ISSN 0798 1015


Vol. 38 (Nº 30) Año 2017. Pág. 18

The Importance of the Entrepreneurship Discipline in the Bachelor of Graphic Design Course for the Development of Future Entrepreneurs

A importância da Disciplina de Empreendedorismo no Curso de Bacharelado de Design Gráfico para o Desenvolvimento de Futuros Empreendedores

Inara Antunes Vieira WILLERDING 1; Mirian TORQUATO 2; Waldoir Valentim GOMES Júnior 3; Melissa Ribeiro do AMARAL 4; Edis Mafra LAPOLLI 5

Recibido: 10/03/2017 • Aprobado:25/03/2017


1. Introduction

2. Theoretical Reference

3. Methodological Procedures

4 Data Analysis

5. Conclusion



The macro socioeconomic environment has felt the effects of new technologies, more precisely since the end of the last decades of the last century. Due to the fact, the professional relationships have become more competitive and the more qualified individuals have achieved better professional positioning. Professional training, especially academic training, has been very effective for the present moment, however, other factors of human behavior can be developed. In this sense, the objective of this research is to verify the importance of the discipline of entrepreneurship in the course of baccalaureate of graphic design for the development of future entrepreneurs. The methodological actions characterize the research as a qualitative and quantitative, exploratory, descriptive and bibliographical one. The results show the intensity of the (intra) entrepreneurial profile and the importance of its improvement through the entrepreneurship discipline in the bachelor's degree in graphic design.
Key words: Graphic Design, Education, Entrepreneurship, Intrapreneurship.


O macro ambiente socioeconômico vem sentido os efeitos decorrentes das novas tecnologias, mais precisamente a partir do final das últimas décadas do século passado. Decorrência do fato, é que as relações profissionais ficaram mais competitivas e os indivíduos mais capacitados tem alcançado melhor posicionamento profissional. A formação profissional, em especial acadêmica, tem sido bem quista para o momento atual, no entanto, outros fatores do comportamento humano podem ser desenvolvidos. Neste sentido, objetivo desta pesquisa é verificar a importância da disciplina de empreendedorismo no curso de bacharelado de design gráfico para o desenvolvimento de futuros empreendedores. As ações metodológicas caracterizam a pesquisa como sento qualitativa e quantitativa, exploratória, descritiva e bibliográfica. Os resultados apresentam a intensidade do perfil (intra)empreendedor e a importância no seu aprimoramento por meio da disciplina de empreendedorismo no curso de bacharelado de design gráfico.
Palavras-Chave: Design Gráfico, Educação, Empreendedorismo, Intraempreendedorismo.

1. Introduction

With globalization, the world economic scenario changed since 1980, modifying the reality of the labor market, due to the hierarchical reduction of the organizational structures, which later contributed to the decrease of jobs. Despite such transformations, Brazilian culture maintains the same belief that a good job is paramount for achieving personal and professional fulfillment.

Professional education shares this culture and vision of achievement, not valuing the demands of a new professional. Professional education is affected by the gap between the egress and the professional required by the market. To that end, higher education institutions should offer their contribution, and be the one proposed by Luckesi (2001, p. 40), who states: "We want to build a university, not just a higher education college. In this university, your entire body is made up of adults: therefore, by people who are able to reflect and open to reflection, to the exchange of ideas, to participation in constructive initiatives."

In this context, among many academic courses is a baccalaureate degree in Graphic Design where the graduate, must be able to develop team activities, guide, lead and delegate powers to employees, as well as understand the importance of expanding and updating knowledge, identifying this way, new opportunities to formulate and implement actions in order to achieve new goals creatively and innovatively.

According to the pedagogical political project of the Tiradentes University (UNIT, 2016) design course the egress should have the following skills and abilities that are identified in the profile of the entrepreneur:

  1. ability to propose innovative solutions through creative techniques;
  2. mastery of the different languages of expression and visual reproduction;
  3. competence to dialogue with professionals from different areas, considering the multidisciplinary issue related to the designer's activity;
  4. knowledge of production processes to make graphic design feasible, from conceptualization to communication of results;
  5. managerial competence for teamwork in the development of graphic design;
  6. ability to relate social, cultural, economic aspects in the design of graphic design.

It is true that today, value is in man. Knowledge belongs to him, not to institutions. They are the people who have the capacity to accumulate skills, knowledge and creative capacity (intangible assets).

The application of new knowledge generated by individuals with an entrepreneurial profile generates innovation. To convert knowledge into competence, through action, one must have developed the entrepreneurial profile, which materializes through the entrepreneurial characteristics. The entrepreneur differs from an ordinary individual by his behavior, attitudes and actions. Its characteristics are remarkable, because in a visionary way they create and develop actions with freedom, personal satisfaction and overcoming the new challenges, in a continuous way, without losing the focus related to obtaining the financial profit. Thus, the research is characterized as qualitative and quantitative, exploratory, descriptive and bibliographical. It aims to verify the importance of the discipline of entrepreneurship in the course of baccalaureate of graphic design for the development of future entrepreneurs. To do this, the following guiding question is necessary: What is the importance of the entrepreneurship discipline in the baccalaureate course in graphic design for the development of future entrepreneurs?

2. Theoretical Reference

2.1. Entrepreneurship

There are many definitions for the term "entrepreneurship" because it originated from different lines of research (economics, psychology, sociology, etc.), but it is often defined as the process by which individuals initiate and develop new business or new projects.

According to Pereira (2001), entrepreneurship can be defined as a process that occurs in the most diverse environments and organizational situations and is characterized by the search for innovation, through opportunities. In this movement, value is created both for the company and for society.

For Franco (2007), entrepreneurship is the ability of individuals to generate innovations, to exercise their imagination and create - desires, dreams and vision - having as a fact the mobilization to acquire the necessary knowledge, capable of enabling the concreteness of their aspirations and the viability of the vision, and therefore, human capital is one of the fundamental factors for the development of society.

Therefore, entrepreneurship refers to the pursuit of opportunities and innovation and works as a boost in economic growth, as it generates employment, produces income, and provides opportunities for development and growth, both for the individual and for the organization.

Entrepreneurs are individuals, visionaries and passionate about what they do. Schumpeter (1982) says that the entrepreneur is better known as one who creates new business, but can also innovate within existing businesses. Drucker (1987) corroborates that the entrepreneur sees changes as being normative and healthy. The entrepreneur does not bring about change by himself, but rather by being always in search of change and reacting to it, exploiting it as an opportunity.

For Bueno and Lapolli (2001, p.35), "the entrepreneur is the innovator, the strategist, the creator of new methods to penetrate or create new possibilities. He has creative personality and is easily adapted to the unknown and has the ability to turn probability into possibility and discord into harmony, loss in gain, chaos in harmony. "

Garcia (2004) has associated the entrepreneurial "species" with results. For him, "people who stand out in any field, to generate results and stand out from the others deserve to be called entrepreneurs." According to the same author, the business area allows entrepreneurs to find a suitable field to test their skills, overcome challenges and learn from their experiences, which is why entrepreneurs are often found running companies.

Willerding, Prado and Lapolli (2012, p. 2019) affirm "entrepreneurship is the foundation for social, political and economic development on the basis of entrepreneur action, a process in which individual behavior, capacity and competence are fundamental." Therefore, it plays an entrepreneurial role, an individual who continuously seeks to learn about possible business opportunities, to make decisions and take risks in a moderate way, with the goal of innovation.

Willerding (2011) corroborates when he states that the entrepreneur owns his own business, but when the entrepreneur is a collaborator, he is a corporate entrepreneur or intrapreneur.

The term "intrapreneurship" was established through research related to organizations that stood out for the success acquired through the innovations, highlighting some employees who created better processes in the organization to which they belong, in order to bring changes and new opportunities of business.

According to Pinchot (1989), the concept of intrapreneurship refers to organizations that have entrepreneurial collaborators, that is, individuals who do not have the desire to leave the organizations in which they are inserted to start their own business, but take responsibility for the creation, innovation of any kind in the company, with the aim of transforming an idea into a lucrative or social reality.

According to Willerding (2011, p. 61) intrapreneurship refers to the innovation or transformation of a business through a "collaborator" who takes responsibility for creation, aiming at new market opportunities with promising results for the organization to which belongs. The intrapreneur, in turn, is persistent, capable of taking risks and is constantly seeking new challenges measured by creativity and innovation, "assuming responsibility for the creation, aiming at the new market conveniences, seeking good results the organization in that he/she is inserted.

Uriarte (2000) considers that entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs must be supported in their initiatives and innovative ideas, since they are transforming agents and hope for the future. Given this context, the author conceived a model to identify the intrapreneur profile, as well as to identify if the (intra) entrepreneurial characteristics are strong or weak in the researched individual. The author, for his research, is based on the research of Tonelli (1998) with the composition of four categorical characteristics of human behavior and, therefore, entrepreneurs: needs, skills, knowledge and values. In light of the above, Lima (2001) corroborates that whenever there is any change in the configuration of these characteristics there will be a change in the behavior of the individual, that is, the entrepreneur, and these modifications interfere in the learning environment. Figure 1 shows the conditioning characteristics of entrepreneurial behavior.

Figure 1 – The conditioning characteristics of entrepreneurial behavior.

Source: Adaptad of Lima (2001)

Thus, in view of the model developed by Uriarte (2000) it is necessary to consider that entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs should be supported in their initiatives and innovative ideas, as they are transforming agents and hope for the future.

2.2. Graphic Design

According to Cardoso (2016), the term “graphic design” refers to the “set of activities aimed at the creation and production of objects of visual communication”, and that “the term covers a very wide area of activity, [. ..], still widely used in colleges to define the specific professional qualification”, entering “for current use and is increasingly recognized by the designers themselves as a professional denomination.”

In the conception of the Career Guide (2016): "To be a good Graphic Design professional it is essential to have creativity, aesthetic sense, attention to detail, ability to translate concepts and messages graphically and drawing skills in general." He also affirms that "with new technologies and tools it is also important for those who want to follow this career", as well as, work as a team, "have organization, notion of deadlines, commitment and knowledge of the processes involved in graphic production are also qualities that this professional Should develop."

With the new world scenario, a reflection on Claude's words (2005, p. 37) is pertinent when he argues that "education is the fundamental prerequisite for the individual to act fully as a human being in modern society." Moreover, education "is understood as the basic mediation of the social life of all human communities" (SEVERINO, 2000, p. 65).

According to Willerding (2011, pp. 29-30), "in the face of the required profile of individuals with regard to the skills required for the labor market, education becomes an extremely important mechanism, since it serves as a foundation for all information and knowledge acquired ".

"To teach students to become entrepreneurs, we must focus on opportunities. But this implies changing the habits of thinking, reasoning of several generations "(LEITE, 2002, p. 343).

Thus, Willerding (2011, p. 71) states that: "To undertake the creation and diffusion of knowledge through education may be one of the most relevant alternatives for the pursuit of the country's social equilibrium, since it transposes the objectives of meeting tangible needs individual and collective."

3. Methodological Procedures

Considering the problem in question, this study is characterized as exploratory and descriptive. The exploratory research, for Mattar (2001), aims to provide the researcher with more knowledge about the subject and to deepen questions to be studied. It is descriptive at the moment that the researcher tries to describe reality as it is without worrying about modifying it. Triviños (2008, p. 110) considers that "the descriptive study intends to accurately describe" the facts and phenomena of a certain reality ".

The research has a quantitative and qualitative approach, to meet the requirements of the object of the study. In this research, the data collection was done through the bibliographic review (secondary data) and through the primary data survey using the questionnaire model of Uriarte (2000), composed of 50 closed questions divided into two affirmatives (A or B), which address the (intra) entrepreneurial characteristics.

Table 1 shows the (intra) entrepreneurial characteristics to be analyzed, using the Uriarte model (2000), in four topics, namely (intra) entrepreneurial profile.

Table 1 – Framing of the (Intra)Entrepreneurial Profile

(Intra) Entrepreneur Profile





(Intra) Entrepreneurs characteristics

• Approval;

• Self-preservation;

• Self-realization;

• Independence;

• Personal development;

• Bond.

• Consider opportunities and creative thought;

• Acquire information;

• Persuasive communication;

• Troubleshooting;

• Achieve goals;

•Identification of new opportunities;

• Negotiation

• Motivation and decision.

• Commercial area;

• Complementary training;

• Education;

• Experience with new situations;

•Aspects related to the business;

• Other companies.

• Aesthetic;

• Intellectual;

• Existential;

• Moral;

• Religious.

Source: Uriarte, 2000.

For this research, the research actors were 22 students of the Bachelor's Degree in Graphic Design from a faculty in Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brasil. After the collected data, we sought to make an analysis and interpretation of the data obtained based on the bibliographical and empirical survey, based on three indices: low (less than or equal to 60%), standard (greater than 60% and less than 80%) and high (equal to or greater than 80%), according to Table 2.

Table 2 – Framing of results




≤ 60%


You should attend courses, lectures, trainings and debates on the subject to improve your characteristics considered to be weak when it comes to intrapreneurship. Another option is to find a team led by an innovator. Nothing like learning from anyone who knows.

> 61% a ≤ 80%


You have good chances, but it is good to study and practice a little more before starting a project, because you still present some characteristics that can be worked out with regard to intrapreneurship.

> 80%


You are already an intrapreneur.

Source: Adapted from Uriarte, 2000)

In the phase of the interpretation and analysis of the results collected from the empirical research, through the application of the questionnaires, the content analysis will be used to meet the research objectives, since, according to Campos (2004, p. 611), the method is comprised of "[...] a set of techniques used in the analysis of qualitative data."

So, in this research it is used the categorical analysis, that, according to Oliveira (2008, p 573), "empirical categories must have some attributes that define their quality, in terms of the expression of the meanings contained in the text". To do so, it will use as categories the factors determined in the archetype. The author states that "[...] they synthesize the units of record extracted from the text; Aggregate the meanings existing in the text into subsets; are specific; they are most of the material analyzed ". Thus, the following factors were analyzed: Needs; Skills; Knowledge and Values.

4. Data Analysis

In this topic, we present the tabulation of the data resulting from the respondents' responses and their analysis (Figure 2), which addresses a comparative analysis of the (intra) entrepreneurial characteristics identified in the 22 respondent.

Figure 2 – The conditioning characteristics of entrepreneurial behavior.

Source: Adaptad of Lima (2001)

Entrepreneurial characteristics are a consequence of the entrepreneur's needs in developing his ideas. In this sense, we observe in the results a relative constancy of the (intra) entrepreneurial capacity in a border region between the "standard" and "high" profile bands related to the indicators "self-realization", "personal development" and "bond". In the same way, the "low" profile and the "standard" profile with respect to the "approval" and "independence" indicators should be highlighted. The "self-preservation" indicator performed within the "low".

The characteristic of self-preservation comes to meet the entrepreneurial profile, according to Leite (2002) and Uriarte (2000), explaining that the (intra) entrepreneur, although liking a certain financial security, also likes to take risks in a calculated way, even unconsciously .

Entrepreneurs' skills are also relevant to the organization's performance, whether physical or intellectual. Thus, the values of the indicators "assessing opportunities and creative thinking" and "acquiring information" are observed in the "high" profile. Within the "standard" profile range the indicators "problem solving", "achieve targets" and "negotiation" got a good position, all above 70%. But still, in the same profile range, the indicators "persuasive communication" and "identification of new opportunities" touch the lower limit. Also striking is the "motivation and decision" indicator, occupying an intermediate position in the "low" profile range.

In the item referring to schooling, which is perceived as low by the research subjects, it is relevant to point out that the fact that the (intra) entrepreneur has a good level of schooling admits him to deal with people, to have the mastery of the variables of a project, in order to minimize or even remedy possible problems in the course of its development.

In the view of Uriarte (2000) and Lima (2001), the indicator "motivation and decision" is a characteristic that reacts to the orientation of goals, as well as self-motivation, rewards and recognition. Thus, it is necessary to guide the (intra) entrepreneur to set goals, with self-confidence and self-motivation.

The performance of the organization is related to the knowledge that the (intra) entrepreneur possesses at each stage of the process of organizational growth. Because of this, attention is drawn to the percentage reached in "schooling" and "other companies" because they are in the range of less entrepreneurial capacity. On the other hand, the indicators "business area" and "business-related aspect" are medium in the standard range, however the indicators "complementary training" and "experience with new situations" have high indexes in the "high" profile.

With respect to the item experiences in other companies, identified as a low index in this research, Uriarte (2000, p.43) states that it refers to a differential, "while some types of knowledge can be transmitted by others, experience does not. For the entrepreneur, previous work in companies allows a good prior understanding of some sectors or functions of their future company."

The world view of (intra) entrepreneurs is what guides their values, is a construction acquired through their experiences in the course of their life, which is continuously transformed. When observing this behavioral characteristic of the respondents, the polarization of the percentage values in the highest ranges, including a maximum percentage in the "moral" indicator, is relevant, but also the results achieved by the "intellectual" and "existential" indicators are relevant. In the "low" profile range the indicators reach relatively close percentages with a greater emphasis on "aesthetic" to the detriment of "religious".

The item related to religious values, identified as low in the perception of Tonelli (1998), refers to the religiosity present in society. Regarding aesthetic values, also identified as low, Uriarte (2000) conceptualizes the world view of individuals and this, influences in their behavioral process, connected to the sensitivity of the individual.

5. Conclusion

The graphic design professional has experienced constant changes in his guidelines with innovations assimilated by the present time. Thus, the market seeks to train general and at the same time specialized, entrepreneurial, reflective, analytical and critical professionals, with a solid humanist background, and the ability to create, develop and execute projects and systems involving real problems of human beings and social cultures.

The research shows that the students of the studied design course have outstanding entrepreneurial characteristics in their profile, but some indicators demonstrate limitations that need to be better worked out so that there is a harmony in their entrepreneurial behavior, further enhancing their competencies to undertake. Thus, it is pertinent to invest expressively in an entrepreneurial education, so that they can improve their (intra) entrepreneurial profile that is observed in the classification as "standard" and "low", seeking a better personal and professional balance.

Having in its profile, the ability to develop creative and innovative solutions in the various segments that the design acts, always focused on meeting the needs of the user. Given this scenario, it is necessary to invest expressively in education focused on entrepreneurship, so that competitive differentials can be created through an entrepreneurial education, in which it becomes synonymous with competitiveness, with its actions focused on new opportunities, directed horizons in inclusive, innovative actions for new ideas.

Thus, it is concluded that the discipline of entrepreneurship in the course of baccalaureate of graphic design is of extreme importance for the student, with regard to the development of future (intra) entrepreneurs, with remarkable characteristics to undertake from their entrepreneurial profile, In order to minimize the social and economic differences existing in the country in an expressive way.


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1. Doutora em Engenharia e Gestão do Conhecimento pela Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina –

2. Doutora em Engenharia e Gestão do Conhecimento pela Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina –

3. Mestre em Engenharia e Gestão do Conhecimento pela Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina –

4. Especialista em Jornalismo com ênfase em Direção Editorial pela ESPM-SP  –

5. Doutora em Engenharia de Produção e Sistemas Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina –

Revista ESPACIOS. ISSN 0798 1015
Vol. 38 (Nº 30) Año 2017


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