ISSN 0798 1015


Vol. 41 (Issue 08) Year 2020. Page 10

Human resource administration as factor of business productivity for continuous improvement

La administración de recursos humanos como factor de productividad empresarial

ROJAS Martínez, Claudia Patricia 1; HERNÁNDEZ Palma, Hugo Gaspar 2 & NIEBLES Nuñez, William Alejandro 3

Received: 08/08/2019 • Approved: 03/03/2020 • Published 12/03/2020


1. Introduction

2. Methodology

3. Results

4. Conclusions

Bibliographic references


In this article it will be reviewed the concept of business productivity and the influence of the human resource administration in this growth dynamic: reviewing the different stages of the evolution of this process to reach the new trends through which the development of human talent and a better productive management of it thus increasing the potential possibilities of corporate effectiveness.
Keywords: Productivity, human resource, human talent, corporate effectiveness


Sin lugar a dudas, este componente es muy importante para impulsar el proceso de productividad de la organización. En este artículo se revisará el concepto de productividad empresarial y la influencia de la administración de recursos humanos en esta dinámica de crecimiento: revisar las diferentes etapas de la evolución de este proceso para alcanzar las nuevas tendencias a través de las cuales el desarrollo del talento humano y un mejor desarrollo. La gestión productiva de la misma aumenta así las posibilidades potenciales de efectividad corporativa.
Palabras clave: Productividad, recursos humanos, talento humano, efectividad corporativa.

PDF version

1. Introduction

Business dynamics has suffered a lot of changes as a result of globalization and the entry of new technologies (Hernández, 2011). Organizations nowadays are in need of adapting to today's competitiveness processes, so that they achieve a position within the global market. This is done in the processes based on productivity (Parra et al  2018).

In general terms, productivity is the relation between the obtained production of a production system or service and used resources to obtain it. In other words, productivity is defined as the effective use of resources – work, capital, land, materials, energy, information –in the production of various goods and services. It consists of achieving more products with the same amount of resources (Murrieta et al., 2017).

Hernandez et al. (2018), they hold management is characterized by a broader vision of the possibilities real of an organization to resolve a certain situation or arrive at a certain goal. It can be assumed, as the "disposition and organization of the resources of an individual or group to obtain the expected results” It could be generalized as a way of aligning efforts and resources to achieve a specific goal.

Based on the above definition, it follows that the productivity degree that the company can obtained will depend in a huge way of the effectiveness with which the human resource is handled. Taking into account that the human capital (worker) is the one who manages or uses the other resources of the company (economic, technological, material) constitutes a fundamental factor to obtain added value (Gomez & Lozano, 2017). In figure 1, we can observe the interaction between the different resources of the organization that intervene in the productive process. 

For Mondy (2010) the administration of human resources (HRA) involves coordinating the participation of individuals for the achievement of organizational objectives. Consequently, administrators of all levels should be interested in the RHA. Basically, every administrator makes things are achieved through the efforts of others; this requires effective management of human resources.

     For Bravo et al (2017), In order to maintain the degree of commitment and effort, the organizations must adequately assess the cooperation of their members, establishing mechanisms that allow for a sufficiently motivated workforce for an efficient and effective performance, leading to the achievement of the objectives, the goals of the organization; At the same time, the expectations and aspirations of its members can be met. Such premises lead automatically to inevitably focus on the subject of motivation as one of the important elements to generate, maintain, modify or change attitudes, in addition to channeling the behavior towards the desired direction.

    Dessler (2015), sustain currently, the HR department is rapidly moving through another phase: Paper is changing from being protector and supervisor, to being a planner and agent of change. All of the above means that it is now more important than ever to hire the appropriate people, and train and motivate them effectively. This, in turn, demands a more efficient HR system. For example, HR best practices for many of current organizations include very selective hiring, teamwork and decentralized decision making, competitive salaries, broad training, minimum status distinctions, and information flow between employees and management; all built on a foundation that relies on people as the main source of competitive advantages and in the culture of administration that embraces said belief.

Figure 1
Classification of the resources of the organization

Source: De la Peña et al. (2017)

It is vital that all the resources are aligned to the achievement of the objectives of the organization and work in a synchronized way in the development of the social objective; in this way the expected levels of productivity are achieved. From the human capital it’s generated knowledge, skills, values and innovative potential of the organization, among other elements (Radosavljevic & Horner, 2002).  That’s why it’s necessary to properly manage this resource because due to its particularity must have a different treatment to the rest of resources of the organization.

(Garcia, et al 2017) sustain o maintain competitiveness it is necessary to highlight the role played by human resources within organizations, from the top of the structure to the lower levels of the organization chart, keeping the proportions in terms of responsibilities. In this sense, given the needs of competitiveness, organizations need to have the best elements in each area of ​​work that guarantee certain continuity, but in practice this does not always happen.

2. Methodology

This article is described as a documentary research, where the researchers realized the information gathering through a bibliographic review process from different sources of information to perform the results. These results were analyzed through a content analysis process.

3. Results

3.1. Human resource administration

Administration ways of organizations have varied throughout history to adapt to the necessities of the present society; through various studies done by experts that can identify the following stages (Lopez Puig et al., 2017):

- Administrative: which initiates with industrial revolution also called “mechanic”. The above because the individual was considered as an integral part of the machine as an additional tool (Perez & Torres, 2017).

- From human relations: A little more importance is given to the human factor and it begins to stablish the difference with the machine (Garcia et al., 2017).

- Labor relations: marked by big conflicts during which recognition of the rights of the workers occurred the first trade union emerge here. Change the individualistic aspect to the collective. The vision is extended to the human being (Ross et al., 2016).

- From human resources: change in the way of conceiving being giving relevance to the human aspect as a vital part of the organization (Cardona et al., 2017)

- From strategic organization: technification and decentralization. Thanks to the incursion of new technologies and knowledge management.

In figure 2, it can be observed the evolution that has had the human resource administration process with the principal representatives of the various theories. 

In response to these considerations, (Parra et al 2019) considered human resource managers, as well as the executing personnel of the management, they must exercise transformative and innovative actions that ensure and guarantee their capacity to guide his subordinates to accomplish the assigned mission, which imposes to organizations in general.

Figure 2
Diagram of the evolution of the organizational management

Source: Gelabert (2007)

Human resource administration is a system composed by nine interrelated subsystems and each one with different objectives (Hasbun et al., 2016):

Planning: its objective is to determine the staffing necessities, current and future to the fulfillment of the strategic objectives of the organization. Provides the necessary resources for training, remuneration and stimulation (Hernández  et al., 2016).

Organization: its purpose is to give to the organization the necessary flexibility in both structures and processes. (Fernandez et al., 2016).

Staff selection: its finality is to define policies and practices for obtaining suitable staff for the organization, for promotion or for training. It is a permanent and planned process even directed from human resources it’s the responsibility of all function areas (Salazar & Coronado, 2016).

Training: its objective is to give to the personal the necessary knowledge, capacities and values for their high performance and development (Riofrio & Silva, 2016).

Evaluation: its intention is to fully evaluate the labor behavior in a determined period and compare what exists with the established requirements that is accredit the labor competence in each moment (Malasquez, 2017).

Promotion and development: Its purpose is to make the staff realization of each worker of the organization possible according to their potential and expectations; create a promotion and development line for all the charges and to make actions for its materialization in the practice (Fernandez et al., 2016).

Retribution and stimulation: its finality is to determine the work compensations and the reached results, also is the most important way to the satisfaction of the necessities of the workers (Riofrio & Silva, 2016).

Security, health, work conditions: Work conditions are constituted by the set of factors that influence the worker in the organization environment, it includes from the hygienic-environmental conditions to organizational psychophysiological and psychosocial issues (Malasquez, 2017).

Communication and information: as an integral factor of the system, its purpose is providing the necessary information through the system or the adequate communication way to achieve the best performance of the workers in the activities and process. It helps to the understanding of the problems, the elimination of tensions and conflicts, the creation of an organizational culture and the decision-making with a broad participation in their processes (Leon, 2016).

3.2. New approaches to the human resources administration.

Human resources administration approach has updated due to the changed dynamic of the organizations, product of the economic phenomenon at worldwide level. Due to this companies have revalued the old concept of human resource as a static and homogenous and recognize the versatility and unique qualities of its collaborators (Morales, 2016).

Hernandez, Muñoz y Barrios (2017) for the management of human resources it is important the way in which the manager relates with his employees, with the clients, even with the suppliers, that is to say, the managerial style that he uses, can generate economic value and not economic so much for his interesting parties, such as for the company

In the same way, these changes have been driven by new forms of employment relationship and the emergence of new forms of occupation or employment: teleworking contracted labor, independent consultants, freelancers and micro-entrepreneurs. All these new streams of business restructuring must be taken into account when designing productivity improvements programs based on human resources (Gonzalez et al., 2016).

Through table 1, it’s summarized the characteristics of human resources management approach and human capital management where the first one is understood as a part of the purely administrative and regulatory process while the second focuses on the value of the worker as an active part of the company

Table 1
Characteristics of the human resource
management and human capital


Human resource management

Human capital management

Process approach

Human resources are involved in the organizational dynamic

Cognitive development of the human being

Processes that intervene

• Planning. 
• Organization. 
• Staff selection.
• Formation. 
• Evaluation. 
• Promotion and development. 
• Retribution and stimulation 
• Security, health, work conditions.
• Communication and information

• Learning management.
• Human talent management.

Source: Martinez et al. (2017)

3.3. Initiatives to the productivity increase 

Starting from the fact that productivity is linked to the growth of a country, it is understood that government entities provide the necessary support for companies to apply these practices of corporate improvement. It also becomes a mandatory subject in international cooperation agreements that are a clear example of which is the work of entities such as ILO, UNDP, UNESCO and OECD. The main initiatives through which productivity is promoted are: Preparation of campaigns to promote productivity, development of education and training policies, investments in technology, investigations and infrastructure (Naranjo et al., 2016).

From the human resource point of view, to boost productivity is necessary to take into account all the variables that stimulate productivity in the company (Marvel, Rodriguez y Nuñez, 2011). So it’s necessary to work three kinds of elements.

- Inherent topics to the individual such as motivation, competences, job satisfaction, identification, commitment and implication with the organization.

- General issues such as participation, cohesion and conflict management.

- Corporative level issues such as organizational culture and climate and leadership.

In order to determine the success of the implemented initiatives and its impact in productivity; it’s necessary to carry out permanent evaluations and for this purpose the management indicators are used: effectiveness and efficiency. Apart from measuring the level reached it allows decision making and measures to improve when indices don’t show the expected results (Diaz, 2017).

For Parra, et al (2017), in the organizational and business environment, managing human capital is a team activity, nothing independent of the organizational contents. The fundamental objective of this work is to identify, and that is also what people do, how resources are used in an accurate manner to obtain the best organizational results, and that these results add meaning when choosing products and services and thus determine which or which of them will solve the uncertainty of the added value. Today that added value is added by people, their attitude, their management, and their way of doing tasks in companies; every day this difference makes visible organizations and with them the people who forge it.

4. Conclusions

In a dynamic as dynamic as the current one, not only in terms of technological evolution but also in the areas of knowledge and research, society has been able to determine the valuable contribution of the human resource and its impact on business productivity. In order to increase the productivity levels of the company, it’s essential to discard the old HR practices and look for an effective management.

This is the new trend of human talent management, where the concept of human capital has been integrated with organizations as an engine to promote their development.

To achieve a dynamic of productivity through the Human Resource it’s necessary to implement a series of actions aimed at improving the quality of life of the employee.

A clear example of this is the motivational initiatives and the accompaniment of the organization so that the worker reaches his personal achievements. This causal relationship has been demonstrated by a study of human resources firms, which support the theory that "happier employees, more productive enterprises."

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1. Magister en Administración, Especialista en Gerencia del Talento Humano, Docente de la Universidad de Sucre.

2. Magister en Sistema de Gestión, Especialista en Estudios Pedagógicos , Especialista en Diseño y Evaluación de proyectos, Ingeniero Industrial. Docente Programa de Administración de Empresas Universidad del Atlántico- Colombia. Email:

3. Doctor en Ciencias Gerenciales, Magister en Dirección Estratégica, Administrador de Empresas. Docente de la Universidad de Sucre. ORCID: 0000-0001-9411-4583. Email:

Revista ESPACIOS. ISSN 0798 1015
Vol. 41 (Nº 08) Year 2020


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