ISSN 0798 1015


Vol. 41 (Issue 16) Year 2020. Page 30

The pedagogical potential of the socio-cultural environment of the university as a factor in the formation of the communicative culture of students

El potencial pedagógico del entorno sociocultural de la universidad como factor en la formación de la cultura comunicativa de los estudiantes

MA, Xiangfei 1; BELOZERTSEVA, Natalya Vasilyevna 2; ZATSEPINA, Elena Aleksandrovna 3; MERKULOVA, Lyudmila Petrovna 4 & TATARNITSEVA, Svetlana Nikolayevna 5

Received: 21/11/2019 • Approved: 08/02/2020 • Published: 07/05/2020


1. Introduction

2. Methodology

3. Results

4. Conclusions

Bibliographic references


The issues of the formation of the communicative culture of students in the socio-cultural environment of the university are of extreme importance, both for pedagogical science and for socio-cultural practice, which determines the relevance of the topic of the article. Objective: scientific, practical and experimental justification of the pedagogical potential of the socio-cultural environment of the university as a factor in the formation of the communicative culture of students youth. The practical significance of the study lies in the fact that it has developed an innovative image-building model aimed at equipping participants with a whole complex of important communicative skills. As a result, it was concluded that the study allowed us to determine recommendations related to increasing the effectiveness of the pedagogical potential of the socio-cultural environment of the university as a factor in the formation of the communicative culture of students. Key words: pedagogical potential, socio-cultural environment of the university, communicative culture, student youth.
Keywords: pedagogical potential, socio-cultural environment of the university, communicative culture, student youth.


Las preguntas de la formación comunicativa de la cultura de la juventud estudiantil en las condiciones de su ambiente social y cultural de la universidad son de la mayor importancia, tanto para el docente de la ciencia, y para el desarrollo socio-cultural de la práctica, lo que determina la relevancia del tema del artículo. El objetivo de la investigación científica-práctica y experimental de la justificación pedagógica de la capacidad de su ambiente social y cultural de la universidad como factor de formación comunicativa de la cultura de la juventud estudiantil. La práctica de la importancia de la investigación radica en el hecho de que en él desarrollado, yucatán campaa de imagen la modelo dirigida al armamento de los participantes una gama de importantes comunicativas habilidades y destrezas. En consecuencia, llegó a la conclusión de que el estudio ha permitido identificar las recomendaciones en relación con el aumento de la eficacia pedagógica de la capacidad de su ambiente social y cultural de la universidad como factor de formación comunicativa de la cultura de la juventud estudiantil.
Palabras clave: potencial educativo, socio-cultural, el entorno de la universidad, de la comunicación de la cultura, la juventud estudiantil

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1. Introduction

The development and formation of the communicative culture of student youth is aimed at fulfilling a number of functions: informational, motivational, social, regulatory, developing, educational and cultural.  In a socio-psychological sense, a person’s communicative culture is the process of transmitting information from the respondent to the recipient, taking into account the regulation of several factors - psychological, social, cultural.

The urgency of the research problem

The relevance of the formation of the communicative culture of student youth is increasing due to an unresolved number of problems: the lack of scientific and practical approaches in the implementation of the pedagogical potential of the socio-cultural environment of the university as a factor in the formation of the communicative culture of student youth, low speech literacy and the absence of elementary constructive communication skills among young people in terms of solving social  and personality issues;  the inability of a certain part of students to reveal their communicative potential due to psychological complexes and a low level of self-esteem, the inability of young people to find optimal conditions for revealing their creative abilities in various forms of socio-cultural activity, based on communicative self-expression.

 The scientific works of famous Russian scientists emphasize the special role of the socio-cultural environment in the formation of personality and its influence on several important components - socialization, socio-cultural development, spiritual and moral formation.

 The problem of the socio-cultural environment is considered in our study on the example of works: Kurakina, 2013;  Kurakina, 2013;  Sokolov, 1997;  Streltsov, 2003.

 All of them emphasize the special role of the socio-cultural environment in the formation of personality and its influence on several important components - socialization, socio-cultural development, spiritual and moral formation.  These studies served as an important basis for identifying the pedagogical potential of the socio-cultural environment in Russian universities.

The work involves the works of such theorists in the field of socio-cultural activities, as Ariarskiy, 1989;  Kurakina, 2013;  Sokolov, 1996;  Ter - Minasova, 2000;  Yaroshenko, 2000;  Yaroshenko, 2001.

 The study also used research on the formation of a communicative culture, communicative intercultural competence of a person, her various communicative abilities: Apanasyuk, Soldatov, Kireeva, & Belozertseva, 2017;  Kireeva, Apanasyuk, Grigor'eva, Bogatyreva, & Alekseeva, 2018;  Merkulova, Smirnova, Kaziakhmedova, & Kireeva, 2018;  Merkulova, Krasnoshchekova, Smirnova, Meteleva, & Kireeva, 2019.

 These studies served as an important basis for identifying the pedagogical potential of the socio-cultural environment of the university as a factor in the formation of the communicative culture of students.

 Despite the numerous approaches to solving the problems of forming a communicative culture of students, it is important to note the fact that a lot of controversial and unresolved remains.

2. Methodology

The scientific and practical justification of the pedagogical potential of the socio-cultural environment of the university as a factor in the formation of the communicative culture of students is based on: concepts dedicated to communicative culture;  on research in the field of theory, methodology and organization of socio-cultural activities;  on theoretical provisions on the basics of socio-cultural design and modeling.

2.1. Discussion and methodological elaboration of the research topic.

 The study of the above concepts, studies and theoretical principles allowed the authors of the article to establish that communicative culture occupies a leading place in the general cultural and professional development of the individual and, of course, is one of the priority tasks of socio-cultural development, is considered as a special object for modeling pedagogical systems in the unity of their structural and functional  components and appears as the most important component of socio-cultural education.  We see that the problem of the formation of a communicative culture of students in the socio-cultural environment of the university has been considered more than once.

So, Russian scientists in their work analyzing the social and cultural conditions of formation of competences of intercultural communication of students-migrants in the framework of Russian universities (Apanasyuk, Kaziakhmedova, Belozertseva, & Kireeva, 2019).Individual research papers devoted to the study of contemporary socio-cultural environment as the factor of formation of cultural communication in the modern student environment (Kurakina, 2012).

In research in the field of theory, methodology and organization of socio-cultural activities were also discussed issues related to the creation of pedagogical potential socio-cultural environment of the University for formation of communicative culture of the student. For example, (Ariarskiy 2001) in his work examines the essence and specificity of applied cultural studies for the implementation of pedagogical potential socio-cultural environment of the University and ensuring its impact on the communicative culture of the students. The questions of formation of intercultural competence of students in the framework of project activities of the University (Kurakina, 2012) are relevant in the study of socio-cultural environment of the University. Theoretical propositions on the basics of socio-cultural design and simulation, allowed us to justify not only a theoretical but also a practical part of the study. So, (Grigorieva, 2004) proposes to intensify the development of the communicative culture of students through the use of in universities of modern technologies of socio-cultural activities. Sociocultural technology as an effective means of formation of value orientations in communication presented in the work (Surkova, 2009).

However, with regard to urgent problems of creating the pedagogical potential of the university’s socio-cultural environment for the formation of the students ’communicative culture, the above studies are fragmented.

 Studying the pedagogical literature and discussing the formation of a communicative culture of youth in the socio-cultural environment of universities by Russian scientists allows us to conclude that there are contradictions:

 - between the high potential of the socio-cultural environment of universities and the absence in socio-cultural science of new models that allow young people to develop a communicative culture;

 - between the prevailing unfavorable situation, contributing to a decrease in the communicative potential of students, the lack of constructive communication skills and the pedagogical capabilities of the socio-cultural environment of universities, affecting the formation of a communicative culture of students;

 - between the opportunities for socio-cultural development of students in universities and the lack of developed technological practices in the formation of a communicative culture of students in the aspect of this problem.

Thus, a proposal arises about the transformation of the socio-cultural environment of the university, the use of its innovative potential and the development of technological practices of its organization for the formation of a communicative culture of students.

2.2. Scientific and practical substantiation of the pedagogical potential of the socio-cultural environment of the university as a factor in the formation of the communicative culture of students

The communicative culture of students, as an integral component of the general personality culture, is considered by us as an integrative characteristic, which is determined by the spiritual abilities of a person, manifested in his value orientations in the field of communication, which is realized in the system of personal qualities and abilities.

 In the study, the communicative culture of students is considered in terms of revealing the pedagogical potential of the socio-cultural environment of the university.  The socio-cultural environment is considered in our study as a human environment associated with a system of material, social and spiritual conditions aimed at introducing a person to cultural values, satisfying his needs and interests, providing appropriate forms of his activity for the development and development of objects and artistic values  , social, material  and spiritual culture.

By the pedagogical potential of the socio-cultural environment, we understand those special opportunities and conditions that allow a person to reveal the main components of his personality - intellectual, socio-moral, cognitive, psychological, creative, which ensure the effective development of a person’s communicative culture.  The study revealed that the pedagogical potential of the socio-cultural environment as a factor in the formation of a communicative culture is realized when it appears as the real reality of the macro and micro conditions of life and personality development, changed by the actions and actions of the person himself in the process of his creative and spiritual growth, familiarization with cultural  values, the formation of moral and spiritual culture.

 In this study, one of the tasks was to develop an innovative image-building model for the formation of a communicative culture of students in the socio-cultural environment of the university.

The main tasks of the innovative-image-building model we are developing for the formation of the communicative culture of students in the socio-cultural environment of the university are:

 -the involvement of young people in cultural programs and projects, as part of the image-positioning strategy in various communication forms of communication;

 -building an effective system of mass socio-cultural communications in the conditions of the socio-cultural environment of the university;

 -creation of conditions for the development of various levels of communicative relations of students: the formation of the foundations of communicative behavior in the process of promoting new ideas by means of culture, art and sports for a mass audience;

 -creation of a favorable image of students for the Russian and international public through the implementation of cultural programs.

We have developed an innovative image-building model for the formation of a communicative culture of student youth in the socio-cultural environment of the university associated with socio-economic and informational transformations in society, allowing us to switch to innovative technologies that focus on the priority of multivariance of socio-cultural forms, as well as on variability, individually  - creative forms of its development.

 The target component of the model includes goal-setting in the formation of the communicative culture of students in the socio-cultural environment of the university.

 The conceptual-image component determines the main provisions for the formation of a communicative culture of student youth.

 The activity component includes the orientational-cognitive and normative-formal levels of the formation of the communicative culture of students in the socio-cultural environment of the university.

 Orientational-cognitive level, where the student demonstrates receptivity, the ability to express their feelings and a willingness to accept emotional expression from others;  curious enough, which allows you to show a research attitude to the life and behavior of different people, a willingness to accept any information from people, but at the same time have independent self-esteem.  The normative-formal level, when the student has poor skills in organizing joint communication activities;  not capable of constructive formation and development of interpersonal relationships;  does not strive for cognition of people in communication; he relates formally to duties.

The motivational-orientational component of the innovative image-building model for the formation of a youth’s communicative culture in the socio-cultural environment of the university presupposes the development of youth motivation to participate in cultural programs, where the first direction of the motivational-orientational component is information support and PR projects.

 We consider the assessment and correction component of the model as a stage represented by the definition of effective criteria and levels of formation of the communicative culture of student youth in the socio-cultural environment of the university.

2.3. Pilot work to verify the effectiveness of the pedagogical potential of the socio-cultural environment of the university as a factor in the formation of the communicative culture of students

 The practical part of the work is aimed at: disclosing the pedagogical potential of the socio-cultural environment of the university as a factor in the formation of the communicative culture of student youth;  a description of the course and results of pilot work to verify the effectiveness of the pedagogical potential of the socio-cultural environment of the university as a factor in the formation of the communicative culture of student youth.

 In the process of forming a communicative culture of student youth, the following conditions of the socio-cultural environment of the university were identified:

 -integration combination of the cognitive potential of the individual with the cultural and social capabilities of the environment, ensuring its involvement in various forms of communication;

 - providing opportunities for involving student youth in volunteer activities aimed at the formation of a communicative personality culture;

 -attracting youth to participate in socially significant projects;

 -the involvement of participants in the main types and forms of socio-cultural creativity;

 -development of cultural creativity of the individual in the socio-cultural environment of the university;

 -development of  the information culture of youth in the socio-cultural environment of the university.

Experimental work was carried out by the authors of the study for three years (from 2016 to 2019) with respondents on the basis of Russian and foreign universities: "Moscow State University of Humanities and Economics"; "State University of Land Use Planning"; "National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolyov"; "Togliatti State University";" Hangzhou Dianzi University ".  The following methods were used to solve research problems: theoretical analysis of works on socio-cultural activities and pedagogy, study and comparative analysis of primary sources;  generalization and systematization of the data;  modeling and designing of normative and scientific-methodological documents, systems and structures of management and training at the university;  pedagogical experiment, questionnaire;  polls, interviews, interviews;  methods of mathematical statistics;  analysis of statistical data;  diagnostic methods;  expert opinions;  processing results;  tabular interpretations of the data;  analysis of the activity of the participants in the experiment in the socio-cultural environment of the university;  included observation in the process of organizing social and cultural events;  the organization of the pedagogical process in the implementation of the innovation-image model.

 In total, the experiment involved 290 respondents aged 17 to 22 years; The participants in our experiment were students and teachers of Russian universities, volunteers, participants in creative contests, festivals and projects involved in the socio-cultural activities of Russian universities.

The first stage is scientific and theoretical, which included: the study and analysis of socio-cultural, socio-pedagogical, pedagogical and methodological, as well as specialized literature and documents;  analysis of the experience of organizing socio-cultural activities and identifying its main areas;  determination of the goal, object, subject, general hypothesis and objectives, research plan and strategy;  identification and analysis of basic research concepts;  the establishment of qualitative theoretical and methodological relationships between the main scientific categories of research;  synthesis and generalization of the main scientific approaches in the studied problems;  summarizing and conclusions in the analysis of conceptual approaches of the studied pedagogical phenomenon.

 The second stage is a diagnostic-forming one, which involved: preparing experimental work, collecting empirical data, establishing the relationship between qualitative and quantitative data on the problem under study;  selection of appropriate diagnostic materials related to the identification and diagnosis of participants in the experiment;  conducting the main stages of the experiment and their analysis;  the study of graphic and schematic materials on the investigated problem;  analysis of the received digital data and their correction;  systematization of the main directions of preparation for socio-cultural activities at the university.

 The third stage is the final generalizing one: development and implementation of an innovative image-building model, systematization and design of its main directions and components, analysis of research results;  analysis of the involvement of participants in cultural activities in the socio-cultural environment of the university;  conducting an experimental research, using various methods of its implementation;  presentation of the results in the article.

Theoretical and empirical searches have shown that the following are suitable as criteria for the communicative culture of student youth: motivational-activity criterion;  emotional cognitive criterion;  orientational value criterion.  In order to study the level of awareness of student youth, a sociological survey was conducted;  the ranking of motives for participation in volunteering in the social and cultural environment of the university was ranked;  identified factors and barriers that determine the effective development of the communicative culture of student youth.  In addition, 13 communicative qualities were diagnosed in a 10-point school with the identification of the average communicative culture score.

 In the experiment, we used the author’s questionnaire methods, a diagnostic examination of participants to identify the level and factors of the formation of a communicative culture, a test of communicative skills, a test questionnaire for assessing social and communicative competence, a test for assessing communicative control, and a mass sociological survey.

Locking the final sections in control and experimental groups, we obtained the following results:

-communicative-value level (high) were detected in 32.7% of participants in the 1st experimental group and 16.7% of the participants in the control group;

orientation-cognitive (intermediate level) - 50% in the 1st experimental group and in 42.9% of the 1st control group;

-normative-formal (low level) were detected in 17.3% in the 1st experimental group and 40.4 per cent in the 1st control group.

In the end, it is possible to present the following characteristics: communicative-value level (high) is recorded in 31.3% in the 2nd experimental group; from 19.5 per cent in the 2nd control group; orientation-cognitive level (average) is reflected from 46,3% in the 2nd experimental group; from 37,7% in the 2nd control group, and therefore normative-formal (low) level is reflected in 22.4% of the participants in the 2nd experimental group and 42.8 percent in the 2nd control groups.

Based on the above results, we can state the fact that high levels in experimental groups increased significantly, while the low fell, which allowed to argue about the significance of our experiment, whereas in control groups there were significant changes.

2.4. The results of the practical efficiency of experimental work

The results of the study confirm that the pedagogical potential socio-cultural environment of the University as a factor of formation of communicative culture of the student is implemented, if:

-will be provided with multi-level involvement of students in various socio-cultural practices to the process of interaction of personality and environment for the social activity of the participants;

-is the impact on the process of formation of valuable orientations of student's youth, the self-regulation of moral behavior of the individual, the self-determination of life prospects in terms of the specific socio-cultural environment of the University;

-in the process of organization of cultural and leisure activities will be applied pedagogically effective and innovative image-building model of formation of communicative culture of students in terms of socio-cultural environment of the University;

-integrate social, cultural, material-economic and spiritual conditions of the socio-cultural environment of the University, in their qualitative content, expressed as a set of artefacts, values and norms, traditions, social institutions and social processes, providing communicative development of a personality.

-will be implemented innovative image model of formation of communicative culture of the student, which will contribute to the successful inculturation, socialization and adaptation, development of creative potentials by engaging in divergent socio-cultural activities in a University setting.

The theoretical significance of the study lies in the fact that justified and disclosed the pedagogical potential socio-cultural environment of the University as a factor of formation of communicative culture of the student; identified the main directions of the socio-cultural environment of the University involved in the formation of communicative culture of students; developed innovative branding model of communicative culture of students in terms of socio-cultural environment of the University; proved the effectiveness of formation of communicative culture of the student depending on the identified socio-cultural conditions.

Practical significance of the research lies in the fact that the materials of this study can be used by the organizers of higher and secondary educational institutions, associations, club, cultural and leisure institutions, houses and palaces of culture, youth leisure centres.

Reliability and validity of the research results are provided:

 - scientific and practical logic of work based on the theory of the formation of a communicative culture using methods and means adequate to the goals of studying the research problems;

 - a systematic analysis and generalization of the results of research of experimental work aimed at implementing a set of empirical and theoretical methods;

 - practical confirmation of the proposed scientific and practical provisions;

 - own scientific and pedagogical practice of authors who are teachers of Russian universities;

 - experimental search of the hypothesis in the conditions of the participants' real activity, as well as the validity of scientific conclusions that correspond to the general methodological approaches in determining the main positions of the study.

 Testing and implementation of the main provisions and results of the study were carried out in the course of experimental work, at meetings of departments of the above universities.  The issues studied were discussed at scientific and practical conferences in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

3. Results

As a result of the work, certain scientific, methodological and practical positions were obtained.

 3.1. Scientific and methodological results

 The communicative culture of students as an integral component of the general personality culture and integrative characteristic, which is determined by the spiritual abilities of a person, manifested in his value orientations in the field of communication, which is implemented in the system of personal qualities and abilities that allow you to adapt in the modern communicative space and realize the personality’s orientation to culture  her life self-determination.

 The priority directions for the formation of a student’s communicative culture are as follows: the main sources of acquiring a student’s communicative culture are the socio-normative experience of folk culture, knowledge of communication languages, experience of interpersonal communication in the festive sphere, experience of perception of art;  the participation of students in university events provides a high degree of social activity in general, the social significance of individual behavioral norms, and the possession of a variety of communication methods that reveal the nature of the person’s social susceptibility.

 An innovative-image-building model for the formation of a communicative culture of student youth in the socio-cultural environment of the university, aimed at involving young people in cultural programs and projects, as part of the image-positioning strategy in various communication forms of communication and representing the interconnection of targeted, conceptual-image, activity, motivational   orientation and assessment and adjustment components.

3.2. Practical results

Pedagogical potential socio-cultural environment of the University as a factor of forming communicative culture of students in terms of socio-cultural environment of the University is associated with celebrations, festivals cultures and traditions, cultural and sports events, concert and theatrical performances, which allows forming the communicative culture as a unique phenomenal component that affects the cultural formation of identity; communication as a socio-cultural phenomenon is realized in the cultural-communicative space of socio-cultural environment of the University as a specific sphere of spiritual-moral formation, self-determination and self-realization, the formation of individual consciousness, providing a cultural identity, personal-semantic development and harmonization of interaction of youth with the world.

4. Conclusions

The results of this study make theoretical and practical conclusions.

4.1. The theoretical conclusions

The definition of communicative culture of the student.It is defined as an integral component of General culture of the individual and integrative characteristics, the spiritual powers of man, manifested in his value orientations in the field of communication, which is implemented in the system of personal qualities and abilities to adapt in the modern communicative space and implement the orientation of the personality on the culture of her life of self-determination.

Theoretically grounded pedagogical potential socio-cultural environment of the University as a factor of forming communicative culture of students, which is aimed at learning the cultural communicative norms, values, behaviors. This provides the possibility of subject - subject interaction, adaptation and self-realization associated with the involvement of young people in creative, action-oriented communicative activity.

The main trends of formation of communicative culture of the student, which in the conditions of globalization allow us to consider the socio-cultural environment of the University as a functioning multicultural communicative space — areas of occurrence of individual consciousness in the global public consciousness, dialogue of cultures, mentalities based on harmony, integration and human unity, formation of readiness for a productive dialogue.

Developed an innovative image-building model of formation of communicative culture of students in terms of socio-cultural environment of the University, aims to engage youth in conducting cultural programmes and projects within the strategy of image positioning in a variety of communication forms of communication and representing the relationship of task, conceptual image, activity, motivational orientation, and assessment and adjustment components.

4.2. The practical conclusions

 The components of the socio-cultural environment of the university, aimed at the effective formation of a communicative culture of student youth, are identified.

 The pedagogical potential of the socio-cultural environment of the university is revealed as a factor in the formation of the communicative culture of student youth, which is realized as a social space through which student youth is included in the cultural ties of society, using the educational potential of the cultural and historical heritage, artistic environment, socio-psychological, spiritual and moral  , political and sports habitats.  All this is aimed at the formation of value orientations of student youth associated with the implementation of a communicative culture.

 The study identified the following recommendations related to increasing the effectiveness of the pedagogical potential of the socio-cultural environment of the university as a factor in the formation of the communicative culture of student youth:

 -analysis of communication as an objective socio-cultural phenomenon of reality, which determines the possibility of developing the sociocultural practice of the world community;

 - study of the intensification of world communication processes on the basis of the national-regional component;

 -development and implementation of a targeted pedagogical process based on socio-cultural practice with the aim of forming a personality morally, emotionally, professionally and energetically against the backdrop of the development of a communicative culture of student youth.

4.3. Suggestions on the use of conclusions and further development of the research topic.

The findings of the study suggest that the pedagogical potential of the socio-cultural environment of the university as a factor in the formation of the communicative culture of students will be realized if:

 - A multilevel involvement of students in various forms of socio-cultural practice will be provided, aimed at the process of interaction between students and the socio-cultural environment of the university and ensuring the social activity of participants;

 - the impact on the process of forming the value orientations of students associated with the implementation of a communicative culture in the specific socio-cultural environment of the university;

 -in the process of organizing the cultural and leisure activities of student youth, an innovative image-building model for the formation of a communicative culture of student youth in the socio-cultural environment of the university will be applied;

-the interconnection of social, cultural and material-economic conditions for the preparation of student youth at the university is ensured, expressed in a set of norms, traditions, social institutions and social processes that ensure the communicative development of the student’s personality;

 - an innovative image-building model for the formation of a communicative culture of student youth will be implemented in the conditions of the socio-cultural environment of the university, allowing to predict and adjust the process of forming a communicative culture of student youth, as well as contribute to their successful socialization and adaptation, the development of creative potentials through involvement in multidirectional socio-cultural  University activities.

Further developments in this direction seem appropriate and promising, therefore, we consider it possible to make suggestions on the use of the conclusions of the research topic:

 - identify and determine the theoretical and methodological foundations and the current specifics of the pedagogical potential of the socio-cultural environment of the university as a factor in the formation of the communicative culture of students of various profiles;

 - substantiate and test empirically the effectiveness of the pedagogical potential of the socio-cultural environment in the process of forming a communicative culture of students of various profiles;

 - determine the effective socio-cultural conditions for the formation of a communicative culture of students in the organization of the socio-cultural environment at the level of the country's regions, taking into account the characteristics of the regional component;

 - to develop and test a model for the formation of the students' communicative culture in the conditions of organizing the socio-cultural environment at the level of the country's regions, taking into account the peculiarities of the regional component.

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1. School of Foreign Languages, Hangzhou Dianzi University, 1158, No.2 Avenue, Xiasha Higher Education Park, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. P. R. China

2. Department of romance and germanic languages, Moscow State University of Humanities and Economics, 107150, Losinoostrovskaya Street, 49, Moscow, Russia

3. Department of the Russian and Foreign Languages, State University of Land Use Planning, 105064, Kazakov Street, 15, Moscow, Russia.    

4. Department of foreign languages and russian as a foreign language, National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolyov , 443086  , Moscow highway, 34, Samara , Russia

5. Department of theory and methods of teaching foreign languages and cultures, Togliatti State University,  445020, Belorusskaya Street, 14, Togliatti, Russia.

Revista ESPACIOS. ISSN 0798 1015
Vol. 41 (Nº 16) Year 2020


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