. The main aim of the basic economic education in the system of higher education is to form skills and motives of consumer behavior in the market economy, to form differentiated basic  economic knowledge with the opportunity of using it in every day life.  The aim of professional economic education is to prepare the students to the practical activity demanding professional economic education (time clerks, task setters, master record keepers, assistants and others).   The aim of the additional economic education in the system of higher education is preparedness of graduates for real practical economic activity in the context of creative approach: in the marketing, advertisement, market analysis; the analysis of economic activity of enterprises; potential for growth, planning and projecting; generating effective ideas in non-standard economic situations; teaching in the field of economic subjects; scientific activity.

Represented levels of continuing economic education (basic, professional, additional) in the system of professional education are congruent to economic competencies (the key, professional, additional) and imply a change from one step to another one, while preserving the continuity, universality, integrity of professional education, taking into account person’s psychological development, providing a graduate to hold the appropriate posts.

Thus, the principle  of economic competence, balanced between knowledge as an information and knowledge as an activity reflects essential requirements  of the forming  competitive person in the process of continuing economic education possessed  the level of economic competencies, important for professional activity in different spheres and economic segments,  being able to solve practical tasks.


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1. Bauman Moscow State Technical University (National Research University), 105005, Russia, 2nd Baumanskaya Street, 7. E-mail:

2. Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), 117198, Russia, Moscow, Miklukho-Maklay Street, 6.

3. Shadrinsk State Pedagogical University, 641870, Russia, Shadrinsk, Kurgan oblast, Karl Libknekht Street, 3. E-mail:

4. Moscow State Pedagogical University, 119991, Russia, Moscow, Malaja Pirogovskaja Street, 1, building 1, E-mail:

5. Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), 117198, Russia, Moscow, Miklukho-Maklay Street, 6.

6. Tyumen State Institute of Culture, 625003, Russia, Tyumen, Respubliki Street, 19. E-mail:

7. Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), 117198, Russia, Moscow, Miklukho-Maklay Street, 6. E-mail:

Revista ESPACIOS. ISSN 0798 1015
Vol. 39 (Nº 38) Year 2018


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