ISSN 0798 1015


Vol. 39 (Number 38) Year 2018. Page 7

The Introduction of Media Education in the Practice of General Education

La introducción de la educación mediática en la práctica de la educación general

Elena A. BONDARENKO 1; Svetlana E. GUDILINA 2; Tatiana Yu. LOMAKINA 3; Ekaterina V. YAKUSHINA 4

Received: 17/04/2018 • Approved: 04/06/2018


1. Introduction

2. Methods

3. Findings

4. Discussion

5. Conclusion




The article is based on the results of the third year of research in the framework of the project No 16-06-00957 RFBR "system of development of metasubject skills of students at work in the media environment" and considers ways of introducing media education at the formal level. The authors of the project at the first stage of the study analyzed domestic and foreign experience in the field of media education. For General secondary education, the most effective concept is the integration of media education with natural Sciences and Humanities. In the second stage of the research the role of media environment as a factor of changing the mechanisms of traditional learning was considered. This made it possible to develop the content of media education training and to test in practice the complex of media education technologies, methods and diagnostic materials for students in different basic disciplines and at different levels of education. At the third stage of the research the conditions and methods of introduction of media education into school practice are determined, the system of media education training of teachers and students of pedagogical higher educational institutions is meaningfully revealed
Keywords: media education, formal education, media environment, media education technologies, media education training of teachers and students


El artículo se basa en los resultados del tercer año de investigación en el marco del proyecto No 16-06-00957 RFBR "sistema de desarrollo de habilidades metasubject de estudiantes en el trabajo en el entorno de los medios" y considera formas de introducir la educación en medios en el nivel formal. Los autores del proyecto en la primera etapa del estudio analizaron la experiencia doméstica y extranjera en el campo de la educación en medios. Para la educación secundaria general, el concepto más efectivo es la integración de la educación mediática con las ciencias naturales y las humanidades. En la segunda etapa de la investigación, se consideró el papel del medio ambiente como un factor para cambiar los mecanismos del aprendizaje tradicional. Esto permitió desarrollar el contenido de la capacitación en educación de medios y poner a prueba en la práctica el complejo de tecnologías de educación de medios, métodos y materiales de diagnóstico para estudiantes en diferentes disciplinas básicas y en diferentes niveles de educación. En la tercera etapa de la investigación se determinan las condiciones y los métodos de introducción de la educación mediática en la práctica escolar, se revela de manera significativa el sistema de formación en educación mediática de profesores y estudiantes de instituciones pedagógicas de educación superior.
Palabras clave: educación mediática, educación formal, entorno mediático, tecnologías de educación mediática, educación en medios de comunicación, capacitación de docentes y estudiantes

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1. Introduction

The younger generation actively uses all types of mass media and mass communication. As M. McLuhan noted, at the expense of technical means there is an "external expansion of the person", technical capabilities of media eventually separate from the person and gain power over him. We can't imagine our life without mobile phone, Internet and other gadgets. Dependence on the means of communication in a saturated media space has grown many times in recent years. Technical means, surrounding each individual, have ceased to be tools for the technology activities, and has become a not reflexively the environment. People almost stopped reading books, communication in popular social networks, online games, thoughtless consumption of information with the help of numerous mobile devices (Zhilavskaya 2013, Zelenova 2013, Kuzmin 2011) came out in the first place. The younger generation needs to be helped to adapt to the world of media culture and to create the literacy that a person needs in life-long learning.

On the one hand, mass media becomes a socially important medium of communication, on the other-reorganize the way of perception of the world and way of life. Therefore, there is an urgent question about the formation of media literacy, which combines knowledge and skills to find, use, evaluate, transmit, create information or media texts, determine the reliability of the message, critical of the information received, determine the purpose for which the media message is created. This approach determined the emergence of a new direction in pedagogy – media education, which summarized the different concepts of education of children and adolescents in the field of mass media and mass communication.

Researches in the media education field were carried out by Russian scientists (L. M. Bazhenova, O. Baranov, E. Bondarenko, E. L. Vartanova, S. I. Gudilina, A. A. Zhurin, L. S. Zaznobina, J. N. Zassoursky, S. N. Penzin, L. S. Pressman, K. M. Tikhomirova, Y. N. Usov, A.V. Sharikov, A. Fedorov, E. V. Yakushina, E. N. Yastrebtseva etc.) and foreign (D. Buckingham, E. Bever, P. Virilio, C. Bazalgette, D. Buckingham, J. Gonnet, M. Galician, I. Dzyaloshinsky, V. Crosbie, R. Kuby, B. Mac-Mahon, M. McLuhan, J. Moore, L. Manovitch, M. Lister, R. Hobbs, etc.).

Currently, the relevance of media and information literacy arises from the social and political problems when they create fake news, there is extremism, promotes antivalues. Media and Information Literacy becomes critical, so it should become an integral part of literacy in education in General (When Media and Information Literacy becomes critical, 2017) and the basis of information security for young people (UNESCO releases new publication: Survey on Privacy in Media and Information Literacy with Youth Perspectives, 2017).

The means of information and communication technologies have firmly entered the system of education as part of the reality surrounding us, or media. In particular, in the concept of the Federal target program for the development of education of the Russian Federation for 2016-2020, special attention is expected to be paid to modern educational and information and communication technologies, the introduction of new methods and forms of education in their compliance with legal and strategic documents in the field of education. The list of information and communication competencies (IT competencies) includes the ability to use and create electronic educational resources, the possession of modern technical means of training, as well as means of communication available via the Internet. Education and self-education take place on the basis of information and communication technologies, knowledge of the world and a variety of domestic solutions are connected with information competencies. Social networks are becoming a tool for teaching media literacy and a culture of communication.

The idea of integrated media education as a result of the integration of media literacy with basic education, which contributes to the systematic and effective training of students, is becoming especially relevant for secondary school today. This direction is intended to perform a unique function of preparing students for life in the media space.

2. Methods   

The study used the following methods: analysis of scientific publications of Russian and foreign researchers, study and analysis of normative documents of the Russian Federation and UNESCO, analysis of presentations at seminars and conferences of Russian teachers, the study of expert assessments and the results of experimental research on the basis of experimental sites (schools and universities).

3. Findings  

The solution of media education problems is most effective in the process of formal education in the classroom of different subjects. It allows you to create meta-subject skills and skills of working with media texts and active interaction in the network space, the ability to resist the manipulative influence on the identity of the student from the media and to form the individual filters of personal information security.

Particular importance is attached to the means of communication, especially the Internet. According to the leading researcher in the field of media education and communication Joseph Dzialoszynski "a fundamentally new medium of communication is created, coinciding in a number of properties – complementary, and for a number of properties – an alternative to the actual social space" (Dzyaloshinsky 2015).

Analysis of information sources, including foreign ones, showed the influence of media on the consciousness of the younger generation and on the formation of those ideas that are formed in the process of formal and informal education. Keane Crosby in his research revealed a key characteristic of the new media-interactivity. The Internet space allows people to exchange information and interact with each other through a technical means, acting as one of the participants in the dialogue, assessing the responses of users to information and adapting to their expectations (Crosbie 2006). Tony Feldman in the study "Introduction to digital media" spoke about the possibility of data manipulation: unlike analog means of information production, the content created on digital media can be changed, supplemented and deleted (Feldman 1997).  This leads to the fact that currently the user of the network, in fact, he becomes the Creator of the content. And here much depends on his information skills of, moral and moral qualities, a common information culture. Currently, many researchers consider these problems as a field of media culture. Feldman's ideas were developed by other foreign researchers, such as L. Manovich and M. Lister. They described not only the technical, but also the culturological side of the new media, linked digital media with fundamental social changes in all spheres of life, including education (Manovich 2014).  Australian researcher John Hartley talking about the modern media as a public sphere (Hartely 2002). Paul Virilio, a French theorist, also argued that the electronic media had assumed a dominant position in the social and political life of society (Virilio 1994).

Thus, well-built social media campaigns can create a new generation of active members of society who will be able to influence various changes and innovations, including politics.  In this regard, one of the main goals of integrated media education is the formation of an active media literacy personality capable of critically considering the impact of the media and independently contribute to the development of various ideas aimed at the benefit of society.  We focus on the education of individual activity in the process of integrated media education also because in the works of many scientists it is noted that the expansion of the volume and access to information leads to a certain infantilization of society. The level of professionalism of that part of society which fills information content sharply decreases. For example, in the works of the American researcher Cass Sunstein says that the overabundance of false information may lead to false judgments and incorrectly selected solutions.  It also notes that many users seem to be closing in to their common community, excluding any other opinions, points of view and judgments (Sunstein 2007). This creates either passivity and inertia or thoughtless absorption of information, the impact of the increasing flow of information helps to distract people from active participation in public life and turns it into a passive contemplation.

The use of modern media education technologies ensures the achievement of metasubject results when working with information and information technologies.

On the basis of the selected media education vectors and the results of the experiment on the formation of media literacy formulated several complementary content blocks of media education technologies:

- a retrieval unit, designed to work with search engines, finding and using the appropriate media texts;

 semiotic unit, looks at the work with symbolic systems, ways of modification of forms of information;

- the analytical block is focused on the methods of evaluation, comparison and comparison of information and media texts, the formation of a critical attitude to the texts, it is not just the process of evaluating the works of media culture, but the process of their research;

- ethical and legal block provides for discussion of moral and moral values of media texts, legal issues, problems of information security;

- applied unit is designed to develop the skills to master ICT and media through which we study how the creation, presentation and distribution of media texts;

- the block of media creation helps to master the ways of self-expression, the media environment, to improve the methods of adaptation of the individual to the modern dynamic media environment;

- diagnostic unit allows to correct the formation of media literacy.

In each block of media education technologies obtaining theoretical knowledge is complemented by practical activities and diagnostics. To implement media education technology, there should be another component of the organization of the educational process, including active methods, interactive and communicative forms of training.

According to the results of the study, a set of technologies and methodological techniques have been developed and tested to help solve the problems of integrated media education. Methodical work can be divided into two main stages. The first stage - propaedeutic, focused on the formation of information culture of students. In this context, the ways of working with information, the basic methods and laws of network interaction, ethical and moral problems of activity are considered, responsibility for their activities is developed. The second stage is media education, which includes educational activities with media texts, including media projecting elements.

Methods of integrated media education was developed in order to further use them in the classroom in specific subject areas.   Here are some examples.

Subject area "Technology". Class 9: social technologies and public opinion; information security; electronic services in the social sphere; digital social services; e-Commerce; modern and promising technologies of networking. Class 8: social Internet technologies: websites, forums, network etiquette; study of art in the modern media environment (virtual museums, interactive multimedia projects, school television with an open channel on YouTube). Class 7: the virtual world and its possibilities.

The subject area "computer science". 7-9 classes: Internet security, communication technologies. 10-11 classes: information literacy and information culture – in cooperation with the information and communication component in other subjects.

These classes are based on the use of multimedia media and information and communication technologies. Specific practical tasks have been developed.

In addition to these subject areas, we consider integrated classes in the course of literature, history, world art culture (media education through media creation, the study of styles, genres of various works, including media, historical background of various social phenomena, as well as the formation of a common human culture).

Media creation is becoming a new factor in the development of students new information environment. While at the previous stage of development media creation was an attempt to develop media space, now media creation has become an integral part of our lives. The availability of the media environment dictates a variety of methods of its development. Thus, reference information on any subject is available in the network version, the existence of literary works in the environment of modern criticism can also be used in the classroom. Changing the rules of writing words, literacy media texts – these are the reasons for fixing the material in the classroom for the study of Russian and foreign languages. Examples of the use of mathematical laws, the laws of physics, chemistry, biology on the initiative of both the teacher and the student, can be illustrated both directly in the classroom and in the preparation of multimedia projects. If earlier the term "media culture" caused disputes and comments, now the development of the media environment makes media literacy and media culture an integral part of our lives. Integration of media into our life leads to the expansion of integration of media education in the learning process, increasing the importance of the development of integrated media education techniques in formal education.

In order to provide methodological assistance to teachers, a system of media-educational training of teachers has been developed, including: communicative trainings for the study of forms and skills of communication, business games for the evaluation of communicative culture, project activities, information resources in the aspect of media education, face-to-face and online seminars for teachers ("media-Educational environment", "audio Recording in primary school", "video Recording in primary school", "the art of cinema: mastering through creativity", "the use of Internet resources in the classroom","the Principle in modern means of), distance courses "media Education through media creation”, "media competence of the teacher". The events are held on the basis of the principles of actualization and systematic interaction of media with other means of training. Discusses the activities of the teacher, which establishes the vector of the educational process on the basis of their experience, possibilities of new learning tools and their use in various didactic situations.

Modern mass media are interconnected with information and communication technologies. A new wave of interest of teachers and students in computer telecommunications contributes to the development of media education. Analyzing the content aspect of the use of telecommunications in the educational process, first of all, it is necessary to build a pedagogical strategy on the basic concept of "communication" as communication, semantic interaction and only then consider the communication organized by technical means.

In the course of research sections and modules on media education for working programs of educational disciplines of pedagogical education ("Use of information and communication technologies in educational process", "media Educational environment", "Digital media in education", "Information technologies in artistic creativity" and others) were developed.

It should be noted that other media education and information literacy programmes (Curriculum. Media education. Information literacy) are used in Russian practice.

4. Discussion

Summing up the results of the experimental activity, the question was raised: "What has changed in the school since the beginning of the experiment on media education?". The answers were given in free form, so they can be grouped into the following areas:

- methodical: the view of the methodology has changed; there is an intellectual and scientific growth of teachers; experimental work disciplines consciousness; there is an understanding of how you can use media tools; there is a desire to engage in media education, search for "fresh" information, organization of work with electronic manuals; all work is based on media education, classes are held in a new form of training, planning is developed in an electronic version, in which it is easy to compare, make changes, etc.; 40% of the study time is devoted to media education;

- information and education: increased learning ("the school showed an average of 61% of PISA's assignments. This is 12 results for Russia. In our opinion, this is a fairly high result. Obviously, it is due to the media education training of students"), mastered the Internet, which is used in the classroom and in the preparation of lessons; developing competence of students (children make diagrams, consciously prepare abstracts, presentations, the Internet find additional information); media education becomes the basis for the certification of students (to find a job, extract, scan, disassemble the job, etc.), which affects the formation of competencies; develops project activities, during which children learn to work with information: how to find the necessary information, select, use, systematize, etc., even 1st grade students collect information from the Internet; changing the views of students on new forms of work, allowing the use of media technologies in educational activities (preparation of diagrams, abstracts, presentations, etc.).); working with children's magazines helps children to get involved in reading, exchange opinions, develops vocabulary, etc.;

- material and technical: the administration had a desire to transform the material and technical base; such a good result from the experimental work that is now carried out recruitment with the focus on participation in the experiment; improved computer base of the school, there were SMART boards, computers in offices, began to collect media libraries in offices;

- emotional: children like media education lessons, they are motivated in learning when using audio or video, they develop a speech, held a meeting of experimentalists, from which all get the pleasure and joy of communion; we receive satisfaction from participation in the experiment, an important creative charge; we have to spend more time preparing for classes;

- social adaptation: students begin to form critical thinking, otherwise to learn coming to them through the media. Parents feel more relaxed if they have the confidence that their children will be adequate to respond to the information world, often unsafe, which surrounds them and will be able to resist negative media influence and manipulation by the media. Media education becomes a factor of uniting the interests of children and parents, the basis of joint formation of critical thinking, joint development of media environment and the formation of media culture.

5. Conclusion 

Media education is considered as an area of scientific knowledge focused on the development of theoretical foundations for the creation of means, conditions and methods of education in the media. The introduction of an integrated media education is possible only through the joint activities of the teacher and the student, thus becoming a media - and information literacy of students.

Media education allows a person to master the basic techniques of communicative communication, knowledge of network etiquette and the ability to communicate politely and correctly in the network, the skills of countering negative and deviant behavior in the network, will be able to teach to resist the psychological impact of social communities and groups of different orientation. As a result, a person will not only be able to ensure personal information security, but also help other users to make the world cleaner, safer and friendlier.

The teacher has a special role in the learning process. He should be ready for constant self-study and self-development in the media environment.

Media education allows the teacher not only to enrich the content of the lessons, but also to apply new forms and methods, to use information technology for the development of key competencies and metasubject skills. Integrated media education becomes the basis not only for the development of the existing media environment, but also for their own media creation of teachers and students. The consequence is a new stage in the formation of media culture, which in turn determines the need for further activation of methods and technologies of integrated media education in the framework of formal education.


The study was carried out in accordance with project No 16-06-00957 of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research "System for development of meta-subject skills of students when working in the media environment".


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1. All-Russian State Institute of Cinematography (VGIC), Russian Federation, 129226, Moscow, Wilhelm Pieck str., 3. E-mail:

2. ISED RAE, Centre of Research of Lifelong Learning 105062, Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

3. FSBSI Institute for Strategy of Education Development of the Russian Academy of Education, Centre for the Research of Lifelong Learning, 105062, Moscow, Russia, 5/16, Makarenko street. E-mail:

4. BINOM Laboratoriya znaniy, 105062, Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

Revista ESPACIOS. ISSN 0798 1015
Vol. 39 (Nº 38) Year 2018


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