ISSN 0798 1015


Vol. 41 (Issue 18) Year 2020. Page 10

Developing Anticorruption Education Pocket Book To Build Anticorruption Character In Students Since The Early Stages

Desarrollando un libro de bolsillo sobre educación anticorrupción para desarrollar el carácter anticorrupción en los estudiantes desde las primeras etapas

BERLIAN, Mery 1; VEBRIANTO, Rian 2; YUSRA, Nelly 3; ULUM, Syafrizal 4; HAMZAH, Muhammad Luthfi 5

Received: 11/01/2020 • Approved: 03/04/2020 • Published: 21/05/2020


1. Introduction

2. Methodology

3. Result and Discussion

4. Conclusion & Suggestion

Bibliographic references


Indonesia is ranked as the most corrupt country in Asia. This is a challenge and also obstacle for the government to make progress. Thus, it is necessary to develop information and promotion about the prevention of corruption since the early stages. In this research, the researchers developed an anticorruption education pocketbook that can be used by children to adult in school or state officials. Therefore, the people will understand and avoid corruption that is very miserable. The research was carried out at campus to design and form good opinions about anticorruption education pocketbook for students from the early stages. The validation was carried out by students in order to produce high quality pocketbooks from September to November 2018. This research used Mix Method that the quantitative study is explained qualitatively through (evaluation of context, input, process and product) CIPP Evaluation process. The instrument used has been validated and a pilot project was carried out to obtain the reliability of Anticorruption Education pocketbook assessment instrument with an alpha Cronbach value of 0.737. This shows that the instrument used was high quality. In this study, the researchers developed a product in the form of anticorruption education pocketbook. The basic design and development stages of the pocketbook were refered to the instructional design of ADDIE (Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, Evaluate) model. The result showed that the pocketbook developed is very decent (very good) although there are several aspects that are considered as feasible. Hence, it is hoped that the government and stakeholders will contribute to prevent Corruption in this country.
Keywords: Anticorruption Education, ADDIE, Development.


Indonesia está clasificado como el país más corrupto de Asia. Este es un desafío y también un obstáculo para que el gobierno avance. Por lo tanto, es necesario desarrollar información y promoción de la prevención de la corrupción desde las primeras etapas. En esta investigación, los investigadores desarrollaron un libro de bolsillo de educación anticorrupción que puede ser utilizado por niños y adultos en la escuela o funcionarios estatales. Por lo tanto, la gente entenderá y evitará la corrupción que es muy miserable. La investigación se llevó a cabo en el campus para diseñar y formar buenas opiniones sobre libros de bolsillo de educación anticorrupción para estudiantes de las primeras etapas. La validación fue realizada por los estudiantes con el fin de producir libros de bolsillo de alta calidad de septiembre a noviembre de 2018. En esta investigación se utiliza el Método Mix, en el que el estudio cuantitativo se explica cualitativamente a través del proceso CIPP. El instrumento utilizado ha sido validado y se llevó a cabo un proyecto piloto para obtener la confiabilidad del instrumento de evaluación de libros de bolsillo de Educación Anticorrupción con un valor de alfa Cronbach de 0.737. Esto muestra que el instrumento utilizado fue de alta calidad. En este estudio, los investigadores desarrollaron un producto en forma de libros de bolsillo de educación anticorrupción . Las etapas básicas de diseño y desarrollo del bolsillo se referían al diseño instruccional del modelo ADDIE (Analizar, Diseño, Desarrollar, Implementar, Evaluar). El resultado mostró que el libro de bolsillo desarrollado es muy decente (muy bueno) aunque hay varios aspectos que se consideran factibles. Por lo tanto, se espera que el gobierno y las partes interesadas contribuyan a prevenir la corrupción en este país.
Palabras clave: Educación Anticorrupción, ADDIE, Desarrollo.

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1. Introduction

Recently, we often heard concerns about corruption problem addressed to our nation. Every day, public read and watch information about corruption on media that is detrimental to the country’s finance. The increasing cases of corruption in this country can be seen from the data reported by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) from 2004 to 2019 that during the period there were 1218 cases inquiries, 950 cases investigations, 789 cases prosecution, 655 cases in kracht (permanent legal decision), and 676 cases of executions (Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi, 2019).

The number of corruption cases that were carried out by public officials in Indonesia proves that efforts to eradicate corruption have not been running optimally. Therefore, efforts to eradicate corruption cannot be left entirely to the authorities. All of us, especially those engaged in the field of education, are obliged to participate in efforts to eradicate this ‘community virus’ (Sakinah & Bakhtiar, 2019).

Intellectuals and professionals from fields of education need to participate in building a system to prevent and eradicate corruption. Therefore, the researchers of this study developed an interesting, effective, and concise pocketbook containing various contents about corruption that were aimed to provide education to prevent acts of corruption since the early stages.

Anticorruption education must be embedded in an integrated manner starting from primary school to tertiary institutions (Hamzah et. al., 2018). Anticorruption education will affect the psychological development of students (Asmorojati, 2017). It is expected that early anticorruption education can create children who have more introspective personalities, so that when it is time for them to enter the community, they would have sufficient knowledge about and be susceptible to being influenced by corruption act (Syarifah, 2014).

1.1 Corruption and Indonesia

Indonesia is, again, ranked as the most corrupt country in Asia from the period of 2004 to 2005 based on the survey among entrepreneurs and business people carried out by the Political and Economic Risk Consultancy (PERC). The consultancy firm is based in Hong Kong. The result of the survey stated that Indonesia was the most corrupt country among 12 Asian countries during the period aforementioned (Sukiyat, 2020). The predicate was given because based on the comprehensive inspection the value of the country almost reached the absolute value of 10 which was 9.25 (10 is considered as the highest or most corrupt) (Sukiyat, 2020). In 2005, Indonesia was still among the top three most corrupt countries in Asia (Komisi et. al, 2019). So far, the problem of corruption has become a topic that still cannot be resolved by the government because there is still a lot of report on corruption criminal act (Komisi et. al 2019). The latest data published by the Indonesian Corruption Watch (ICW) until early 2015 reported that the number of cases jumped to 2,433 of which 536 were investigated by the Police, 1,775 were investigated by the Attorney General Office, and 122 were investigated by the Corruption Eradication Commission (Komisi et. al, 2019).

Thus, anticorruption education is very important to be applied to children from the early stages. As efforts to overcome corruption problem, the government through various policies enacted a number of laws and regulations, namely the 1945 Constitution and Laws on Corruption Eradication Commission to eradicate corruption (Komisi et. al, 2019) . As instructed by Susilo Bambang Yudhono (the sixth president of Indonesia) during the inauguration ceremony of Majelis Tafsir Alquran building in Solo on March 8th, 2009. In his official speech, President Susilo Bambang Yudhono invited the Indonesian people to against corruption. Moreover, he asked anyone who has power in the executive and legislative branches to work to get good income and not abuse power (Sakinah & Bakhtiar, 2019).

Anticorruption education system can be carried out by making and providing understanding of it through a pocketbook containing socialization of forms of corruption, ways of preventing and reporting and supervising corruption acts, and contains attractive illustration and design. Thus, the pocketbook is simple and easy to read anywhere. In addition, to conducting socialization, anticorruption attitude can be taught to children through the application link that can be downloaded through Play Store® that the authors put it into the pocketbook, so students can easily get information both directly and indirectly about a thing or problem. This is aimed to help us get the most recent news about issues or information (Sakinah & Bakhtiar, 2019).

However, the values contained in the pocketbook are the responsibility of all educators to be taught through education, so that students would get knowledge related to corruption. Therefore, they would understand the dangers of corruption, forms of corruption, and also know the sanctions that will be received if someone commits corruption. If students had been given education about those values, it is expected that they can become young generation that have good and exemplary moral character as well as avoid corruption from the early stages (Handoyo & Susanti, 2014).

Furthermore, through the using of the pocketbook developed by the researchers, all teachers would be helped in teaching anticorruption materials at schools such as teaching students the value of honesty, caring, discipline, responsibility, hard working, simplicity, and courageous. For instance, the existence of honesty stalls would train students, teachers and the school to implement honesty and self-responsibility (Asmorojati, 2017).

1.2 The Importance of Anticorruption Education

The role of education in corruption eradication is precisely integrated in cognitive (knowledge), affective (attitude), and psychomotor (skills) domains (Diknas 2009). The integration of anticorruption character values is appropriate to be integrated in every subject taught at schools for it is in line with the obligation of each subject to be integrated with character building. According to the Research and Development of the Ministry of Education and Culture in 2010, there are eighteen characters that must be owned by students, some of them are: love for peace, social care, responsibility, honesty, tolerance, discipline, hard work, creativity, independency, democracy, curiosity, and spirit of nationality (Maunah, 2015).

These characters are qualities that should be developed in students to reduce the potential to commit corruption (Lickona, 1996). The anticorruption character is in accordance with character education which is meant to instill habit (habituation) so that students become aware of what is right and/or wrong, are able to feel good values, and are used to doing it. Good character education (anti-corruption character) must involve not only the aspect of moral knowing, but also loving good (moral feeling) and moral action (Lickona, 1996).

There are at least two objectives to be achieved from anticorruption education. First, to instill anticorruption spicharacter. Through education, it is hoped that the spirit of anticorruption will flow in the blood of each generation and be reflected in daily actions. If corruption is minimized, every job meant to build the nation will be maximized. Second, to realize that corruption eradication is not only the responsibility of law enforcement agencies, such as KPK, police and Attorney General Office, but is also the responsibility of every citizen (Vebrianto, R., & Osman. K., 2011).

2. Methodology

The research was carried out at campus of State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau from Indonesia and collaboration with another university, to design and form good opinions about anticorruption education pocketbook for students from the early stages. The validation was carried out by students in order to produce high quality pocketbooks from September to November 2018. This research used Mix Method that the quantitative study is explained qualitatively through (evaluation of context, input, process and product) CIPP Evaluation process. The instrument used has been validated and a pilot project was carried out to obtain the reliability of Anticorruption Education pocketbook. The assessment of questionnaire instrument was based on Alpha Cronbach Coefficient (Cronbach, 1951). This research has questionnaire instrument with an alpha croanbach value of 0.737. this shows that the instrument used was high quality. The basic design and development stages of the pocketbook refered to the instructional design of ADDIE’s (Analyze Design Develop Implement Evaluate) model (Gagne et al. 2005). The questionnaires that were analyzed descriptively . The category of mean score with on a 5 category include Very poor (0-1), Poor (1-2), Fair (2-3), Good (Feasible) (3-4) and Very good / very feasible (4-5). The testing was aided by Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20.

3. Result and Discussion

3.1. Descriptive Analysis

Before carrying out the analysis, the questionnaire instrument was tested, and the analysis proved that it has a high reliability, with an alpha Cronbach coefficient. According to Chua (2008), a good instrument has a minimum reliability of 0.6. Our instrument it was weighted with an alpha Croanbach value of 0.737. For more details, the result of the product, and to illustrate of readers with the pocketbook developed for Authors and reported in current research, the illustration of the book is shown at Figure 1: 

Figure 1
Cover of the Anticorruption Education
pocketbook based on local wisdom


Table 1
Questionnaire Reliability Test Result


Category of Assessment Instrument


of Item statement

Cronbach Alpha Value





















Very Good






PAK Assessment Instrument




From the table above, it is known that all variables that are the determinant variables of Assessment Instrument in this Research, are considered as good and very good. Thus, they are can be used as instruments for assessing quality of Pocket book. The convenience category (of using PAK pocketbook) has the highest score. This is very important to ensure that the data that is submitted and analyzed is the data that is obtained using appropriate and meaningful instruments (Cronbach, 1951 and Chua, 2008).

3.2. The Profile of the Research Participants and the Description Analysis of Students’ Perceptions

This study involved 56 students to participate. The results of the analysis of the students’ perceptions description of anticorruption education pocketbook can be seen in the Table 2.

Table 2
Students’ Perceptions of PAK Pocket
Book based on Didactic Aspects



Descriptive Analysis Result


Mean score






The Extensiveness of Material (Content)

The material presented supports the growth of good understanding of PAK.




Very Feasible


The Deepness of Material (Content)

The material presented is in accordance with the students










From the table above, it can be seen that the anticorruption education pocketbook is feasible based on the didactic aspect (min = 3.25, sd = 0.301). For all items in didactic aspect, the validators set the minimum score that is higher than usual, that is between 3.11 and 3.39, with a standard deviation between 0.454 and 0.493. Hence, the extensiveness and deepness of the materials of the pocketbook is feasible (good). Furthermore, for the aspect of construction, the result is as follows.

Tabel 3
Students’ Perceptions of PAK Pocket
Book based on Construction Aspect



Descriptive Analysis Result


Mean score



B. Construction


Presentation of Fact

The presentation of PAK pocket book is in accordance with the fact




Very Feasible


Illustration Accuracy

The illustrations provided are in accordance with the facts and concepts of science that are explained in proportional sizes and shapes and are equipped with appropriate information






Local Wisdom

The pictures used depict culture, heritage, and local wisdom










From the table above, it can be seen that the anticorruption education pocket book is feasible based on construction aspect (min = 3.25. sd = 0.387). For all items in construction aspect, the validators set the minimum score that is higher than usual, that is between 3.00 and 3.45. Therefore, the presentation of fact, illustration, accuracy, and local wisdom of the construction aspect of this pocketbook is considered as feasible (good). Furthermore, for the technical aspect, the result is as follows.

Table 4
Students’ Perceptions of PAK Pocket
Book based on Technical Aspect



Descriptive Analysis Result


Mean score






The Accordance of the Development of Science and Technology

The content is in accordance with the development of science and technology.




Very Feasible



The pictures illustrate the contextual conditions







The letters and language used are clear




Very Feasible





Very Feasible

From the table above, it can be seen that the anticorruption education pocketbook is feasible based on technical aspect (min = 3.40. sd = 0.350). For all items in the technical aspect, the validators set the minimum score that is higher than usual, that is between 3.20 and 3.52. As a result, the content of the pocketbook is in accordance with the development of science and technology, the pictures illustrate the contextual conditions, and the letters and language used are clear. Therefore, according to technical aspect, this pocketbook is considered as very feasible (very good). Furthermore, for the aspect of convenience, the result is as follows.

Table 5
Students’ Perceptions of PAK Pocket
Book based on Convenience Aspect



Descriptive Analysis Result


Mean score






The pocketbook is easy to use because it has a systematic arrangement






The presentation through stories is simple and easy to understand.




Very Feasible





Very Feasible

From the table above, it can be seen that the anticorruption education pocket book is feasible based on convenience aspect (min = 3.36, sd = 0.454) . For all items in the convenience aspect, the validators give the minimum score between 3.25 and 3.46, with a standard deviation between 0.548 and 0.571. Thus, the pocketbook is easy to use because it has a systematic arrangement and the presentation through stories is simple and easy to understand. Therefore, according to convenience aspect, this pocketbook is considered as very feasible (very good). Furthermore, for the aspect of efficiency, the result is as follows.

Table 6
Students’ Perceptions of PAK Pocket
Book based on Efficiency Aspect



Descriptive Analysis Result


Mean score



B. Efficiency


The process of understanding becomes efficient because there are connections between the stories.




Very Feasible


Beside presenting in the form of concept, the pocketbook also serves explaination through pictures.




Very Feasible


The informative models in the pocketbook are accurate.









Very Feasible

From the table above, it can be seen that the anticorruption education pocketbook is feasible based on efficiency aspect (min = 3.31, sd = 0.320). For all items in the efficiency aspect, the validators give the minimum score between 3.18 and 3.43. It is known that the pocketbook has efficiency in giving understanding, presenting explanation pictures, and shows accuracy in giving informative models. Therefore, according to efficiency aspect, this pocketbook is considered as very feasible.

From the results of this research, it can be concluded that the anticorruption education pocketbook developed by the researchers is very feasible for early childhood learners and is well developed.

Furthermore, the validators also gave advices to add images that are accordance with the culture, heritage, and local wisdom as well as to rearrange the pages. In addition, the validators also gave general response that the pocket book can support the introduction of what corruption is to students from the early stages to prevent them from committing corruption when they are grown up. The advices and reposes from the validators are useful for further development of the pocketbook as well as for the application in in daily life. The anticorruption education pocketbook is helpful for the readers in term of knowledge about corruption. The pocketbook is also very good for students because it is also accompanied with interesting illustrations and clear materials.

4. Conclusion & Suggestion

According to the students’ perceptions, the anticorruption education pocket book is a useful book in shaping anticorruption character from the early stages and in daily life. Moreover, based on the results of the description analysis, it is known that the anticorruption education pocket book is very feasible to be published and implemented in daily life for the early stage students to the advanced learners.

There are several steps that need to be taken by stakeholders regarding the issue of corruption to make prevention programs for the early stage students to the business actors or government officials. The examples of the programs include seminars and explanations relating to the culture of corruption and the prevention, as well as periodic monitoring and evaluation, rewards and punishments without discrimination to create a just society.

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1. Lecturer at Agribusiness Department, Open University, Indonesia. Email :

2. Lecturer at Magister of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Teacher Education Department, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau, Indonesia. Email :

3. Lecturer at Arabic Language Education, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau, Indonesia. Email :

4. Lecturer at Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau, Indonesia. Email :

5. Lecturer at Information System Department, Faculty of Science and Technology, State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau, Indonesia. Email :

Revista ESPACIOS. ISSN 0798 1015
Vol. 41 (Nº 18) Year 2020


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