ISSN 0798 1015


Vol. 40 (Number 9) Year 2019. Page 21

The role of the university educational environment in the development of student´s awareness of a healthy lifestyle

El papel del entorno educativo universitario en el desarrollo de la conciencia de los estudiantes sobre un estilo de vida saludable

OLESOVA, Antonina P. 1; VASILYEVA, Marianna I. 2; PROTODYAKONOVA, Marianna N. 3; BUGAEVA, Lyubov P. 4

Received: 19/02/2019 • Approved: 06/03/2019 • Published 25/03/2019


1. Introduction

2. Materials and methods

3. Literature review

4. Results and discussion

5. Conclusions

Bibliographic references


The state requires educational institutions to promote a healthy lifestyle among children and students, and the importance of this task determines the relevance of the research. In this article the authors indentified the impact of the university educational environment on promoting awareness of the significant components of a healthy lifestyle among students attending non-major classes of PE and sports. The authors used a set of methods: theoretical ones – the study and analysis of publications; empirical – the study of teaching experience, the analysis of educational and methodological documents, and a survey; statistical – data collection, factor analysis and ranking. Having explored the teaching experience of the North-Eastern Federal University (NEFU) from the perspective of the considered issue, the authors found out that the educational environment created at the university provides ample opportunities for students to develop a healthy lifestyle. To achieve this aim, the NEFU carries out a range of educational, methodological, research, physical culture activities and sports. The survey conducted among students attending non-major PE and sports classes at the NEFU demonstrated their awareness of the importance of physical activities and sports, as well as eating habits necessary for maintaining physical health. At the same time, the survey revealed the need to increase the theoretical and knowledge aspects of this work and make adjustments to it to ensure a more holistic view on the components of a healthy lifestyle, the importance of maintaining and improving both physical and psycho-emotional health, as well as some subjective factors.
Keywords: University Educational Environment, Student´s Healthy Lifestyle Promotion, State Educational Policies


El estado exige que las instituciones educativas promuevan un estilo de vida saludable entre los niños? y estudiantes, y la importancia de esta tarea determina la relevancia de la investigación. En este artículo, los autores identificaron el impacto del entorno educativo universitario en la promoción del conocimiento de los componentes significativos de un estilo de vida saludable entre los estudiantes que asisten a clases no principales de educación física y deportes. Los autores utilizaron un conjunto de métodos: los teóricos: el estudio y análisis de las publicaciones; empírico: el estudio de la experiencia docente, el análisis de documentos educativos y metodológicos y una encuesta; Estadística: recolección de datos, análisis factorial y clasificación. Habiendo explorado la experiencia docente de la Universidad Federal del Noreste (NEFU) desde la perspectiva del tema considerado, los autores descubrieron que el entorno educativo creado en la universidad brinda amplias oportunidades para que los estudiantes desarrollen un estilo de vida saludable. Para lograr este objetivo, la NEFU lleva a cabo una serie de actividades educativas, metodológicas, de investigación, cultura física y deportes. La encuesta realizada entre estudiantes que asisten a clases de educación física y deportes no importantes en la NEFU demostró que estaban conscientes de la importancia de las actividades físicas y deportivas, así como los hábitos alimenticios necesarios para mantener la salud física. Al mismo tiempo, la encuesta reveló la necesidad de aumentar los aspectos teóricos y de conocimiento de este trabajo y realizar ajustes para garantizar una visión más holística de los componentes de un estilo de vida saludable, la importancia de mantener y mejorar tanto la física como la psicoactiva. Salud emocional, así como algunos factores subjetivos.
Palabras clave: Ambiente educativo universitario, Promoción del estilo de vida saludable de los estudiantes, Políticas educativas estatales

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1. Introduction

Maintaining people's health, promotion and development of a healthy lifestyle are the main aspects of the state policy (policies). The documents of the Russian Federation emphasize the strategic role of health in the socio-economic development of society. Promoting the standards of a healthy lifestyle, motivating people for regular physical activity and sports, improving the health of the nation are seen as a priority direction of social and economic policy (policies) in the field of human development (Concept of the long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020, 2008).

The All-Russian physical culture and sports complex “Ready for Labor and Defense” (GTO) was introduced by the presidential decree in 2014 in the Russian Federation to strengthen the state policy on physical culture and sports and to create an effective system of physical education aimed at developing human potential, promoting healthy lifestyles, and improving people's health. This complex represents the program and the normative basis for the physical education of the people (the Regulation on the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex "Ready for Labor and Defense", 2014).

The education (educational) system plays a significant role in solving the problems of a healthy lifestyle. According to the basic documents on education, it should provide the comprehensive care for the safety of life, health, physical education and development of children, schoolchildren and students, to promote and teach a healthy lifestyle, to develop and create conditions for preventing diseases and improving students' health, to provide opportunities for physical activity and sports (Federal Law on Education of the Russian Federation, 2012).

However, despite all the efforts made to promote the healthy lifestyle among the younger generation, the health of children and young people shows negative trends: according to the Federal State Statistics Service for 2016–2017, only 27.7–28.9% of children under 14 demonstrated normal physical, physiological, and mental health indicators (Healthcare in Russia, 2017). University students also had many health problems since this period is associated with a transition to a different mode of activity, more complicated social life, psychological adaptation, increased physical load due to the specifics of the educational process. Data from the All-Russian medical examination in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) as of January 1, 2016 shows that only 20% of students are considered healthy, while over 56% have functional deviations and more than 24% have chronic diseases (Barakhsina, Gogoleva, Savvinova, 2017).

The current controversial situation, when the authorities in charge (wich ones?) take measures to promote a healthy lifestyle, and the health of young people remains poor, increases the urgency of further research on the issues related to the healthy lifestyle of students.

The healthy lifestyle of students can be effectively promoted if a number of objective and subjective factors are taken into consideration. Talking about these, in our opinion, it is necessary to emphasize the person’s awareness of the significant and priority components of a healthy lifestyle. Such data will allow the educational institution to build an effective system of activities to promote a healthy lifestyle among students, and to adjust their activities in this direction. For this purpose, the authors conducted a study to determine what impact the university educational environment has on increasing students' awareness of the significant components of a healthy lifestyle. The research focused on the students attending non-major PE and sports classes at the North-Eastern Federal University (Russia, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)).

In the course of the study, to achieve the set goal, the authors solved the following tasks: 1) to analyze the pedagogical concepts, models of promoting a healthy lifestyle among students in the educational environment of the university and to study the relevant experience of the North-Eastern Federal University; 2) to conduct a survey on a healthy lifestyle among students attending non-major PE (??) and sports classes at the North-Eastern Federal University; 3) to carry out quantitative and qualitative processing of the data, to systematize and interpret them; 4) relying on the obtained results, to determine ways of improving the activities aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle among the students of the North-Eastern Federal University.

2. Materials and Methods

In this study the authors applied a set of methods: 1) theoretical ones – the study and analysis of publications; 2) empirical – the study of the teaching experience, the analysis of educational and methodological documents, and a survey; 3) statistical – data collection, factor analysis and ranking.

The theoretical methods enabled to explore the research results on the healthy lifestyle of students and to identify the approaches to solving this problem developed by pedagogy.

Empirical methods allowed establishing and describing the pedagogical conditions created for solving this problem at the North-Eastern Federal University. At the same time, the authors studied and analyzed educational and methodological documents: the main educational programs for bachelors taught at the university, the programs of certain subjects (modules) that are aimed at developing students' awareness of health and a healthy lifestyle.

The survey method revealed the specifics of the understanding of a healthy lifestyle among students attending non-major PE and sports classes at the North-Eastern Federal University. The survey involved 169 students aged 17–23 studying at various departments of the North-Eastern Federal University (the head university). Respondents were asked to answer the question in a written form: "What does a healthy lifestyle mean, what is it connected with?"

All answers of the respondents were recorded and, using factor analysis, summarized by qualitative characteristics as the components of a healthy lifestyle. Then they were represented as numerical indicators, ranked by frequency, and interpreted by the significance of the components.

3. Literature review

Having studied scientific publications on the considered topic, the authors found out that the attention of specialists to the problem of health and a healthy lifestyle of children and young people has increased over the last decades, and there are various approaches to studying and solving this problem. At the same time, the main provisions of the theoretical concepts are based on the definition given by the World Health Organization, according to which “health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not only the absence of diseases and physical defects” (WHO Constitution). In accordance with this, a healthy lifestyle is considered a systemic phenomenon that includes many components: physical activity and improving physical health, giving up bad habits, food culture, knowledge and observance of the rules of personal and public hygiene, intellectual development, self-regulation of the psycho-emotional state, spiritual and social well-being, and creating a safe environment.

In pedagogical concepts and models promoting healthy lifestyle among students that were developed by Russian researchers the main  components are: the model of variable management of promoting healthy lifestyle among university students (Zhukova, 2014), the organization of a healthy lifestyle and development of the educational content on the integrative basis, which embraces the knowledge of physical culture, valeology, biology and other academic disciplines (Trescheva, 2003; Zinoviev, 2018); the awareness of the importance of a healthy lifestyle and students' awareness of its organization, natural and social factors, as well as personality traits (Salov, 2001; Shuaybova, 2011); raising students' awareness of a healthy lifestyle, values and needs of society, as well as personal motives, values and needs (Dobrotvorskaya, 2003; Kool, 2016; Tsybikov, 2013; Ulyanov, Kovalenko, Shklyarenko, 2013; Yugova, 2015).

It should be noted that apart from the differences among these concepts, physical culture is seen as a backbone of a healthy lifestyle.

The problem of a healthy lifestyle of children and youth is actively explored by international experts. Some articles present the results of implementing programs on a healthy lifestyle, improving and maintaining mental health of teenagers (Hoying, Melnyk & Arcoleo 2016; McGovern et al., 2018). Numerous studies are devoted to issues of physical activity which is considered an important component of a healthy lifestyle of children and young people. In addition to this, researchers focus on gender and psychological aspects of physical activity of schoolchildren (Kovačević et al., 2015). Others explore the levels of students' physical activity, the reasons for their physical inactivity (Janssen & LeBlanc, 2010; Miller et al., 2015; Diehl & Hilger, 2016; Juškelienė & Česnavičienė, 2017; Awadalla et al., 2014). A great number of papers study various factors affecting the physical activity of children and students: the motivational factor (Martin, 2010; Martens et al., 2014), the environment (Carver et al., 2014; Ding et al., 2011), and social factors (Edwardson & Gorely, 2010; Kimball, Jenkins, & Wallhead, 2010).

As the literature review shows, the healthy lifestyle of children and young people is a complex, multidimensional issue that is relevant for different countries. Following the acknowledged experts, the authors would like to emphasize that it is crucial to identify factors contributing to the healthy lifestyle of children and young people as it helps promote positive behavior that can prevent physical and mental health problems that may bear lifelong consequences (McGovern et al., 2018).

4. Results and Discussion

Having studied the practices of the North-Eastern Federal University, the authors established that it has created the educational environment that provides ample opportunities for the comprehensive development of student's personality, self-development, improving their health and promoting a healthy lifestyle.

The North-Eastern Federal University is one of ten Russian universities with the status of a federal state educational institution of higher education. This is a major scientific and educational center in the North-East of the Russian Federation, aiming to create the human and scientific potential for effective and comprehensive socio-economic development of the entire North-East of the Russian Federation.

The university consists of 5 research institutes, 12 institutes, and 5 departments. The University has 3 branches: the Polytechnic Institute in the city of Mirny (Sakha Republic (Yakutia)), the Technical Institute in Neryungri (Sakha Republic (Yakutia)) and the Chukotka branch in Anadyr (Chukotka Autonomous Region), as well as 2 colleges and a specialized educational Research Center – University Lyceum.

The North-Eastern Federal University is designed with   the facilities for improving students' health and carrying out physical education and sport activities:  The Triumf Sports Complex, one of the large-scale sports projects of the Russian Far East;  The Yunost Stadium that can host different sports and cultural events; gyms, wrestling halls and a gymnastic area in university buildings; The Volna Swimming Pool; The Smena Healthcare Center that received an award in the National Competition "Best sanatoriums of the Russian Federation - 2018"; The Clinic of the Medical Institute and medical facilities in student hostels.

The campus includes modern academic buildings and comfortable student hostels that meet all regulatory requirements of the sanitary-epidemiological service and fire safety. Healthy nutrition is provided for students by the university food production facilities that include canteens, grocery shops, cafes at hostels, buffets in educational buildings and hostels. The University has an Art Center and museums that play a significant role in organizing student leisure activities and promoting a healthy lifestyle. The Art Center has 20 studios that provide students with an opportunity to organize their leisure, spend quality time and realize their creative potential. More than 300 students and university staff members attend the studios at a regular basis.

The system of activities aimed at the promotion of students' healthy lifestyle is built in the North-Eastern Federal University on the basis of the following interconnected principles and approaches:

1) The principle of humanism and learner-centered approach determine other principles and approaches of the university's work on promoting students' healthy lifestyle. For instance, the principle of humanism and learner-centered approach imply taking into consideration students' needs, personalization of the content, forms, methods and pedagogical means of training, development and education, creating conditions for individual and harmonious development of a personality, promoting motivation to leading a healthy lifestyle. All this should increase students' awareness of health and a healthy lifestyle.

2) The principle of cultural congruence and value-based approach motivate students to lead a healthy lifestyle while studying at university. At the same time, students' understanding of the importance of a healthy lifestyle implies the perception of health as a timeless cultural value, awareness of the significance of a healthy lifestyle, willingness to maintain and improve one’s physical, mental, and social health.

3) The principle of conformity to natural laws and individual approach take into account the potential of the individual, his interests and needs concerning a healthy lifestyle and physical culture and require personalization and differentiation in the educational process of the university.

4) The principle of consistency, comprehensive and systematic work, the connection of educational and extracurricular activities and integrative approach imply the continuity of personal development. This is ensured by the consistency of the goals, content, forms and methods of pedagogical interaction, continuity at all stages of the educational process, integration of educational and extracurricular activities related to promoting students' healthy lifestyle.

5) The principle of scientific basis and correlation between theory and practice enable to link the continuous teaching of a healthy lifestyle with science, nature, practical activities of a person and society. One of the important provisions of this principle is managing the formation of a healthy lifestyle among students by monitoring and studying their health.

In the North-Eastern Federal University, one of the main aspects of promoting a healthy lifestyle is building students' physical culture and the ability to use various physical culture and sports facilities to maintain and improve health, physical fitness and to prepare students for future professional activities. To this end, the university regularly carries out educational, methodical, research, physical training and sports activities.

The university’s experience in this area and the research results on physical activity of students and a healthy lifestyle conducted by university teachers were discussed at international scientific conferences organized and conducted with the direct participation of the North-Eastern Federal University: “State, experience and development prospects of physical culture in Yakutia" (Yakutsk, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Russia, 2015), "International sports games "Children of Asia" as a factor in promoting the Olympic ideas and training junior athletes" dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the 1st International Games "Children of Asia" and the 120th anniversary of the Olympic movement in the country (Churapcha village, Sakha Republic (Yakutia), Russia 2016)," "Development of physical culture and sports in the North-East of Russia" dedicated to the 35th anniversary of higher physical education in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) (Yakutsk, Sakha (Yakutia), Russia, 2017).

The research on the issues of physical activity, physical culture, healthy lifestyle of students, conducted by the teachers at the Institute of Physical Culture and Sports of the North-Eastern Federal University reflects modern scientific ideas. For instance, these articles consider the formation of the personal value-based attitude of students to physical culture (Olesov, 2008; Garmaev et al. 2017), the conditions for boosting students' motivation to do sports and be healthy (Druzyanov, 2014), the issues of students' health and physical development (Barakhsina, Gogoleva, Savvinova, 2017), as well as present diagnostics data (Kladkin et al., 2018; Sentizova et al., 2018; Gogolev, Gogoleva, Protopopov, 2012). The staff at the Institute of Physical Culture and Sports and other departments of the University carry out joint practice-oriented interdisciplinary research on the use of health-saving technology in education in the context of informatization and computerization of society (Barakhsanov et al., 2018).

In its educational and methodological activities, the university relies on the requirements of the federal educational standards of higher education. The analysis of educational and methodological documents shows that, in accordance with the federal educational standards, the main educational programs for bachelors implemented at the North-Eastern Federal University include a number of compulsory subjects (modules) that are aimed at developing students' competences of maintaining health and well-being (Table 1).

Table 1
Compulsory Subjects (modules) of the
main educational programs (Bachelors).

Subject (module)

Year / Semester

Academic hours

Developmental Anatomy and Physiology

1 / 1


Physical Education

1 / 2


Fundamentals of Medicine and Healthy Lifestyle

1 / 2



1, 2 / 1, 2, 3



2 / 1


Physical Culture and Sport

2, 3 / 3, 4, 5, 6




All the disciplines listed in the table include theoretical and practical classes for intramural and extramural study. The course "Physical Culture and Sport" implies a choice of sports for students of the main medical group. For classes in courses "Physical Education", "Physical Culture and Sport" students are divided into medical groups after a health check in the clinic of the Medical Institute at the beginning of the academic year. Students without health restrictions or with minor ones and a normal level of physical fitness are included in the main medical group; the rest of the students, depending on the degree and nature of health issues are in special medical groups 1 and 2 (Table 2).

Table 2
The number of 1-3 year students attending non-major PE and sports classes in each
medical group in 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 academic years (the data of the main university)

Medical group


The number of students in the academic year



Main medical group


1840 (31.24%)

1903 (30.36%)

Main medical group


1942 (32.97%)

1945 (31.03%)

Special medical group 1


695 (11.8%)

751 (11.98%)

Special medical group 1


462 (7.84%)

590 (9.41%)

Special medical group 2

Boys and girls

690 (11.71%)

825 (13.16%)

Exempt from PE

Boys and girls

260 (4.41%)

253 (4.03%)

Total number of students

Boys and girls



Extracurricular activities at the North-Eastern Federal University serve the purpose of active promotion of students' healthy lifestyle, physical education and sports. The university has sports clubs for 27 kinds of sport, including national ones. The largest number of groups and students can be found in such clubs as gun shooting, athletics, kickboxing and Thai boxing, mas-wrestling, and table tennis. In the 2017-2018 academic year 620 students of non-major physical education and sports attended these sport clubs, in the 2018-2019 academic year this figure estimated 690 students (the data of the main university). In addition to this, the students organized such sports clubs as “NEFU Snowboarding”, “Unicycle”, the university’s futsal league, and others.

In order to improve students' health, to motivate them to do regular physical activity and sports, to promote a healthy lifestyle, and to identify the strongest athletes, the university holds annual sporting events: Dorm Olympics for students of the North-Eastern Federal University for the Rector's Cup in 9 sports, Futsal University Championship, a winter athletics relay race for departments and university institutes for the prizes of Zvezda physical culture and sports club at the North-Eastern Federal University and others.

In addition to this, the university has developed a reward system to promote a healthy lifestyle among students: an increased academic scholarship is awarded for achievements in sports, including awards (prizes) at sports events of various levels, regular participation in sports activities with educational and motivational purposes, meeting the standards and requirements for the gold badge of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (GTO). Also, the North-Eastern Federal University takes into account the athletic achievements of applicants at any program: champions and medalists of the Olympic Games, Paralympic Games, Deaflympics, world and European championships, winners of the world and European sporting events that are included in the programs of the above games. In addition, enrolling students at the programs of non-major sports training, the university takes into account gold and silver badges of the All-Russian sports and recreation complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (GTO).

A survey of the students attending non-major physical education and sports classes at the North-Eastern Federal University conducted as part of this study revealed the following:

1) Physical activity and improving physical health are the most significant components of a healthy lifestyle for students – 97.1% of the respondents, whereas for eating habits the figure estimated 81.1%;

2) Less significant components of a healthy lifestyle for the respondents are giving up bad habits – 31.9%, self-regulation of their psycho-emotional state – 21.7%, knowledge and compliance with the rules of personal and public hygiene – 21.7%;

3) Creation of a safe environment – 5.7% and intellectual development (4.3%) are the least important components of a healthy lifestyle for the respondents.

The obtained results indicate that the students are aware of the importance of physical activities, sports and eating habits for maintaining physical health. They realize the need to improve and maintain their physical health. At the same time, according to the survey data, there are some problem areas associated with the theoretical knowledge of students about the components of a healthy lifestyle, and factors that affect health: many students underestimate the negative impact of bad habits, the importance of social, psychological and natural factors affecting health.

5. Conclusions

The conducted study enabled the authors to draw the following conclusions:

1. Healthy lifestyle of young people is an issue of national importance and should be seen as a priority direction of social and economic policy in the field of human development. In this regard, the development of theoretical and practical aspects related to promoting a healthy lifestyle of students is considered as the most important task of modern science.

2. Over the past decades the theory and practice of education have accumulated valuable experience of theoretical and practice-oriented research on the issue of healthy lifestyle of students. Researchers have created and tested various pedagogical concepts and models of promoting healthy lifestyle in the university educational environment. The latter has a significant impact on increasing students' awareness and motivation to a healthy lifestyle, promoting a conscious and responsible attitude to their health.

3. The educational environment at the North-Eastern Federal University ensures the comprehensive development of the individual, the most important indicator of which is the person's acceptance of universal values and a healthy lifestyle. The university has created favorable pedagogical conditions for promoting such a component of students' healthy lifestyle as physical activity and improving physical health.

4. To increase the efficiency of the university’s activities aimed at developing students' conscious motivation to maintain and improve their health, both physical and psycho-emotional, it is necessary to improve the theoretical and informative components of this work.  It is also necessary to make relevant adjustments that would foster competencies connected with health and a healthy lifestyle. This should imply a complete, holistic view on the factors affecting health and awareness of the semantic components of a healthy lifestyle as a general cultural value.

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1. Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Philology, Chair of Teaching Methods of Russian Language and Literature, North-Eastern Federal University, 58 Belinsky Str., Yakutsk, 677000, Russian Federation,

2. Senior Lecturer, Institute of Physical Culture and Sport, Department of Physical Education, North-Eastern Federal University, 58 Belinsky Str., Yakutsk, 677000, Russian Federation

3. Senior Lecturer, Institute of Physical Culture and Sport, Department of Physical Education, North-Eastern Federal University, 58 Belinsky Str., Yakutsk, 677000, Russian Federation

4. Senior Lecturer, Institute of Physical Culture and Sport, Department of Physical Education, North-Eastern Federal University, 58 Belinsky Str., Yakutsk, 677000, Russian Federation

Revista ESPACIOS. ISSN 0798 1015
Vol. 40 (Nº 9) Year 2019


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