ISSN 0798 1015


Vol. 40 (Number 41) Year 2019. Page 7

Shaping the readiness of future economists to international innovation

Conformando la preparación de los futuros economistas para la innovación internacional

WANG, Li 1; ANISIMOVA, Iuliia Alekseevna 2; KIREEVA, Irina Anatolyevna 3 & KIRSANOVA, Maria Mihailovna 4

Received: 31/07/2019 • Approved: 06/11/2019 • Published 25/11/2019


1. Introduction

2. Methodology

3. Results

4. Conclusions


The relevance of the study the article sets out the existing contradictions in the system of higher education in preparing future economists for the international innovation activities and the need for a theoretical understanding of and practical solutions to this problem in the General context of modernization of higher education in Russia and abroad. The purpose of the study: development and implementation of conceptual provisions of formation of readiness of future economists for the international innovation activities. Scientific novelty of the study is proved the good prospects of the new ideas presented in the conceptual provisions of formation of readiness of future economists for the international innovation activities, relying on a combination of factors of capacity development of educational institutions in the context of international labour market and taking into account the conditions prevailing in the regions.
Keywords: future economists, willingness to international innovation activities, the modular structure of educational programmes, the international labour


La relevancia de la investigación en el artículo está determinada por las contradicciones existentes en el sistema de educación superior, al tiempo que prepara a los futuros economistas para la actividad de innovación internacional y la necesidad de comprensión teórica y solución práctica de este problema en el contexto general de la modernización de la educación superior, tanto en Rusia como en el extranjero. El propósito del estudio: el desarrollo e implementación de disposiciones conceptuales para la formación de la preparación de los futuros economistas para la innovación internacional. La novedad científica de la investigación radica en la promesa probada de utilizar nuevas ideas presentadas en las disposiciones conceptuales de la formación de los futuros economistas para la innovación internacional, basada en una combinación de factores para desarrollar el potencial de las instituciones educativas en el mercado laboral internacional y teniendo en cuenta las condiciones que prevalecen en las regiones.
Palabras clave: futuros economistas, preparación para la innovación internacional, estructuras modulares de programas educativos, mercado laboral internacional

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1. Introduction

The data of sociological and pedagogical studies of Russian and foreign scientists show that higher economic education does not fully meet the needs of the personality of future professionals, employers and society as a whole and cannot always solve the problem of personnel training due to new requirements for the level of international innovation in the framework of economic directions of training students.

1.1. The relevance of the study

 The relevance of the research in the article is determined by the contradiction between the need of a developing economy in advanced training of qualified personnel in higher education institutions and the lack of scientifically based approaches to shaping the readiness of future economists for international innovation in changing socio-economic conditions.

 The theoretical basis of the study was the scientific works of Russian teachers, sociologists and psychologists, which consider:

 -the provisions of the theory and methodology of vocational education (Kolovratov, 2009; Lasko & Levchenko, 2005; Lashko, 2007);

 -ideas of continuing education (Kodjaspirova, 2005; Panina, 2007; Zubareva, 2011);

 -trends in the design of the content of vocational education (Kostyuk, 2003; Matyash, 2011; Lashko, 2006; Lashko, 2007);

 -problems of interaction  and communication among specialists in the international labor market (Kireeva, Apanasyuk, Grigor'eva, Bogatyreva & Alekseeva, 2018; Merkulova, Smirnova, Kaziakhmedova, & Kireeva, 2018; Merkulova, Krasnoshchekova, Smirnova, Meteleva, & Kireeva, 2019).

Analysis of the scientific works of the above authors suggests that the problem of the formation of readiness of future economists to international innovation is one of the issues discussed in the last decade.  However, the greatest number of works is devoted to the general characteristics of innovation activity and its stages, as well as the need to create an innovation-oriented system of education in universities.  Until now, the normative documents and scientific publications do not specify the tasks of international innovation activity for various areas and levels of training of future economists; criteria and indicators for diagnosing the readiness of future economists for international innovation have not been defined.  Therefore, the problem of shaping the readiness of future economists to international innovation activity becomes relevant.

 The insufficient development of studies about the problem, the need for its theoretical understanding and practical solution in the general context of the modernization of higher education led to the choice of the research topic: “Forming the readiness of future economists for international innovation activity”.

2. Methodology

The methodological basis of the study is a methodological platform that includes system-activity and competence-based approaches (Kazakov, 2008; Lasko & Levchenko, 2007; Porter, 1993), which allows combining the development trends of modern higher economic education: variability and standardization.

 Important for our study is also an integrative-modular approach (Lashko, 2007; Lashko, 2008), providing a theoretical and conceptual basis for the development of integration processes in higher economic education, modular structures of educational programs, an algorithm for matching employers' requirements for qualifications of graduates of economic areas of training and government  educational standards.

 The paper used the ideas of intercultural interaction and communication of specialists in the international labor market (Apanasyuk, Soldatov, Kireeva, & Belozertseva, 2017; Apanasyuk, Kaziakhmedova, Belozertseva, & Kireeva, 2019).

2.1. Conceptual provisions of formation of readiness of future economists for the international innovation activities. Key research methods

The readiness of future economists for the international innovation activities is determined on the basis of motivational, and cognitive criteria. The indicators identified criteria include: attitude towards the process and results of professional activity, level of interaction and responsibility, participation intensity and complexity of the performed activities, knowledge-intensive activities in the process of obtaining higher education and practical professional experience through the inclusion of actual or realistic working conditions in the international labor market.

Conceptual provisions of formation of readiness of future economists for the international innovation activities include:

-provisions that can contribute to a better understanding of the modernization of higher economic education with the features of international labor market;

-priority directions of development of innovative potential of higher economic education on the basis of the strategy of socio-economic development of the region in the long term;

- developed and implemented innovation infrastructure of the region in the field of economic education, on the basis of which the conceptual provisions of the formation of readiness of future economists for international innovation activity are implemented;

 -developed and implemented a model of network interaction between institutions of higher economic education on the basis of industry-specific international innovation centers.

 To solve the tasks, the following methods were used:

 - interdisciplinary analysis and synthesis of methodological, educational, psychological, social and economic literature on the research topic;

 - study of legislative, regulatory and policy documents;

 - study of current experience in the development of international innovative capacity of higher education institutions;

 - extrapolation and design of systems and processes - in determining the methodological, conceptual research platform;

 - search and presentation of evidence base for the formation of the readiness of future economists to international innovation;

 -expert assessment of the compliance of graduates of institutions of higher economic education with the requirements of employers for the qualifications of specialists;

 - generalization, modeling, design of systems and processes in the development of conceptual provisions of the formation of the readiness of future economists to international innovation;

- study of advanced pedagogical experience in the formation of subjects' readiness for professional activity, expert evaluation of ways of shaping the readiness of future economists to international innovation activity, a survey, a pedagogical experiment - in creating a system of practical recommendations, including directions, basic principles and ways of shaping the readiness of future economists to international  innovation activities;

 -monitoring the satisfaction of consumers of educational services with the conditions and results of training in institutions of higher economic education, quantitative and qualitative processing of experimental data - when assessing the effectiveness of the implementation of the developed conceptual provisions and their reproducibility under various conditions.

2.2. The implementation of the organizational and substantive aspects of integration processes in shaping the readiness of future economists to international innovation

The main research was carried out in Russian and foreign institutions of higher education: the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Higher Education "; "Togliatti State University";  "Pedagogical University of Jiangsu Province".  In total, the experimental work involved: 36 higher education institutions;  114 teachers;  338 students.

The study was conducted in three stages between 2016 and 2019.

The first stage (2016 – 2017) is the analysis of primary sources on issues of reforming and modernization of higher economic education, including the history of development of social partnership in vocational education. Analyzed psychological and pedagogical literature in order to develop - a consistent methodological platforms and the core ideological lines for the formation of readiness of future economists for international innovation activities in terms of the requirements of international labor market to specialists.

To ensure coverage of the main issues raised research problem, conceptualization and relationship of the research findings at this stage developed a coherent work plan and identified priority areas for its implementation. The methodology and methods of formation of readiness  of future economists for the international innovation activities.

The second phase (2017 – 2018) - developed and proved the program of carrying out of pedagogical experiment on introduction of methods of formation of readiness of future economists for the international innovation activities and tools for it. Experimental activities have included:

-the implementation of pedagogical support the development of positive motivation for learning in institutions of higher economic education and experimental work on the development of a unified information educational environment of higher education as means of formation of readiness of graduates for international innovation activities;

-carrying out the pedagogical experiment on the effectiveness of modern educational technologies and methods in the formation of readiness of future economists for the international innovation activities; the completion of the experiment by testing new experimental techniques of economic incentives of activities on formation of readiness of future economists for the international innovation activities. Based on the results of modernization and tendencies of development of higher economic education, in accordance with the requirements of the innovation economy and the results of experimental activities formulated a working hypothesis of the study. Also defined target indicators and indicators of readiness of future economists for the international innovative activities, grounded conceptual positions developed program and tools to monitor the satisfaction of consumers of educational services, conditions and vocational training in institutions of higher education as a tool to study the impact of implementation of conceptual provisions of the study.

The third stage (2018 - 2019) - on the basis of new regulatory and policy documents of higher education in Russia and China, the scientific and conceptual research apparatus has been refined.  Monitoring of the satisfaction of consumers of educational services with the conditions and quality of education in institutions of higher economic education during the implementation of new conceptual provisions of the study was carried out.  The results of the work are summarized, conclusions are formulated, on the basis of which recommendations are presented for a higher level of organization of activities for the development of the international innovative potential of institutions of higher economic education in Russia and foreign countries.  The proposals for the further improvement of the formation of readiness of future economists to international innovation are presented.  Completed  registration of the research results in the article.

2.3. Target indicators and practical indicators of the formation of the readiness of future economists to international innovation

 The reliability and validity of the findings and results of the research is provided by the target indicators:

 -the presence of the basic idea of ​​the formation of the readiness of future economists to international innovation based on the development of the potential of higher education institutions, based on an analysis of the practice of modernizing the higher education system in Russia and China, as well as taking into account leading global trends and the current socio-economic development of countries as a whole;

 - a consistent methodological platform and a consistent research plan;

 - consistency with published experimental data on the research topic, including pedagogical and economic fields of science;

 - using modern methods of collecting and processing initial information, modified in accordance with the objectives of the study and adequate to its object and subject;

 -use of representative sample sets, including in testing and evaluating the implementation of intermediate research results;

 - the prolongation of the comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of the implementation of conceptual and practical provisions for the formation of readiness of future economists to international innovation activities in the course of monitoring;

 -the possibility of reproducible research results in each regional educational system and in the international labor market.

Practical significance of the research is that it presents a developed and implemented:

-criteria and indicators of readiness of future economists for the international innovation activities, including: incentive (motivational value) criterion, characterized by the attitude to the process and the results of specific type of professional activity, interaction and responsibility in the process of obtaining higher education and practical professional experience through the inclusion of actual or realistic working conditions economist. Next is activity and practical criterion. It is characterized by the intensity of participation of the student, complexity of the activity performed in the process of obtaining higher education and practical professional experience through the inclusion in real terms of the Russian and foreign production or industry; cognitive (cognitive information) criterion. The cognitive criterion is characterized by knowledge-intensive activities, reflected in aspects of the application of professional knowledge and information they obtain in the process of higher economic education and practical professional experience.

-modular structure of educational programs, ensuring compliance with higher economic education with the requirements of international labour market on the one hand, and the needs of the subjects of the educational process on the other;

-the algorithm of pairing of the requirements of employers and educational standards for the qualifications of graduates, the use of which does not depend on the sectoral affiliation of the educational institution;

-system of practical  recommendations, including the direction, basic principles and methods of formation of readiness of future economists for the international innovation activities. Including: methodology of economic incentives of activities on formation of readiness of graduates in institutions of higher economic education to international innovation activities based on the bidirectional application of the financing mechanism of institutions of higher education, with the employment of their graduates. Here important are the following indicators:

-preservation of the contingent, the level achieved by graduates of the qualification, employment of graduates, retention of graduates in the workplace;

-a complex of modern educational technologies, methods and means of formation of readiness of future economists for the international innovation activities, which also includes teaching professionally oriented foreign language;

-the draft provisions on the international innovative infrastructure of the region in the field of higher economic education, providing capacity development the educational system in General and higher education in particular.

Personal contribution of the authors consists in the direct participation at all stages of the research process that covers the scientific, methodological, organizational and managerial activities: obtaining the initial data for the justification of the study methodology, development and justification of the program of carrying out the pedagogical experiment and methods of its conduct; organizing and conducting scientific experiment on introduction of modern educational technologies, methods and means of formation of readiness of future economists for the international innovation activities, which also includes teaching professionally oriented foreign language. In addition, the authors took an active part in the development of programs and instruments for carrying out monitoring of satisfaction of consumers of educational services conditions and vocational training in institutions of higher economic education in the course of implementation of conceptual provisions of formation of readiness of future economists for the international innovation activities and its organization; the processing and interpretation of experimental data, monitoring data, and preparation of publications on the work performed.

Testing and implementation of research results were carried out at all stages of its implementation: the use of obtained results by subjects of higher education, examination of intermediate hypotheses, testing of conceptual provisions, introduction of ways to shape the readiness of future economists to international innovation in educational institutions in Russia and China.

3. Results

Comparison of the results obtained with the analysis of the theoretical base, practical experience and the current state of the problem of the formation of readiness of future economists for international innovation activity allows us to state that this direction of pedagogical science and practice, which reflects dynamic socio-economic innovations is relevant and promising.

3.1. Scientific and methodological results

 The essence of the conceptual provisions of the formation of the readiness of future economists to international innovation lies in the integration of system-activity, competence and integrative-modular approaches to ensure targeted and continuous improvement of students' readiness for international innovation in educational institutions.  In this regard, it is important to create an innovation infrastructure of the region as an institutional basis for the implementation of conceptual provisions.

 The combination of mechanisms for effective interaction between the international labor market and institutions of higher education is represented by the interrelated unity of the order for training qualified specialists in accordance with the needs of the labor market (forecasting the optimal professional and qualification structure and the required number of graduates; employment of graduates of economic training directions at enterprises of a strategic partner abroad;  formation of the order for advanced and professional  training in an institution of higher, including employees of the strategic partner abroad).

 The diversification of the participation of a strategic foreign partner in the training of specialists in the system of higher economic education is indicated by: organizing training and work experience for students, providing opportunities for internships for vocational teachers abroad.

3.2. Scientific and practical results

 Among the proposed mechanisms are important:

 - teaching of individual, most complex, interdisciplinary courses and professional modules or their parts by highly qualified specialists of international and foreign enterprises;

 -financial participation in updating the educational and material base, improving the skills of teachers, social support for teachers and students;

 - examination of the results of higher economic education of a future specialist, including in the field of professionally oriented foreign language;

 -module structures of educational programs of higher economic education, represented by the unity of the system-forming aspects (structure, content, quality), which are the main, forming the identity of multi-level education systems and ensuring their functioning;

 -the algorithm for matching the requirements of employers and educational standards of higher education to the qualifications of graduates, ensuring that the content of indicators of the readiness of future economists to international innovation is filled with content

 The results have been introduced into the practice of shaping the readiness of future economists to international innovation in Russian and foreign educational institutions: the First Cossack University; "Togliatti State University";  "Pedagogical University of Jiangsu Province".

4. Conclusions

The study made it possible to identify, scientifically summarize and set forth the provisions characterizing the results of the formation of the readiness of future economists to international innovation.  Namely: the modernization of higher economic education;  evidence of the need, significance and possibility of launching a set of mechanisms, the implementation of directions, basic principles and methods that simultaneously simultaneously affect the quality of higher economic education and the satisfaction of subjects of the educational process with the result of their own educational activities;  conditions determining the formation of readiness of future economists to international innovation.

 Theoretical and experimental-pedagogical studies of theory and practice, the formation of the readiness of future economists to international innovation, allowed us to identify two groups of conclusions.

4.1. Analytical conclusions

 There is a shortage of scientific data on the problem under study, taking into account the results of the reform and modernization of higher economic education and the requirements of the strategic guidelines of the innovative development of Russia and foreign countries; The shortcomings and contradictions between the modern requirements of a developing economy and the system of higher economic education are revealed.  In addition: an objective need has been revealed for theoretical understanding of the need, significance and possibility of launching a set of mechanisms, implementing directions, basic principles and methods that simultaneously effectively affect the quality of higher economic education of future specialists in higher education institutions and the satisfaction of subjects of the educational process with the result of their own educational activities  ;  proposed priority areas, target indicators and performance indicators for the development of international innovation potential of higher economic education.

4.2. Theoretical and applied conclusions

 The theoretical conclusions substantiated the leading trends, revealed a combination of factors for the development of international innovation potential of higher economic education.  Conceptual positions of readiness of future economists to international innovation activity were developed, taking into account determining conditions, criteria, indicators and readiness levels were determined; modular structures of educational programs have been developed, which make it possible for future specialists in higher education institutions to construct individual educational trajectories.

 According to the results of the applied part of the research, an innovative infrastructure of the region in the field of higher economic education was formed, on the basis of which the conceptual provisions were implemented to shape the readiness of future economists for international innovation activity.  The launch of mechanisms for effective interaction of the international labor market and educational institutions;  the functions of the strategic partner of educational institutions in the educational process, including the provision of foreign language training at international centers, as well as training for a professionally oriented foreign language in higher education were specified.  Methods, techniques and tools, target indicators of the formation of readiness of future economists to international innovation, an algorithm for matching the requirements of employers to the qualifications of specialists and educational standards of higher education, both in Russia and abroad, have been developed.

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1. The Joint Chinese-Russian Engineering Institute, Jiangsu Normal University, Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province P.R. China 221116. 

2. Department of undergraduate (economic and management programs),Togliatti State University, Togliatti, Russia.

3. ANO for the development of natural Sciences "Academy of natural Sciences", Moscow, Russia,Contact e-mail: arina     

4. Department of foreign languages, Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education “K.G. Razumovsky Moscow State University of technologies and management (the First Cossack University) “, Moscow, Russia.

Revista ESPACIOS. ISSN 0798 1015
Vol. 40 (Nº 41) Year 2019


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