ISSN 0798 1015


Vol. 39 (Number 50) Year 2018. Page 4

Officialdom services innovation based mobile Sicakep in Wajo Regency (South Sulawesi, Indonesia)

Servicios oficiales basados en la innovación móvil Sicakep para el Wajo Regency

Amiruddin ANDI 1; Haedar AKIB 2; Anshari ANSHARI 3; Muhammad YAHYA 4

Received: 21/06/2018 • Approved: 28/08/2018 • Published 15/12/2018


1. Introduction

2. The Review of Literature

3. Research Methods

4. Finding of the Research and Discussions

5. Conclusion

Bibliographic references


Officialdom services in developing countries have been generally done through conventional ways which are inclined to be ineffective, time-consuming and open to low-level corrupt practices. Attempts to transform the services from manual to electronic ways are inevitable in the contemporary digital era. This article assesses Mobile si-Cakep, the local government’s innovation of Wajo Regency, South Sulawesi, to improve the effectiveness, professionalism and integrity of the officialdom services. This article highlights that the program is potentially not sustained as it is highly dependent on local stakeholder’s political will. This article suggests the improvement of public participation, particularly from local civil societies, in order to maintain and sustain the Mobile si-Cakep program in the longer run way.
Keywords: Innovation, Public Service, Officialdom Service, and Mobile Si-Cakep.


Los servicios oficiales en los países en desarrollo se han realizado generalmente por medios convencionales que tienden a ser ineficaces, requieren mucho tiempo y están abiertos a prácticas corruptas de bajo nivel. Los intentos de transformar los servicios de forma manual a electrónica son inevitables en la era digital contemporánea. Este artículo evalúa Mobile si-Cakep, la innovación del gobierno local de Wajo Regency, South Sulawesi, para mejorar la efectividad, el profesionalismo y la integridad de los servicios oficiales. Este artículo destaca que el programa no es sostenido, ya que depende en gran medida de la voluntad política de los actores locales. Este artículo sugiere la mejora de la participación pública, particularmente de las sociedades civiles locales, para mantener y mantener el programa Mobile si-Cakep en el largo plazo.
Palabras clave: Innovación, Servicio público, Servicio oficial y Móvil Si-Cakep.

PDF version

1. Introduction

Organizational innovation is a key to thriving in an increasingly dynamic and global economy (Ganter & Hecker, 2014) and it is source of value creation (Hwang, Chang, Chen, & Wu, 2008). Organizational innovativeness is a central topic of inquiry in public administration, marketing, management, and political science (Shoham, Vigoda-Gadot, Ruvio, & Schwabsky, 2012). However, organizational innovation receives surprisingly little attention in innovation research (Ganter & Hecker, 2014) and there is little literature analyzing the different types of organizational innovation in detail. In addition, studies looking specifically at the firm as the level of analysis are rare and relatively old (Mol & Birkinshaw, 2009).  Research tends to analyze innovation outcomes (Laforet, 2013) and literature on the origins of management innovations and the generative processes through which innovation first takes shape is scarce (Birkinshaw & Mol, 2006).

The demands and wishes of the people now are, civil servants services become more optimal of, has a good performance and awareness to increase the welfare of the society. Unfortunately, it is only still within the society’s expectation, but not entirely be realized by the civil servants as a whole. To create the well-performance and care civil servants, the civil servants should be granted with officialdom rights without doing direct accomplishment concerned with complicated bureaucracy as stimulation in providing the best service to the community.

Before 2015, the officialdom service often experience delays. However, since August 31, 2015 this condition has undergone significant changes with Mobile Si-Cakep program. The Mobile Sicakep program as a form of officialdom service innovation. Mobile Sicakep is an acronym that means "Creating of organization to more innovative and more effective, systematic, integrity, fast, adaptive, committed, elaborative, and professional. In addition, special reasons include the need for increased of satisfaction, trust and partnership with all civil servants through guarantee and certainty of service without leaving the workplace, and reduce the potential for low-level corruption that will impact the seriousness and concern of civil servants in providing services to the community as one of concrete efforts that can restore public trust, which decreased day by day.

This article highlights that the program is potentially not sustained as it is highly dependent on local stakeholders’ political will. The findings of this study indicates that determinant factors in sustainability of employment service based Mobile Si-cakep consists of supporting factors from Wajo Regency's government mission, political and action will from the Regent, Vice of Regent and Head of the Regional Work Unit, the support of the Local House Of Representative, officialdom Manager of the Regional Device Unit  and all Civil Servants, as well as community involvement in monitoring and evaluating personnel policies, and the problems that become the obstacles are the computer's operational capability of civil servants and unreliable Internet network infrastructure, and inconsistency of stakeholders in the application of staffing service innovation.

This article suggests the improvement of public participation, particularly from local civil societies, in order to maintain and sustain the Mobile si-Cakep program in the longer run way.

2. The Review of Literature

2.1. Public Administration Paradigm and Public Service Model

Public administration according to (Keban, 2004: 16), is a "Sector where government’s officials or executives perform jobs related to the public sector, especially the provision of services for the public interest, the role of public administration will determine the stability, resilience and prosperity of a country ".

From the side of paradigm, there are three perspectives in public administration developed by the theorists to respond to the complexity of the problems in public administration. First, the Perspective of the Old Public Administration (OPA) where this perspective holds that public organization operates most efficiently as a closed system so that citizen involvement in government is restricted. This perspective also holds that the primary role of public administrators is strictly limited in the areas of planning, organizing, managing employees, directing, coordinating, reporting, and budgeting. Second, Perspective New Public Management (NPM). The essence of this perspective is the importance of improving public services by the government bureaucracy by granting authority to private parties to participate more as managers of public services. Third, is the perspective of New Public Service (NPS). In this perspective, citizens are positioned as government owners (owners of government) and able to act together to achieve something better. Public interest is no longer being seen as an aggregate of personal interest but as a result of dialogue and public involvement in seeking common values and common interests.

The development of this paradigm also colors the changes that occur in public services to the community. Public services are increasingly responsive to the needs of the community is characterized by a higher culture of service, and not the opposite, culture of power. Public service given by the government is a fundamental right of society that must be given accountably, efficiently, effectively and transparently.

2.2. Understanding Innovation

Innovation is a process to turn opportunities into marketable ideas, innovation is more than just a good idea. A pure idea plays an important role, and a creative mind develops it into a valuable idea (Machfoedz & Machfoedz, 2004: 21; Gaynor, 2002).

De Jong & den Hartog (2003) define innovation process deeply the in 4 stages as follows:

a. Seeing Opportunities, opportunities can start from inconsistencies and discontinuities that occur because of inconsistencies with expected work patterns, such as the onset of problems with ongoing work patterns, the presence of unmet consumer needs, or the presence of trends that are changing.

b. Issue an idea, it involves issuing new ideas or updating services, meeting with clients and supporting technology.

c. Implementation, at this stage is often also called the convergent stage. To develop ideas and implement ideas, employees must have behavior that refers to results.

d. Applications, in this phase include employee behavior aimed at building, testing, and marketing new services. This is related to making innovations in the form of new work processes or in the usual routine process.

2.3. Public Sector Innovation

According to (Rogers, 2004) cited by (Suwarno, 2008: 3) and Hanafi (1987), one of the leading authors of innovation books, explains "innovation is an idea, practice, or object considered new by the individual of another adoption unit. While (Damanpour, 1988) cited by (Suwarno, 2008: 3), explains that "an innovation can be a new product or service, a new production process technology, a new structure and administration system or a new plan for members of the organization. (Rademakers, 2005) divides innovation into several types which have their own characteristics as follows:

Table 1
Typology of Innovation and Characteristics


Type of Innovation



Product Innovation

Products, services, or a combination of both new ones



Process Innovation

New methods of running value-added activities (such as distribution or production) are better or cheaper



Organizational Innovation

A new method of managing, coordinating and overseeing employees, activities, and responsibilities



Business Innovation

A new combination of products, processes, and new ranger systems (also known as business models)

Source: Rademakers, 2005

2.4. Dimensions of Innovation Strategy

An innovation strategy is a multidimensional concept consisting of four dimensions (Ellitan & Anatan, 2009: 156), namely:

1. The first dimension, leadership orientation

2. The second dimension, the type of innovation.

3. The third dimension, the source of innovation.

4. The fourth dimension the level of investment (investment level).

According to (Suherli, 2010), Success is the top culmination of all efforts that have been done by involving several elements of mutual support, the success of innovation can be reviewed from two things namely, innovation agents and innovation programs. The success of innovation can be reviewed from:

1. The extent to which the program is profitable or superior; effectiveness, efficiency, impact.

2. Conformity; conformity with the program, the recipient or user of the program.

3. Convenience; readiness to be tested, easy to test at the same institution, choice of alternative program.

4. Observation; can be observed directly, can be stored / recorded, the diversity of the program.

5. Complexity; requires special skills, adds jobs.

Meanwhile, according to Gavathiotis et al., 2008 quoted by Tjandra (2008, p.14), success factors of a new product, are:

1. Unique superior product (superior product) is a product with higher quality, new properties, and greater usage value.

2. Another factor is the well-defined product concept before development where the firm carefully defines and assesses the target market. Basically, to create a new product, a company understands its customers, markets, and competitors and develops a variety of products that deliver superior value to customers.

3. The success of a product in conforming to the consumer's wishes.

4. The company uses its know-how technology.

2.5. Factors Inhibiting Innovation

According to (Mulgan & Albury, 2003) as quoted by Suwarno, (2008: 54), inhibiting factors of innovation in the public sector include:

a. Reluctance to close down failed programs;

b. Excessive reliance on high performers;

c. Technology exists, hampered culture and organizational structuring;

d. No rewards or incentives;

e. Inability to face risks and change;

f.          Short-term budgeting and planning;

g. Administrative pressure and constraints;

h. Culture risk aversion.

2.6. Stages in Innovation Process

(Van Hooft et al., 2009), (J. P. J. De Jong & Den Hartog, 2007) define innovation processes deeply in the following 4 (four) stages;

a. See opportunities

b. Issue an idea

c. Review ideas

d. Implementation.

2.7. Public service

Public service according to (Sinambela, 2006, p.5) is defined as any activity undertaken by the government against a number of human beings who have every profitable activity in a set or unity, and offer satisfaction even if the result is not bound to a product physically. Normatively, the public service is an activity or series of activities in the context of fulfilling the needs of services in accordance with legislation for every citizen and citizen of the goods, services and / or administrative services provided by the public service providers. According to (Gronroos, 1988) cited by (Rademakers, 2005) (Atik septi Winarsih, 2008: 2) that "public service is an activity or series of invisible (intangible) activities that occur as a result of interaction between consumers with employees or matters provided by the service provider company intended to solve consumer or customer problems"

2.8. Principles of Public Service

The basic principles of public service according to (Nurdjaman, 1992) are as follows:

a. Simplicity of Service

b. Clarity and Certainty of Service

c. Security in service

d. Openness in service

e. Efficiency in service

f. Economical in service

g. Equitable justice in service

h. Timeliness in service

2.9. Standards of Public Service

Service standard is a predetermined measure as good service standardization. Service standards contain quality standards of service. According to the decision of Minister of states apparatus No. 63 Year 2004, service standards, at least include:

a. Service Procedures

b. Settlement Time

c. Service Fee

d. Product Services

e. Facilities and infrastructure

f. Competency of the Service Provider

2.10. Supporting Factors of Public Services

According to Moenir (2010) that in the public service there are several important factors, namely:

1. Awareness Factor

2. Rule Factors

3. Organizational Factors

4. Revenue Factors

5. Skill-factor factors

6. Service Facilities Factor

According to Taufik (2005), several factors considered as generic factors causing (source for) innovation (and usually interrelated) include: (a) Technological developments; (b) Changes in consumer needs / wants or "tastes"; (c) Changes in market segments or the emergence of new market segments; (d) Increased competition pressure; (e) Changes to production factors (relative scarcity) and certain economic factors (e.g. currency exchange rates); (f) Government regulations / policies. Meanwhile, according to (Mulyono & Fransisca, 2008), "several factors that affect service innovation, can be analyzed into two, namely, the internal environment and external environment. The internal environment is the environment within the organization that affects performance, including vision, mission, facilities and infrastructure, human resources, organization, management, finance and marketing. While the external environment, includes the macro environment and micro environment. The macro environment includes demographics, socio-economic, technological, political, and sociocultural, as well as micro environments including customers and competitors.

The existence of success factor is also followed by the existence the failure factor of innovation (Taufik, 2005). Factors of failure in a new product, namely: (a) Mistakes of the company in reading the wishes of consumers, partly because the company is less than perfect in conducting market analysis; (b) Errors in product placement; (c) poor product performance; (d) Unfavorable marketing research; (e) Inadequate corporate competition analysis resulting in a company error in estimating actions taken by its competitors.

3. Research Methods

3.1. Types of Research

The type of research conducted is qualitative research, a research that describes and aims to provide an overview and explanation of the variables which studied.

3.2. Research Location

This research was conducted on the Regional Work Unit of Wajo Regency Government as many as 4 (four) Regional Devices including: Regional Development Planning Board, Regional Inspectorate, Personnel Board and Human Resource Development, and Tempe Regency Office.

3.3. Research Focus

The focus of this research consists of innovation, and public service, which will find and examine the determinants of improving the quality of officialdom services based Mobile Si-Cakep in Wajo Regency.

3.4. Description Focus

1. Innovation is a new idea or idea that is born with creativity, provides a value of benefits can be implemented and sustainable to initiate or improve a product or process and service.

2. The public service shall be an activity or series of activities in the context of the fulfillment of service needs in accordance with the laws and regulations for every citizen and resident of the goods, services and / or administrative services provided by the public service providers.

3.5. Research Instruments

In this qualitative research, the research instrument is the researcher himself, but in the data collection keeps using interview guides and observation guidelines to conduct interviews with informants and observations on personnel service activities.

3.6. Sampling Technique

Sampling technique used is Purposive Sampling and Snowball Sampling. The informants are the Head of Regional Device as well as the other informants, namely the Civil Service Manager in the Local Device and some Civil Servants as the recipient of the employment service. Deliberate sampling with the consideration that the selected sample is the one who understands well about the issues raised in this study.

3.7. Data Sources

There are two sources of data collection namely primary data and secondary data. Primary data, data obtained directly from the research locus or sourced from respondents who have not experienced the process of data processing. Respondents in qualitative research are informants. Secondary data, data obtained from data sources that have been processed or documents that guaranteed its validity. Incidental facts, are important events that have not been predicted and occurred at the time of the study. In this study, the author uses three data collection techniques, among others:

1. Entering Research (getting In);

2. Being in the Research Site (getting a long);

3. Collecting Data (Longing Data).

The informants involved in this study were 20 (twenty) persons consisting of a group of Heads of Work Unit of Region 4 (four) persons, Personnel Manager 4 (four) and Staff 12 (twelve) persons, with age between 20 (twenty)  years up to 50 (fifty) years old, male gender 8 (eight) and 12 (twelve) people, tenure of 10 to 20 years. Interviews were conducted between 30 minutes to 60 minutes at the workplace of the informants and to deepen the interviews were conducted in more relaxed places such as cafes. The number of questions given at the interview is 10 (ten) questions. An example of the question is: What is the obstacle in the officialdom services? What is a supporter in the officialdom services? How to improve the quality of officialdom services? What is the role of personnel managers in improving the quality of officialdom services? Apart from the interview data collection is also done by making direct observations on the activities of officialdom services.

3.8. Data Analysis

Before carrying out the data analysis, to determine the instrument of the research is needed. In qualitative research, the main instrument of research is the researcher himself, but then after the focus of the research becomes clear, it is likely to develop a simple research instrument, which is expected to complement the data and compare to the data that has been found through observation and interview. Thus, the research instrument consists of: (1) Researcher, (2) Observation Guidance, and (3) Interview Guidance.

After determining the Research Instrument, then the next step is to determine the data collection techniques. Data collection techniques used are: (1) Observation, (2) Interview, (3) Documentation, and (4) Triangulation/combination.

Data analysis used is qualitative data analysis that is by describing and analyzing data that have been obtained by interactive model analysis (interactive model). According to Miles and Huberman in Sugiyono (2013: 246) that the analysis of qualitative data consists of several components, which include:

1. Data Collection (Data Collection);

2. Data Reduction (Data Reduction);

3. Data Display (Data Presentation);

4. Conclusion Drawing / Verification (Withdrawal Conclusion / Verification).

4. Finding of the Research and Discussions

Determinant factor of improving the quality of Staffing Service with Mobile Si-Cakep in Wajo Regency are;

4.1. Supporting Factors

Based on the results of this study, it has found several supporting factors to improve the quality of service personnel with Mobile Si-Cakep in Wajo Regency, including:

a. One of the Wajo Regency Government's missions is to improve the capacity of local government officials and capabilities in realizing good governance to deliver quality public services. In the mission of Wajo regency, it is clearly stated the goal to be achieved, to realize the better quality of public service. This can be achieved with the strong commitment of all Civil servants Apparatus in providing good service to the community.

b. Political Will and Action Will from the Wajo's Regent and Vice Regent and all Heads of Regional Devices in Wajo Regency Government to improve the quality of personnel services to all State Civil Apparatus so civil servants can receive their employment rights accurately, quickly, accurately, transparently and accountable.

c. Support from the Wajo Regency Legislative Council for sustainability in terms of budget availability in APBD to improve the quality of personnel services in Wajo Regency.

d. Support from Civil Service personnel to keep in synergy with Civil Servant and Human Resource Development Agency and directly involved in implementing all personnel applications that have been built as a means of reciprocal personnel service communication by reducing paper use.

e. Support from all Civil Servants in participating proactively in updating the personnel data concerned in the application SIDASRI (Independent Accurate Data Information System) which has been prepared as an entry point before other employment service applications are used.

4.2. Inhibiting Factors

Based on the findings of this study, several inhibiting factors in improving the quality of officialdom service with Mobile Si-Cakep in Wajo Regency was found stated as follows:

a. The ability and skill of Civil Servant in operating computer and application based on online which not entirely in ready condition yet, so there are still many Civil Servants who ask for help to other Civil Servants to do updating employee data at SIDASRI Application.

b. The availability of Internet network infrastructure has not been fully reached up to the sub-regency and village levels, so that civil servants who work in remote villages should try to find an internet network in the sub regency town which internet network is already available.

c. The concerns of personnel managers in the Regional Work Unit is still not optimal which is marked by slow response to the delivery of information submitted through the website or other digital communication media. They are still unfamiliar with online-based data and -digital information.

5. Conclusion

5.1. Conclusion

Based on the finding of research on Public Service Innovation in the form of officialdom service with Mobile Si-Cakep in Wajo Regency can be concluded as follows:

1. Determinant factors in improving the quality of officialdom service with Mobile Si-Cakep in Wajo Regency are:

a. Supporting Factors, consisting of Wajo Regency Mission support that is to actualize good governance to carry out better quality public service, political and action will of the regent and Vice Regent and all Head of Regional Work Unit, Local House Of Representative support in budgeting policy in Regional Budgeting, support from Civil Service manager of Regional Work Unit, and support of Civil Servants to synchronize in application SIDASRI (Independent Accurate Data Information System).

b. Inhibiting factors, consisting of Capabilities and skills of Civil Servants in operationalizing computers and online-based applications that are not yet fully in the ready condition, the availability of Internet network infrastructure is not fully reachable to the sub-regency and village levels, employers' awareness on the Working Unit Regional Devices are still not optimal which is marked by not yet fast response to the delivery of information submitted through website or other digital communication media.

5.2. Suggestions

Based on the conclusions above, the authors provide suggestions in Public Service Innovation in the sector of employment service with Mobile Si-Cakep in Wajo Regency as follows:

1. For the application that has been built presumably should be upgraded according to the needs and changes in the rules and policies in the field of civil servant management considering that nowadays there have been various changes of civil servant management following the enactment of Law No. 5 of 2014 on Civil Servant Apparatus.

2. For security personnel data base as a basis in providing services with applications that have been implemented, would be followed by data security system to ensure the stability of application utilization and data security comprehensively by using data backup on different places and media.

3. For mobile officialdom service in the form of direct visit services to work units, presumably added an operational vehicle facilities to enhance the intensity and interaction of services in the work units, so that the Civil Servants no longer need to leave the workplace, yet the officialdom services can still continue to run in accordance with the expectations of the Civil Servants.

4. The improvement of public participation, particularly from local civil societies, in order to maintain and sustain the Mobile si-Cakep program in the longer run way.

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1. Doctorate candidate from Universitas Negeri Makassar (UNM), Indonesia

2. Professor of Public Administration (social science) from Universitas Negeri Makassar, Indonesia

3. Academic advisor from Universitas Negeri Makassar, Indonesia

4. Academic advisor from Universitas Negeri Makassar, Indonesia

Revista ESPACIOS. ISSN 0798 1015
Vol. 39 (Nº 50) Year 2018


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