ISSN 0798 1015


Vol. 40 (Number 18) Year 2019. Page 18

Reformation of Public Service in the Perspective of Human Resource Development and Reinforcement of Organizational Culture

Reforma de la función pública en la perspectiva del desarrollo de recursos humanos y refuerzo de la cultura organizacional

RACHMAN, Marjoni 1 & SARI, Nurlaeli Pandam 2

Received: 27/02/2019 • Approved: 14/05/2019 • Published 03/06/2019


1. Introduction

2. Methodology

3. Results and Discussion

4. Conclusions

Bibliographic references


The Organizational culture is needed to create quality public services that require qualified human resources who can understand and run good services. This study aims to analyze the strength of organizational culture and patterns of human resources development in public service reformation at the Office Together with SAMSAT in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. This study used a qualitative approach. The instruments used in the research to obtain data and information through guidelines for interviews with informants at the SAMSAT Office included the heads and staff in charge of 21 people and communities involved in the service of 30 people. Activities in data analysis, namely data reduction, data display, and conclusion. Strengthening organizational culture has succeeded in changing the mindset and culture of each person who is controlled by the values of integrity, professionalism and ethical conduct, to build a service culture that has a level of accountability, the ministry is oriented to the community interests. In addition, the results of this study showed that public service reform was based on the development of human resources and strengthening organizational culture can explore the values of democracy, citizens and the public interest, which in turn can create accountability and better service delivery performance.
Keywords: Reformation, Public Service, Human Resources Development, Organizational Culture


La cultura organizacional es necesaria para crear servicios públicos de calidad que requieran recursos humanos calificados que puedan entender y ejecutar buenos servicios. Este estudio tiene como objetivo analizar la fuerza de la cultura organizacional y los patrones de desarrollo de los recursos humanos en la reforma del servicio público en la Oficina junto con SAMSAT en Kalimantan Oriental, Indonesia. Este estudio utilizó un enfoque cualitativo. Los instrumentos utilizados en la investigación para obtener datos e información a través de pautas para entrevistas con informantes en la Oficina de SAMSAT incluyeron los jefes y el personal a cargo de 21 personas y comunidades involucradas en el servicio de 30 personas. Actividades en el análisis de datos, a saber, reducción de datos, visualización de datos y conclusión. El fortalecimiento de la cultura organizacional ha logrado cambiar la mentalidad y la cultura de cada persona que está controlada por los valores de integridad, profesionalismo y conducta ética, para construir una cultura de servicio que tenga un nivel de responsabilidad, el ministerio está orientado a los intereses de la comunidad. Además, los resultados de este estudio mostraron que la reforma del servicio público se basó en el desarrollo de los recursos humanos y el fortalecimiento de la cultura organizativa puede explorar los valores de la democracia, los ciudadanos y el interés público, lo que a su vez puede crear responsabilidad y un mejor desempeño en la prestación de servicios.
Palabras clave: Reforma, Servicio Público, Desarrollo de Recursos Humanos, Cultura Organizacional

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1. Introduction

The ideal public service according to the New Public Service paradigm is that public services must respond to various interests and values. The government is to negotiate and elaborate on various interests between citizens and community groups (Diefenbach, 2009). The message of public service reform has given significant awareness to some people, especially from the middle class who are increasingly dynamic and aware of their rights as citizens who must be served by the government well according to their needs, even the voice is increasingly loudly demanding reform on aspects of bureaucracy (Moynihan & Pandey, 2007).

 Responding to the dynamic conditions of the community, bureaucratic reforms oriented to strengthening organizational culture are important for public service providers (Denhardt & Denhardt, 2015; LÊgreid, 2017). Bureaucratic reform through cultural strengthening will give birth to a reliable bureaucracy that is expected to realize the ideals to realize a society that gets excellent service (Easterly, 2002; Pollitt & Bouckaert, 2004). Organizational culture is the values or beliefs that grow and develop in an organization that become the basis for individual behavior O'Reilly, et al. (1991), states that individual behavior is a function of the interaction between personal attributes and situational attributes.

Bureaucratic reforms carried out so far turned out to be more directed at efforts to make structural changes, especially those relating to institutional and management aspects (Ferlie, Fitzgerald, Pettigrew, 1996). Structural dimensions will not function well if not followed by changes in the dimensions of organizational culture (Waterman, Peters, Phillips, 1980; Thompson, Beauvais, Lyness, 1999). Besides organizational culture to create quality public services, qualified human resources are needed who are able to understand and operate a good service system (Maglio, Vargo, Caswell, Spohrer, 2009). Human Resources who carry out service tasks must be able to understand the needs and desires of the public using public services (Agranoff, McGuire, 2001; Rainey, 2009).

It closely relates bureaucratic reform and public services to the development strategy of the quality and competency of the bureaucratic apparatus (Cordella, Willcocks, 2010). The human resource development model of the bureaucracy aims to build bureaucratic motivation, professional abilities, and human resource competencies. improve the performance of government bureaucracies (Huselid, 1995; Rainey, Steinbauer, 1999).

In relation to the alignment of the objectives of bureaucratic reform with the development of bureaucratic human resources, there are three concepts used for human resource development strategies, namely the improved performance of public service organizations, which include responsiveness, responsibility, and accountability (Levine, 1971).

The Regional Government of East Kalimantan Province made bureaucratic reform as an archetype of development that led to efforts to develop the potential owned by the region, to empower and spur the growth rate of development in all fields for the welfare of people's lives. In realizing excellent service to the community, it needs the excellent quality of human resources.

Employees need to be continuously developed so that they have good skills in carrying out their duties. Employees are the most important resource for government institutions, one of the implications of which is that the government must provide sufficient investment in developing its employees as stated Huselid15. This means that the investment issued by the government to these employees is directed on the creation of human resources that have added value to the government and society so as to produce work effectiveness and efficiency (Lepak, Snell, 1999).

Previous research that examines administrative reform from a cultural aspect described the discussion of reform with the culture proposed Smullen, (2010); Ahn, Bretschneider, (2011), research on human resource development is stated in Daley (2012), and the comparison of the importance of human resource development in each country in Pieper (2012). The reform review process in this study examines these two major aspects of human resource culture and development, especially in relation to public services conducted at the SAMSAT Joint Office Throughout East Kalimantan is an effort to realize a state administration that can support the smooth and integrated implementation of tasks and functions of the administration of state government and development, by practicing the principles of good governance. SAMSAT in East Kalimantan and p ola human resource development in the public service reform process at the SAMSAT Joint Office in East Kalimantan. Specifically, this study analyzes public service reform in the perspective of human resource development and strengthening organizational culture.

2. Methodology

This study uses a qualitative approach which aims to identify the strengthening of organizational culture in the process of public service reform in the SAMSAT Joint Office in East Kalimantan and get a real picture at the SAMSAT Joint Office in East Kalimantan regarding the pattern of human resource development in the public service reform process. The instrument used in the study to get data and information about through interview guides with informants in the SAMSAT Office included 11 heads and staff on duty and the community involved in the service of 15 people. Research data got through interviews recorded. It recorded data through search cases, observation data and document tracking in the research data records. Secondary data got from the report documents, Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), policies and regulations that apply and records the results of research related to the researchers' notes. activities in qualitative data analysis carried out interactively and continuously that it saturates the data. Activities in data analysis, namely data reduction, data display, and conclusion.

3. Results and Discussion

The results showed that public service reformations are conducted at SAMSAT Joint Office throughout East Kalimantan include SAMSAT Traveling Services, SAMSAT Drive Thru, SAMSAT Payment Point, SAMSAT Online, SAMSAT Roaming, and SAMSAT Delivery Order. Among the six types of services resulting from the reformation of public services, there are two types of new services that have not existed in other areas, namely SAMSAT Payment Point located in areas of the capital of the remote district and SAMSAT Roaming which provides services to the community in areas that are remote and difficult to reach by transportation facilities and infrastructure. With these two types of services, the accessibility of services provided by the SAMSAT Joint Office throughout East Kalimantan is becoming increasingly widespread and the communities difficult to reach public office because of geographical factors can fulfill their obligations with these two types of services.

Public service reformations undertaken at SAMSAT Joint Offices throughout East Kalimantan have two major bases: human resource development and strengthening of organizational culture. Development of human resources is an activity that is very important for an organization and is an invaluable investment for an organization. With the development of human resources, an organization will have a qualified human resources asset that it is expected to answer the challenges of changes that continue to occur, both changes within the internal and external environment of the organization.

In this research, the pattern of human resource development conducted at SAMSAT Joint Office throughout East Kalimantan is a feature-oriented pattern whose focus on the personal growth of all personnel. With this pattern is expected all the employees/personnel who can develop the skills they have, both in terms of knowledge, skills, and their attitude in carrying out the task.

Fig. 1
The pattern of Human Resource Development

The human resource development program implemented can produce the personnel who have a level of intellectuality and better skills and foster a professional attitude within them, so they have a high responsibility for their work that can ultimately achieve a level of optimal performance in providing services to the community.

Besides human resource development, the perspective of strengthening the organizational culture also plays an important role in the reformation of public services. The organizational culture pattern developed at SAMSAT Joint Office throughout East Kalimantan is a cultural pattern of integrity and professionalism of personnel in providing services to the community. It implements this pattern of integrity culture to maintain a balance between the interests of the organization and the interests of the community. With a culture of integrity, they expect it to achieve optimal organizational performance and community satisfaction. Cultural values of integrity aim not only at the relationship between the leadership and subordinates, among fellow personnel but also in relation to the community being served.

Fig. 2
Organizational Culture

Meanwhile, the development of professional cultural values intended for all personnel to be the competence, have a good capability and high discipline in carrying out their duties so that all personnel has a professional commitment to their work. Professional commitment refers to an employee's loyalty to his job, in the sense of obedience to the work imposed on his shoulders. An employee in his work carries the mission and reputation of his organization, therefore professionalism required the good reputation of the organization that can maintain to gain the trust of the people who use the services of the organization.

Besides the above cultural values which also developed are the values of government ethics that refer to (1) equality, namely equal treatment of services provided to the community by providing quality services; (2) equity, that is fair treatment of all the communities served by non-discriminatory acts; (3) loyalty, i.e. loyalty to work, organization and all applicable regulations; (4) accountability, which is ready to accept the duties and responsibilities given by the leadership, keep trying to develop knowledge and skills, responsive and have innovation in the execution of tasks; (5) responsibility, which is ready to handle the implementation of the tasks assigned to him.

Another finding of this research is that implementing public service reformation based on human resource development and strengthening organizational culture has a positive impact on the accountability and performance of public services. Accountability achieved because of the terms of service, both conceptual references, and operational references, the existence of service solutions and the conformity between the motto and the promise of service with the hope of the community as the service’s user. Meanwhile, service performance can realize because of the achievement of service effectiveness and efficiency, both effectiveness and institutional efficiency and effectiveness and efficiency of the service user community. Besides, the service performance also can achieve because of the satisfaction and righteousness felt by the community (user).

Based on the data and facts found in the field, described that the public service reformations implemented at SAMSAT Joint Office throughout East Kalimantan over the last three years have yielded considerable results and real. Public service reformation implemented through empowering human resources and strengthening the organizational culture. This has a great impact on satisfaction, fairness, and quality of services provided. Thus, it is not excessive if in 2009 and 2010 SAMSAT Joint Office received the award “Citra Pelayanan Prima” if in 2009 and 2010 SAMSAT Joint Office received the award "Citra Pelayanan Prima" from the Office of the Ministry of Administrative Reformation and Bureaucracy Reformation, especially SAMSAT Office in Samarinda and Balikpapan.

The success cannot be separated from implementing service standards throughout SAMSAT Joint Office in East Kalimantan which refers to ISO 9001-2008 Quality Management System Standard where 4 (four) SAMSAT Service Offices in East Kalimantan have certified ISO 9001-2008, namely Samarinda, Balikpapan, Tarakan, and Tenggarong. Implementation of ISO 9001-2008 Quality Management System Standard refers to 4 (four) terms, namely: (1) Having a clear standard of requirements and procedures; (2) Transparency of cost clarity; (3) Non-discriminatory (universal); and (4) Measured (measurable) clarity of completion time.

Since the launching of public service reformation at SAMSAT Joint Office throughout East Kalimantan in 2005, there has been a change of orientation in the pattern of public service that applied, i.e. service aims for the benefit of society. This is because of the awareness of the bureaucratic apparatus associated with the SAMSAT Joint Office, specifically the East Kalimantan Provincial Government and the East Kalimantan Regional Police, that the real owner of the public interest in the community. Therefore, the change in orientation puts the public at the most important position in public service activities.

The placement of the community as the focus in the orientation of public services makes the public organization (in this case the SAMSAT Joint Office) as an institution controlled based on values of integrity and professionalism, to build a service culture that has high accountability. The development of these values places the public in a very important and strategic position within the framework of building an accountable public service system.

Meanwhile, the public service reformations that have implemented at SAMSAT Joint Office throughout East Kalimantan are not only directed to respond to the people's demands for quality service but also directed to build public trust. To build trust, SAMSAT Joint Office started by changing the mindset of the entire apparatus of the mindset as the ruler to the mindset as a public servant.

Besides the above, a shift in the cultural values of the apparatus is also very influential in implementing public service reformations in the SAMSAT Joint Office. Honest value, maintaining commitment, work responsibility, obedience rules, discipline and professional acting in the work have embedded within each apparatus and serve as the fundamental values in attitude and behavior. Therefore, these culture-set changes form a clean apparatus and uphold the values of humanity and the rights of the people.

Another finding that the authors could include in this research is that public service reformations undertaken at SAMSAT Joint Office throughout East Kalimantan are effective and accountable through collective and collaborative efforts among the three existing institutions. These collective and collaborative efforts can work through the harmonious synergies of the three institutions in SAMSAT Joint Office. The ability to build synergies creates a service culture that oriented towards the public interest, which respects the rights of the public and gives a sense of justice to the public.

Another thing that also impacts the reformation of public services in SAMSAT Joint Office is the increased performance of services provided by the apparatus to the community so as to give awareness to the community to fulfill its obligations in paying vehicle taxes, while before the reformation of public services,  citizens in remote area cannot fulfill its obligations due to the difficult geographical conditions that require enormous costs to reach the urban areas where there is a service office of SAMSAT.

The SAMSAT Joint Office undertook public service reformations in East Kalimantan also impact the breadth of accessibility of services provided to communities where people in remote areas can access services provided through the SAMSAT Round service, SAMSAT Roaming, and SAMSAT Payment Point. The breadth of accessibility of these services results in an increase in Local Revenue in the vehicle tax sector and increased registration and identification of motor vehicles and heavy equipment.

From the above description, the authors can conclude that the pattern of public services held today at SAMSAT Joint Office throughout East Kalimantan has been referring to democratic values. Democratic values here interpreted as a service-oriented to the interests of society because people have full rights to get the attention of the government and all apparatus because the community is the owner of this country. If such democratic values are to a reference for the entire government apparatus, it is easy for the country to achieve its goal of creating a fair and prosperous society.

This section outlines a comparison of theories relating to public service issues. This is important to be done as an effort to provide a critique of the theory that has been developing in the discipline of Administrative Sciences, especially Public Administration. This section outlines a comparison of theories related to public service issues. This is important to be done as an effort to provide a critique of the theory that has been developing in the discipline of Administrative Sciences, especially State Administration.

This development marked by the emergence of a new paradigm in State Administration, namely the Paradigm of New Public Management (NPM) pioneered by Savas (1987), with the concept of Privatization, then Flynn (2007), with the concept of Public Sector Management and the most famous and many references is Osborne (1993), with Reinventing Government.

The basic concepts in the New Public Management Paradigm are to inject the principles of private sector organizations into government organizations. This New Public Management paradigm spread worldwide to become the main inspiration in many countries in reforming public administration either by privatizing the British style or by promoting the United States-style bureaucracy. The main perspective in New Public Management is the relationship between the bureaucracy and its customers like the relationship between buyers and sellers. The role of public managers changed because it challenged to always find new and innovative ways to achieve goals or privatize various functions that originally carried out by the government. Public managers, It urges public managers to direct instead of pedaling, so the burden of public services is not carried out by themselves but as much as possible encouraged to be carried out by other parties through market mechanisms. Thus, public managers focus on accountability to customers and high performance, restructuring public bodies, redefining the organization's mission, simplifying administrative processes, and decentralizing decision making. It can see a fuller picture of the New Public Management perspective from the experience of the United States as expressed in the ten principles of reinventing government by Osborne, (1993).

Criticism of conceptions in New Public Management The first is that New Public Management requires that government run based on market mechanisms so that the function of the service does not have to go through a public sector, but it privatized and handed over to the private sector. If this is the case, then the service function run by the government as a transaction between the seller and buyer. Whereas, it should do the service function to look at the community not as a customer but as a citizen. Through paid taxes, then citizens are the rightful owners of the state. Therefore, fulfilling public interest is the main obligation and responsibility for the government to the public. The government cannot throw this responsibility to other parties because the accountability of services conducted by the government is the multi-dimensional. If the public service is done based on the market mechanism and submitted to the private sector, it also orients accountability to the market/customer desire. While public service accountability undertaken by the government bureaucracy is oriented to society as citizens, the rule of law, the values prevailing in the life of society, the political norms and the values of integrity and professionalism. In addition, because the bureaucracy apparatus in Indonesia is a public servant, it is not logical if the public servant is more concerned with market mechanisms. The public servant must put the public interest above any interest.

The second is the conception of empowering rather than serving as proposed by Osborne, (1993). Based on the research’s findings, the authors found that bureaucracy in the Office of the Joint SAMSAT in East Kalimantan cannot empower both the empowerment of existing personnel and to the public, but also provide high-quality services have on society. The Office of the Joint SAMSAT in East Kalimantan can function well in empowerment and service simultaneously.

The third is that in the public service, the focus is community rights as citizens and should not be a dichotomy between direct and pedaling, but rather how to build and develop public institutions based on the values of integrity and professionalism, not only acts as a regulator but also as a provider of quality public services. Besides, it should base the public service performed by government bureaucracy on democratic values, uphold the rights of citizens, equal rights for citizens in getting services and expand the accessibility of services that reach all levels of society.

Although the concept of New Public Management with a hit has successfully implemented in countries the United States, Britain, Australia, and New Zealand as stated Schick, (1998); Considine, Lewis, (2003) but we cannot generalize the success. Indonesia has a different social background and culture from those countries whereby the values of togetherness is more dominant than the individual values. It is not logical that the public service is oriented on the market mechanism because the public interest is not just an aggregation of individual interests, but it also represents a common interest of all citizens.

A deeper study shows the concept of the New Public Service, the focus in public service reform is on democratization and human values (Stoker, 2006; Box, Marshall, Reed, 2001). In connection with this, the findings in this study are that to explore the values of democracy and humanity, the bureaucratic organization must have professional and high integrity human resources for truly provided services to all communities and be able to capture and accommodate expectations in the community.

New Public Service conception as stated by Denhardt & Denhardt (2007). focuses on democracy, citizens and the public interest. This means that the focus of the New Public Service paradigm focus is more on what is outside the public bureaucratic organization such as the community while it must be done internally by the public bureaucracy organization to capture people's desires and expectations is not a deep concern in the New concept Public service.

The facts got in this study showed that to accommodate the values of democracy, citizen, and public interest, then public bureaucracy organizations must make changes internally so that what the expectations and wishes of society can be achieved well. The results show that the reformation of public services through the perspective of human resource development and strengthening organizational culture has well implemented so that democratic values, citizens, and public interests can be accommodated well that ultimately result in good performance and accountability of public services.

4. Conclusions

Public service reform at the SAMSAT Joint Office throughout East Kalimantan impacts the wide accessibility of services provided to the community. Public service reform in the perspective of human resource development with future-oriented training and team building methods impacts increasing the motivation and performance of all existing personnel, improving the pattern of services provided and increasing the ability of knowledge, skills, and attitudes in providing services to the community. Public service reform in the perspective of strengthening organizational culture has changed the mindset and culture-set of each personnel that controlled based on the values of integrity and professionalism and government ethics, so that a service culture that has high accountability established, which is service oriented to the interests of the community, which implemented through collective and collaborative efforts through harmonious synergies of the three institutions in the SAMSAT Joint Office which then form a service culture oriented to the public interest.

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1. Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Social and Political Science, University of 17 August 1945 Samarinda, Indonesia. e-mail:

2. Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of the Open University, UPBJJ Samarinda, Indonesia. e-mail:

Revista ESPACIOS. ISSN 0798 1015
Vol. 40 (Nº 18) Year 2019


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