ISSN 0798 1015


Vol. 39 (Number 40) Year 2018. Page 18

The role of pedagogical practice in the employment of bachelors of the University (experience of the Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University-NEFU, Russia)

El papel de la práctica pedagógica en el empleo de graduados universitarios (Experiencia de la Universidad Federal Nordeste de Ammosov-NEFU, Rusia)

Anna NEUSTROEVA 1; Ekaterina PAVLOVA 2; Tatyana BORISOVA 3; Nadezhda OKONESHNIKOVA 4; Evdokiya SIDOROVA 5

Received: 18/07/2018 • Approved: 11/08/2018


1. Introduction

2. Literature review

3. Materials and methods

4. Results

5. Discussion

6. Conclusion

Bibliographic references


The research revealed the main factors influencing the demand for graduates of higher educational institutions; analyzed the employment of 2010-2017 graduates of the Pedagogical Institute in NEFU, and summarized the experience of organizing and conducting the pedagogical practice of students. The significance of the research is that it presents the dynamics of indicators of the employment of primary school teachers based on the qualitative and quantitative analysis of the employment of graduates of the Pedagogical Institute.
Keywords: professional training; teaching practice; Primary School; employment


La investigación reveló los principales factores que influyen en la demanda de graduados de instituciones de educación superior; analizó el empleo de los graduados 2010-2017 del Instituto Pedagógico en NEFU, y resumió la experiencia de organizar y conducir la práctica pedagógica de los estudiantes. La importancia de la investigación es que presenta la dinámica de los indicadores del empleo de maestros de escuela primaria basada en el análisis cualitativo y cuantitativo del empleo de los egresados del Instituto Pedagógico.
Palabras clave: entrenamiento profesional; práctica docente; Escuela primaria; empleo

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1. Introduction

Social stability and economic efficiency of the processes taking place in society largely depends on the labor behavior of young people, in particular, on its employment, employment and the successful adaptation of graduates.

A prerequisite for training is pedagogical practice. It is an integral part of the training of pedagogical staff able to solve the actual tasks of general education institutions, form a personality that meets the modern requirements of society. The importance of how planned and organized pedagogical practice is that it is the most important factor in shaping the future teacher's personality.

In order for a graduate of a pedagogical higher educational establishment to be ready for work in an elementary school in accordance with the requirements of a new standard, it is necessary to organize pedagogical practice in such a way that during its students will be able to prepare for the lesson, organize the activity of schoolchildren in the lesson, interact with students, exercise book. The effectiveness of training as a whole depends on how competent the future teacher is and how effective is their work.

The competence of an educational professional is becoming increasingly important also in connection with the emergence of new forms of presentation and transformation of information, with the increasing level of requests that are made by modern society. In addition, pedagogical competence is considered as an integral professional and personal characteristic, determining the willingness and ability to perform pedagogical functions, it is one of the subjective factors of the teacher's productive activity.

The training of modern elementary school teachers at the Department of Primary Education of the Pedagogical Institute in NEFU is carried out in the conditions of undergraduate and graduate studies. Teachers of the department developed programs of pedagogical practices in the areas of training 44.03.01-Pedagogical education, the profile of “Primary education”; 44.03.05-Pedagogical education, the profile of “Primary education and tutoring in the basic small-scale (nomadic) school of the North”; 44.03.05-Pedagogical education, “Primary education” profile, “Primary education and additional education” profile; for the Master's program “Pedagogical support of childhood in the conditions of the North” in the direction 44.04.01 - Pedagogical education, “Primary education” direction. The complex of programs includes various kinds of pedagogical practices: educational familiarization practice, educational dispersed practice, educational organizational practice, methodical observational practice, scientific research practice, and pre-diploma practice.

Qualitative preparation of the modern teacher of primary classes in the period of pedagogical practice would be impossible without close interaction with the educational institutions of the city and districts of the republic. The Department of Primary Education has a permanent contact with employers, it holds seminars with teachers of schools on topical problems of primary education, also, there is an Association of graduates-teachers of primary classes, and the Department also holds an annual competition for students of pedagogical practice “Pedagogical debut”. The head teachers and primary school teachers of basic schools take an active part in these events. Thus, the existing system of “teacher-student-employer” relationships testifies that students, future teachers of primary classes, have all the opportunities to master the necessary pedagogical skills for successful professional activity.

The hypothesis of the study is that the increase in the indicators of the employment of primary school teachers will be most effective if the following conditions are considered:

- Consideration of pedagogical practice as the main component of the training of future teachers and basic schools of practice as future employers;

- Improving the organization and conduct of pedagogical practices is based on the principles of continuity and continuity, and the content of practice is developed on the basis of a competence approach.

- Monitoring and analysis of the employment of graduates of a higher educational establishment.

The aim of the research is to substantiate theoretically the need to improve the pedagogical practice in the professional development of future teachers and to analyze the employment status of primary school teachers by the example of the employment of graduates-teachers in primary education of the Pedagogical Institute of the Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University. To achieve the stated goal of the research, the authors determined the following tasks: studying and summarizing the works of foreign and domestic authors on the topic of the research, the collection of statistical data on employment for 2010-2017; study and analysis of indicators of employment of teachers of primary grades of the Pedagogical Institute; generalization of experience in organizing and conducting pedagogical practice.

The scientific novelty of the presented manuscript is that for the first time materials on the analysis of the employment of graduates of pedagogical directions of bachelor's training in one of the largest northern subjects in the Far East of the Russian Federation of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) are presented, which characterizes the general situation with the employment of pedagogical personnel in the north of Russia. One of the factors of increasing the indicator of employment is the improvement of teaching practice at the university. The organization of pedagogical practice in the pedagogical educational institutions of Russia undergoes significant changes related to the transition to competence-oriented education, which determined the activity-oriented and practical-oriented nature of vocational education in general, including the training of teachers of various profiles.

The organization of pedagogical practice today does not appear without a close connection with employers, specifically with schools, as customers of qualified pedagogical personnel. The growth of the birth rate in the last decade in the region in recent years has determined the demand for pedagogical personnel, the increase in classrooms in schools. In addition, the special attention paid by the state to the quality of the organization and the increase in the number of hours of pedagogical practice in the new competency standards of vocational education requires that pedagogical higher educational establishments improve the quality of the organization of pedagogical practice: updating of species, content and requirements of practice.

2. Literature review

Considering the problem of professional-pedagogical preparation of a modern teacher, Slastenin V.A. (2000) says that “a teacher with a systemic vision of the pedagogical process as a holistic phenomenon and a readiness for its realization can solve the tasks that society poses before the school at the present stage. Therefore, it is especially important to address the search for conditions that would contribute to the formation of the professionalism of the future teacher”. Orlov A.A. (2001) considers the professional preparation of students as “the process and the result of mastering the system of professional knowledge, the recognition of the personal meaning of this knowledge, the formation of basic general pedagogical skills (analytical, diagnostic, prognostic, constructive, organizational, communicative, reflexive), the development of the most important professional and personal qualities (empathy, emotional stability), the formation based on personal pedagogical credo”. A number of scientists Serikov V.V. (2000), Serikov G.N. (2009), etc. note in their works that vocational training is characterized by “personal experience, which is acquired in the process of joint activity of teachers and students and becomes an instrument of professional activity”.

Kodzhaspirova G.M. and Borikova L.V. (2000), Reshetnikova P.E. (2002) examine in their works the tasks, content, structure and organization of pedagogical practice at faculties that provide training for primary school teachers. It contains various practical materials and techniques that can be used in different types of practices by both students and its organizers. A manual addressed to students of secondary and higher pedagogical educational institutions may also be useful to organizers of pedagogical practice, teachers and methodologists, and school employees.

Kolupaeva N.I. (2015) considers in her work theoretical and methodological positions, including a description of the main components of pedagogical practice as a holistic pedagogical process. The works by Abdullina O.A. (1990) and Protasova I.A. (2000), reflect the historical aspect of the formation of the teacher's practical training system, examines various projects for the organization of pedagogical practice, the experience of their implementation, describes the models and technologies of the organization of continuous pedagogical practice. Nevodnichenko N.V. (2005) in her the dissertation studies pedagogical practice as a means of preparing the future teacher for innovative pedagogical activity. The works by Slastenin V.A. (2009) and Podymova L.S. (2014) examined the essence of pedagogical practice as a holistic process that provides students training not only for practical work with children, but for the implementation of pedagogical innovations.

In the course of these studies, the authors consider pedagogical practice as an important component of the professional training of students. The importance of pedagogical practice in the professional training of a modern teacher is considered in the works of a significant number of domestic researchers in various aspects. Thus, the importance of pedagogical practice is substantiated in the works by Mamontova T.S. (2016), Polezhaeva O.A. (2012), Platonova R.I., and Stepanova P.A. (2016).

The authors agree with the opinion of Vildanova A.A. (2012) that in thinking over the organization of pedagogical practice, one needs to focus not only on the implementation of the program of practice, but, above all, approach every student as a unique personality, carefully and carefully, purposefully and consistently revealing strong personal and professional sides in it, helping compensate for the weak sides.

The main customer of training for primary school teachers, of course, is general education schools represented by educational management bodies in the region. Therefore, the schools themselves often, in the process of preparing the future teacher, carry out supervision and targeted training of students for admission to the staff of the teaching staff after graduation. Razumovskaya T.O. (2016) stresses the need for higher educational establishments and educational program managers to understand the importance of close links with the labor market, flexible response to its changes.

It should be noted that the development of the content of educational programs should take into account the requests not only of employers, but also the development trends of pedagogical science. And in this aspect, the authors agree with the opinion of Lisov (2016) that precisely the unity of education, science and production can lead to innovative breakthroughs in various fields, including the education system.

The improvement of the organization of future teachers practice and the acquisition of their competences is considered by many researchers in all countries, since it is practice that is the tool for the formation, improvement, monitoring and evaluation of the necessary basic competencies for the modern teacher. The reform in the vocational education system in the 21st century was actively affected by Russia by joining the Bologna process, which strengthened practical orientation, communication with social partners and customers of educational programs. Bauer J. and Prenzel M. (2012) consider the European reforms related to the Bologna process, in the aspect of strengthening attention to the development of practical skills in the system of vocational education, the same processes were started in the Russian education system.

The need to support the theory in practice in vocational education and improve the organization of practitioners' practices was also considered at the beginning of the century by Ball D.L. and Cohen, D.K. (1999), Biggs J. (2012), Feiman-Nemser S. (2001), and the latter suggested ways to improve the content of teacher training in line with modern reforms, noting the discrepancy between the practiced teacher approaches to teaching children with the required ones, determined the stages of development of professional skills and a place for practical training at each stage of preparation and the student as an active subject of introducing educational reforms. Harford, J. and MacRuairc G. (2008) suggested the process of organizing the practice of future teachers as building on the student's reflexivity, that is, his ability to evaluate and analyze his own practical work, for which a videotape was used and the analysis of the lessons, where the problem dialogues, the style of relationships, the pedagogical technique (voice, speech, facial expressions) of the future teacher were discussed together.

In accordance with the competence approach, it is practice that is the condition for achieving the professional competence of the future specialist, and it is competence that presupposes the ability to transform theory into practice, the ability to find a solution in a new situation, and effectively interact with the client, in our case with the learner. In this respect, the authors found the substantive justification of the theory of professional competence in the manuscript by Runkel P. J. (1976).

In the course of pedagogical practice, a significant factor in the formation of a teacher's professional competence is their mentor. In this regard, the authors were interested in the manuscripts by Lampert M. (2003), which offers a model for the organization of pedagogical practice in the solution of educational problems in the “teacher-student relationship-the content of the subject-student” on the example of teaching mathematics, where all three components are justified in the relationship. Dekker-Groen A.M., VanDerSchaaf M.F. and Stokking K. M. (2013) in their article cite the data of an experiment conducted with teachers, where teachers themselves - teachers in the course of working with students improve their competence, being in the mode of methodological support of students, carrying out feedback with them, even for a certain short time. Thus, the practice is useful not only for students, but for the mentors themselves, who grow professionally along with their trainees.

Regarding the development of the competence of the teaching community, it is necessary not to touch upon the issue of the development and introduction of professional standards that have been started abroad and now need to be introduced into the system of Russian education, the comprehension of which is yet to be achieved by the pedagogical community. In this respect, the authors studied the opinion by Schools, T. and D. A. for. (2007), who analyze the professional standards of US teachers, including the requirements for different teaching positions, from the position of social partners and founders, and customers. From the standpoint of modern standards, there is also a search for a tool for assessing the professional activity of teachers, and Teacher H., Assessments P., Measure C. and Teaching I. (2010) the effectiveness of the teacher should be evaluated not only by his test results, but also, first of all, based on the results of his success in practical work in the classroom, and these indicators should be included in the teacher performance evaluation system. Bergsmann E., Schultes M.-T., Winter P., Schober B., and Spiel C. (2015) discussed in their recent work the transition from the theoretical model of the assessment of professional knowledge to the activity assessment in a competent modern manner, which indicates that the issues of improving the practical training of specialists, including teachers, remain relevant to this day.

Modern works of researchers are also aimed at discussing the value of practice, not only in terms of obtaining directly professional skills, but also competencies in line with new professional standards that include today the so-called soft skills, and personal characteristics. So, the Malaysian scientists Tang Keov Ngang, Hashiman Mond Yunus, and Nor Hashiman Hashim (2015) rightly raise the problem of the need to develop soft skills in practice, which are basic for employment after graduating from the university. Such skills as interpersonal skills, ability to solve problems, work in a team, continuous development and management of information, enterprise, ethics, morality, leadership, are most desirable when a young teacher is employed.

One of the problems discussed in some manuscripts, and which the authors discuss in their manuscript, is the employment of graduates of a pedagogical institute in the new conditions of market competition. The authors noted similar processes and problems in the analysis of the situation presented by Tynjälä P. and Heikkinen H.L.T. (2011), when young teachers in the beginning of their career are in a situation of constant risk, such as the threat of unemployment, the attitude of the professional community towards newcomers, sometimes inadequate obsolete knowledge and ideas about the current situation, increasing stress at the beginning of work, early fatigue from the volume of work, etc. and we agree with the authors that only the understanding by young teachers of professional development as a constant combination of formal, non-formal and informal self-education throughout their professional career and the willingness to go it alone, can help them to remain in the teaching profession. Only vocational training in a secondary or higher educational establishment does not guarantee the quality of the pedagogical activity of the graduate. Much depends on own personality. The National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (2010) is interesting since it is in it they tried to expose the myths about the importance of preparing students in the current situation and tried to reveal the main dependencies of training quality and quality of work.

The authors use some material from the articles describing the experience of organizing the practice of future teachers, the problem of studying and trying to determine the orientations of the life plans of graduates of higher education in employment and preferring a future residence in the NEFU Department of Primary Education (Neustroev N.D, Neustroeva A.N, Shergina T.A, Marfusalova V.P, Okoneshnikova N.V, Borisova T.M, and Sidorova, E.E, 2016), (Kodzhurova А.А., Pavlova Е.P., Neustroeva E.N., Kornilov Y.V., and Nikolaev E.V. (2017).

3. Materials and methods

The sample of the study was targeted at the graduates of the Primary Education Department of the Pedagogical Institute, which are experiencing a strategically important stage of employment and life self-determination. Thus, the subjects in the study were the graduates 2010-2017 of the Primary Education Department of the Pedagogical Institute in NEFU . The total sample size was 379 graduates.

The following research methods were used in the process of studying the materials:

- Theoretical: analysis of psychological and educational literature on the problem;

- Organizational: Comparative method as comparison of graduates by years; Longitudinal method as multiple surveys of the same graduates over a long period of time in order to track professional growth and career.

- Empirical methods: observational methods - observation, interviewing; analysis, synthesis and comparison of experimental results: analysis of the results of employment of graduates in specialties, quantitative and qualitative analysis of employers' requests for temporary and permanent employment, analysis of materials on the employment of graduates, statistical analysis of the research results.

- Data processing: a quantitative method of statistical processing of the obtained data; interpretation method - a method of qualitative description; structural method - classification, and typology.

Description of the experiment:

1. Data collection Creating additional designs: a) Goals, tasks, hypotheses - forecasting their implementation; b) Data on the initial state, intermediate and final states of objects; c) Planned processing - availability of materials for them; d) Additional data (on impacts, conditions), e) evaluation of existing material in relation to goals and objectives, its preparation for subsequent processing. Data collection is done observation and interviewing.

2. Processing of primary information for specified programs, data processing: classifying, grouping, translating qualitative data into quantitative data, obtaining secondary data by calculating the statistical characteristics of objects. Data processing is done by analysis, comparison, and synthesis.

3. Presentation of the received secondary data in various forms (tables, diagrams, and graphs). Discussion of their possible interpretation.

4. Systematization, explanation of facts, obtaining new information. Establishment of cause-effect relationships between available data. Determining the reliability of the detected similarities and differences in results.

5. Determination of the validity of the proposed hypotheses. Making conclusions, the singling out private and general of them, new in relation to those known in science and practice, and those that only specify, complement the known. Analysis of the implementation of the goals and objectives of the experiment (separately identified unresolved issues, problems are formulated for further research).

6. Presentation of results: statistical analysis of the obtained results, compilation and writing of a report on the experiment, development of recommendations, justification of conclusions on the research topic.

4. Results

The authors analyzed data for the period from 2010 to 2017 for an objective assessment of the employment dynamics as an indicator of the professional training of graduates, primary school teachers. The main goal of higher education delivered in higher educational establishments of the region is to ensure the high quality of the system of professional training of highly qualified teachers with high level of competitiveness for the North-East of Russia through the innovative activity of higher-education teaching personnel, students and staff in methodological work in a supportive educational environment.

The labor market analysis and employment monitoring sector is engaged in this activity in regards to the employment of NEFU graduates, the sector belongs to the Department of Student Development in NEFU. Analysis of the result shows 100% employment of NEFU Pedagogical Institute graduates in all channels. Employment of university graduates is tracked by the following indicators:

- An important element is signing employment contracts for graduates enrolled and trained within the designated purpose;

- Independent employment in the profession;

- Employment through other channels.

From 2010 to 2017, only 379 students graduated in full-time (with the exception of the correspondence training) form of education and received a diploma of a higher education, and who have the right to work in primary education, which accounts for 25.23% of the total (1502) graduates of NEFU Pedagogical Institute.

Statistical data analysis makes it evident that 63.85% (242) of the graduates were employed in organizations and educational institutions, of which 99.59% (241) graduates were employed in specialty; the exception was for 2012 graduates, showing 97.1% of those employed in the specialty of a “primary school teacher”.

Analysis of information on the distribution “through other employment channels” of graduates in general primary education of full-time form of education from 2010 to 2017 showed that the employment of graduates “through other channels of employment” is annually recorded and compiled on socially necessary items and on average in 2010 -2017 years, 28.39% of graduates used the granted civil rights. Of the total number of employed “through other employment channels”, there is a greater number of employees in the “child care”, on average for the period from 2010 to 2017, the number is 52.25% of those distributed “through other employment channels” and 15.3 % of the total number of graduates for the reporting period. After graduation, 22.37% of the graduates of the discussed period and 6.6% of the total number of graduates took maternity leave.

In connection with the introduction in 2011 of new educational standards for higher education and a two-tier system of higher education (with the qualifications of Bachelor and Master), starting from 2013, the Bachelor graduates tend to continue education in the magistracy, which shows the deliberate decision-making of further professional growth by graduates, well-done work on university vocational guidance. Thus, during the reporting years, 24.32% of graduates continued their education in the magistracy among those, who were distributed “through other channels of employment” and 7.1% of the total number of graduates in the designated years.

It should be noted that in the last decade, the positive dynamics in the demographic situation in terms of the birth rate of children has caused an increase in the need for the opening of new primary classes and primary school teachers. In addition, it should be noted that the Department of Primary Education in NEFU conducts purposeful work with employers, that is, with the schools of the republic. And the pedagogical practice of students in the early years of education always takes place in urban schools with the best teacher-mentors who are leaders in their work. Only after acquiring the confidence and forming the skills in planning and conducting lessons and after-school activities, students get the opportunity to pass the pedagogical practice at the desired school in any district of the republic. Only in the process of direct mentoring of students during the practice period is it possible for them to gain confidence in professional pedagogical activity, and consequently, less chance to leave the pedagogical profession, having found another job.

5. Discussion

Thus, the manuscript reveals the experience of organizing and conducting pedagogical practices of students, we proceed from the assumption that pedagogical practice is one of the key components of the professional training of future teachers. Also, the manuscript analyzes the employment status of graduates of the Primary Education Department of the Pedagogical Institute of NEFU based on the following indicators: students trained within the designated purpose; independently concluded contracts on specialty and employment in other channels. The analysis showed that 63.85% of graduates were employed in organizations and educational institutions, of which 99.59% (241) graduates were employed, except for the graduates of 2012, showing 97.1% of people employed in the specialty of a “primary school teacher”. Based on this, the authors can assert that the employment of the Pedagogical Institute graduates from year to year, for the period from 2010 to 2017, has positive dynamics.

The problem of youth employment in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) is considered in the manuscript by Yakovleva O.S. (2016) and in the report by Uvarova O.M. and Ignatyeva L.N. “On the mechanisms of interaction of the labor market and the market of educational services in the North-Eastern Federal University”, in particular, Yakovleva O.S. analyzed the employment of university graduates in all areas of training for 2012-2015. According to her, the indicator of employment of graduates as a whole remains stable. Also Yakovleva highlights the reasons for the preference of graduates of Yakutsk than for the countryside graduates. Given the youth labor market, the authors deliver recommendations on support for the university graduates.

6. Conclusion

Thus, the authors have studied and summarized the manuscripts by foreign and domestic authors on the research topic, revealed a real picture of the organization of pedagogical practices as the key component in the professional development of a competent and competitive teacher in primary education. An analysis of the research on the issue has demonstrated that the employment of graduates is one of the main criteria for the effectiveness of the educational process in higher educational establishments of the Russian Federation.

It is known that the main goal of higher education delivered in higher educational establishments of the region is to ensure the high quality of the system of professional training of highly qualified teachers with high level of competitiveness for the North-East of Russia through the innovative activity of higher-education teaching personnel, students and staff in methodological work in a supportive educational environment. The analysis of statistical data for 2010-2017 demonstrated 100% employment of graduates in all employment channels. Of these, 99.59% of graduates are employed.

The system of pedagogical practice organization has shown that students have a need for creativity being formed; they also have openness to new knowledge, experience; readiness for self-education; the ability to assess the situation and find the optimal solution, independently set a goal, plan and forecast own activities.

The authors analyzed data for the period from 2010 to 2017 for an objective assessment of the employment dynamics as an indicator of the professional training of graduates, primary school teachers. One of the important elements of education in a pedagogical higher educational establishment in order to train highly qualified, competitive specialists is the organization and support of pedagogical practice in the real conditions of an educational establishment.

As part of the study, the authors analyzed the employment of 2010-2017 graduates of NEFU Pedagogical Institute; also, they summarized the experience of organizing and conducting pedagogical practice of students. The significance of the research is that is presents the dynamics of indicators of the employment of primary school teachers based on the qualitative and quantitative analysis of the employment of the Pedagogical Institute graduates.

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1. Assistant Professor. Department of Primary Education of the Pedagogical Institute, North-Eastern Federal University Yakutsk, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), 677000 Lenin Street, 2.

2. Assistant Professor. Department of Primary Education of the Pedagogical Institute, North-Eastern Federal University Yakutsk, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), 677000 Lenin Street, 2.

3. Assistant Professor. Department of Primary Education of the Pedagogical Institute, North-Eastern Federal University Yakutsk, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), 677000 Lenin Street, 2.

4. Assistant Professor. Department of Primary Education of the Pedagogical Institute, North-Eastern Federal University Yakutsk, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), 677000 Lenin Street, 2,

5. Senior Lecturer, Department of Primary Education of the Pedagogical Institute, North-Eastern Federal University, Yakutsk, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Russia, 677000, Lenin Street, 2.

Revista ESPACIOS. ISSN 0798 1015
Vol. 39 (Nº 40) Year 2018


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