ISSN 0798 1015


Vol. 41 (Issue 34) Year 2020. Art. 8

Received: 06/05/2020 • Approved: 23/08/2020 • Published 10/09/2020

Tourism business and hospitality sphere in Ukraine: the modern conditions, factors and development directions

Área de negocios turísticos y hospitalidad en Ucrania: las condiciones modernas, factores y direcciones de desarrollo

GORINA Ganna 2

The main development indicators of tourism business and hospitality sphere in Ukraine were analyzed. A multifactor correlation-regression analysis was conducted to determine the development prospects of tourism business and hospitality sphere in Ukraine. The most influential external factors of the development of entrepreneurial structures of the studied sphere were identified. The measures to create a favorable business environment in the tourism business and hospitality sphere in Ukraine were proposed.
Keywords: entrepreneurship, tourism business and hospitality sphere, correlation-regression analysis, development factors.

Se analizaron los principales indicadores de desarrollo del sector turístico y de la hostelería en Ucrania. Se realizó un análisis multifactorial de correlación-regresión para determinar las perspectivas de desarrollo del negocio turístico y la esfera de la hospitalidad en Ucrania. Se identificaron los factores externos más influyentes del desarrollo de las estructuras empresariales de la esfera estudiada. Se propusieron medidas para crear un entorno empresarial favorable en el ámbito del turismo y la hospitalidad en Ucrania.
Palabras clave: espíritu empresarial, turismo de negocios y hotelería, análisis de correlación-regresión, factores de desarrollo.

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1. Candidate of Economics, Head of the Department of Technology in Restaurant Management, Hotel and Restaurant Business and Entrepreneurship, Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade named after Mikhail Tugan-Baranovsky (Ukraine). E-mail:

2. Doctor of Economics, Head of the Department of Tourism and Country Studies,  Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade named after Mikhail Tugan-Baranovsky (Ukraine). E-mail:  E-mail:

Revista ESPACIOS. ISSN 0798 1015
Vol. 41 (Nº 34) Year 2020


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