ISSN 0798 1015


Vol. 39 (Number 43) Year 2018. Page 22

Pedagogical Functions within the Educational Process

Funciones pedagógicas dentro del proceso educativo


Received: xx/05/2018 • Approved: xx/06/2018


1. Introduction

2. Types of pedagogical functions within the educational process

3. Conclusions

Bibliographic references


The article reflects the ideas of pedagogical functions within the educational process. Means, methods and technologies are based on the synthesis of humanitarian, social and natural science knowledge. They are manifested within the educational practice in democracy and humanization of education. Creative function of education integrates the pedagogical meanings of the idea of general security which orientates on the image of a person. Pedagogical reflection determines the possibility of theoretical, methodological, conceptual and technological understanding of educational practice within the framework of ensuring general security for the interests of individual, family, society and state.
Keywords: education, pedagogical functions, creativity, humanization


El artículo refleja las ideas de funciones educativas en la práctica educativa. Los medios, métodos y tecnologías se basan en la síntesis del conocimiento humanitario, social y de las ciencias naturales; se manifiestan más claramente en la práctica educativa en las condiciones de democracia, la humanización de la educación. La función creativa de la educación integra los sentidos pedagógicos de la idea de seguridad general, orienta hacia la imagen de una persona-individuo como sujeto de una forma de vida segura. La reflexión pedagógica determina la posibilidad de una comprensión teórica, metodológica, conceptual y tecnológica de la práctica educativa en el marco de garantizar la seguridad general en interés del individuo, la familia, la sociedad y el estado.
Palabras clave: seguridad, educación, funciones educativas, creatividad, humanización

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1. Introduction

Pedagogical functions play an impotant role in the educational process (Kalinina, I. A., 2015; Komarova, E.P., 2017; Kravchenko E.V., 2018; Walters, S. G., 2007). Problem of pedagogical functions within the educational process is of primary importance within the conditions of profound transformations of the social, economical and political changes (Katsnelbogen, A. G. and Feoktistova, L. F., 1997; Orlov, A. A., 2014; Piskun, O. E., 2014; Tully, V.,, 2018; Vakhnin, N. A., 2018). Realization of pedagogical functions within the educational process as an integral characteristic of its quality, which is formed based on understanding the educational practices within the world trends in the development of education, cultural level of the country's development and the level of development of students. At the same time, the realization of pedagogical functions within the educational process is not understood sufficiently by this time, which hampers the achievement of the effectiveness of the activities of educational organizations in the implementation of regulatory requirements for the protection of life and health and formation of culture of safe lifestyle of students.

The reason of the existing difficulties in understanding of pedagogical functions within the educational process is due to its specific conceptual nature, which is based on an idea that accumulates the problems of survival and vitality, creating favorable conditions for the life of individuals, society and state (Akhoutina, T. V., 2002; Galustyan, O.V. 2015, 2017; Grosheva, E. S., 2015, Nagovitsyn, R. S., 2018).

The analysis of types of pedagogical functions within the educational process was carried out based on recognition of the inseparable connection between the pedagogical past, the present and the future, stating that any phenomenon can be understood only on the basis of how it arose, what stages have passed in its development.

2. Types of pedagogical functions within the educational process

Pedagogy of the humanitarian significance of the developing educational function is focused on the education of personal safety which is characterized by reflection (Abdurahman, O. M., 2009; Berezovskiǐ, V. A., 2010; Galustyan, O.V. et. al., 2017, 2018; Karpova, E. E., 2017; Kislyakov, P. A., 2017).

The realization of the educational functions was based on the scientific achievements of anthropology, physiology and psychology, reflecting the interrelationship between mental and physical labor. Justification of the duration of the working day, reasons for the decline in efficiency, the most favorable conditions for overcoming fatigue, requirements for teaching and teaching methods, mental and moral hygiene, the life and work of the teacher were built based on elucidating factors that the educational process. We consider three types of pedagogical functions such as humanitarian, social and reflexive one.

2.1. Humanitarian type of pedagogical functions

Humanitarian type of pedagogical functions helped to understand the role of the teacher in creating a safety educational environment who developed habit of a mental work, avoiding fatigue, destroying the body, alternation of mental and physical labor (the principle of measure), formation of spiritual needs of students (hygienic, physical, moral education).

The introduction hygienic education to the school program required the interaction of teachers, doctors, psychologists who promoted healthy lifestyles to enhance personal safety based on maintaining efficiency.

The humanitarian foundation of the saving function of education is based on the ideas of nature-friendly methods of teaching pupils and students, reflection of harmony of physical and moral education in pedagogy, importance of physical education. Educational institutions and universities introduced subjects that promoted physical and aesthetic education (dances, gymnastics, music) within the curriculum. Realization of humanitarian type of pedagogical functions was carried out through teaching aids, practical orientation of education within the course of comprehensive and harmonious development of individuals.

2.2. Social type of pedagogical functions

This type is characterized by formation and development of statehood against the backdrop of the country's social, economic and cultural backwardness, inability of people to take responsibility for their own lives, an unconscious need of a person in updating traditional forms, means and methods of implementing safe living (Chen, S., 2013; Krutko, V. N., 2018).

This type is characterized by comprehension of the social significance of the developing function of education (Dash, G. and Mohan, A. K., 2018; Gross, O. and Gagnayre, R., 2018). It was facilitated by the growth of scientific and technological progress, society's need for labor resources which ensured high productivity and manufacturability of production processes based on the mastering the norms and regulations for ensuring security, actualization of problems of human influence on nature.

A distinctive feature of the type is the enrichment of social and humanitarian knowledge of scientific achievements within the context of human relations with the external environment. The aim of education of the population is to ensure security in terms of labor protection, environmental protection, civil defense. Health-promoting function of education was realized within hygienic, physical, moral, aesthetic, ecological, labor, civic education.

The aims of education were formed in accordance with the social order and individual characteristics of the students. Its implementation was based on the integration of the efforts of family and school. Teacher should obtain an ability to consider social environment of students, to organize free education in order to preserve the best qualities in students.

2.3. Reflexive type of pedagogical functions

This type is characterized by comprehension of the social and humanitarian significance of the creative function of the student's education which was capable to minimize negative impact of social, technogenic and natural factors on individual and social development (Godot, C., 2018; Semikin, G. I., 2005). The importance of person, growth of his initiative and responsibility for self-development, modern production, life, health, safety was growing.

Educational policy has been transitioning from medical and prophylactic measures to teaching and educational. Realization of reflexive type of pedagogical functions actualized needs of training younger generations. Teachers had to use methods and tools to intensify learning process within less time and efforts of students, to minimize and neutralize dangers, risks of health deviations.

3. Conclusions

Humanitarian paradigm of education reveals pedagogical meaning of pedagogical functions within the educational process based on health protection, provision of physical, mental and social well-being. Social paradigm of education reveals pedagogical functions in mastering social norms that regulate its relations within the environment. Reflexive type of pedagogical functions is revealed in the implementation of social and humanitarian education, which is implemented for both society and a person who is capable for self-realization and life goals achievement. Means, methods and technologies for ensuring educational quality are based on the synthesis of humanitarian, social and natural scientific knowledge which are manifested in educational practice within the conditions of democracy, humanization of society and education. Creative function of education integrates orientates on personality.

Creative function of education proclaims the value of health as a condition for development and self-realization, achievement of well-being, value of security in the implementation of social and pedagogical protection, assistance and support for the students in their life self-determination, value of self-development in life, acquiring new life meanings to the students based on the moral choice and moral self-expression, awareness of their responsibility for natural and social reality. Pedagogical reflection reveals functional integrity of conceptual and cognitive representations focused on the problem of ensuring safe conditions in the reproduction of a viable generation. It determines the possibility of a theoretical and technological understanding of educational practice within the context of educational quality based on the interests of human, family, society and the state.

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1. Moscow State Pedagogical University, Moscow, Russia, E-mail:

2. Voronezh State Pedagogical University, Voronezh, Russia

3. Lipetsk State Pedagogical University named after P.P. Semenov-Tyan-Shanskij, Lipetsk, Russia

4. Voronezh State University, Voronezh, Russia

Revista ESPACIOS. ISSN 0798 1015
Vol. 39 (Nº 43) Year 2018


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